SC Soccer
Posted By: Barcelona10 Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:10 AM
Hahahahahahah, shirmo choking again!! Wow, yall aren't that big time anymore, you could never be like NHS, sorry try again!!
Posted By: Barcelona10 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:11 AM
Congrats Wando!!
Posted By: sG Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:28 AM
I cant decide if I am more excited that Shmirmo lost or that Wando won....who am I kidding I love seeing Irmo lose!
Posted By: sG Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:35 AM
On a more serious note, Irmo needs to get over themselves. They need to stop bleaching their hair for one. While Irmo was preparing their golden locks, Wando was preparing for scoring goals. Its a tradition that needs to be laid to rest. The Irmo dynasty has been over for years and the upcoming Irmo teams need to develop their own identity....with normal hair. Wando was the better team tonight. All Irmo did was play the long ball, Wando actually pinged it around a bit and looked great at times. #20, center back, was a beast for Wando, player of the game. He man-handled Lunceford all night. #13 for Wando was an extremely hard worker and ran all over Irmo's defense, which looked awful. I thought Burkholder played decent, but I was more impressed with #19, center midfielder. He plays like Scholes. I don't think Irmo choked, I think Wando was the better team. Wando had a better keeper, defense, and midfield and deserved the win. Congrats WANDO!
Posted By: goldeneagle86 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:42 AM
The big question is did they throw their runner-up medals in the trash again?
Posted By: Chantman Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 01:43 AM
#20 - Trent Reilfin Jr. I think
#19 - Eric Clark - Soph.
#13 - Hamilton Carlin - Soph.
Posted By: Spartan Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 02:34 AM
sG, you're just a little off base with your summary. Relax and don't be a hater. Enjoy some SC soccer and be grateful that Irmo, Northwestern and Wando represented our state well.
Posted By: James Gray Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 02:34 AM
I'll just ask one question sG, where was NW this year?
Posted By: Spartan Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 02:37 AM
Oh Soccerboy, please don't ask him a question...he'll never shut up
Posted By: Barcelona10 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 03:07 AM
Soccerboy this isn't about where NHS is, start your own threat if you wanna talk about that, Wando was the better team today as shown by the score at the end of the game. Go cry in your room once again. Where is Irmo?
Posted By: The Chief Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 03:21 AM
Ok just for fun lets make up some answers!

I think the seniors were home ploishing their three class rings and medals, you know the ones that say boys state soccer champs . The juniors were polishing their two.... well you know where this is going now
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 03:26 AM
Posted By: sG Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 04:38 AM
I guess your memory is failing you, NW lost in the second round to Mauldin. Come on man! I know your old but your memory can't be that bad! I never claimed NW was going to win the title this year. I said from the beginning it would be a stretch for them to win but not to count them out. They shared the region title and won a playoff game. Am I disappointed? Yes a little but I am not surprised they had an early exit this year. It sounds to me like your just a bitter Shmirmo fan. Where is NW this year, well I think The Chief pretty much covered that question. Ricky Garbanzo and the other seniors are probably sitting on a dock somewhere with their bling bling on their ring fing crackin jokes about whiney Shirmo and how they cannot even win it when NW has a "bad" year.....aaaaah thanks Wando.

Let's see your summary. I would like to hear the excuses and get a good laugh out of them. You cannot blame this one on the refs. We all know who's side they were on. Unless my eyes are lying to me, I am pretty sure a Wando player got speared by Goldberg in the box. Meanwhile the ref was watching Savitz to see whether or not he should call it. Fortunately Wando had already taken care of business. But in all seriousness, tell me your summary. I didn't see Irmo do anything spectacular. They were boom ball specialists tonight. #20 for Wando loved it and gobbled those long balls up all night. But lets hear your version expert.
P.S.-Why not hate Shmirmo? It's so easy and fun!
Posted By: Spartan Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 04:45 AM
Another quality post by sG!
Posted By: sG Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 04:46 AM
Thanks buddy! Glad we are friends now!
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 04:46 AM
Everyone knows you guys are soccer giants, and everyone else pretenders to the throne. Why can't you just gracefully share?
Posted By: Barcelona10 Re: Irmo choked - 05/22/11 03:12 PM
Irmo fans don't talk big anymore?!? haha funny.
Posted By: Eric Cantona This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 04:15 PM
sG knows.

First, Wando was by far the better team last night. They played like they had something to win. Irmo just bounced around trying to look cute and showed hardly any grit and determination. Shout out to Hamilton Carlin who showed everyone in the stands what it takes to score goals when it counts. He pestered the Irmo defense all night. I swear I could smell the irmo gk crap his pants when he had to use his feet.. Carlin definitely smelled it when he stole his lunch and the ball to score his second goal in 5 minutes. Well done lad.

Second, Il give payment when payment is due. Although he couldnt break the Wando defense by himself, C. Dunbaker for Irmo stood out to me last night. He played hard. If he got rid of his little pouty arm swinging shmirmo attitude when things didnt go his way I could see myself being a fan of his in the future. Hard worker to say the least.

Third, every year its always a bunch of irmites pumping up their team and bragging about how lunceford is the best thing from irmo since okra. But lets be realistic... Last night he was invisible, as he has been in every game i have seen him play in. Trent Rieflin dominated him ALL NIGHT and no doubt he would do it again if they faced off this morning. Lunceford is not a bad player at all but state player of the year last year? I'll take trent over him any day. 6'4" beast from the east cooper keep it up.
Those three stood out to me but the whole Wando team deserves credit. Hiago Barreto plays with more heart and gives more effort than anyone in any HS game. Burkholder is always fun to watch. And Brock King, So. holding defensive midfielder, was an animal last night.
Congrats to y'all
Posted By: Cant Coach That Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 04:37 PM
My bathtub still has more rings than that Irmo squad! Savitz had the best team two years in a row and gets out coached and out played again.
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 04:40 PM

sG knows.

First, Wando was by far the better team last night. They played .....

Not really an Irmo fan, but I have to disagree.
While taking pictures, I usually "shift" my position depending on where most of the action is.
Last night I definitely was pulled towards Wando's end of the field.
Posted By: sG Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 06:15 PM
That's because once Wando got the lead they did not have to push forward. Irmo did not penetrate Wando's defense once, minus the goal on the set piece. They didn't force Wando's keeper to make very many tough saves and did not seem very dangerous. Dunbaker was the only one who did look dangerous at times. Wando got the lead, sat in, and occasionally made great runs forward. Meanwhile Irmo was frustrated by a hard and smart defense. Again, I did not see anything special from Irmo last night. Wando played smart, and was the better team.
Posted By: Barcelona10 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 06:44 PM
HeTakesPictures, you're definitely an Irmo fan, so stop lying, because you take pictures doesn't mean you know anything about soccer. Obviously you can't see very well with your camara if the score was 3-1 and Wando out played them in the first half.
Posted By: wolfgang Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 08:53 PM
i know for a fact that he takes pictures is NOT an imro fan. i know for a fact that he takes pictures did not attend irmo nor did a member of his family. i alsoknow that he takes a mean picture. i have some of his work hanging in my office and home. and guess what? i dont have anything to dpo with irmo either. way to go wando.
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 10:03 PM

HeTakesPictures, you're definitely an Irmo fan, so stop lying, because you take pictures doesn't mean you know anything about soccer. Obviously you can't see very well with your camara if the score was 3-1 and Wando out played them in the first half.

Hmmm....interesting. From my post under "Why?" it is obvious I am not an Irmo fan.

You on the other hand are obviously Anti-Irmo. Ergo, whom do you assume would have a more unbiased opinion?

At least sG had an intelligent response. You had nothing. Were you even at the game?

As far as me knowing anything about soccer, well I guess that's sort of subjective. But I do tend to see plays develop and know where to point the camera. So I guess I know a little about soccer. Also for the last 7 years my boys and I have had the privilege of working closely with the legendary Kevin Heise. And now I'm getting to observe and hear about of the coaching styles of the USC coaches. So, I've probable picked up a little knowledge on the way.

So…Mr. Soccer, does a 3-1 score always represent the better team?
Posted By: Notsofastfriend Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 10:31 PM
HTP is a BC homer. (Let's face it, we are all homers for some team)
Posted By: sandman Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/22/11 11:37 PM
hats off to anyone taking those great photos at soccer matches. i've tried, it ain't easy figuring all that out in a fast paced sport....i leave my camera at home, too frustrating.
Posted By: Spartan Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/23/11 03:27 AM
My hats off too, Sandman. Def some good shots that parents in the stands could only dream of taking. For the parents that want copies, I think they can get them for a small charge by going to the web site....much cheaper than buying a super Canon outfit. Thanks again HTP
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/23/11 04:11 AM
thanks Spartan,

Click here for Pictures of the SC Boys High School Championship Matches

BTW: you can download any picture for free from this link, or sign in to Picasa/Google and it will allow you to order any print through your favorite photo processing lab.

Pssst, don't tell anyone...but if you need a higher than 1200x800 resolution picture, contact me at and I can send you the full resolution picture.
Posted By: Mad River Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 01:15 AM
Great shots. I'm jealous. Thanks for the link.
Posted By: KC Dunbaker Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 02:58 PM
I've been reading what has been said the past few days and figured I would weigh in with my observations from the game.

Irmo came out flat... not each individual, but as a team they were on their heels for the first 10 minutes of the game.

1st Wando Goal:
Irmo allowed for a player (Hamilton) who is known for his heading ability to go unmarked on a long throw. Very poor job by the defending player in that instance.

2nd Wando Goal:
Player with loads of experience (Sullivan) made a rookie mistake.

The 1st goal didn't faze Irmo that much. They had gone down to CN earlier in the season and therefore knew that they could win even though they were down 1-0 to a good side. The 2nd goal was like a shot in the foot. Going down 2-0 in a Championship match is hard to overcome... but not impossible.

1st Irmo Goal:
Wando made the same mistake that Irmo did in leaving a player who is known for his heading ability (Seiverding) unmarked in the box.

Offside Call:
I believe it was a bad call made on Irmo's 2nd goal (Dunbaker). Initially he was in an offside position... but he recognized that, stopped his run, and allowed the backs to catch up to him. When the ball was played (Lunceford) Dunbaker was even with the defender to his back (watching the video confirmed this). Very unfortunate that a ref COULD have changed the outcome of the game.

One thing that Wando does well (which really helped them in the game) is their speed of play. You don't see any one of the Wando boys taking more than 1 touch to settle the ball and 1 touch to pass it. I have seen this both with their JV Squad and V Squad. Their coach does well in teaching them to play simple and quick.

Have to give credit to Irmo's Dunbaker for never giving up on the game. He gave the Wando defense all they could handle. If the rest of Irmo's team would've had that same desire we might have seen a different outcome.

Looking forward to next years season. Wando will undoubtedly be in the running for the Championship again as I hope Irmo will be as well. Would be nice to see a rematch of the two.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 03:10 PM
Offside call:
I was sitting right on the line. Connor was initially offside and got back onside before making a second (barely) offside move. The call could have gone either way, though I think the AR barely got it right.
Similarly, the handball call that set up Irmo's goal could have been interpreted as ball-to-hand, but wasn't. A free kick was awarded, and a goal was scored.
What decided the game was simple: Wando was better than Irmo between 7 and 9 p.m. on Saturday night. Period.
They're BOTH excellent teams.
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 04:11 PM
OK...let me preface this by again by saying...I'm not an Irmo fan!!!!

I too was right on the line (not looking through my camera and looking directly into the eyes of the LR across the field), and I saw the same thing as SoccersAnswer.
I think Irmo should have gotten the goal. When I heard the "thud" of the kick, Dunbaker was onsides.

But then again, I also beleive the mugging in the box should have gotten Wando a PK.

It was a great game to watch!
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 04:37 PM
Even if he WAS onside -- and like I said, it was close -- you guys presume that a no-whistle-play-on would have resulted in a goal. I've seen at least half a dozen times this year when a kid went 1-v-1 on a keeper and shot the ball high/wide or saw the shot saved.
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 05:09 PM

Even if he WAS onside -- and like I said, it was close -- you guys presume that a no-whistle-play-on would have resulted in a goal. I've seen at least half a dozen times this year when a kid went 1-v-1 on a keeper and shot the ball high/wide or saw the shot saved.

I was close and could have gone either way. I tend to favor the offense on close offside calls.
But, with that said, I don't recall the keeper letting up, or even knowing the LR signaled Offsides. I do however recall the ball going into the net.

(edited....darn, can't even spell with spell check on)
Posted By: getout Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 05:13 PM
To take it a step further, I wonder if the Wando defenders could have hustled back into the box and backed up their keeper if they hadn't stopped on the offside whistle. I assume there was a whistle (I didn't hear it in the stands) because a lot of kids stopped and it appeared even Dunbaker hesitated.
SoccerAnswer, I disagree on the Sieverding header. From my view, he was pretty well-marked but simply outjumped and overpowered his defender.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 05:31 PM
Agreed on the Sieverding header. Great play by both Lunceford and Sieverding, to read the situation correctly and restart a shade quicker than expected.
Posted By: eMnAvA Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 06:43 PM

Even if he WAS onside -- and like I said, it was close -- you guys presume that a no-whistle-play-on would have resulted in a goal. I've seen at least half a dozen times this year when a kid went 1-v-1 on a keeper and shot the ball high/wide or saw the shot saved.

If you saw the 2A match, you would have seen a couple of those. Pro's miss too >> YouTube - Klose misses while in the 6yd Box <<


I was close and could have gone either way. I tend to favor the offense on close offside calls.
But, with that said, I don't recall the keeper letting up, or even knowing the LR signaled Offsides. I do however recall the ball going into the net.

(edited....darn, can't even spell with spell check on)

They call the offside against Irmo, but the same exact situation occurred during the game for Wando EXCEPT they did not call Offsides when it was VERY VERY close. The attack for Wando's final goal, to my eyes, could have been offside. I looked at the AR and as he was running he started to pull the flag from under his arm to call it, but then put it back. I mean, it was a pretty good game. I really enjoyed it, but if they are going to make calls, be consistent. Then, by saying that we go back to the conversation of having a Ref Rating System to have some sort of consistency.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 07:00 PM
I actually was amazed the call WASN'T made on Wando's third goal. Not because it was or wasn't offside; but rather because several of Irmo's staff members were lobbying vigorously for the call.
As to consistency, you're talking two different ARs. It's not like the same guy missed (or made) both calls. If BOTH calls had gone Irmo's way, and had Connor actually finished, the score would have been 2-2.
One of the funnier comments I've read on this board regards hearing the "thud" of the kick while Connor was onside.
I mean, really?
The kid himself didn't even hear the whistle over the crowd. Darn, I should hear so well!
Anyway, to me, Connor Dunbaker was M-O-T-M for Irmo, whether he scored or not. He played hard throughout, even when some of his more renowned teammates did not.
Posted By: Will Eudy Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 07:05 PM
"He played hard throughout, even when some of his more renowned teammates did not. " Backscreen 17

"that will just about cover the flybys!"- Goose
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 07:14 PM
Too blunt, Coach?
Posted By: HeTakesPictures Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 07:47 PM

One of the funnier comments I've read on this board regards hearing the "thud" of the kick while Connor was onside.
I mean, really?

"Why is everbody always pick'n on me?" - Charlie Brown

I see the play develope, I see the kick about to happen, I turn my head to look at Dunbaker do his move, I listen for...and yes...I hear the "thud" (...not really a "thud", more of a "pop"), and I make note of the location of Dunbaker.....

Ah yes!!!! Hotdog $2.00, Gatorade $2.00, being right on the sidelines of another SC HS Championship Soccer game......priceless
Posted By: James Gray Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 09:13 PM
Listening for the kick is what referees do too. When I am on the line as an AR, I always look for the offsides and listen to the ball. If you watch the ball get kicked, then turn your head, you are going to make the wrong call by assuming that the player was offsides. The AR's should be be even to the second to last defender, watching straight across the field, and should hear the kick happen. That is the way you are taught, to do it any differently is to do a disservice to all the players on the field.
Posted By: SmallSodaMan Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/24/11 10:04 PM

"that will just about cover the flybys!"- Goose

It was Viper!!!
Posted By: Barcelona10 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 02:41 AM
Why doesn't Coach Savitz Bleach his hair too?
Posted By: Spartan Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 04:21 AM
Good 1st post, SoccersAnswer! I'd have to agree with everything except for the "Rookie" mistake by Sullivan. That ball should have never been passed back to him. He had to play it at his feet right in front of the goal. It looked like he just whiffed a ball that was tough to play, travelling parallel to the goal with Wando's front line right on top of it. Wando's front line was way too fast to even think about passing a ball back that close to the middle.
Posted By: sG Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 05:17 AM
Spartan seriously??? Sullivan tried to take a touch and distribute the ball in his own box with a defender running towards him. That is a rookie mistake! He easily could have one touch cleared the ball, regardless of whether or not it should have been played to him. He had time to clear it for sure. Everytime the ball was played to him after that he looked shaky and uncomfortable.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 01:20 PM
Not his strength. Good shot stopper. Occasionally spills the ball. Not comfortable or particularly effective with the ball at his feet.
And yes, I understand ARs listen for the "thud." I just question whether ANYONE could have heard it in the context of several players and many observers not even hearing the whistle.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 01:21 PM
It is curious, though, that such misfortune could strike a program with 5 starting keepers.
Posted By: TSO Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 04:12 PM
I guess Coach Savitz didn't learn anything from last year's mistake by moving Emmett to forward. He was extremely ineffective as a forward last year vs Northwestern, and did nothing on the left wing in this game. He is an amazing CM, not sure why Irmo again made him play a position he is far less effective in.

I could understand if you were getting dominated and making the lineup change quickly, but the goals were from a set piece and a terrible mistake by the GK, it wasn't like the midfield was getting abused. Moving Emmett to forward only gets him less involved in the game when you needed him to take over.

#8 for Wando was a standout, not surprising Irmo scored when he was out of the game.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/25/11 05:08 PM
#8 is senior defender Hiago Barreto, who was a real warrior.
Posted By: sandman Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/27/11 01:29 AM
that 3rd wando goal doesn't look good on the schsl tv.
camera angles can really mislead the offsides tho, just saying it looks way off...irmo certainly had their chances & blew it.
Posted By: Mad River Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/27/11 07:52 PM
I'm an Irmo fan and can say that the Wando player was clearly onside on the last goal. Also agree that Dunbaker was on by the video but I was not in position to see it clearly live. the play by Sullivan on the second goal was not a difficult play for an experienced keeper.

It doesn't matter that Irmo has 5 keepers on it's varsity. Only one can play at a time and he was the one with the most experience.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: This thread needs to continue - 05/31/11 03:02 PM
The 5 GK question only matters in this context:
Are you actively developing a cadre of very good young keepers AND giving them a chance to gain valuable experience and playing time?
Or are you simply going with experience?
If memory serves, at one point earlier this season, someone surmised here that Irmo had 5 very good keepers, each of whom could start for most teams in the state.
My experience tells me that, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, you go with experience. It also tells me that all things are SELDOM equal.
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