SC Soccer

What do you guys think?

Kind of sad for the Shandon area!
What is CUFC's policy on players who run afoul with the law?
Do club's have those type policies?
the clubs shouldn't have to have rules for breaking the law.
Playing soccer is a privelage, for high school or club. It should be the parents responsibility to deal with every situation accordingly.

I don't think any clubs would want players that behave like this anyway.
AC Flora is not playing Dreher this year for the first time in ??????????? My understanding is that due to the problems within this rivalry match the last couple of years it was best to avoid the game. Not sure that would "ever" happen in Football or Baseball but that is another topic. So for AC Flora is doesn't really matter but we thought we had a good shot at Dreher even before this insident! It is a shame and I pray that these boys can overcome their transgressions!

What is CUFC's policy on players who run afoul with the law?

I suspect CUFC's policy on these players is the least of their worries. At 17 won't they be considered adults?

I suspect CUFC's policy on these players is the least of their worries. At 17 won't they be considered adults?

That's probably true. I think they're hoping to get PTI but they aren't sure that's going to happen. These guys come from good families. I feel for them. These boys made seriously bad decisions that could follow them the rest of their lives.
i say they b innocent until proven guilty. shouldn't be suspended from playing until proven that they committed crimes or they admit the did it.
The boys admitted to the crimes as reported by (WLTV) Columbia TV,and Columbia police Dept.. now what?
What should soccer clubs do in these situations?
I agree with wunderkid, playing soccer is a privelage. The parent should take action and discipline these kids, which I am sure they will. I personally would rather go to jail than face the rath of my parents!

I believe CUFC will take action if needed. I don't think they would like a negative light to be on the club because of this incident. These young men made mistakes and should be punished for those mistakes, but they also deserve a second chance if they take responsible for their actions and go through their punishment accordingly.
i am all for punishing wrong doers for their actions. if clubs dont have written policies and signed agreements with players which include a code of conduct, i feel they should stay out of the punishment busines. yes, playing is a priviledge, but sports may be all that these boys have to help them get better. they may have admitted their wrong doing, but pti wipes it out as if it did not happen, right? when u look up in the dictionary for the word stupid, u will see a picture of a boy. we r stupid and do stupid things that sometimes r criminal. their breakins had very little to do with need i suspect because travel soccer aint cheap and not many poor folks play travel soccer.... if they are otherwise clean, i say let them play club and high school. i even feel that spring valley was right to let flynn and what's his name play and not to let parris play as he broke team rules. they are boys and should not be treated like men. give em a break.
sad to hear about their bad decision making... but really i think their actions are just plan pitiful, they disgraced their club team as well as their highschool team I am sure they are ashamed and will be dealt with accordingly, they deserve more than just a slap on the wrist.
can schools suspend or expell kids for their actions outside of school?
If their actions outside of school can be considered to cause a danger or a disruption to the school environment, then yes.
what team did these boys play for?

what team did these boys play for?

I was wondering the same thing. I looked at all of the CUFC teams from the fall 08 season and these boys are not listed on any of them that I could find.
For whatever reason, the team at least one of them played for is out-dated on the CUFC website. The roster they have for that age group is a year old. I figured a club with that much bling bling could update their website a little bit but hey, the economy's tough.

Some simple research found this:

12 from the top. Enjoy.
TugJobber, the site that you linked was the SCYSA league site for the Fall 2008 Season. The season just completed. CUFC has no responsibility for updating this site. The data is entered at the start of each new season and deleted when the next one starts.
I know a kid that was involved in this he played for the U-18 team so he couldnt participate in club anymore so i assume. I agree that the parents should take some type of action upon thereselves, something should be done as of them playing high school ball they dont deserve to wear thier teams color with pride. It is a privlege to play and represent your school one of which none of these kids deserve anymore.

TugJobber, the site that you linked was the SCYSA league site for the Fall 2008 Season. The season just completed. CUFC has no responsibility for updating this site. The data is entered at the start of each new season and deleted when the next one starts.

Well I'm assuming that cufc doesn't have a U-18 Spring squad.

That is their roster from the most recent season. Make no mistake, I was simply posting the news, not saying anything about CUFC. It's not their fault privileged kids who happen to be soccer players break the law for the 2nd straight year.
I missed the part in "the news" where mention was made of where (or whether) these kids played soccer. It passing strange to me that anyone would read about this and even think about soccer, to say nothing of posting it on a soccer website.
Looking back at the issue in Mount Pleasant where the kids robbed the Food Lion and Subway, they were recommended for expulsion from Wando HS.

I missed the part in "the news" where mention was made of where (or whether) these kids played soccer. It passing strange to me that anyone would read about this and even think about soccer, to say nothing of posting it on a soccer website.

Just wanted to make sure that if criminals were again to be on the soccer field in 2009 like they were in 2008 that at least they were known!

What is CUFC's policy on players who run afoul with the law?

Columbia United FC Select Players’ Off-Field Code of Conduct

I will not steal other persons’ property at any time or otherwise commit a crime at any time, place or location. I understand the club has a zero-tolerance theft and crime policy which forbids stealing or committing a crime. In the event it is determined by school officials, law enforcement or any coach of this club, that I have taken another’s property with intent to steal it or to have otherwise committed a crime, I fully understand I will be suspended for a minimum four consecutive matches inclusive of training, practice and all club activities for a first offense, and one full season for a second offense. After each suspension, I shall be required to enroll in and commence participation in a pre-trial intervention program before I am able to return to play soccer for Columbia United FC.
I think that you know not of what you speak.
I don't think club should even be an issue at this point. Club season for most high school players at CUFC is in the fall, high school is the focus right now. I am sure CUFC will take appropriate action if they deem it necessary. I have heard conflicting reports on where these boys play their club ball anyway.

As far as the high school goes, I would think they would be suspended until the matter is resolved. But that is just my two cents. I hope that somehow these guys have learned an important lesson no matter the consequences.
I think these young men will get their day in court.The fact that they played soccer plays no role in the crimes they are accused of..They could of been boy scouts..makes no difference

I think these young men will get their day in court.The fact that they played soccer plays no role in the crimes they are accused of..They could of been boy scouts..makes no difference

Absolutely agree. Worrying about whether 'criminals' are on the soccer field is silly. Look at college, professional sports, how many 'criminals' are out there who are at the top of the game, millionaires, etc. So many different standards being applied that it makes my head spin. I liked the comment about how 'boys' are stupid. I've been telling that to my daughters since they could talk. This is just another example I point to. These guys have two paths, they really take a hit that could ruin their lives, or by the grace of God they get a chance to turn it around and only have to suffer lifelong guilt (hopefully).

Just wanted to make sure that if criminals were again to be on the soccer field in 2009 like they were in 2008 that at least they were known!

Mercy - are we using this as an attempt to bad mouth CUFC as an organization?

Just like any soccer club, high school band, place of employment and even your local church unfortunate incidents will occur and bad apples will appear. As a society we are much too quick to sterotype the church as a whole when the secretary embezzles money. Is it warranted?

It would be my guess every soccer club in the state from time to time will have a couple of bad apples - especially the larger clubs - the law of averages would say the more kids the better chance.

From what I have witnessed CUFC is just like any other soccer club - full of kids who love and respect the game who are great kids away from the pitch as well.
Another black eye for Richland School District One!
Doesn't really make much of a difference what club they play for as that was in the past. I'm simply bringing up the fact that soccer is not excluded from "extra curricular activities" simply because these children come from a privileged life-style. I was more hinting at the high school aspect because that's the season we're actually in right now in case you forgot.

Will they be allowed to play? Should they? It seems like something like this has reared it's ugly head in HS soccer for a few years now. The trend is the type of kid and family life. I'm tired of people who things trying to take things from others. It's the worst sort of crime IMO! Plus, it's embarrassing to the sport and the area.

Parent better, teach better, BE BETTER

For whatever reason, the team at least one of them played for is out-dated on the CUFC website. The roster they have for that age group is a year old. I figured a club with that much bling bling could update their website a little bit but hey, the economy's tough.

Some simple research found this:

12 from the top. Enjoy.

TugJobber, you said in a later post "Make no mistake, I was simply posting the news, not saying anything about CUFC." If you were not saying anything about CUFC then what is the "bling bling" comment about.

... The trend is the type of kid and family life. I'm tired of people who things trying to take things from others. It's the worst sort of crime IMO! Plus, it's embarrassing to the sport and the area.

Parent better, teach better, BE BETTER

Yeah, this is worst than defrauding thousands of people out of their investments, trafficking in narcotics, murder, rape, assault, child molestation and so many of the other minor crimes.

You imply these kids weren't parented well. Do you know any of them? All parents can do is try to teach a child how to act and instill good values. It is up to the child to carry out what they've been taught. If their parents are heading up criminal sydicates and the child turned out to be a model citizen, would they have failed in their parenting job? My guess is the parents taught them well, they didn't fail the child. More appropriately, the child failed the parent. It happens to a majority of families to some degree. And embarassing to the sport? Come one, it's shocking to the community but embarassing to the families and friends.
I'd prefer to not have to be subjected to [his] incoherent drivel - so I hope your question was rhetorical.
A similar incident occurred in the low-country at a school I won't mention at this time.
The soccer player on the team stole from various people at various times. The school suspended the student for 1 week since 1 of the incidences occurred on school property. The school also stated that the students athletic career in the district was over - no more sports of any kind for the remainder of that students attendance in the district. The police investigated and are recommending PTI.

The not playing soccer and missing his senior year is but a small punishment when associated with the punishment of potential jail.

* Interesting note: If a credit card was involved in any of the thefts by the Dreher students, that could changed the charges to that of a felony as credit card purchases go across state lines, making it a federal offense.

I personally think the 3 at Dreher need to be removed from the team permanently. They knew wrong from right and chose to do the crime - now do the time.
i couldn't agree more but i think playing soccer is the least of these kids worries right now.
Everyone is saying these boys play for CUFC but I'm pretty sure that one of them at least plays Congaree Rapids
I played with one of them this past season at CUFC, the others didnt even play i dont think.
if i were in their shoes i would look for support, thoughts and prayers from the soccer community. hating on them won't help 1 bit. hopefully, they will learn, come back stronger/better and productive from dealing with this terrible and serious situation. i cannot imagine what the parents are going through. i will hope for the parents to have strength, courage and confidence as they work through this dark and difficult time.
I am sure everyone does support them and does wish them the best. But they made the decision to steal not once, not twice, but 75 times. I hope they can move past this and be successful in life but they must be penalized for what they did. If it was 3 high schools kids goofing around and being dumb breaking into a car one time, that would be a completely different case.

Does anyone know if they are in school at the present time?
i say let them play.
those kids should not be allowed to represent their hs team after that display of lawlessness

i say let them play.

For what reason pray tell?
Ever wonder why you see so many news stories about college and professional athletes breaking the law, getting arrested, and both ruining their own careers and embarrassing their teams?

That kind of behavior doesn't just start after high school...but it continues because someone says, "Aw, let them play."

If the message we send young people is that they can make whatever bad decisions they want and still not lose the privileges that are important to them, then we are setting them up to lose much, much more in the future. I think we have a responsibility to let our players know that if they are to represent their schools and teams, they are accountable for their actions off the field as well as on it.
bottom line is playing high school sports is a privilege. I feel like they lost that privilege when they broke the law. I don't think it looks good for the school to start these 3 kids when you have other players on the team who abide by the rules and work hard to represent their team.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that soocer is the least of their worries right now..
i was asked why i would let them play. first reason, innocent until proven guilty. second, innocent until proven guilty even if confess. third, they r boys and boys are inherently stupid, being a boy i outght to know. taking soccer away from them will not help them rehabilitate. they need something to feel good about as their choices were not good. if they were band members would u suspend them from the band? chorus? rotc? why should athletes be singled out? playing gives them an outlet that allows them to be boys again and enjoy something rather than a constant focus on what they did wrong. pti will wipe the slate clean and require them to make restitution, believe me i know. give them a break.
75!! That is absolutely ridiculous. They should have no chance at playing this season. You may get a second or third chance but not a seventy-sixth chance. They should be punished.
As far as I'm concerned, when a person confesses to the crime, they are guilty. They need hard time, not PTI - that's a slap on the wrist. One time is a mistake, 75 times is intentional, premeditated and heinous. They should be put into custody and left serve their time. There is no scenario in which this type of behavior should go unpunished. It ceases to amaze me how anyone could possibly make an excuse for their behavior. That's what is inherently wrong with our society today, we make excuses and pull the old "boys will be boys" act out to justify their actions. Shameful!
Two of the three students involved in this incident were members of the Dreher soccer team. They have both been dismissed from the team.
Holy Crap?????
Wolfgang not be over his inherently stupid stage yet. He be all over map on this one.
“they need something to feel good about” - Achmed bet WG vote for Bill Clinton.
Little cherubs need to learn there are consequences of one actions. If not taught by parent, then by society.
ROTC? Yes, Chorus? Yes, Band? No, they have suffered enough – Ah! Achmed make joke.
When would WG be okey-dokey with punishment…breaking in 100 cars? Stealing car? Rape?
Boys lucky they no break into Achmed’s camel…he has it booby trapped.
I disagree...boys are not "inherently stupid." I grew up as one myself. Granted, I did some stupid things, but I would never have even entertained such a thing for a second...I was taught that such things were unacceptable and inexcusable, so I never went that route. For the most part, boys (and girls) can ACT stupid unless or until they are taught better. This was not a single, "stupid" mistake, but rather a long-standing pattern that victimized over 75 other people...boys are NOT meant to be, or excused for being, something like that, especially when I know the vast majority would never even contemplate such a series of acts.
SSM...good to have you back in the mix...missed you in the off-season!

Achmed be lurking at all never know when I will strike.

I continually amazed at the wisdom of the great Coach Chass. Achmed bows in your presence.
The honor is mine. May Achmed's wives always be beautiful and his camels sturdy...or is that the other way around?
let he who is without sin cast the first stone. didnt someone famous say that?
It's 75 cars chief.


It's so long it has a hyphen
Did someone say guns??
Guns? I thought we were talking about Dreher, not SV

let he who is without sin cast the first stone. didnt someone famous say that?

That's why we don't stone people. We give enough consequences so they know things are ununacceptable, but leave them breathing, so they have an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and "go forth and sin no more." Seems someone famous said that as well, at around the same time.

I disagree...boys are not "inherently stupid." I grew up as one myself. Granted, I did some stupid things, but I would never have even entertained such a thing for a second...I was taught that such things were unacceptable and inexcusable, so I never went that route. For the most part, boys (and girls) can ACT stupid unless or until they are taught better. This was not a single, "stupid" mistake, but rather a long-standing pattern that victimized over 75 other people...boys are NOT meant to be, or excused for being, something like that, especially when I know the vast majority would never even contemplate such a series of acts.

I was taught the same way. If you were to do something bad, then you had to suffer the consequences. I, myself, have performed a few single, "stupid" acts but learned after that to never again do it. The boys will have to own up to everything that they have done and will be punished accordingly. If they are given the chance to make a turn-around then hopefully they will accept. If not then, then it is out of our hands. Also, pertaining to playing soccer, they would be too much of a distraction for any team so they are better off being prohibited from any team for a little while.
wolfgang im gonna laugh at you when YOUR car gets broken into. let $400 worth of YOUR stuff get stolen, then tell me to just let the theives off the hook.
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