SC Soccer
Posted By: SCCRMOM Woodmont - 05/10/09 01:16 AM
does anyone have any info on the supposed player assault in the woodmont game thursday evening?? Player supposedly assaulted a Ref
Posted By: southeastsc Re: Woodmont - 05/10/09 10:54 PM
This is what I heard happened (again, I was not there, but this is what was told to me by someone at the game): Woodmont played Pickens in a very physical game on Thursday at Pickens. The Woodmont coach finally had enough, told the referee they were not going to play any longer and the referee blew the whistle to indicate the game was over. A player from Woodmont made a very derogatory comment to one of his teammates, which the referee overheard. This resulted in the referee running over to the player who made the insulting comment, and placing a red card under his nose. The player pushed the referee and card away from him. The referee then kicked the player in the leg. Then it became a fistfight with the two going at it on the field. Meanwhile, the Pickens' police show up in the parking lot with guns drawn...........crazy!
Posted By: SCCRMOM Re: Woodmont - 05/10/09 11:10 PM
wow I wonder if Woodmont will recv the same ban that Bluffton recv'd last year?? if so will that effect the playoff bracket???
Posted By: SCCRMOM Re: Woodmont - 05/11/09 07:08 PM
Its Official Woodmont has been banned from Playoffs and Riverside will now face BHP
Posted By: Trisoc Re: Woodmont - 05/11/09 07:08 PM
I have heard that Woodmont will not be playing in the playoffs. Belton Honea-Path has filled that slot. So it will be Riverside vs Belton Honea-Path.
Posted By: wheet Re: Woodmont - 05/12/09 02:52 AM
SCCRMOM, do you have a dog in the fight, so to speak, and don't go Peta or Michael Vick on me.
Posted By: wheet Re: Woodmont - 05/12/09 02:57 AM
BHP-Riverside may be a blowout. Does anyone know why BHP has the Full 90 headbands for every player? I am assuming(?) they had a player with a head injury to which the school made the decision to go Ninja.
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