SC Soccer
Posted By: Kevin Heise Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/15/09 11:01 PM
Please keep Michael Kleinfelder in your thoughts and prayers. Michael, a former Lexington HS player and current JV boys coach at Dreher HS, has been diagnosed with sarcoma - a form of cancer that attacks the muscles.

Michael's father is Dreher girls head coach and SCHSSCA veteran David Kleinfelder.

We wish Michael the very best in the coming months as he battles this disease.
Posted By: Kyle Heise Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/16/09 01:44 AM
Best wishes on a complete recovery! Take care Michael and prayers are with you and your parents, David and Lisa.
We got to meet/know/love Michael this year while playing soccer at the Plex. What a great guy.

Hey good buddy, you got the Duzan's prayers x4.

Let's knock this thing out and get on with life.

Mr. Steve
Posted By: TheRookie Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/16/09 02:05 AM
A little annoying but what a great friend, get well soon brother
Prayers are with you Michael. Beat this thing.
Godspeed - Michael and Kleinfelder family.
Posted By: Kevin Heise Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/20/09 10:02 PM
Just an update ... I spoke with Michael's father David today and Michael is scheduled to start chemotherapy in the next few days and we hope for a full recovery.
I want to thank All you guys for your kind words and Prayers. I luckily do not have to do Chemo and just have to do Radiation its less brutal. I have had my Surgery rescheduled for august. Thank you again for all your kind words and to Kevin for putting this feed out there. I hope to be back to coaching Dreher next year.

Michael Kleinfelder
Posted By: TheRookie Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 07/30/09 01:53 AM
Update: Michael's surgery is set for August 5th. To check up on Michael, leave him a message on his guestbook, can follow this link. Thanks!
Michael (and Dave),
I wish you all the best. My wife, Jill was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Lukemia on June 15 while vacationing in California with Carlie. I flew out to get them and we spent the last 5 weeks in the hospital here in Gainesville. She came home Friday with the news that the lukemia cells in her bone marrow were gone. She has a few more chemo treatments to go over the next few months, but she feels great, her counts are close to normal. I'm super proud that she has beaten this.

Keep the faith and keep positive! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Posted By: TheRookie Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 08/05/09 06:54 PM
Michael's surgery was this morning and everything went great. The doctor has said that he was pretty happy with how things went and Michael is now in the ICU. He is at Lexington Medical Center in Room 456 and his visiting hours are pretty much anytime EXCEPT 7-9 AM or PM.
Posted By: Kevin Heise Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/10/10 10:43 AM
Just an update on Michael Kleinfelder, JV Boys Coach at Dreher HS and the son of Dreher HS Varsity Girls Coach David Kleinfelder:

Michael had seven-plus hours of surgery on Saturday to remove two new tumors that they had found in his lungs as he went for his check-up. He's had a rough couple of days and they removed one tube out of his chest Sunday morning. The pain is better, but he's going to be uncomfortable for several more days.

Please continue to include the Kleinfelder family in your prayers as they endure a very tough time.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: Michael Kleinfelder - Prayers Needed - 05/10/10 01:35 PM
Praying for you guys
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