SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous Dixie Should be ranked - 03/28/04 03:37 PM
We played the 2nd ranked team twice and went into PKs both time shouldn't that mean something. We were tired and sore when we played williston the boys are thick (not good). I think blackville and any other team we have played would tell you that we should be ranked.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/28/04 03:53 PM
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/29/04 05:09 AM
I do think that you guys deserve to be ranked, I'm not arguing with that. You guys are a really good team and you deserve more respect than you're given. But.....the rankings are based on wins and loses. What is hurting ya'll is your win/lose record. Also, even though you played 2 tight games with us the rankings aren't based on close games they are based on wins and loses. If you guys had've gone down to the lower state and beaten Blackville-Hilda(which you did) AND Wilston-Elko then you would be ranked number 5. I understand that you were fatigued when you play Wilston-Elko, but you lost and that's all the the rankings show. If you guys keep winning then you'll get bumped up into the top 5.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/28/04 06:05 PM
your right.. i actually agree with u this time.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/28/04 06:13 PM
Lol, thanx man, sorry about all the arguing.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/30/04 05:52 AM
Blackville was mad physical a lot of them looked like a football team without any pads. They roughed some of our little guys up pretty bad and that caused them to play like crap on saturday. Also Williston has some kind of problem with there ball boys about 20 min of our game was spent waiting for one of our fans to go get a ball when it sailed over the fence there were 3 game balls to warm up with then once the whistle blew 2 of them magically disappeared. Also we did score a goal that was called offsides notice i said called and not "was"
Posted By: Striker33 Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/29/04 07:27 PM
aahhh......I may give DIXIE the #5 spot, but that's about it. Haven't really played anyone else but SCS. In fact neither has #3 & #4 but I think you should be at #5. Only problem is that you will never really know b/c you guys don't play and never will #3 and #4. Though I heard that was a good game as was DIXIE and SCS.

~Need to have SCS, Buford, Gov. School, and Dixie all play each other. That would make for some good soccer!!! Since Dixie and SCS have been close games and Buford and Gov. School was close (all games ended in PK's). This would tell the story.....................
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/29/04 07:39 PM
I Dont think Dixie wants any of Gov's school.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/29/04 11:24 PM are so correct. what team do you play for? that would be a great thing to have a tournament of the those 1A teams, plus CC, BH and WE. Green Knight...who do you play for? dixie actually is pretty good and i'm sure would play very close with govenor's school. but, the best would be a tournament
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/30/04 03:17 AM
I play for West Florence.

I just said that in the case that Dixie thought they could easily take Gov's School and move up in the rankings. They are a good team.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/30/04 04:10 AM
Good Stuff..
Posted By: Striker33 Re: Dixie Should be ranked - 03/30/04 02:50 PM
I'm just a avid soccer fan who thinks 1A doesn't get all the respect it deserves. When you have probably 7 teams (besides CC) that are "quality teams and all probably deserve a chance at the top 5, well then you have a good thing going for the division. I also think (as stated in previous post) that there is some competition that is being deprived between upper and lower state. I really think there would be some good match ups b/w these teams. I just don't ever see it happening and that's a shame. Is there a way to have some type of tournament just for 1A (maybe even 2A as well)???
~Good luck to all 1A teams. Keep the Top 5 drama going. Always makes for some good topics!!!
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