SC Soccer
Posted By: BR Tigers JV Rule Question - 03/30/12 03:02 AM
Posting this in both varsity and jv forum to get a clear answer.

At the end of regulation of a JV match, how does it end? I've always been under the impression it ends in a tie. Had officials tell me tonight that this year it goes to two 5 minute halves followed by PK's if necessary.
Can someone clear this up for me...thanks!
Posted By: Coach J Re: JV Rule Question - 03/30/12 10:59 AM
It can , unless there is a Varsity Match schedule to start right after. Then you do not delay the start of the varsity match for OT .
Posted By: Klose Re: JV Rule Question - 04/01/12 09:34 PM
Best just to end them in a tie like everywhere else in the world.
Posted By: USNA82 Re: JV Rule Question - 04/02/12 12:52 PM
Recent Wando JV Match had 2 5 minute OT periods, followed by 5 rounds of Spot Kicks. Varsity Game started 20 minutes after scheduled time.
Posted By: aces Re: JV Rule Question - 04/02/12 04:08 PM
This year jv will play overtime if there is time before Varsity match, schools should schedule 1hr 45 min between matches so there is time for overtime.
Posted By: BR Tigers Re: JV Rule Question - 04/03/12 12:47 AM
Thank you for the answers. I guess I snoozed through that part of the rules meeting, I have a strong feeling I wasn't the only one though!
Posted By: arrgy Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 03:28 PM
With a 5:30 start and a 10 minute halftime the game should end around 6:45.

At which point it is impossible to get in the 5 minute break and coin toss, 5 minute first OT, 2 min break between OT periods, 5 minute OT period, 5-10 pre PK instructions and then the shootout.

No, the game ends in a tie. The referees need a break as well, and there is no way I am rushing to get my crew on the field to do a varsity match with no break between games.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 04:05 PM
"YOUR" crew? Wow. That sums it up. While I agree, a break is beneficial, and SHOULD be allowed for with a 5:15 jayvee start or a slightly delayed varsity start, "your" crew should simply handle the situation as pros.
Posted By: TugJobber Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 04:57 PM

With a 5:30 start and a 10 minute halftime the game should end around 6:45.

At which point it is impossible to get in the 5 minute break and coin toss, 5 minute first OT, 2 min break between OT periods, 5 minute OT period, 5-10 pre PK instructions and then the shootout.

No, the game ends in a tie. The referees need a break as well, and there is no way I am rushing to get my crew on the field to do a varsity match with no break between games.

Seriously, how fat are you that you can't catch your breath during a PK shootout? You're not exactly going box to box...
Posted By: aces Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 06:02 PM

If you are a referee in SC, then you should know that we have been instructed by SCHSL that the jv will play overtime. I guess you have never worked a tournament, where a ref can do 5-6 games in a day and 3-4 straight. Doing 2 games, where 1 is 30 min. halves and the other 40 muin. halves should not be a problem.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 06:05 PM
Fitness isn't in the Laws of the Game. THAT'S a matter of personal pride.
Posted By: It is, what It is! Re: JV Rule Question - 04/04/12 06:43 PM
arrgy, stepped in it on the girls side. Glad things are the same over here.
Posted By: Coach J Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 12:24 AM
Aces that only applies if it will not delay the start of the Varsity game, and as for a break ,I think going to the restroom and being able to hydrate are important factors to be considered.
Posted By: aces Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 12:45 PM
most teams get 15 min. to warm up on the field before you start, that should be plenty of time to Hydrate.
Posted By: James Gray Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 04:22 PM
I like what they do here (IL). Two referees do the JV match, then a 3rd referee comes in to do the varsity center. Makes for a good game with a fresh referee in the middle. But in all reality, you should be fit enough to go back to back with a JV/Varsity match.
Posted By: Import Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 04:52 PM

I like what they do here (IL). Two referees do the JV match, then a 3rd referee comes in to do the varsity center. Makes for a good game with a fresh referee in the middle. But in all reality, you should be fit enough to go back to back with a JV/Varsity match.

And the York County games do follow that policy, 2 for JV and 3 for varsity, in almost all cases.
Posted By: Import Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 04:54 PM

Fitness isn't in the Laws of the Game. THAT'S a matter of personal pride.

But a certain fitness level is required if you're upgrading or doing college/professional. Why shouldn't there be a basic requirement even at the entry or HS level? If you're not fit, how can you do the job????
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 05:42 PM
Agreed 100%. That was a response to an earlier comment in the thread.
Posted By: Sconners Re: JV Rule Question - 04/05/12 06:10 PM

Warms my heart to know that you are in it for the kids.
Posted By: arrgy Re: JV Rule Question - 04/08/12 10:06 AM
Fat has nothing to do with it. By my GPS watch I run an average of 3-6 miles a night doing games, thank you.

The issue is hydration. After a 60 minute JV match in the sun with only a 5 minute break, anyone will tell you that you should have at least 15 minutes to cool down and hydrate. Usually tie games are competitive matches with the ball up and down the field. How many football players have died just in practice because they didn't hydrate properly?

What people also forget is that after the JV match we have to take another 10-20 minutes to meet the varsity teams, get their rosters, meet with the captains do the coin toss and sometimes do the ceremonial walkout, etc.

So let me do math again. 5:30pm start means the game ends around 6:40 with half time. You give 5 minutes after the game, means OT starts at 6:45. The OT is 12 minutes long with halftime. Means the OT ends at 6:57. Lets be forgiving and say the shootout takes 10 minutes to do. The shootout ends at 7:07. It takes 15 minutes to do pregame, coin toss, etc for the varsity game. The varsity game now is starting around 7:20-7:30pm. How in the world are you going to start a varsity game on time, unless you build a time machine it is mathematically impossible!

You want to call me fat, fine. We can meet anytime and anywhere, and I will run circles around you. Sprint or distance, doesn't matter to me, I am faster then 90% of the players on the pitch and I can run in tournaments all day long from sun up to sun down. Asking for a 10-15 minute break in between games is not unresonable.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: JV Rule Question - 04/09/12 12:59 AM
My, we are defensive, my incredibly speedy, unfat, all-knowing friend.
Let's go one at a time.
1) Hydrate. Definitely. Before, during and after.
2) A 60-minute jayvee match generally is split into 2 30-minute halves, with a 10-minute rest/hydration break between.
3) Nobody is asking you to do the mathematically impossible, or physically inhumane. Start the varsity game late, as you suggest you must. Just don't rant about hydration, when you have chances to do so: a) before the jayvee; b) at halftime of the jayvee; c) before OT; d) after PKs, before varsity; e) varsity halftime; f) post-game.
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