SC Soccer
Posted By: 803 Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 12:23 AM
WOW, ok this game didnt quite live up to its hype. The first half was very competitive and no team seemed to take the edge. Cardinal Newman grabbed the game on a goal early in the 2nd half, and never looked back. Pinewood just seemed to not have any attack. After a few yellow cards thrown Pinewood's way (some for late tackles and other by a sheer lack of class) Cardinal Newman smelled the blood in the water and finished off the game 3-0.

Let the conversation begin.
Posted By: Cayman Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 02:38 AM
Interesting take on the game 803, I kinda felt the same way. I think it lived up to the hype though...CN just took over in the second half. After Millard scored Pinewood looked defeated. I don't understand why you would take Justin White from up top and move him to the back after going down a goal. Nobody has been able to keep CN out of the net all year, I didn't think it was going to be any different today. Great job CN. Congrats to Eudy and the boys.
Posted By: GUCCI MANE Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 07:48 AM
Maybe pinewood just blows this year and cardinal Newman is clearly re better team with koty and Nestor playing together.
Posted By: 803 Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 04:04 PM
Cayman - when White was playing up top the ball would always go through him and he would take 1-2 ppl on but would get ZERO support from his teammates. Eudy countered by dropping #9 in the Center Mid and kept a close eye on White; after that Pinewood tucked their tail between their legs.(White to the back)
Posted By: 803 Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 10:15 PM
Anyone from Pinewood care to say anything? I would like to see how their fans feel about the end result.
They are in hiding like Bin Laden tough guys out here like years past
Posted By: bar25 Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 10:20 PM
Just be happy they arent complaining like Lexington seems to like to do
Is Cat Stratch still alive?
Posted By: Soccerwinner Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/15/11 10:47 PM
at least we're not pu**y's who run away from the real fight just to talk crap about Lexington behind their backs.
Isn't that right "star player" Bar25?
Posted By: soccerislife Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 12:01 AM
When people are not accustom to winning they cannot even celebrate their own achievement.. Its seems a lot of people are actually celebrating the fact that Pinewood finally lost rather than Cardinal Newman winning the state title..

I'll add something positive to the forum Congratulation to Cardinal Newman job well done..
Posted By: Soccerwinner Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 01:24 AM
Cardinal Newman has a really good squad and deserved the win.
Posted By: oldballs25 Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 01:49 AM
having read through this thread here is what i can see:
1. a topic that was started separately from the original scisa thread
2. a closing line from 803 saying: "Let the conversation begin."
3. this from gucci "Maybe pinewood just blows this year and cardinal Newman is clearly re better team."
4. 803 jumping back in with "Anyone from Pinewood care to say anything?"
5. and of course wacka needed to jump in with "They are in hiding like Bin Laden tough guys out here like years past.

So it is very obvious that this thread was started simply to stir the pot. While i doubt that any of you actually play for cardinal newman,(Eudy is too respectable to stand for crap like this) if you are CN fans you should enjoy the win for what it was. If you happen to be players i seriously doubt you had much to do with the win, and should be happy that people who saw the field were able to get it done.

While i no longer have any connection to either school, it's nice to see that the Pinewood players/supporters can win...and lose. Perhaps You all should take a lesson.

Congratulations to CN and coach eudy. they deserved to win, and luckily nothing happened causing debate(indirect free kicks from the six and what-not haha)
Posted By: 803 Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 03:05 AM
My purpose was not to cut pinewood down. I simply understand the rivalry between these two teams who have been head and shoulders above SCISA for the recent history ; and also understand that both teams have very bitter relationship with each other. Winning and bragging for 6 years is one thing but losing and running away from the conversation is another. I simply wanted to get both teams to have a say in next years competition. I figured pinewood would have deemed this a fluke an fired back with something Pinewoodish. And cardinal newman to understand what is expected of a competitive team : To keep the pressure on those trying to dethrone the champs. Hatred only brings about respect for one another, but you are right without someone stirring the pot how is a rivalry of this caliber worth talking about.
Posted By: Cayman Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 03:35 AM
Not once did I say anything negative about Pinewood. I thought it was a great game. I simply questioned Pinewood's coach on taking J. White from up top after going down a goal. He seemed to be their only means of attack. After CN scored, PP never really had another REALLY dangerous chance on goal. I just don't see the reason for moving into a defensive set after going down 1-0. It just allowed CN to put more pressure on their backs.

That being said, CN smelled blood in the water and never let up. Once they scored, the pace of the game never slowed. CN just took over.
Posted By: Bazza Re: Cardinal Newman over Pinewood; 3-0 - 05/16/11 01:39 PM
Congratulations Coach Eudy. Great job!
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