SC Soccer
Posted By: count zero The future of AAA Soccer - 05/13/03 09:15 PM
Upper State
Region I
D.W. Daniel

Region II
J.L. Mann
Christ Church

Region III
Ben Lippen
West Florence

Lower State
Region IV
Cardinal Newman
A.C. Flora

Region V
North Myrtle Beach
Myrtle Beach
Carolina Forest
Bishop England

Region VI
Pinewood Prep
Beaufort Academy
Hilton Head Christian

Base Schedule is 8 games from your region plus 1 rotating team from the other 2 regions in upper/lower state. 10 games base schedule + 6 games the schools can pick + tournement games.

I don't know how to do the playoff, there would probably be a lot of complaining if there was just 8 team from upper and lower state so I guess
top 4 teams then the standard playoff.

I think that all the playoff game would be great, cause right now in AAA many of the first round games are no contests.

I know that no one cares about this stuff and if anybody does they know it will not happen in our lifetime but give me you thoughts any way.

Count Zero
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/13/03 09:44 PM
I'd like to see it & well though of----but--------it makes too much sense just like there's no real state champ.Little Christ Church could probably win it all this year!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/13/03 10:04 PM
I know- well thought of.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/13/03 10:04 PM
That is a real good idea Count but what would happen to 2A and 1A....Bishop England and Chapin would be gone so only teams like Pendleton, Waccamaw,Andrew Jackson, and Emerald would be at the top...that leaves a two very competive schools..and 1A..the one team that rises above the rest and it would be gone..then 1A would be the best of the mediocre teams. that is just moving the good teams up and leaving the smaller schools to have no respect or competion. But it is a good plan..maybe the high school league can build on it
Posted By: centermid06 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/13/03 11:24 PM
I think that it would be interesting if they would throw some of those schools into the mix just to see what would happen. But who does evryone think will win 3A lowerstate, upperstate, and the championship in '04??
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 01:09 AM
Well since you asked centermid06, I belive that Brookland Cayce will win the lowerstate championship and state championship the next three years in a row. I dont mean to brag or any thing but them BC boys are bad. [Big Grin]
Posted By: jwoodring Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 02:03 AM
I hate to upset the applecart but they are building Bluffton High School which is a spin-off of Hilton Head High School. This means that both Bluffton and Hilton Head will be AAA starting in 2004.
Posted By: Kevin Heise Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 02:33 AM
I'm not sure which of the Hilton Head high schools will receive the future services of the current JV Hilton Head HS team, but I can assure you this:

#8, #10, etc. will have plenty to say about the status of AAA soccer should their respective school play in Class AAA.

They are very good players and I had the pleasure to introduce myself to each of them during the Ridge View Junior Varsity Tournament a couple of weeks ago!
Posted By: Jack Rozier Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 02:38 AM
Maybe it's because i've been writing a term paper and it's pretty late... but do you mean these new schools will be entering next year or the year after this upcoming year.

I think Count is right... the regions are way to uneven. Some regions there is no contest(Georgetown's region) and then in others it is insane (Mann's region). It really doesn't make any sense that 4 teams that could all make it to State are in the same region. I know it has a lot to do with other sports..but I mean come on. It's getting ridiculous.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 02:53 AM
Count Zero,

The Sun News had an article that said they had already hired a football coach for 2004 (Saint James High school. Maybe this was a misprint, but it lead me to believe there will be a new high school in Horry County and it would make Socastee a 3 AAA school. When that happens, wouldn't they be 3AAA in soccer? That would have Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Carolina Forest, Socastee, St. James, and Georgetown (very close) being regionally close, and make for a competetive region! Unless you are voicing the argument to make regions competetetive regardless of travel expenses, this appears to be a good thing for 3AAA soccer in the low country. This may take until 2005 though. I don't know if the article was fact or speculation. It would dilute our talent, just like too many club teams did in the past. I will admit that too many club teams did help develop more players to account for the ones that get burnt out with club soccer at too young of an age, and quit playing!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 03:34 AM
BMASTER21 is right. BC's players are bad. A lot of them can ball with many seniors of other teams as freshmen. That is a great accomplishment and can only mean future success. If they can ball with seniors as freshmen, imagine what they can do as juniors or seniors.

Think about it....
Posted By: count zero Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 12:50 PM
I think that if Socastee and Hilton Head are splitting and they can maintain the quality of soccer all 4 of the schools that would be great for soccer. I tried to balance the regions as best as I could geographically and competatively. So that team would not have to drive 2 hours.

The only team I had a hard time with was York, because they are kind of out there by themselves as a AAA school.

The main point I was making with BE, Chapin and Christ Church is that in the last ten years Chapin, Christ Church and BE have won every Championship except one team, Hanahan 1997.

Allowing teams to play against opponents who are closer in skill would allow for more exciting games and everyone would have more fun then being killed my a BE or CC.

Question #1:
I heard that Chapin is going to brake the 1000 students barrier and they might go up to 3A next year anyway, does anyone know about that??

Question #2:
There are a couple of schools in 4A that should not be there(maybe not even in 3A, not the schools falt) but are there any school that any of you guys think should drop down from 4A to 3A, that would make competition beat for them and for the Class?

Remember the moving between classes and regions only applies for soccer.

thanks for the feedback

Count Zero

We should set up the
SCHSSL aka SC High School Soccer League it could be any arm of SC High School League ie SC High School (insert sport) League.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 01:33 PM
I know that people don't think much of Lakewood, but where would they fit in to the schedule that you've suggested? They are AAA after all.
Posted By: count zero Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 01:50 PM
probably be bumped down to 2A with some of the other 3A schools

Belton-Honea Path
G.D. Broome
Lake City
R.B. Stall
Wade Hampton-G
Travelers Rest
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 02:18 PM
All of those teams are going to be 2A?? that seems to many.. in other would be a lot of teams but in soccer that would add a lot more competition that has been missing..Most of the 1st round of 2A and 1A for that matter was byes...maybe this would make a lot more teams in the playoffs...Count how would u put 2A in each region. I come from Andrew Jackson and i would like more teams in our region besides Cheraw.
Posted By: Jack Rozier Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/14/03 11:16 PM
There are a lot of great ideas in this thread.

Things had to be changed for them to be how they are it's not like this stuff would be impossible. The people in the position to do something about it just need to get busy. I would assume that the High School League meets atleast monthly if not weekly right?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/15/03 01:17 AM
Maybe its just me but I don't think really dropping all these teams is the issue. Yeah some can't compete, but teams like mine Wade Hampton (G) can. We were just thrown in a tough region. Region II AAA. We finished 5th in that region, but if you put us in Region III AAA we finish 2nd probably pretty easily. Nothing against that region just the teams in region II are much stronger. We hung in with all the top teams in our region (3-5 to Eastside, 1-2 to Mann, 1-3 to Greenville). I think the Regions should just be evened out a bit more so that the playoffs resemble the top teams in the upstate and lower state.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/15/03 07:05 PM
Well, first of all, I'm pretty sure that you can't just drop a AAA team down to AA just because they can't compete. The region is decided by school size not ability.

As a weaker school, I'd love to play in a region where I was more competitive, but where would that leave us. It sucks to be the pathetic team in the region who always finishes last. Lakewood was AAAA for the first four years and had to play teams like RNE, Spring Valley, and Ridge View. Then we were dropped to AAA with A.C. Flora which gave us better opportunities to play good soccer. Now we are with West Florence who thoroughly dominated our game.

My point is that in each region there will be a powerhouse, a few good teams and then the chaff. If we just put the good teams in one group and the poor teams in another, we would have two regions. The Good and the Bad (and where would the ugly fit in?). Separating the good from the bad is the reason we have playoffs. We don't just throw the weak teams in a corner because they suck.

Our teams need this strong competition. It gives us something to work towards. If we never see it, how will we ever achieve it?
Posted By: count zero Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/15/03 07:50 PM
The point of the orginal proposal was that you would ignore school size.

The point is not to just throw the other school into a corner but to put them into a league were they can play teams and compete with them. these teams still have opportunity to play teams outside of there division with the 6 game that they will schedule themselves.

If you are on a team that gets consistantly pounded by 7-12 goals a game and you have a small chance to get into the playoff and evem if you got that far you would get killed by a higher seed. Would you guys on those teams want to play teams at your level, having more than a chance to win games and win playoff games.

In looking at how schools get to have Great Soccer teams/programs is by have a great coach that is committed and having all of the players playing some kind of Club ball all year round(except during the HS season) at all levels so that quality players are available.

I know that for many schools outside of large cities don't have club teams available to them and it is going to be harder for them to improve.

Sorry for all the random thoughts

Count Zero
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/19/03 01:00 AM
can bishop england move up in the SCHSSL to 3a? i dont even understand how a SCISA team plays in the public high school system anyway. if chapin moves up, no offense to bishop england because they are really good, but they wont move up because when chapins gone they will win state every year. and if they move up they wont be as good and might not make it to state. im not ragging on them cause chapin wont have a good team for state in a long time.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/19/03 03:54 PM
the future of 3a soccer is figo lailson babydick!!! yeaaaaaaaa

--wax it up and grind
Posted By: BDad11 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/19/03 05:00 PM
Chapinfan, Bishop England is not a SCISA team.They are a member of the SC High School League.They abide by the SCHSL regs. Likewise Christ Church.Private schools-yes/ SCISA-no.

By the way congrats on a great game.I have enjoyed the level of soccer played by Chapin and BE in the finals the last 2 years.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/20/03 05:38 PM
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/20/03 05:47 PM
LAY OFF THE CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!! They have to go to Dreher unless they MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/21/03 09:04 PM
Ale Boy,I would but how would you earn a living if I did!!!!!!!!!!!Dreher or BC will rule the state and will be able to beat any team in the state,4-A or any A:
Posted By: BDad11 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/21/03 09:14 PM
A word of caution! Nothing is guaranteed.I know BC and Dreher have talented young players,but take nothing for granted.See Sumter Gamecocks 2003.The Gamecocks had a very talented group of players who played together from about U11 on up.I mean some real talent.3 got scholarships and a couple more could have.But things just didn't work out.Prepare to the utmost of your ability and pray for good fortune.You never know.But,don't expect it to automatically happen just because you started on varsity in 9th grade.Good Luck.
Posted By: Cola Fan Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/21/03 09:49 PM
BDad11, I'm sure all the players at Dreher and B-C realize that their youthful stature the past couple of years does not entitle them to soccer greatness in the future.

However, after two-straight "around" .500 seasons for the Blue Devils, I expect them to be in the hunt next year for the Lower State title. DHS is going to have a nice infusion of talent from their very good JV squad and if they mesh well should challenge Myrtle Beach next year. Just look at this year's Quarterfinals game at Memorial. Dreher has to get more offensive production next year.

B-C will reap benefits from this past year and I don't expect them to stay down long. They could challenge MB and Dreher next year for the LS championship if things go well for them and be sure that they have some very talented young players (especially the Evans kid). No doubt that they might be able to contend for three straight seasons.

The usual suspect from the Upper State will be a challenge, but teams like Daniel and Riverside lose a lot. Eastside, JL Mann, and Greenville will win US next year.
Posted By: BDad11 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/21/03 10:04 PM
Cola Fan, I think I was speaking more to the "supporters"than the players.But, you are correct from what I've seen in club ball BC and Dreher both have much to look forward to in the coming years.
I can rememember talking to the Sumter High parents about 4 years ago and their expectations were much as they are for BC and Dreher now.But,injuries, expulsions,and just some darn good opposition kept them from achieving their goal.
I'm not sure this rivalry can stand it if these two teams battle it out for lower state the next 3 years.These boards will be rockin' if that comes to pass.
Posted By: centermid06 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/22/03 01:15 AM
Bdad you said somehing about good competittion have you looked at BC's shedule form 03?? I know sumter is 4A and they have VERY TALENTED teams in all of the state but did you count how many QUALITY 4A teams that BC played?? It was tough competition fr all 11 players having this be their first startig role on a varsity squad.

And for andbody tha says Dreher wll be able to crush BC b/c they have one or two years on them is SOOOOOOOOOO wrong b/c they don't play the caliber teams such as James Island, Sumter, Ridge View, Spring Valley, Dutch Fork,Cardinal Newman, Ben Lippen,Chapin, Lexington, and Porter-Gaud during the regular season or in scrimmages before the season begins. So if you absolutely LOVE Dreher oh well deal with heir losses!!!
Posted By: centermid06 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/22/03 01:18 AM
oh and shearer hey don't have to go to Dreher unless they move b/c if their gaurdian is ateacher or an employee in Lex. 2 they can go any where inside the school district or they ca go to the zoned area for them.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/22/03 01:26 AM
Centermid...yes BC plays very good teams but how can you say that Dreher doesn't...
Dreher played:
Aiken twice
North Myrtle Beach
West Florence
Lexington twice
Ben Lippen
Bishop England
Cardianl Newman
Myrtle Beach

I believe that the 2A,3A,and 4A state champs are in there. Along with the 2A, and 3A runner-ups. Also, Aiken went out in the Upper state championship for 4A in pks to Northwestern. So personally I think that our strength of schedule was much harder than yalls.
Posted By: centermid06 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/23/03 04:59 AM

the schedules were pretty much even b/c BC would have played BE in the Palmetto cup if it weren't for the ruling against them playing b/c of Easter. And plus how many freshman did yo start this year 2?? BC started at least 12 gamesof the season with 9 FRESHMAN starting!!

And for anyoe that says BC isn't playing club ball atr the highest level is crazy. BC isn't playing Premiership like Irmo but how many Dreher guys start for Irmo?? Not many so they aren't getting playing time unless someone gets injured and thats just my two cents!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/22/03 05:28 PM
Just some FYI, all 3 of Dreher's freshman that played on the X-Treme started every game and played every minute of every game when it wasn't a blowout. Also, along with Benny Smith, George Rushe, and Sean Baeir...Carl Anderson is playing for us this year and he will be gettin a lot of PT. Centermid you are talking about things you don't even know about. Plus, all 3 of Dreher's freshman started for Dreher and if we didn't have so many Juniors we would have others like John McClam(JV), Benny Smith(JV), Thomas Thunnel(JV), Drew Leatherman(JV), and others from the JV team that could step up and play varsity. All of those players on JV play for Necsa Ambush with the exception of Benny who plays for CSC. So...I think that we are playing at just as high of a level as BC is if not higher in the off season. So keep your two cents cause its worth nothing.
Posted By: centermid06 Re: The future of AAA Soccer - 05/22/03 10:06 PM
ok you say i don't know what i'm talking about yet i said that the kids that played CSC will be playng Premiership. I'm not playing Premiersip but i am playing statewide league which is right under it. And if these freshman were so good than why weren't they playing varsity?? and know your argument will be that you had a lot of juniors. BOO FREAKIN HOO!! cut them if they suck and play the freshman!
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