SC Soccer
Posted By: The Hammer Rock Hill vs. Northwestern???? - 05/13/04 03:16 PM
How is Northwestern so good at soccer and Rock Hill so bad and they are from the same city? What gives?

Is this true in any other areas of the state with such differences between schools but close together?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Rock Hill vs. Northwestern???? - 05/13/04 03:32 PM
Well, Hammer, I asked the same question. I was told that NWHS takes in most of the City kids that have access to Rec soccer and organized club teams whereas RHHS has a less urban population and few soccer opportunities are available to them, assuming there is a family interest in the sport to begin with.
If I have mistated the case, you Rock Hill people please give us the real scoop. I'm just passing along what I heard from one Rock Hillite.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Rock Hill vs. Northwestern???? - 05/13/04 03:40 PM
that sounds about right, more of the soccer players just happen to live on the NW side of town.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Rock Hill vs. Northwestern???? - 05/13/04 06:00 PM
I read they're getting a 3rd high school in Rock Hill next year. Rezoning will spread the talent out to 3 schools which should even things up, but make it harder on the state level to do as well as they have in recent years.
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