SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/03/04 03:37 AM
Does North Augusta's student section anger you? Does the constant shrill trumpet irritate you. Does Aiken's #4 care, he seemed cool with the #4 talk. #14, and #7 both got mad.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/03/04 07:45 PM
Does goal #3 still hurt? You lost. You're a band nerd. Get over it.

By the way, #s 14 and 7 would both beat the living hell out of you if it came to that.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/09/04 10:43 PM
Headstrong, the so called band nerd with the trumpet is a 6"3" 280 all region football player bound for college football in the fall. A soccer nerd like you may want to be carefull with your mouth before a real athlete grabs you by the neck and squeezes your soccer nerd head off. I'll bet the reason you became a soccer nerd is that you were not a good enough athlete to play any other sport ( or did your soccer mommy think you may get hurt?). Everyone knows that theres one thing worse than a band nerd and thats a soccer nerd spoiled rotten by his soccer mommy. Also, your opinions in other posts about opposing players and teams is typical soccer nerd BS!
Not a good enough athlete to play any other sport? You may want to rethink that statement...
And all of a sudden soccer players aren't real athletes...How come no one posted this on here? I sure wasn't informed.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/10/04 12:44 AM
it takes more skill to play soccer than football -----player

---2 in a row--
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/10/04 12:47 AM
i like how this dyer kid is talkin crap about soccer players on a soccer website..i dont think a football player would be smart enough to know how to register for this site
I've played both sports (and yes a position besides kicker or punter) and soccer is by far the more challenging sport. Football is primarily physical ability, except for quarterback, kicker, and punter, while soccer blends prime physical ability with ball skill. Soccer takes this one, no question. I wonder what kind of a super athlete dyer douche is. Probably runs cross country because he couldn't make any other team.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/10/04 04:56 AM
If the hornblower "loves" to play American football, the boy doesn't have the constitution to run cross-country. Football players tire early, particularly at 280.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/10/04 05:54 PM
Ok chill out I was just ragging headstrong because of his comments. Soccer players are without a doubt some of the greatest athletes in the world. Amer football and soccer require different abilities. I just wanted headstrong to know that the trumpet player was not some band nerd as he said and he shouldn't make threats. Also the guys playing the trumpet are trying to add some excitement and enthusiasm to the games which would help high school soccer grow in popularity and result in larger attendance and participation at games. I think we would all agree that it would be nice to have the student body turn out for games and not just have a hand full of parents attending. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of interest in soccer from an attendance standpoint and I think we would all agree that it would be good if that were to change for the better. I think its great these so called band nerds are coming out for the games and adding some excitement. Soccer needs that to happen!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/11/04 12:41 AM
^ Yeah, your first post was pretty ruthless but you make some really good points. You are totally correct in my view that the fans there are nothing but parents, I guess this might be because in good games you may find a game with what...1 goal? And a majority of the game may consist of mere passes until one team gets a break. The comparison between football and soccer is that football has all the excitement and drama that soccer may lack because there is really no play like a 4th down and 4...I mean you get me right? Sure there are PK shootouts but those are somewhat rare to me. Maybe I am just rambling here but again, you make great points and I believe soccer certainly does deserve more respect.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/12/04 04:09 AM
"the so called band nerd with the trumpet is a 6"3" 280 all region football player bound for college football in the fall"

Yet he has nothing better to do with his time than blowing a horn at soccer games, then getting on the internet and bragging about it? Sounds like a future star to me.

"A soccer nerd like you may want to be carefull with your mouth before a real athlete grabs you by the neck and squeezes your soccer nerd head off"

First, I've never played organized soccer in my life. Basketball's my sport. Second, not ONE of those kids from NA will touch me. I laugh just thinking about it.

"Also, your opinions in other posts about opposing players and teams is typical soccer nerd BS!"

Good call. You can tell I've been a soccer nerd all my life, right?

"I just wanted headstrong to know that the trumpet player was not some band nerd as he said and he shouldn't make threats"

I made no threats. All I'm saying is that both #7 and #14 would beat any one of those dudes' asses. I don't care how big the trumpet player is.

"Also the guys playing the trumpet are trying to add some excitement and enthusiasm to the games which would help high school soccer grow in popularity and result in larger attendance and participation at games"

No. Not at all. They do it for the attention. It has no bearing on the game itself, it just attracts attention to them, and that's what they want. Think about it. If they were doing it to add some excitement to the game and to hopefully help NA win, would they be bragging about how annoying they are? More power to em. Doesn't mean they aren't nerds though.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/14/04 11:49 PM
My friends and I, "The Band Nerds", none of whom are in band class, play for two reasons. First of all we play to pump up the players. Second we play to annoy the opposing players, and or fans. We get positive support from many fans and parents of both teams. Reading that you guys are stressing out over "The Band Nerds" makes me laugh.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 12:57 AM
Just bc u headstrong dont mean u can take on anyone punk, go listen to your gay little song. That 6"3 280 dude that plays for us would punish you. He can do what he wants to do, if he wants to go to soccer games and have fun then he will bc you or no one else is gona stop him.Obviously you aint that good at basketball either bc did yall even make the playoffs this year? Thats terrible yall had allan to, yall couldnt get him the ball? You dont want to come down here and mess with NA punk.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 02:50 AM
NA, we beat you. Get over it. Playing instruments at soccer games does not make you a badass.

Dirk, if you knew me, you'd understand the name. It has nothing to do with any song, Albert.

As for Mike Singletary, he CAN do what he wants. I'm not trying to stop him. If he wants to be part of a group of egotistical nerds, then so be it. I'm glad he's such a big hardass. He's not going to touch anyone, though, so drop the threats.

"did yall even make the playoffs this year?"

Actually, we finished the season at 22-3, winning the region and sweeping NA in the process.

"Thats terrible yall had allan to, yall couldnt get him the ball? You dont want to come down here and mess with NA punk"

First, who is "allan"? Second, we already came down there and beat NA. Third, "punk" is no longer "in".
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 03:24 AM
I guess that would explain the mindless blathering about "allan" and not making the playoffs. I must've given the nerd a little too much credit.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 06:28 PM
Greenville High's fans are the greatest ever.... Just ask around
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 07:18 PM
why did you put irmo as your school in your profile?

i hope you arent a stat boy are you?

Aiken was good in basketball , i read your profile and saw irmo and heard u say something about basketball so thats why i said that.Also correct me if im wrong but i dont believe that you contributed to that aiken basketball teams record bc i know most of their players.

Third, "punk" is no longer "in".

that was gay right there punk haha

nobody said we were tryin to be badasses at the soccer game, but hopefully well see you at the aiken game punk.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/15/04 09:29 PM
Yes, I'm the statboy for Aiken. I know that at least a couple of your fellow nerds have known that since last year.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 02:06 AM
yall are losers, Headstrong has gotten so far into your heads even football players have to defend what they do at soccer games to a stat boy, if you really had a scholorship to a big time school you wouldnt care what a stat boy for thought biotch
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 04:07 AM
Headstrong, tell me how you can even think about calling us nerds when you are a STATBOY, i mean come on, that screams i have no athletic ability at all.go sharpen your pencil punk.

DMBwhodi, shutup no one cares what you think. aint nobody defending what we do at soccer games, we dont let stat boys and their gay friends talk crap about us. also this is just a question bc im curious, how do you like south aiken and aiken, arent they rivals?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 04:29 AM
"Headstrong, tell me how you can even think about calling us nerds when you are a STATBOY"

Because you play musical instruments at high school soccer games.

"that screams i have no athletic ability at all"

Again, I have friends that are on the team, and it gives me something to do on weeknights. I'm a big sports fan, as well. If you want me to bring a football or a basketball or something to the game, I'll be glad to cross one of your nerdy asses up or run an out pattern for you.

As for SA and Aiken, I can't answer for whodi, but most of the guys from both teams have been playing together for years. I think the only person from SA who no one really likes is Joey Spencer. Him and Craig. And T.J. And Goose.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 01:44 PM
haha i didnt know it was legal for statboys to talk junk. go sharpen your pencil punk.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 01:46 PM
haha i didnt know it was legal for statboys to talk junk. go sharpen your pencil punk.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 07:33 PM
I could imagine. I bet there's a lot of things you don't know.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 08:50 PM
Headstrong go ahead and bring one of them footballs and try to run whateva u want on me. so people from our school have a since humor so what shows u have ure head up ure ass and cant take it. we got in ure heads and if it wasnt for a crappy call at the end of the game yall wouldnt of even of won. u only wish that people would give a crap about yalls soccer team so quite bustin on our fans. Someone playing an instrument just playing around or really in a band deserves more respect than a stat boy. And if ure the stat boy because u have nuthin to do then you are a loser. looks like u need to find a life instead of being the coach's and team's little biotch.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/16/04 08:51 PM
Headstrong go ahead and bring one of them footballs and try to run whateva u want on me. so people from our school have a since humor so what shows u have ure head up ure ass and cant take it. we got in ure heads and if it wasnt for a crappy call at the end of the game yall wouldnt of even of won. u only wish that people would give a crap about yalls soccer team so quite bustin on our fans. Someone playing an instrument just playing around or really in a band deserves more respect than a stat boy. And if ure the stat boy because u have nuthin to do then you are a loser. looks like u need to find a life instead of being the coach's and team's little biotch. #57
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/17/04 02:53 AM
This post has makes me laugh in so many ways.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/17/04 07:31 PM
First, no one cares what number you are. Second, NA was VERY lucky to tie the game up, and we're going to beat you this time around as well. Third, I don't care if you nerds have a sense of humor or not. You play instruments at soccer games and then you get on your computers and gloat about how great you are afterward.

"Someone playing an instrument just playing around...deserves more respect than a stat boy"

HA. I'm glad you think so.

By the way, if you nerds really want me to, I could teach you how to read and write. $10 fee, 8 classes.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/18/04 07:06 PM
Headstrong why are you so gay? Most of the students that go to the games play varsity high school sports, you are a freakin statboy. How does that make you feel? you keep stats. Dont you wish you were playing or doing something that is really productive? I guess not, I guess you get all your glory by calling varsity sports players that go to soccer games and mess around nerds, while you on the other hand are a statboy.Who is the real nerd?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 01:29 AM
headstrong i don't know why you care, if they wanna just go mess around and have fun at a soccer game who should stop them?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 03:29 AM
what is wrong with liking both aiken and south aiken, your just mad because all the rednecks in north agusta cant put together a decent team in basketball aiken high was top 3 in the state and in soccer south aiken and aiken were both top 5 in the state...where is north augusta??? thats what i thought....i support soccer in Aiken and thats the bottom line...if you were any good at football you would be going to a big school and we would all watch you on ESPN, ABC, CBS, but the only way we will see you on there is when you get arrested for sleeping with your sister....peace, im out
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 06:12 PM
DMBwhodi, you gay and you dont even know what your talking can you say we dont even put a decent team out there in any sport? yea aiken was good this year and yall beat us but before that please tell me the last time aiken beat NA, yea u dont know punk bc it was so long we went out in the 2nd round just like the almighty aiken yall suck but im glad yall beat SA to get that 4th place playoff spot, but SA sucks yall are good i give you that but i hope we split with yall just like we did last year. SA is good at this 2 but we beat them once already.Football- aiken has been good over the years in football but we did beat you this year and time when u post try to know a little bit about what you're talking about instead of just bs-ing.

P.S. tell statboy he needs to run sprints with the aiken soccer team to lose some of that weight haha
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 08:49 PM
"as for Aiken NA beat them in Baseball, Football,girls basketball maybe, looks like NA has a better sports program than both SA and Aiken"

You beat us in football, but we won the region. You swept us in women's basketball, but we swept you in men's.

We swept NA in men's cross country, women's cross country, volleyball, men's tennis, women's tennis, men's track(still in progress, but we dominated the first meeting), women's track(same), women's golf, we've won the first meeting in both men's and women's soccer, and I'd have to check on men's golf, but I'm confident we at least split with you there, and I believe we beat you in softball, but I'll have to ask one of the players. Aiken will likely be the highest ranked Little 32 team in the Sears Cup rankings. Likely better than most Big 16 schools. By the way, RBM, Aiken was ranked in the top three in state throughout the entire year. And even though we lost in the second round, the Beachball selection committee apparently thinks we return the most talented team in the state, not just 3rd or 4th. So no, NA does not have a better athletics program than Aiken. Not even close.

And Dirk - 1. - Our basketball team beat your's in 2002, when we had A.J. Gordon and Josh Stallings, and - 2. - I'm far from fat.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 09:31 PM
And everything other sport I named. Wow, looks like NA can beat us in only three sports.

Sorry to tell you, but the less popular sports draw the most points in the Directors(changed from Sears a couple years ago I think) Cup standings. Those sports tell you more about a school's athletic department than football and baseball do.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 09:34 PM
sorry Headstrong but you are wrong about beating us in 2002 because you didnt, so go check your stats again and get it right.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 09:35 PM
I'm pretty sure we did, actually. If you can prove me wrong, please do so.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 09:46 PM
I'm probably thinking of South Aiken.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/19/04 10:52 PM

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 01:04 AM
I know im right about that aiken game in 2002 bc i was on the team.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 04:03 AM
Dirk, we beat NA at least once in the two seasons prior to last. It really doesn't mean that much to me. We swept you this season. Get over it.

Swali, there is no South Carolina High League. Those acronyms can be tricky sometimes.


I am 100% unathletic. No athletic ability whatsoever. You'll see at the game. And for what it's worth, you don't have to be very athletic at all to play a lot of high school sports. If you play or played varsity basketball, then you have room to talk. If you started at quarterback for varsity, then you have room to talk. If you made the football, baseball, soccer, track, cross country, tennis, or golf teams, then there's no telling how athletic you are. I know it's hard for you to understand that, but trust me. It doesn't take much to just be on a team.


Unsurprisingly, you can't come up with anything more creative than that. I would give you props for even trying, but I don't feel that you deserve it.


Points or goals? Get your sports termonology up to par, then talk trash. We scored 0 goals against Dreher. We scored 3 goals against NA. Would you like to ask me which team of those two I think is better?


I don't know if you were trying to or not, but you just assured me that you are the biggest badass on the face of the planet.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 12:37 PM
"By the way, if you nerds really want me to, I could teach you how to read and write. $10 fee, 8 classes. "

word on the screet is that you tried to play soccer a while back but didnt have the grades to?

could be wrong but thats what i heard? If so, was that how much it cost you to go to summer school?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 03:20 PM
Dirk...great grammar...what does Headstrong having to go to summer school have to do with anything...are we talking aobut soccer and sports or how someone did in school?? Who cares about how he did in school..that proves no point at all....and i really dont care if North Augusta beat Aiken in you?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 04:21 AM
no i dont care if na beats sa in softball haha, i never said anything about that.the only reason why i brought the school thing is because your boy said this
""By the way, if you nerds really want me to, I could teach you how to read and write. $10 fee, 8 classes. " People who go to summer school or cant play sports because of grades dont need to be making comments like that.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 09:15 PM
I think anyone with a brain could tell who needs to be teaching who here. By the way, summer school costs around $250, not $10. Good question, though.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 09:37 PM
headstrong you are a freaking idiot. u have nothing to back up anything to say, so u make up gay **** like teaching someone to read to prove a point. your getting nowhere. until you get on the field and make something happen then shut up. i think u need to pull that cock out your butt and lighten up a little. only person that should be able to say something about our fans is someone on the field. and as for rednecks there aren't any at north augusta or at least not that go to any games or participate in any sports. we aren't nidland valley. don't hate us because we support our team. if you had the support(which u wouldn't anyways cause u sit the bench keeping stats) you would be grateful.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/20/04 11:00 PM
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 01:45 AM
It won't make me any better, but it'll make all you NA guys think about me all the time. I'm as athletic as any of you. I'm sure of that.

And linebacker, how many tackles did you have last season? 5? How bout sacks? Interceptions? Heck, did you even get on the field?

[ April 21, 2004, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Kyle Heise ]
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 02:05 AM
actually i started at defensive tackle half the year and then started linebacker the second half of the year. where were you keeping the stats again? yea bite me
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 02:08 AM
we ran house on yall on yalls own field. the only reason yall have the region title is because gave it too you. of coarse we didn't mean to lose to orangeburg, but we had a bad night like every team. But the title relied on how we played not on how yall played
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 03:49 AM
Answer the questions. And no, I wasn't keeping stats, I was busy cheering for the region champs.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 01:02 PM
"but it'll make all you NA fags think about me all the time."

think what of you? that your a fat kid that keeps stats and likes to talk junk even though you have no athletic ability at all.
After reading these posts, I have determined that both Aiken and North Augusta have what it takes to make the Red Neck League Rankings. Therefore, I hereby announce that I am expanding the Rankings to 15 teams: #14 Aiken and #15 North Augusta. Congrats guys!
(you can see your ranking under the post-Statewide Red Neck League)
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 03:55 PM
sweet..i have always wanted to be included in that...Aiken and North Augusta just like to have a little fun with each other...its no big deal...and yes NA you did give the Region Championship away in football..and Satcher gettting hit in the mouth didnt help at all..that was one big dude from OW...peace
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/21/04 03:57 PM
show up to the game at South Aiken on Thursday night then big boys..well see who runs the pound on who..."get on my level", SA will kill you Goose and Spencer is back...(i just hope we dont get any more pk's)
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/22/04 04:16 AM
2004Striker, shutup punk we just having some fun, you and your team can be #1 in the prick rankings.

whodi, there will be some people there thurs. but others have a playoff baseball game at gaffney.i would have liked to be there. i know it should be a great game. did spencer get hurt or something bc i thought he was there when we beat yall earlier in the year? or did he get hurt in another game after that.when do yall play aiken again?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/22/04 03:32 PM
Aiken is next thursday..Spencer and Goose didnt me
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/22/04 09:10 PM
Were all of the Fire kids gone, or just Goose and Joey?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/23/04 02:46 AM
just goose and joey
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/23/04 03:12 AM
What's your relation to SA soccer?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/23/04 03:39 AM
i konw a lot of the teams and players in the north augusta-aiken area, and i keep up with the teams, but i have a quetion for you headstrong-how many seniors does aiken have, and are any of them going anywhere for soccer scholarships
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/23/04 03:51 AM
See the other thread.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/23/04 03:33 PM
i think aiken has 10 seniors...dont quote me on that...SA killed North Augusta last night...but ill have to admit there band was alot cooler than our studnets with there car keys and trumpet
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/24/04 08:38 PM
NA fans must not be as annoying as yall say. players from both aiken and south aiken have come to us and told us how funny it is and how they like it. if u cant beat us join us.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/26/04 03:22 AM
DMB - Calder, Flynn, Bryce, Odum, Adam, Grande, Stuart, Bonda, and Fussell. That's all I can think of.

And to you NA fellas, if I get to the game by halftime, I'll come down there then, but I've gotta work til 8, so there's no telling. I'd advise you all to tie your shoes really tight. I've been practicing. I'll walk across midfield if I come at halftime or after the game. Calder told me too late, or I would've said something at the SA game.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/26/04 07:12 PM
headstrong- what r u planning on doing and what did the na fans say that calder told you?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Annoying Fans....NA's musical student section - 04/26/04 08:05 PM
What I do depends on what they do. I'm taking a friendly approach, but I've heard some of those kids are looking to fight, so I've made plans for that scenario as well. I said earlier in the thread that I would bring a basketball and cross one of them up because they think I'm fat and unathletic, which I guess is the stereotypical statboy.

Calder said they were asking him where/who I was when they were coming off the field. I'd have been glad to introduce myself.
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