SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous Barnwell 6 -- Blackville-Hilda 1 - 03/07/03 02:40 AM
Wet pitch, mediocre officiating, terrible game played by BH. That is all.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Barnwell 6 -- Blackville-Hilda 1 - 03/07/03 03:55 AM
i'm pretty sure that our game against barnwell was alot worse and we held our own!!! u can ask anybody that was watchin the game. so dont make an excuse for the lost!!!

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Barnwell 6 -- Blackville-Hilda 1 - 03/07/03 09:39 PM
yeah...too bad that wet pitch affects both teams, not just blackville hilda. couldnt tell ya if it was a terrible game or not for b-ville cause it was the first time i saw them this year, but barnwell had trouble moving the ball at first until they started passing a bit more. but itd sure be nice for the players (#12, etc.) not to dedicate themselves to rip the 2 strikers' ankles off and share those thoughts with his teammates. either way, good game..look forward to playing u guys later in the season [Wink]
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Barnwell 6 -- Blackville-Hilda 1 - 03/07/03 11:30 PM
I think the wet pitch does effect both teams, but it can play to one teams advantage more than others. A team that plays more directly will benefit from rain more because the ball will skip(if the field doesnt have puddles) away from the defenders, and the forwards can run onto the balls. If a team is possession oriented, the ball is harder to move around. The game slows down and the physical team usually benefits more from rain.
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