SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/19/05 02:43 AM
Southside Christian beat Palmetto 5-3. Not sure how the Pendleton vs. Emerald game turned out. They were tied at halftime.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/19/05 05:19 AM
it was 1-0 emerald at halftime. ended 2-0
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/19/05 07:20 PM
whos all in this tournament and what are some of the scores?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/20/05 01:06 AM
It wasn't a big tournament with there only being 4 teams, but they were Emerald, Pendleton, Southside Christian, and Palmetto. Last night Southside Christian beat Palmetto 5-3 and Emerald beat Pendleton 2-0. Today in the first game Emerald beat Palmetto 4-0. Then, Southside Christian beat Pendleton 2-0 (do i smell an upset). Then Pendleton, playing back to back games, beat Palmetto 5-3. Then in the championship game Emerald beat Southside Christian 7-0. Good playing to everyone though. I play for SCS and trying to beat Emerald with only 1 sub (that guy being our backup keeper) and both of our starting center-midfielders gone on trips, the outcome of the final game doesn't surprise me.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/20/05 02:45 PM
Thanks to Coach Nickles and Emerald for hosting the tournament and inviting us. It was a good opportunity for the teams to see where they stood and what areas need work. Palmetto is an improving team with alot of heart and hustle. They will surprise some people if they aren't taken seriously. SSC is a good team and will only get better when some of their other players return. They will be strong all season. Emerald looks to be the team to beat in the Upstate. They are a well coached, discipline team with loads of talent. Good luck to everyone this season!
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 05:07 AM
Yes thanks to Emerald for hosting this tourney, it was a lot of fun. I believe Emerald is a good team, and played pretty well together seeing as it was this early in the season, and I can def. see them getting a lot better this year. I believe Pendleton is better than what they appeared at this tournament...they kinda got the shaft in scheduling (seeing as Emerald was in charge of that one, and were covering there own butts) by placing them with back-to-back games, but oh well...good job anyways. Oh and tell #9 to learn to pass, lol. I do not think Palmetto will surprise anyone this season. They seemed to be consistant in all of three games. #1 (fransisco I believe), was the opnly one with any kind of touch on teh ball...and #6 def. gets the award for worst hacker ever, and the cocky award in one. Man he likes to talk, but has nothing to back it up. It was actually kind of humorous. I think SSC is the team to watch. Pulling off a 2nd place in the tourney, when expected to lose, and having their 2 starting center mids gone, was pretty impressive to anyone watching I'm sure. People always underestimate the "small 1A Christian's"...cough cough PALMETTO, but man does 2nd feel's 4th?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 05:15 AM
Alicruzco what number were you?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 06:19 AM
What number are you?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 04:40 PM
i am the keeper for scs and i want to give a special thanks to pendleton for shooting almost every ball right at me, and giving me my first shutout.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 04:41 PM
this season.
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 05:34 AM
I'm 7 Jerbaber...are you from Pendleton, and what number are you?
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 06:24 PM
and also my apologies to Pendleton for our Keepers post. He's still working on some humility issues. You guys played well!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 07:36 PM
they played very well, i was just stating a fact.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 09:12 PM
scskeeper, some would call that childish post that you made earlier gloating which would be very unbecoming of a christian school. Also not too bright to be making posts like that when you still have to play the team twice more this season.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 09:16 PM
also interesting that you would point out that all the shots were right at you, looking at the score from the Emerald game I guess that it becomes painfully obvious that any shot not directly at you goes in. hmmm....3 games and 10 goals, that works out to a gaa of 3.33.....excellent!!!! keep up the allstar form!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 09:30 PM
Haha, I smell a burn!!!
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/21/05 11:51 PM
i'm so embarassed
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 01:20 AM
it really doesnt matter cause Emerald beat all the comp pretty badly so there is really nothing to argue about and getting a shutout does make a keeper feel really confident so let the guy have his glory
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 03:26 AM
i would also like to apoligize for our keeper's stupidity. just to let other readers know, pendelton hit the post 2 times against us, and they played a good game. we got two good goals, and played a lot of defense. they have a lot of really solid players, like #15 and #6, and they'll be a tough team to beat. i respect them a lot-they were a class act on the field, and fun to play against, no cheap shots or stupid stuff, they just play hard. good luck to pendelton, and we'll see you later this year
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 06:51 AM
I also would like to apologize for the stupidity or our keeper. And I echo everythin Krumhead says.
......sorry jared
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 06:54 AM
sc_cap'n- what number are you for pendleton...just wondering? Also, you make a good point that we do have to play you guys two more times this year, and i think that you guys have just as good of a chance of beating us as we have of beating you, but keep in mind that are two starting center-mids weren't there, one of which being our best player, and we'll be ready for you next time. And i'm wondering if you guys had any guys absent from the tournament?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 06:55 AM
One more thing, you can at least give us props for the number 3 team in state in 1A beating the number 3 team in state in 2A.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 03:18 PM

Indeed, I agree that you deserve props for your victory. I know how gratifying it feels when you knock off a ranked opponent in a higher classification. I wasn't trying to take anything away from you guys. As far as a number is concerned I'm afraid I don't have one. I actually coach the JV team. As far as missing players, that's one thing that us smaller schools have to deal with more often than the larger schools. We were missing one of our starting fullbacks who was still tied up with wrestling. In addition our keeper, (jerbaber), had only been out to practice one day before the tournament since he was tied up with basketball. Also, and I'm not making excuses for our players but, we have only had the goals on our field for week. We had been shooting on PUG nets for the last few weeks while we waited for our goals to be rewelded and repainted by the Ag dept. (go ahead and give us a nomination for the redneck league for that one!) As your goalie alluded to earlier, all of our shots were right at the keeper (as they were as well in the Emerald game) which probably has more to do with the fact that we've been shooting on a small centralized target for the majority of our practices this spring.

One of the nice things about preseason tournaments is it gives us an opportunity to see what we need to work on and then at the end of the year you can look back and see how far you've come. We played in the spring valley preseason tournament last year and while the competition was higher I feel that this year playing in Emerald's tournament might provide for a better measure of growth. We obviously were hoping for better results this weekend but at least playing against schools the same size (or nearly in your case) is probably a more accurate prediction of where we currently are. We have some issues which need to be worked out but I feel that by the end of the year we'll be a far better team than what we displayed this past weekend.

Good luck to you in 1A this upcoming year. I look forward to playing you guys again later this spring and seeing how far both teams have come.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 07:23 PM
SC_cap'n do you guys still have the same keeper you had last year. That guy was awesome
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/22/05 07:57 PM
Yeah I've got to give it to Pendleton...their keeper was pretty good for having come out the day before...can we nick-name Palmetto's keeper something that has to do with sliding or something, lol, bc it seemed that everytime he made a save, he sat and the ground and slid for like 10 yards, haha...did you notice that Pendleton?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/23/05 05:46 AM
Yeah deffinately props to the Pendleton keeper, he's got some good stuff. I know it sucks not being able to shoot on big goals cuz our coach always has us doing short-field stuff so i'm sorry about that. Yeah we had me and our stopper just get back from basketball the week before, one that just got done with wrestling today, 3 sick or injured and two on ski trips during the Emerald tournament so it'll be a totally different game for both teams next time we meet up. Good luck on your season.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/23/05 06:22 AM
yeah last year i remember pendltons goals lookin like crap you guys field is pretty rough too. Its a shame that such a good team is without goals for the first few weeks of the season
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/23/05 01:29 PM
to answer Goob, yes we do have the same keeper, this is Jeremy Johnson's fourth year as our starting keeper. We've got a good one behind him on the depth chart as well in Harrison Hickman.

Goals are fixed (and except for the fact that they sag) and look good. field is a bit wet at this point from all the rain. The grass on our field is another issue, it's bermuda grass so it doesn't start to grow until late in the season. We've talked to the school about overseeding with Rye but they seem reluctant to do that. One thing that is good about our field though, aside from a decent stadium, is the fact that the field is pretty level and flat, not many rough patches which change the direction of the ball all of the sudden.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/23/05 03:15 PM
what was up with the palmetto keeper getting a yellow card? looked to me like he was trying to start a fight.
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 03:09 AM
look, nothing is wrong with our goalie, hes aggressive, so what. and i think its crappy for number 7 from SSC to say crap about my team and then say he is sorry for what his keeper said... because what you said was worse. im sorry that our team is aggressive.. but thats how we play.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 03:12 AM
Well u guys are hacks not aggressive. Understand that there's a different between hurting someone and making a good hard tackle. You guys push the limit and still are no good.
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 03:25 AM
well im sorry you feel that way, but we are going to keep playing how we play. and im not sure that we hurt any one? please tell me if we did
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 06:27 AM
No you didn't, but you're hacks and that's how people do get hurt. By the way number six on your team is a punk, with no skill.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/25/05 05:18 AM
i would like to give an apology for my comment against pendleton; i was just happy to start the season with a shutout.
Posted By: Striker33 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 06:33 PM
DCA, you need to practice what you preach. You’re on here apologizing for your keepers remarks about Penleton not scoring against him. Saying and I quote:

"I also would like to apologize for the stupidity or our keeper".

Then you come on here calling a whole team out saying all they do is hack and then you try and degrade a individual by calling him a punk". What a hypocrite. Just do everyone a favor and shut your mouth!

All you ever do is get on here and talk your team up and how your teammates are so good and talk trash. If you get on here just talk about soccer and learn ways and ideas to make your team better and learn what you can about your opponents. Don't get on here and whine and talk about how you think this is the year that you’re going to beat CC. I've heard that from last year and from others in the years past.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/24/05 07:06 PM
wow, i feel a bit of hostility on this post. DCA, what did number six do to you?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/25/05 06:21 AM
striker, try winning some games before you talk. cuz your team sucks. number 6 for palmetto's just a hack and i don't like him. we've had guys on our team in the past that are hacks to and that's not how soccer should be played. but the thing that i did like about him was he reacted to my trash talk and i love that because he reacts to me then his team gets ****ed and gets 2 yellow cards and we blow the game open.
Posted By: Striker33 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/25/05 06:11 PM
Yeah, your a class act. I sure hope the rest of SCS aren't like you. You sit here and try to be the bigger person then when the smallest thing is said to you, you blow up. You are no better then all the other people on here who talk all that trash.

Just play soccer and quit being a fairy about everything. You whine more then my little sister.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/25/05 07:09 PM
STFU all yall, he can talk all the trash he wants; until you are better than him in soccer he can talk all the trash he wants. He's better, and he can back it up!!! when you guys become good you can talk all the trash you want. until then SHUT UP!!! and do us all a favor.
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 01:15 AM
look man, i dont know why all you can talk about is how much of hacks we are. and for number 6 to be such a punk, with no skill, he sure scored 2 goals on your magnificent goalie that shutout pendleton(haha). but hey, SCS needs to get palmetto on the regular schedule next year because we would LOVE to play yall again...
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/27/05 05:36 AM
haha this whole thing makes me's the deal Palmetto, we beat you 5-3 without our 2 center of which is Nick Hammett, who is all state and the other one is better than anyone on your team AND HE'S A FRESHMAN...number 6 is a hack, ask anyone other team in that tournament they will tell the game of soccer (a clean game of soccer - which pendleton plays)usually the boject is to retrieve and then control a soccer ball, number six has a problem with the retrieving part...see he kills calves, ankles and shins to get there...this is not soccer, this is "a punk" who doesn't know how to play clean soccer attempting to compete on a varsity level...basically, he's not good at all...yes, our keepers comment was dumb, and we killed him in practice for it, but he had balls enough to apologize...face the facts that the 1A school is better than you and move on...i found it funny that your fans screamed, "sure ref, give it to the christian school", and then we went on to beat pendleton (the number 3 or 5 (i don't remember which) team in 2A)...i just live for the day when unranked teams stop talking trash until tehy have something to back it up i guess...but hey, props to fransisco, and grease goalie
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 06:05 PM
Hey stop being a little prick, grow up and get over it, that is high school soccer is in south carolina, you can't get around that so just get over it. Maybe if you spent more time with other things than wining on here, you wouldn't seem like a baby. Mustang soccer, forget those guys, you can't control what a person feels about the team.
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 07:24 PM
what exactly does the commment "grease goalie" mean?
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 07:30 PM
and alicruzco, you have no idea of how much it makes you sound like a baby crying about him "killing your calves" and ankles and all that. i find it funny actually. and for you not having your 2 midfielders or whatever, we were switching positions around and playing our younger players(subs) mainly the whole game, because we came to the tournament to get better and find out where we played best, not just to win. but i hope no one else touches your precious calves for the rest of the season.. wouldnt want you to play in a "dirty" soccer game
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 08:41 PM
man do you guys play again this season. If so you should probably get some cops to control the action. We(Dixie) have played palmetto twice every year i was in high school and they were definately an aggresive team i wont go as far as to say they were hacks but man when we played at your place your fans gave us a hard time especially me the keeper they would come behind the goal and harass me all match but it never made me lose my cool though
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 10:31 PM
wow, i dont remember our fans doing that, but yeah our fans get into it, and sometimes its embarassing... but its good to knwo people are behind you. but thanks for sayin that goob, atleast someone thinks we arent HACKS
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/26/05 11:10 PM
yeah i can appreciate good hard play. Even though in my career we got into two fights while playing you guys I always knew that palmetto was a good game. We always had tough matches between our teams and it was good to be exhausted mentally and physically after a match. Do you still have the same two strikers you had last year mainly the tall guy with the long hair he had a good shot.
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/27/05 12:44 AM
alright, well obviously this is going no where...Palmetto, hope you guys finally get ranked, it would be cool to see, but with the "talent" you have, don't really see it happening...maybe you guys would do better against some other 1A schools, but probably only against some of our unranked teams also, bc most of the ranked 1A teams we play could beat you too
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 02/27/05 07:46 PM
goob, both of the strikers we had last year graduated, we have two new ones, myself and our goalie from last year. and to alicruzco, you are rediculous. what does being ranked matter? there arent even enough 1a teams to rank... so of course yall are going to be. and im sure this year, like every year, christ church will beat yall at upperstate atleast 5-0, its been that way for a while. but i dont see how if we are such a bad soccer team, how we scored 3 goals on yall. good teams dont let bad teams score 3 goals. but i hope you keep up with the "rankings" because that is the most important thing in high school soccer, i guess i forgot that.
Posted By: AliCruzco Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/01/05 03:55 AM
haha 5-3 breeya
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/01/05 05:39 AM
i dont appreciate that you say my guys are hackers. if you cant handle it and have to cry every time some one lays a hand on you then you shouldn't be out there join a girls team
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/01/05 06:38 AM
Maybe you guys would have more success in the girls league
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/01/05 01:26 PM
I take back that comment i said earlier, bc my sister would take you out legally and never think twice bout it
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/01/05 02:06 PM
to anyone from palmetto: some one please tell why in the world the stupid fans for palmetto gave the ref such a hard time when he gave the goalie a yellow and sent him off the field. they were all screaming "he doesn't have to sub off, he's the goalie." im pretty sure that the fans and the coach need to read their rule book or shut their mouths when the ref makes a correct call. SOMEONE FROM PALMETTO PLEASE COMMENT!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/02/05 04:21 AM
I will slap your dumb sister in the face and dribble right on by.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/02/05 04:21 AM
LOL, i'm just playin but give me a break
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/02/05 09:36 PM
mvd14, did you play with the guys or something? you sure to talk big. where did you play?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/03/05 03:21 AM
damn you guys moan and wine more than i ever seen
Both teams SSC and Palmetto aren';t amazing but you both aren't bad either just call a truce and to the point about fans: that is what fans do if you don't like so much go play some other sport where you don't here hecklers...go to a soccer game in another country and see if they don't scream and yell at you. it is just the situation of the game. Good Luck to all the upstate teams including palmetto and ssc
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/03/05 03:44 AM
im from palmetto, and im sick of arguing with SSC and pendleton and everyone, im done with the trash talk message board thing, its stupid, and pointless. but good luck to SSC and Pendleton this season. you can have fun talking about palmetto all you want...
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Emerald Soccer Tournament - 03/03/05 03:56 AM
i sometimes wonder what some of you would do if there were no message board to post. you would have to go watch your opponents to learn about them rather than talk about them behind a computer screen. Then when game time comes, there would be no grudges, its just clean soccer. but then it wouldn't be any fun...
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