SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous Hecklers - 04/10/02 02:01 AM
At a recent lower state 1A/2A game, a fan said a disturbing thing to a striker on the opposite team. Things like "They must've let you out of DJJ to play today," and,"They need to send your mom back to the crackhouse where she belongs." The guy who said it is a school board member for the other team, so how should this be dealt with?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/10/02 04:32 AM
When i used to play for crestwood, i had long hair i kept in a ponytail during games. One west florence fan kept telling the ref to give me a rainbow card for being gay.

hehe, i thought it was pretty funny.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/10/02 03:21 PM
The coach of the team with the guilty fans should handle it. I cannot say that our fans do not heckle but when I hear it I tell them that we don't want that garbage. I TRY to insist that we only have positive support for our team and respect for the other team.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/10/02 10:51 PM
We (Dixie) had a unruly encounter with some fans from Williston Elko. To our shock the man shouting the comments seemed to be the same ref we had the night before when we played Blackville. As players we were outraged by this. Players along with fans should treat each other with respect and play the game as it is intended to be played. Thats my opinion!!!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/11/02 12:14 AM
I think heckling is is good to have students come to the games and show their support...if your worrying about some one in the stands picking on you because you have long hair or because the say your from the land of oz cause your short...then your worrying about the wrong thing...just as long as the coments are not racial or anything that could actually hurt some ones feelings out side the field...
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/11/02 12:45 AM
hanahan and respect don't belong in the same sentence. the first time we played them they played decent soccer but the second time they must have thought they had no chance at winning and they played straight dirty, its a shame cause i think they could have competed with us had they played an orthadox style of soccer. and their coach is crazy, he was trying to get our fans to come down and fight him and stuff, and he was yelling at the refs about calls, calls which weren't even there.
Posted By: the voice of reason Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 01:31 AM
WERE YOU AT THAT GAME? Because you are obviously talking about a different game then the one I witnessed when Hanahan played at Edisto!! Or maybe you got the words "Hanahan" and "Edisto" confused.

First, the Hanahan coach was protesting a call, like a lot of coaches do, and your fan shouted "coach, shut your damn mouth". The Hanahan coach told your fan "if you want to say something, then come down here and say it". Does this mean he wants to fight? If it does, then you are some violent people up there and you should really get some help for that kind of volitility. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! The Edisto coach did nothing to try and control his crowd. On the other hand, I have seen numerous coaches during my playing and coaching career (do you have either one of those?) that take an active part in trying to keep duragatory comments made by fans out of the game. Strangley enough, the coaches I speak of are the most respected and successful coaches in SC soccer (club or high school).

As for dirty play- the swollen and bloody lip and cheek that the Hanahan stopper sustained, as a result of by far one of the dirtiest plays ever (made by #9 Kurtis someone), gives more evidence that your team was the team who instigated the "cheap and dirty" style of play. The Hanahan player and Kurtis were running side by side and then Kurtis proceded to elbow him and swing his fist into his face. I would bet that play cost Kurtis any type of post season award b/c he is an ok player but no respectable coach or administrator would include such a dirty player on any team that is based on honor or give him any award that is remotly connected to honor.

Next, do you call what Edisto plays "orthodox" soccer? I guess it is if you consider "boom ball" orthodox soccer. Hanahan began the game trying to knock the ball around but the playing surface dictated that they change their style of attack, and they began to play balls directly to the forwards' feet. Oh, the playing surface and the fact that Edisto came into every tackle late, usually two footed and from behind. I can't wait until you play a team that fouls you as clumsily and with as much intent to injure as you fouled the Hanahan players.

I have seen people make a type-o when a comma or a word is ivolved but I have never seen a person make a type-o when an entire post is concerned. This is much like, in 18 years of soccer experience, I have never seen such consistently clumsy tackling with obvious intent to injure and then see the coach do or say nothing- thus passively encouraging this type of play. All teams take note- Edisto takes full advantsge of the theory that "if the ref doesn't call it, it's not a foul". Also, bring ankle and knee protection and braces b/c numerous players will need them after playing Edisto. Also, whoever marks Kurtis may need face protection and a mouth piece and tell him to be aware of of flying elbows and fists, but Kurtis will get the call thanks to some home town refereeing. Oh, not to mention, that of the 5-0 score- 2 goals were on very controversial PKs and a third came after one of your players shoved the goalkeeper in the back and then headed the ball in. A fourth was just a bad goal on out part. Edisto had ONE decent goal but it even had to come on a break a way.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 02:50 AM
its not the coaches job to control the fans...the coach is to control the players and COACH...its the fans job to control themselves...lets not make this something more then it is...hecklers are fine if they can control themselves...seeing people in the stands doin stupid fun it should be up and play the game...
Posted By: Jack Rozier Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 03:38 AM
I sort of agree with js3. I don't see the problem with "hecklers". I think as long as it doesn't carry on to after the game and they don't curse at whoever they are heckling. I think what soccer needs is fans and we should take them however we can get them. Plus its funny to joke with the other players about how stupid some of the fans are. As long as its not racist, dirogitory, and all that crap I think its cool. I thought the "rainbow card" was pretty creative and I think it would make more people laugh and shake their head than be offended. Who doesn't love some redneck parent acting like they know everything about soccer?
Posted By: mbsocfan Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 04:40 AM
L E Dude for President!!!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 02:27 PM
This is for Sexual Grapefruit. I think that this problem is going to be solved. He is going to apologize for his actions. And yes I know you and yes I am on your team. What about also the comment made to the striker about "hey after the game lets all go to ********** moms house, I heard she gives good head!" Now that comment was uncalled for, for a school board member!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/12/02 07:39 PM
Striker2, YOU BIG DUMMAE! Just kidding T***y. You are correct, though.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/13/02 12:46 AM
I just think Hanahan hasn't seen any fans in a few years and don't remember what its like to have fans. Hanahan expected to come in and intimidate Edisto, but we didn't back down and just ended up that you couldn't handle what you dish out. and i suppose your keeper stomping on a player's toes ,at least a foot and a half shorter than he was, was getting him back for something? if thats not dirty then i don't know what is. so our refs won for us? how about at hanahan? i guess those refs were against you? they must have thought we had pretty jersey's and decided to let us win, right? just to let you know I have experience, 12 years to be exact, club, rec., and high school.
Posted By: the voice of reason Re: Hecklers - 04/14/02 02:45 AM
When you played at Hanahan, you played good soccer. You were passing, running, had lots of speed, took good shots, etc. There was no dirty play from Edisto, just normal physical soccer play. That is why it was surprising that Edisto turned into a team of hackers when Hanahan went to Edisto. Was that another Edisto team or something or did they know they could get away with that style of play at home and decided to take advantage of that and try to hurt someone? The style you played at Hanahan will allow you to compete with Magnet, Waccamaw and some other AA schools. You may not win but you may stay close enough and squeak it out at the end. If you play the style you played at Edisto, you will not only lose and lose bad but, depending on the referee, you will lose with far less than a full compliment of players on the pitch.

The Hanahan keeper stepping on some toes when the player in question was obstruting him on corner after corner is really the same as your best player nearly breaking the Hanahan's stopper's cheek or jaw. Get real! By your reasoning, Hanahan was just supposed to sit there and continue to take clumsy tackle after clumsy tackle and not do anything about it, right? What would you expect from your team if a team started whacking your players from behind time and time again? Would you want to do something or would you sit there and take it when the referee is not calling that type of play? Based on what you expect of other teams, you (all Edisto players) should sit there and take those cheap, late and dangerous fouls. How ever you would react to that situation is what you should expect other teams and players to do when they encounter the same situation when your players do it. Hanahan did nothing until they were repeatedly fouled by multiple Edisto players with obvious intent to injure.

By the way, you jersey does not own anything- it's "jerseys".
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/15/02 02:43 AM
Dude, are a puss! Stupid too. Down here, you don't disrespect your elders (number 7), especially during a sporting event, when people are prone to senseless tempermental outbursts. I'm surprised you survived the Blackville game, as dirty as you were playing there, I would have thought Dentroy would have shown his temper and done something really irrational.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Hecklers - 04/16/02 01:49 AM
Dude...I wanna know who in H*ll we disrespected down in Deliverance land. How can you say we play dirty? Dirty is defined by mouthing, spiting, etc. Going hard for a 50/50 ball is not playing dirty. It sounds to me like your the puss for b*tching about that. So why dont you boys "down there" get a set of nuts and play hard. Hey you might even win a game or two.
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