SC Soccer
Posted By: Celticfan2010 What happened to the class? - 05/06/09 06:16 PM
As a fan and player of schsl soccer I ask the question where is the class? Do fans not understand that if you do nothing but sit in the stands and shout out racial slurs and other inappropriate phrases accompanied with obscene gestures you reflect badly upon your program and yourself. There is no problem with intense competition and rivalry but why start riots and team fights.
some may believe this to be a complaint but I know others share my same views. I play soccer for the fun of the game not to reflect badly upon myself or my peers. What's up? what does anyone gain out of starting a team fight or fans fighting in the parking lot? Notice I didn't single out any team or person.
Posted By: Notsofastfriend Re: What happened to the class? - 05/06/09 06:36 PM

As a fan and player of schsl soccer I ask the question where is the class? Do fans not understand that if you do nothing but sit in the stands and shout out racial slurs and other inappropriate phrases accompanied with obscene gestures you reflect badly upon your program and yourself. There is no problem with intense competition and rivalry but why start riots and team fights.
some may believe this to be a complaint but I know others share my same views. I play soccer for the fun of the game not to reflect badly upon myself or my peers. What's up? what does anyone gain out of starting a team fight or fans fighting in the parking lot? Notice I didn't single out any team or person.

Care to share the story with a little more detail so that we can know what you are talking about
Posted By: wheet Re: What happened to the class? - 05/06/09 06:41 PM
Sad as it is true, most "fans" have no clue about the game of soccer. Real soccer fans except the contact that comes with the intensity needed to perform at these levels. Enthusiasm is one thing, ignorance is another. The examples all too often are from the adults that have already roled this negative attitude to the kids making the comments...the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. By the way, as a Wren parent we have great fan support but we are not immune from ignorance or poor fanmanship.
Posted By: Shrink Rapp Re: What happened to the class? - 05/06/09 08:54 PM
It's actually not soccer that has lost its class... it's simply a lack of sportsmanship. "Real soccer fans" is a United States term which comes with US sportsmanship. World Futbol is played with a wide range of emotions depending on what continent you are playing. In Costa Rica, expect a fight on the field and more in the stands if you can risk the adventure. South Africa... I've been told by a native, that the value of life is so little in some areas that there can be fans killed at or around games. When you take college basketball into consideration, a school like Duke can heckle the other team all day long... and it's acceptable. So, why would soccer be different? I don't think the problem is with soccer... it's with society.
Posted By: James Gray Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 12:26 AM
I know of the game that you are talking about. From what was described to me, both the fans and the player that was getting heckled at were out of line. As a referee, if I would have heard some of the things that were uttered, I would have emptied the stands...and it wouldn't be the first time I would have emptied the stands, so it is not an idle threat. Secondly, as a player, you need to not be concerned what the fans are yelling, you need to just play the game. Why let a group of people get into your head. Poor sportsmanship all-around if you ask me.
Posted By: SCKicker Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 01:25 AM

It's actually not soccer that has lost its class... it's simply a lack of sportsmanship. "Real soccer fans" is a United States term which comes with US sportsmanship. World Futbol is played with a wide range of emotions depending on what continent you are playing. In Costa Rica, expect a fight on the field and more in the stands if you can risk the adventure. South Africa... I've been told by a native, that the value of life is so little in some areas that there can be fans killed at or around games. When you take college basketball into consideration, a school like Duke can heckle the other team all day long... and it's acceptable. So, why would soccer be different? I don't think the problem is with soccer... it's with society.

Right about the society. Deconstructing the various society structures would be worth an A+++ paper in college. Unfortunately a good portion (no offence intended) of teachers of this age don't quite "teach" to make society better and would quite require an A+++ paper on such a subject to pass a student.Teaching has basically a "job" and very few actually teach human values besides calculations e.t.c all over the world. Our great grandparents and their parents even without teacher education,if we brought them back to fix all this,they would do a much better job than a good number of current Doctorate,Phd,e.t.c educators or so called school "presidents" or "teachers" that we have today.Failure in this aspect of society leads to all the occurances named above and alot more.Yet we spend less on one of the most important aspects of society - the teacher. Hope this hasn't gone off the point but it really is an obvious case of degenerative humane instruction no matter what part of the world one is at.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 02:20 AM
Actually in the world soccer fights are "cool" but really, America needs to fight that and not to let that to be part of the american soccer culture.

Soccer players and fans need to learn to behave in the States.

Just today at Cock and Bulls I was with my brother and we almost had a little problem there with some short dude from USC, somebody told me he is hispanic so I guess that explains his behavior although he looks like a frat kid wearing a chelsea jersey who prob doesnt speak spanish well and never played competitive soccer.

I want to believe that it was bc he was a little drunk but the fact is that we have to start teaching our soccer kids that violence is not "cool" and they have learn to have passion with a good behavior.
Posted By: MidlandsKid Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 02:26 AM

Actually in the world soccer fights are "cool" but really, America needs to fight that and not to let that to be part of the american soccer culture.

Soccer players and fans need to learn to behave in the States.

Just today at Cock and Bulls I was with my brother and we almost had a little problem there with some short dude from USC, somebody told me he is hispanic so I guess that explains his behavior although he looks like a frat kid wearing a chelsea jersey who prob doesnt speak spanish well and never played competitive soccer.

I want to believe that it was bc he was a little drunk but the fact is that we have to start teaching our soccer kids that violence is not "cool" and they have learn to have passion with a good behavior.

Pure love and passion for the game leads to good sportsmanship.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 02:58 AM

Pure love and passion for the game leads to good sportsmanship.

Hey MidlandsKid...bite me!

Achmed just kidding...Achmed make joke.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 10:23 AM
Like I say I want to believe that guy was just drunk bc he is not even big, my older brother would have kill him on a fight...

not only was he going out of control but he also said something racist, is funny that my younger brother knows him, he is on a business frat at usc.

We just laughed at him, his friend push him out of the bar and the owner came to us to apologize.

We have to teach our kids that violent is not "cool" and is not even funny, not only the little guy would have gotten a good a.. whopped but we could have end up in jail.

Ill be willing to put money that the kid prob didnt even play high school soccer and he prob doesnt know anything but chelsea and fifa.

Good times though, it was a great game, first time I was at cock and bull, great soccer bar in columbia!!
Posted By: cockn'fyr Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 12:42 PM
The profanity on the field and from the stands (at certain stadiums) is pretty bad from what I've seen, it's taunting plan and simple and shouldn't be tolerated. I've heard it goes on in alot of games and could easily be policed by the referees and coaches if they really wanted to put an end to it. The only thing turning a deaf ear to the problem does is allow incidents described earlier in the thread to happen and eventually someone is going to get hurt, if it hasn't already happened.
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 03:00 PM
Soccer cannot be adequately monitored with only 2 refs. This will not solve all your problems as earlier posts have pointed out the complexity. Getting the call correct or at least being in position to make a call adequately would help. As to taunting, when anyone on the field verbally (kind or foul words) retaliates against the stands they are inviting trouble. I do not understand why players, refs and coaches can't just ignore those hooligans! It is a shame that our society reflects so negatively upon a game. I have not experienced such over the top behavior that has been described although yelling and screaming at refs is common place mainly due to the arrogance of referees. I think refs are more offended by the way comments are delivered than what is actually said. Then again I haven't seen the over the top stuff in my experience. BTW – There are many players, etc. that are able to control themselves and conduct themselves with the utmost dignity. However, it is very rare that these players are recognized for this control. It might be a very good year-end award for schools to consider.
Posted By: Celticfan2010 Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 06:12 PM
No I will not single any program out but I will say it has just been outrageous in multiple instances and yes I agree a player should be able to shut out the fans opinions and stay focused on the game I am almost always capable of that but when fans are clearly screaming insults such as ni**er and bean**r and wet back and other derogatory terms it's just over the line and some players snap. Some one already brought up this point but it is even worse when coaches and or parents can hear their fans and or children shouting this and dont do anything about it. Like someone already said the apple does not fall from the tree. Individuals should respect others so they will be respected I have seen fights happen because of fans insults, I have even been in the middle of my high school team being jumped by a group of rowdy fans after a game it's just going down hill. Programs should be able to control their own crowd, as they control their own players. I was told by my athletic director after one incident that Soccer is the sport in SCHSL with the most fouls the most ejections and the most violence... Im not certain if that is correct but it sounds about right. Im certain that my thread wont bring an end to this but it will bring it to programs directors attention.
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: What happened to the class? - 05/07/09 07:15 PM
Now there are some other interesting comments that you bring up. The impression by administrators that Soccer is the sport with the most fouls, ejections and violence. Hmm, most fouls? I find that position difficult considering basketball gets 5 fouls before someone fouls out. Soccer only gets 2 before you are ejected so how can soccer have more fouls. As to ejections of course soccer has more ejections because they are allowed only 2 fouls. BTW in football you can commit as many fouls as you like until your coach pulls you out because your team lost so much yardage. As to the most violent I guess we need a definition of violence because football's very existence is predicated on violence.

IMO there is no reason for a fan to scream or yell insults or deragatory statements. However, I do feel it appropriate to disagree with calls. So yelling about your disapproval is very different then throwing defamatory statements. If I were to encounter such that I feared for my child on the field I would certainly make sure the administrators were aware of my concerns and the police were at the next game!

As to the apple not falling far from the tree please remember that in public high schools we do not choose who attends the school with our children. In most cases, I would interject when I see inappropriate behavior but there is a very fine line when it comes to disciplining others children. Then throw in the social issues at hand and (for lack of a better example) guns and the general public will shy away.

I have taught my kids the old cliche of act like you have been there before. So there is no excuse for players to "snap". I don't snap in my place of work, worship or the local grocery store so what makes it acceptable on the soccer field? Ignorance is bliss so ignore them!
Posted By: Notsofastfriend Re: What happened to the class? - 05/08/09 02:37 AM

Now there are some other interesting comments that you bring up. The impression by administrators that Soccer is the sport with the most fouls, ejections and violence. Hmm, most fouls? I find that position difficult considering basketball gets 5 fouls before someone fouls out. Soccer only gets 2 before you are ejected so how can soccer have more fouls. As to ejections of course soccer has more ejections because they are allowed only 2 fouls. BTW in football you can commit as many fouls as you like until your coach pulls you out because your team lost so much yardage. As to the most violent I guess we need a definition of violence because football's very existence is predicated on violence.

Actually, I think I counted 42 fouls in the Airport/B-C match where someone posted the stats. That's a lot. What was it...2 coaches ejected but since they weren't playing, that wouldn't go into the foul count.

What gets me is how players can commit flagrant fouls in other sports, be ejected but their position is replaced. What would it be like it a football player was ejected from a game for accumulation of unsportsmanlike conduct penalties and they had to play a man down the rest of the game.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: What happened to the class? - 05/08/09 10:27 PM
you know racism and violence are typical on third world countries and is hard to stop it, one of the things i watched the most in los angeles were gangs and fights for a lot of reasons in public.

after all i was glad i ever lived here bc South Carolina was that, an state where you dont see things like that happening like in third world countries. this is a really clean state and im not just talking about class, im talking about trash too.

after all i gone get that dudes name from my younger brother, even though it didnt end up in a fight, ill make sure the things the usc business student does when he is drunk, ill make sure next time he is in a situation like that, he think twice about bringing races and nationalities to arguments in a public bar and even trying to start a fight, business college students cannot do that in public.

i think the best thing to do and again that is just my opinion, you gone have to punish the high school or team for their fans behavior for the good of the sport.

does this happend in other sports? who cares, our sport is soccer and we have to keep it clean and make a difference.

i remember playing for a semipro team in LA where we were to play in colleges and nice turf in the finest places in california, my team was full of hispanics and most of the players in there were from poor neighborhood so to them, playing in those fields was the best, not to mention was the most expensive latino league in los angeles.

the teams would get fine with a good amount of money if we even throw trash in the field, we are talking of the most exclusive latino league prob in california, not to mention about fights, the team could be put out of the league if something like that happened. im not sure about the numbers but the team just could not afford to do that, it was too much money on the table to play around with it. bad players were out of the league along with bad fans and bad teams.

the best players did get payed some most of them would behave.

that is just my 2 cents, if we dont start cleaning the game from now, it may get ugly with the time.

racism isnt funny, is something serious and we have to learn to respect others with different ethnic backgrounds, we dont want to look like the poor side of california.
Posted By: Catch Up Re: What happened to the class? - 05/12/09 03:18 PM
Dude what are you talking about? It will all make sense if anyone knew what the problem is. Do you care to elaborate on your current situation?
Posted By: Talon Re: What happened to the class? - 05/12/09 03:20 PM
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