SC Soccer
Posted By: Samuel_Eto'o Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 03:43 PM
i just wanted to see what everyone thinks before tomorrows game between the two teams i personally think Irmo is just going to straight up pound chapin with the attack or Varney, Mukofsky, Acree, & Lunceford, and with the new addition of their foreign exchange student Edgar who has been pingin some balls in these past few games, i dont think anyone can stop the attack that irmo is bringin outscoring their opponents 28-0 in the past 3 games, any disagrrements post here and let me know
Posted By: Import Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 04:10 PM
Irmo has been impressive. Don't figure this game to be close at all.
Posted By: Samuel_Eto'o Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 04:44 PM
o and McEwan forgot about him a his sick nasty naughtiness he brings to the attack as well
Posted By: SoccersBest Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 06:52 PM
First off... this shouldn’t even be a topic, everyone already knows the outcome of this game. Secondly, for you to put Edgar in the same category as the others is ridiculous. He might have a few goals to his name, but he is (at best) a mediocre player who has had nice goals against mediocre teams.
Posted By: soccermrs Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 08:27 PM
Rastafari, I wonder what Irmo player/student you are....

You definately need to work on the grammar, and less on the "rasta". A simple period would have made that post much more intelligable.

Posted By: The Real Henry Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 09:03 PM
Rabble rabble rabble...
Posted By: Samuel_Eto'o Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 10:37 PM
first of soccersbest i was just sayin he is a good addition to the team never said he was what any of those players are when he has been out on the field good things have happened but he will be better than you will and second soccermrs dont judge me for my grammer irmo is a blue ribbon school hahaha but yeah i was told to post this to see what people think!
Posted By: pinger90 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/17/09 11:22 PM
prediction: 6-0
Posted By: wunderkid #10 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 12:05 AM
4-0 Irmo
Posted By: ScottW Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:04 AM

prediction: 6-0

Pinger - what grade are you in at Irmo?? Come clean kid.
Posted By: SoccersBest Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:15 AM
Rastafari, I don't see why you are making an attack at me... I just posted an opinion as did everyone else. Personally after watching Edgar (a few times) he is not a quality player - this is my OPINION. Feel free to disagree, but you are wrong. From your grammar (as soccermrs stated) I question if you are in fact the foreign exchange student himself. Get some facts, use spell-check, and then post again.
Posted By: pinger90 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 04:03 AM
what do you mean scotty i was just posting my prediction. how does that lead you to think i'm a student? I'm just an onlooker who knows the boys can do incredible things on the pitch.
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 04:11 AM

4-0 Irmo

Good prediction, i agree.
Posted By: ScottW Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 04:16 AM

what do you mean scotty i was just posting my prediction. how does that lead you to think i'm a student? I'm just an onlooker who knows the boys can do incredible things on the pitch.

Actually, you sound exactly like some of the Irmo kids who are now posting on this site. If you are not one of them, I apologize.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 12:34 PM
Holy Crap Scotty!! Touchy, aren’t we
Irmo 6-0 sound right to me. Actually 5-0, but that's close.
Chapin not have what they had and Irmo do.

PS Glad to see you learned how to use the "quotes"
Posted By: Bebe Le Strange Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:11 PM
Irmo looks stacked for years to come. My bets are their JV would beat 75% or more of varsity programs in the state.
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:20 PM

Irmo looks stacked for years to come. My bets are their JV would beat 75% or more of varsity programs in the state.

Are you serious?...
Posted By: Hatem Ben Arfa Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:25 PM
Irmo in a stroll.
Posted By: joplin12 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 01:32 PM
I looking foward to good game tonight. I think its goin to be closer than you think. But irmo has(VERY)strong team this year.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 04:45 PM

Irmo looks stacked for years to come. My bets are their JV would beat 75% or more of varsity programs in the state.

Let us not get carried away.
Achmed doesn't think Irmo JV has even won there own tournament in last 3 years.
Let's look...nope!
Posted By: soccerboy26 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 05:12 PM
this is no one who plays for irmo just a eager fan to see some soccer lets not bend things out of shape.. im sure irmo and chapin respect eachother and want the best for there sides.. good soccer tonight ....
Posted By: Austin Moody Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 08:02 PM
Should be a good match tonight, between two well-coached teams. The talent advantage obviously swings in Irmo's favor, as does the home field. The 4-0 prediction sounds about right to me with how both are playing, but I think that Chapin (Demare) may get a goal, so I'm gonna go with 4-1 Irmo.

I'll be there tonight, so I'll try to fill everyone in with an unbiased account of tonight's affair afterwards.
Posted By: soccermrs Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 08:06 PM
SmallSodaMan ...You stand Corrected. The Irmo JV boys won their preseason tournament this year. Not sure where you got your stats, but they are wrong.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 08:19 PM
Achmed never wrong!

Achmed refering to Irmo end of year JV tournament.
Posted By: Samuel_Eto'o Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 09:48 PM
SoccersBest first off i wasnt makin a personal attack at you i was sayin that Edgar is indeed a good player who everytime has come out onto the field has helped out and for you to say are you a foreign exchange student just cause i dont really care and type fast in the thread next time i post i will just right in sonnets so you dont have to get your reading glasses out because what i can tell from this thread is that you obviously have no clue what i have said ha, (that was a joke) because you have responded to everything i have posted but i like your style kid keep it up
Posted By: James Gray Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 10:09 PM
I'm gonna guess:
final score
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/18/09 10:23 PM

Achmed never wrong!

Achmed refering to Irmo end of year JV tournament.

All hail Achmed!
Posted By: links5 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 01:45 AM
don't know the final score but 3-0 Irmo with 20 minutes left, not a very good showing by either team at all. Irmo did not seem to impress me at all. Maybe i had to much expectations but they were nothing special tonight.
Posted By: Manchester Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 02:54 AM

don't know the final score but 3-0 Irmo with 20 minutes left, not a very good showing by either team at all. Irmo did not seem to impress me at all. Maybe i had to much expectations but they were nothing special tonight.

Well said. Too many individuals on the pitch tonight!
Posted By: SoccersBest Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:15 AM
I'm wondering (was not able to catch the match) if the rivalry had anything to do with it... did the teams get "too up" for the game? Just a thought. From what I heard from others it was a sloppy game and that is why I am wondering if the teams weren't over anxious for it.
Posted By: Austin Moody Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:16 AM
I agree with what has been said about the game. Irmo played into way too many 1v1 situations. They didn't seem to combine much at all in the attack. There were flashes of brilliance at times, but they were few and far between. Mukofsky played well, as did their defense. Subpar showings from Acree, Lunceford, and Varney in my opinion. I have seen all of those three play much better.

The first goal came 30 seconds into the game off of a long throw. Scoring so early probably hurt Irmo, as it seemed that their level was never very high. They kept the ball in Chapin's half, though, and generated a bunch of chances. Second goal was pretty chaotic, ball being knocked around in the box a lot, rolling out to Oliver (don't know last name) who placed a left footer almost upper 90. Game was pretty calm after that and it was 2-0 at half. Chapin came out after half time and applied some pressure to Irmo, but the defense played well and didn't give up any real good looks at goal. Irmo's third goal was their nicest setup. Although I cannot remember who played the balls, it was one of their few combinations in the game. A few quick passes were hit in succession, then a ball slid to a streaking McEwan who cut his man to the inside and struck the ball near post to beat the keeper. Chapin only had a couple shots on frame, by my count.

All in all, it was an OK game. Good atmosphere, but performances that were lower than expected. On a side note, Demare had a very cheap shot on (I believe it was Leo) after a play. I know that he is a good player, but he needs to get his attitude in check if he wants to continue to play at a high level. I have seen too many kids with that type of talent waste it away due to their own attitudes. I hope that Coach Hiller gets to him because those type of things should not be tolerated.
Posted By: Manchester Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:24 AM
Could be as 80% of the players on the pitch tonight have played together for years. Unfortunately, I've seen what IRMO did tonight too many times. They have a tendency to make the game more complicated than it needs to be. Simplicity (few touches) combined with great technical skill is always great to watch. A field full of individuals dribbling isn't. It just kills the game. Plain and simple for me.
Posted By: pinger90 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:29 AM
I agree with the sloppy game, i think chapin was so dirty the whole game Irmo just couldn't find their rythm.
Posted By: Manchester Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:34 AM
I believe IRMO has the technical skill and speed to find their rhythm against any opponent as long as they combine with each other. Keep it simple and let the ball do the work.
Posted By: pinger90 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:35 AM
Posted By: Manchester Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:48 AM
If these guys would just stop and think about how goals are scored in the final third of their premier level games, they'll realize 95% are always one touch finishes by lead players, follow-up players or overlapping players as a result of precise combination play.

There are very few trash goals or 1v1 goals because great teams attack as teams with composure and purpose, not as individuals. They need to get the 1v1 80% of the time strategy out of their heads and expect options to always be available for one touch finishes as teammates maintain shape in the attacking third.

This team is capable of overwhelming defenses, but that'll only happen if they combine with each other and understand how dynamic and disciplined such an approach is . . . not to mention how much talent it takes to pull it off consistently. In the end, it's simpler and it's playing at a higher level.

If they'll do this, we'll see some incredible goals this season.
Posted By: links5 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:58 AM
I agree with everyone. Irmo has a chance to be solid because they have so much talent. But tonight it seemed like they were all about themselves and never really played as a team the whole game. If they struggle to play as a team they will not do very well this season. They did show some good combinations but every team is going to show a few combinations here and there. From what i saw tonight, Irmo needs to get the its all about me attitude and 1v1 out of their heads and play the ball. Any team is good at defending if the whole team wants to dribble and thats what Chapin did tonight is they defended the whole game but did not look as bad as Irmo could have made them look. It was a dirty game because of all the dribbling going on. Would not have been that way if Irmo played the way people think they are capable of doing. They are good enough to do that with the talent they have.

And yes Demare looked very very poor tonight. His attitude is going to hold him back from being a productive player for the rest of his high school career and his college career. His work ethic was very poor tonight. If the ball was not to him he gave up on it and never really defended much tonight. Very cheap shot on Leo after Leo made a great tackle on him. He has some things to work on to be the best in the state his senior year.
Posted By: Manchester Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 04:48 AM
Exactly right. The dribbling made the game sloppy because it slows the game down. Keep their heads up, play one touch 90% of the time and always move to space in all thirds and they'll have a free flowing dynamic game that is very difficult to defend.

Without that, they're just playing average high school soccer at best. The choice is theirs to make and now is the time make it.
Posted By: shut^&play Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 01:32 PM
Of course they tried to dribble everyone 1v1

I could have told you that was going to happen by reading the board for the last month. I envisioned magic wizard spells that transported their players around the pitch with some angelic wings attached to them.

The difference between Irmo and NW is the love affair with NW comes from other people who are in awe of their play. Irmo is in awe of themselves. I suppose it's typical of that place though.
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 01:49 PM
Irmo won i dont see what all the fuss is about, they will play alot higher caliber teams well see what they'll do then.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:12 PM

Irmo won i dont see what all the fuss is about, they will play alot higher caliber teams well see what they'll do then.

Irmo make Achmed look bad.
Achmed say 5:0, now he lose face.

Ahhg! Achmed has no face to lose.
Posted By: links5 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:28 PM
Midlandskid you are right they won thats all that matters but the thing everyone is saying is their style of play was not attractive and to tell you the truth not going to be very successful vs higher caliber teams. Great teams beat the teams who aren't much competition by 5 or 6 goals. That is what should have happened last night but the style of play caused them to not be very successful and really got lucky on the first two goals. Yea the throw in was a good throw but Sieverding (sp) headed the ball from inside the six. The goalie needs to come punch that ball. And the second goal was a scrum in the box that popped out to Oliver's feet. Irmo needs to combine more in order to score more goals which we know they have to talent to do so. Yes they won but the style of play will not get it done vs the top notch teams.
Posted By: Samuel_Eto'o Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:50 PM
it was a good game irmo controlled it the whole time limiting chapin to 2 shots on goal all night, a lot of the players couldn't seem to find their footing and were slipping alll over the place, and if it weren't for colden irmo would have put up about 20, but once irmo got up 2-0 chapin focused more on trying to take out Acree, and Leo, then actually playing soccer, there were a couple what should have been fouls inside the box that were never called, but irmo dominated probably had about 75% of possesion time great game undefeated outscoring opponents now 48-0 in last five games thats pretty impressive if you ask me
Posted By: soccerboy26 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 03:51 PM
yea irmo played real bad .... 3-o is pretty convincing win to me. im pretty sure irmo had about 12 shots to chapins 2.
just a bunch of haters in this thread
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 04:40 PM

Midlandskid you are right they won thats all that matters but the thing everyone is saying is their style of play was not attractive and to tell you the truth not going to be very successful vs higher caliber teams. Great teams beat the teams who aren't much competition by 5 or 6 goals. That is what should have happened last night but the style of play caused them to not be very successful and really got lucky on the first two goals. Yea the throw in was a good throw but Sieverding (sp) headed the ball from inside the six. The goalie needs to come punch that ball. And the second goal was a scrum in the box that popped out to Oliver's feet. Irmo needs to combine more in order to score more goals which we know they have to talent to do so. Yes they won but the style of play will not get it done vs the top notch teams.

So you saying you want to see more side to side play from irmo, more passing chemistry and a higher score against decent teams??
Posted By: Always Right Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 05:12 PM
Well, 3-0 is pretty impressive to me considering Irmo dominated a good team like Chapin. Regardless of the score Irmo will face only one other team the rest of the year better than the Eagles and that is Dutch Fork, which Irmo has owned since the school opened. Only threat this year will be when Irmo self inflicts its own undoing by not putting shots in the net and until Northwestern. Other than that it will be a smooth ride for the Yellow Jackets.


Midlandskid you are right they won thats all that matters but the thing everyone is saying is their style of play was not attractive and to tell you the truth not going to be very successful vs higher caliber teams. Great teams beat the teams who aren't much competition by 5 or 6 goals. That is what should have happened last night but the style of play caused them to not be very successful and really got lucky on the first two goals. Yea the throw in was a good throw but Sieverding (sp) headed the ball from inside the six. The goalie needs to come punch that ball. And the second goal was a scrum in the box that popped out to Oliver's feet. Irmo needs to combine more in order to score more goals which we know they have to talent to do so. Yes they won but the style of play will not get it done vs the top notch teams.

Posted By: CrystalPalacefan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 05:18 PM
There is no doubt irmo is the better of the two teams. Irmo has shown that they are a dominant team in the state if they play together. I see a problem coming with all their individual talent. With all the super stars on that team i would not want to see their attack fall apart. Chapin on the other hand has not impressed me in the least. For the most part they dont take the game seriously. I feel for a few players who have the passion that others do not. It also seems that they are lacking firepower in the forward position. Congrats on irmo getting a solid win.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 05:28 PM

All in all, it was an OK game. Good atmosphere, but performances that were lower than expected. On a side note, Demare had a very cheap shot on (I believe it was Leo) after a play. I know that he is a good player, but he needs to get his attitude in check if he wants to continue to play at a high level. I have seen too many kids with that type of talent waste it away due to their own attitudes. I hope that Coach Hiller gets to him because those type of things should not be tolerated.

Once foul occurred...did Demare play nice and offer to help the player up????
Posted By: pinger90 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 07:23 PM
no he didn't, i have no respect for that kid after that game and following his actions at his club championship match. he is a complete jack ass.
Posted By: links5 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 08:00 PM

Well, 3-0 is pretty impressive to me considering Irmo dominated a good team like Chapin.

Okay i wouldn't consider Chapin a good team at all. Last year yes they were a good team but this year they have 2 or 3 good players. The team itself is not good so 3-0 over a pretty average oponent is not good for Irmo. Dominating would be 5 or 6-0 because Chapin is sub par this year. Im not hating on Irmo whatsoever. I am saying they have potential to be a dominating squad but they have yet to play a decent team and play to the style they are capable of playing with all of their talent. Neither team seemed to impress me last night so i guess we will have to wait and see what Irmo is capable of doing when they play a better oponent if they play like everyone thinks they can.
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 08:08 PM
One other thing to consider is that these two schools are in differenct high school classes. I would not expect a 3A school to be able to truly compete with a 4A school. Especially at the top of the divisions.

Irmo is very talented and well coached so I am sure they will overcome their difficulties. It is still early in the season and they did win the game.

4A schools are able to field 11 quality soccer players in a game where 3A schools are lucky to field 11 quality "athletes". There are good players in 3A but it is very difficult to play a team game when there are weaknesses in your lineup. 4A is by far the superior class and will be due to numbers. This is precisely why the High School League has classes to even the playing field. I commend Chapin on an extremely tough out of conference schedule as their region is very very weak. Lookout Northwestern! :0

I hate to hear when players attitudes/actions take away from the beautiful game!
Posted By: joplin12 Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/19/09 08:27 PM
Chapin is still a good team this year but Coach hiller always puts his toughtest games at the beginning of the year to get his team working together against them. Chapin will do very good in 3A this year. But for the game last night i wouldnt say chapin was the only cheap players out there. Acree was fouling the whole game and #6 or #3 were putting elbows in the back of joey all night. Leo was prob the cleanest one of them all. But the irmo kids are prob to HIGH to know what there doing anyways.
Posted By: Philo Kvetch Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/20/09 01:21 AM
Dutch Fork is not Irmo's only remaining tough opponent. Don't forget Spring Valley. #4 in AAAA. Antoine Parris is hard to handle. Ben Limbaugh is playing great in goal. They owned Irmo last year, winning both contests. They beat Dutch Fork already this season.
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: Irmo or Chapin - 03/20/09 01:44 AM

Dutch Fork is not Irmo's only remaining tough opponent. Don't forget Spring Valley. #4 in AAAA. Antoine Parris is hard to handle. Ben Limbaugh is playing great in goal. They owned Irmo last year, winning both contests. They beat Dutch Fork already this season.

Valley will not contend with Irmo i am pretty certain of that. Two players cant win a game against plenty of great athletes Irmo has. Antoine can be marked he was pretty much shut out in thier game against Blythewood, and probably will again tommorow against Ridge View. Hes a target every team they play will do anything to shut down and unless there other players can make something spectacular happen against Irmo i dont see it being much of a contest.
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