SC Soccer
Posted By: beg4money Worst Injury seen all year - 04/20/05 11:35 PM
I witnessed a Kid at a Gaffney game run head first into the fence that surrounds the field and have a cut run from the fence run down his face and across his eye. He still has the patch over his eye. He bleed everywere. I was just wondering if anyone had something happen like that at there game
Posted By: 2004striker Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/20/05 11:44 PM
Good stuff! Go Gaffney!
Posted By: soccernsc Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 12:33 AM
There wasn't a lot of blood, but last year a kid at Woodmont got his face broke in 2 places (the skull was fractured above and below his eye)and his sinus cavity crushed at a playoff game. He had to have several reconstructive surgeries to repair the damage.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 01:22 AM
At wando a kid tore his ACL, broke a bone in his need, and all this other stuff this year..playin summerville
Posted By: MustangSoccer9 Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 02:06 AM
this year a player on palmetto collided with the chapman goalie and tore ligaments in her foot, then five minutes later chapmans goalie got hit but this time he dislocated his knee that he had just had surgery on a couple months before, i saw the kid after the game and he could barely talk from the pain bein so bad
Posted By: B-L Panther #1 Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 02:16 AM
soccernsc: yeah i remember happened first round in the playoffs against us...the guy who ran into your player tore something in his knee
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 02:56 AM
I haven't seen anything this year, but I do remember one nasty injury. I seen a Stratford sweeper slide after a ball that slipped past him and his keeper, so he attempted to slide and knock it away from the goal, and slid directly into the post, knocking a "mounted" goal back at least 8 inches. His knee-cap was rammed up his thigh atleast a good three inches. Where his knee cap was, was a huge divot. His career came to an end tht night, a shame. I've also saw a guy get his entire nose smashed in one day.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:19 AM
I remember that time Bobby Boucher (BOO-shey) ran out during halftime and beat the mud dawgs!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:27 AM
I was playing indoor soccer last summer and two guys went up for a header and as one guy was going up for the header, the guy who mistimed it was coming down and when his mouth hit the top of the guys head it knocked out one of his front teeth and the other one was poking all the way through his bottom lip. The blood was amazing!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:32 AM
the grammar in this post deserves and a +
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:57 AM
Yeah i have seen one of those jaw to the top of the head situations before. Not too pretty!!!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 02:03 PM
I saw this one guy...he jumped eighteen feet in the air and landed on the referee doing an elbow drop and dislocated the refs clavicle and uteris in one fluid motion. The ref just got back up and took off his flip flop and started yelling at the guy as if he were an old black woman yelling at her son in a super market.

"Don't make me break my foot off in your A**!"

Not really...but I really wished that would happen.

I saw a guy kick a volley off of a punt by the goalie and hit a guy in the face that was only about three feet in front of him. Needless to say, the guy hit the ground before the ball did. It was vicious; we watched that video for the rest of the week. Good times...good times...
Posted By: ChuckNorris Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 02:40 PM
LMFAO!!!!! Now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that there is funny!
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:31 PM

When you discuss someone's grammar, you may want to make sure that your grammar is correct also.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:50 PM
A few years ago a guy from Southside Christian was playing in our homecoming game he had just scored. he was going to do a backflip, right before he went to do it a teamate grabbed his jersey right before he did it, it messed up his timing, when he landed he tore his ACl and his MCl, endind his soccer career right there. it was a pretty nasty thing to watch.
Posted By: Coach D Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/21/05 03:50 PM
Once, years ago a player for the visiting team flipped in the air and landed on his wrist snapping it. The crack could be heard all over the stadium. What made matters worse was the kid had lost two fingers in a shop accident a couple of years before. We spent a good 30 minutes looking for the two missing fingers.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 04:46 AM
This thread is disturbing. I'm sure these posts make people really want to play soccer.
Posted By: soccernsc Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 01:08 AM
B-L Panther- yeah both players took rough hits in that game, but on the good side, now that he is gully healed, he still loves to play.

Only other thing that I have seen that was rough was my son in club soccer last fall got caught in the face from a goal kick... literally knocked his lights out, but he still plays without any hestitation..... he just loves the game that much.
Posted By: beg4money Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 01:15 AM
I have had some bad injuries and am thankful that none were carrier ending not that my carrier will go much after high school . But I thank before for there sharing. This sounds sick but let there be many more stories hopefully were things work out ok in the end.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 01:19 AM
last year in the aiport preseason tourney, airport was playing gilbert and one of our (airport) defenders was playing up top..anyway he was on a breakaway and gilbert's keeper came out sliding to get the ball but our player tried to shoot the ball anyway..instead of striking the ball he struck the keeper's leg, shattering it..people in the stadium parking lot heard the kid's leg break. It was definately the sickest sound I have ever heard.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 01:45 AM
o and that kid showed us his leg this year after going through, I think he said like 5 or 6 surgeries and now has like 4 screws in his leg.
Posted By: beg4money Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 02:04 AM
i believe the most disturbign thing i have heard on this thread is about hte kid sliding into the goal post and his leg that just scares me b/c I am a defender and i could see myself doing that
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 02:03 PM
ive never done anything as serious as some of these but i am proud of my extensive list of injuries.

-Broken left thumb
-Broken left pinkie which i never got set by a doc, so it massive with the new bone growth around the fracture
-Broken right middle finger
-Broken left wrist
-Front right tooth and the one next to it kicked out, that was alot of fun, reconstructive dental surgery for that one
-Broken right metacarpal(sp) in my hand

and that about does it i think. man i love being a keeper!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 03:15 PM
SA GK 1,

Sounds like you need to drink milk and eat your wheaties more often. J/K

And who says that soccer isn't a physical sport...
Posted By: James Gray Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 03:27 PM
I was reffing a game one time when the keeper came out because of a cross just above the 6, and punched the ball while having an epic collision with a striker. The striker rotated in the air, because of the collision, and landed on his right shoulder and arm. You heard a popping, and he let out a scream and just laid there. It ended up being a complete fracture of his right humerus. Not a pretty sight to see. He ended up passing out from the pain when they moved his arm to get him on a stretcher.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 03:43 PM
Yea beg4money,
It was very disturbing, though two years have past, it still sits bad in my stomach. I'm a keeper. Both of our teams ran over to the sweeper and hollered for the coaches to get the medic. It was very bad, and we all were stunned. From the stands, the fans said it looked as if our striker got wrapped up with the sweeper, which caused the fans to get heated and crazy. The Stratford players yelled out to their fans and we yelled out to our fans to let them know no one was at fault and it was just a freak accident, which calmed the storm. That night was very crazy. We all felt bad for the guy that collided with the post b/c his career ended very violently and we knew he may never get to play again..............SA GK 1, I agree, being a keeper is the best!!!!
Posted By: shut^&play Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/22/05 10:45 PM
Originally posted by SFsoccer101:
the grammar in this post deserves and a +

When Socastee beats you 9 years in a row it could warrant a speech impediment
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/24/05 11:31 PM
earlier this year the nw left back broke his leg going into a slide tackle with an irmo stricker, the crack was so loud we thought it was the shin guards hitting but when the kid didnt get up it was pretty obvious what had happened
Posted By: Gilbertsoccer3 Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/25/05 05:34 PM
Ha, I'm the keeper from from Gilbert last season and I'm and so proud to have made this post. I broke both bones clean in half and it twisted around so the whole bottom half of my leg was backwards and i have a 3/4 inch titanium rod through the bone from my knee to my ankle and only 2 screws in my ankle now and the 2 in my knee came out. Yea, and I'm still playing this season. O, and ive only had 3 surgeries after my week in the hospitol.
Posted By: benp Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/25/05 06:09 PM
I saw this kid from ben lippen was recieving a pass against CN in indoor while running backwards, as he turned, his foot didn't turn with him, causing his kneecap to pop out of its socket
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/26/05 03:22 AM
Well Beg4money i can tell you it is pretty ruff first hand. 2 years ago i hit the post with my knee on a cross ball and dislocated it with an impact fracture on my patela. After playing a year on it i had surgery and came back this year only to dislocate my other knee in the 3rd game of the season going in aginst a keeper.
Posted By: Jack Rozier Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/26/05 03:33 AM
Originally posted by benp:
I saw this kid from ben lippen was recieving a pass against CN in indoor while running backwards, as he turned, his foot didn't turn with him, causing his kneecap to pop out of its socket

Was this unfortunate BL player you by any chance? ... Mr. Knee Braces?
Posted By: benp Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/26/05 05:19 PM
oh...yeah, i forgot...that was me.
Posted By: beg4money Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/28/05 02:39 AM
Dadruff sounds like life has been rough for you Hope your not a senior and you get an injury free year next year.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/28/05 02:46 AM
This kid from Crestwood a few years back had a nasty flip-throw. He was going to throw it in, did the first half of his flip, and got his head stuck in the ground. His body did not stop moving, however, and he decapitated himself. I pray for that kid's family every day.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/28/05 03:00 PM
One Of My Best Friends Got His Front Tooth Knocked Out By A Soccer Ball. I Found It Like 5 Mins Later. He Played For Calhoun A. His Name Was Jonathan Puckett, Hes Playing Soccer For Sburg college
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Worst Injury seen all year - 04/29/05 12:41 AM
A long time ago in U11 our team had one of those double sided portable goals at practice. The wind was blowing very hard that day. As the wind blew, it blew the goal over and this kid was standing in the wrong spot. The crossbar hit him square in the head. He still has the scare to prove it. Oh yeah, he is fine now, now that he has learned to deal with only having 90% of his brain. Today this guy is the sickest in the air I have ever seen.
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