SC Soccer
Posted By: BDad11 Sumter vs Irmo - 04/01/03 02:54 PM
Sumter vs Irmo in Cola. tonight.What do you think? The gamecocks have been pointing to this date since practice started,however, Irmo at home will be extremely difficult.Two serious championship contenders go toe to toe.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/01/03 04:15 PM
Gamecocks to win 2-1
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/01/03 04:55 PM
Sumter and it will be by a couple of goals.
Posted By: LF Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/01/03 07:11 PM
Time for Sumter to see if they are for real or not. Irmo may be peaking right about now. They pretty much had a no-contest beating Dutch Fork 6-0, and Dutch Fork is pretty darn good. Not good for Sumter. Should be a very intense, good game. Could be at least 2 red cards given out.
Posted By: James Gray Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 02:28 AM
irmo 3, sumter 1
Posted By: Soccer Watcher Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 02:33 AM
Originally posted by Soccerboy:
irmo 3, sumter 1

Is that a prediction or the actual score?
Posted By: James Gray Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 02:48 AM
that was the actual score. Irmo pretty much dominated.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 11:04 AM
At least I got the couple of goals right.Irmo is stronger than I thought.I guess next yr. will be their off year.
Posted By: Cola Fan Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 02:50 PM
I'm not an Irmo fan, but it never ceases to amaze me how Irmo always seems to answer the bell. Year-in and year-out this program is at the top and usually knock off all challengers.

I've been watching Columbia soccer for a good while and until someone knocks them off the hill consistently, they'll always be the team to beat!

Last night was just another example!
Posted By: BDad11 Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 03:15 PM
No question about it, the best team won.Sumter had a difficult time mounting any offensive attack,and when they did it was always 1 on 3,or 2 on 3.Irmo dominated on the flanks as well.Round 1 goes to Irmo,with round 2 and possibly 3 to come.But as of now Irmo is on top.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/02/03 03:46 PM
Irmo controlled the game from start to finish and Sumter only had 2 good scoring chances the entire game. Their goal came at the end of the game which could be easily discounted. Sumter did not play up to their potential or that preseason SV game was a fluke. Cards were really an issue too--about 10 yellow cards were dished out--even on both sides. Will things be different next time?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/03/03 02:52 AM
The SV vs. Sumter wasn't a very good game. SV didn't bring their A-Game to the field and the score obviously reflected that. Sumter is a good team and they will be successful this season.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/04/03 01:46 AM
sumter just didnt want it! they had more than 2 chances on goal. they didnt bring there A game, if they get rid of a few mistakes that woulda been a close game even if sumter played bad
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/04/03 09:05 PM
The comment that annoys me the most out of all the post I hear is that a team "JUST DIDN'T WANT IT"! Does this really make sense? Sometimes great teams have off games, but that doesn't mean they didn't want a different result. A lot of people say this, but usually they are just fans or a bystander. I can't remember a game in my life that I didn't want to win. Maybe I'm different than most, but then again...maybe there are some out there who just don't want championships (yeah right).
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Sumter vs Irmo - 04/06/03 05:37 AM
It doesnt matter that sumter didnt bring there "A Game"...Irmo is just, well, simply a MUCH better team.
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