SC Soccer
Posted By: James Gray The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 03:36 PM
Not even being at the game and looking at the video footage and stills, it is pretty clear that a couple of things happened at the Irmo SA game. I find it really interesting that the ball was shoulder-high going towards the goal and it magically stopped in midair and drops to the defenders feet. Then the ball actually gets knocked into the goal, and after the ball is clearly in the goal, it is kicked back out. The referee is not in a bad position, but I get much closer to the 6 for those corner kicks. He should not have been 18 yards out making that call, he should have been within 8-10 yards. That is a rookie mistake to be that far out. Yet from his vantage point he still had the vision to see that the ball mysteriously is stopped from going into the goal. At the very least there should have been a red card of the player and a PK. From the benefit of seeing the video, it should have been a red card ejection for the defender with the goal being scored making it a 1-1 game. What did those that were at the game live see? I also find it a bit interesting that Phil was shown a card for yelling that there was a hand ball. He didn't even come out on the field and he was shown a card, and the ref made some pretty aggravating gestures trying to show he was in control. You need to stay cool and not argue as the ref. Sometimes an explination is warranted, expecially in a situation like this. The referees with attitudes are not needed. They only exacerbate situations like this. I didn't see any reason to give a yellow card. The video doesn't lie, but then again, you can see that the AR is blocked from being able to make a clean call. Maybe he should have moved in on the line to just outside the 6 like they do on PKs.....Can anyone that was at the game tell me what they saw? And why don't we have refs at the goal line whose duty it is to see if the ball crossed the goal or a handball occurs. Look at the NFL, and when a field goal is kicked, there are two refs under the could have the same thing in soccer.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 03:58 PM
Soccerboy are you a certified referee?
I ask this because u sounds as if you have experience in this matter. I think the Coach received a yellow card and quite possibly been shown a Ejection because he left his coaching box to verbally attack the refereeing crew something that is not allowed in any sport. What the video does not show is how he was warned in the first half for his benches disrespectful behavior.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:01 AM
Please consider that we as refs have to make split second decisions with eyes that don't magically move into a slow motion mode, like on a camera. Our angles of vision cannot be automatically adjusted, either. The line ref was in a correct and proper position (as he was trained to be) in order to make the best possible call he could make. If he moves up too close to the goal he then is out of position for a position touchline call or a potential offside call. But.....if you view 'the play' in slow motion from the very start, you can see that the corner cross was a great 1 touch shot that the SA player either hit with his upper chest or part of his face to knock it down, but you cannot see if it hit his hand or arm from the camera angle. The line ref would have had a better view than the irmo camera did of that. Once the ball drops down, it is impossible to tell if the ball crossed the line. And look at the reaction of the Irmo players........none of them claimed hand ball or that the ball crossed the line. They were just in amazement that they did not finish the shot. If you watch English Premier games there are a lot of questionable hand ball calls that are not called. And those are supposedly some of the best refs. The ref was in the best position for that call, but he had 3,4 players blocking his view as well as the goal post itself. But that was like maybe 10 secs out of an 80 min. game. Irmo should not base their loss on that one play cause they did not test 'the Goose' near as often as they should have. You can't take long shots against him. You have to constantly cross and pass around the 18, get him out of position and then finish. So don't put the blame on the refs. You have to play the game and make your own breaks.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:17 AM
2004, I have been a ref for 5 years, I know the proper places for standing on CK's, Pk's etc...if the box is crowded, you can come in to the 6 with no problems, you better be able to get back in position fast though. It is a simple thing of being as close to the ball without interfering with the play. I didn't blame the refs for the loss, I just brought up some good points. It may have been a significantly different game if that would have been called a goal. As for the defender using his face to deflect the ball, simple trigonometry shows that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Physically it would have been impossible for the left side of his face to deflect the ball out of the gaol. It is quite evident that the upper arm was probably used. And don't use the excuse that it was only 10 seconds out of an 80 minute game...being a I said before, you can screw a great game up by missing a call that is only 2 seconds or less in duration. I just question whether we should have a 5th and 6th referee on the endline to watch for goals so the center isn't blocked by 4 or 5 guys. I have had 4 or 5 guys block me on many occasions...and it sucks!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:24 AM
soccerboy, how come you weren't providing all of this analysis last year when irmo won the state final due to a referee's call? Seems to me that you only offer up this information when the team you support loses.
Posted By: Bruticus Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:26 AM
Soccerboy, if you are a ref, would you consider posting your last name so that players and fellow coaches who might have suffered you this season might run down the litany of your missed calls?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:29 AM
It would be impossible to call that shot from the stands..obviously. If you were for Irmo, it was a goal and a handball. If you were against, it wasn't. Simple! ha ha. However, I think the general concensus agrees that it definitely looks like a goal and at the very least, the defender deflected that ball somewhere below his shoulders...and not with his leg. Anyway, I don't believe anyone is bellyaching about the loss, but this was an important call and it should be addressed for future matches. Also, Phil was not warned about disrespectful behavior. I don't know where you were sitting, but what happened was the referee told him that he wanted to only be addressed by him, not by his staff. This was a request by the referee, not a warning, and this was before the game even began. Obviously, Phil was addressing him after that call. ha ha. I think Phil did what he should have. The coach needs to question a call like that. It was warranted, and possibly so was the yellow card, but at that point, Phil didn't care about getting a yellow card, he was trying to make a point, and he had every right to do so. There are a lot of questionable calls during every teams season, some go your way, and some do not. Referees admit that they make mistakes, there is a lot happening on the field. Eveyone learns from their mistakes, hopefully. I bet even he watched the tape and wonders what he could've done differently. That's life folks. The question is can we position additional referees, linesmen, whatever, at matches of this magnitude to possibly avoid this happening in the future.
Posted By: Striker33 Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 04:53 AM
Why are we talking about adding refs. to games??? The 3-man ref. system is fine, they have worked in the past and will continue to work in the future. Whether we have 3 refs or 10 refs. calls will be made that are questionable. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:14 PM
Bruticus, My last name is Gray, and I didn't ref in SC this year, I reffed in WI. You can contact whom you wish to see how good of a job I did. I usually do a pretty good job, but I will have to say that I have had my not-so-great moments in games too.... [Smile] But I try to position myself so that I don't get caught with my "pants down". It is really embarassing to screw a call up that bad, and have it on video too. It is a split second decision, and sometimes you miss stuff. Unfortunately you can't see everything! But when there are corner kicks, you better be in a better position than this guy was.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:16 PM
Coach, I think I did talk about the PK last year when the guy from Irmo was taken down. It was evident from that play that it was a PK. I have the video at home of the game, I can digitize it and send that portion to you if you want to discuss it further!
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:22 PM
We are talking about adding more refs because IRMO lost!!! There is only controversy when they lose. Just the way I see it.
Posted By: Kyle Heise Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:22 PM
Who filmed the video at GOIRMO.COM? There was a young fellow on the opposite side of the stadium that was filming with a hand held camera -- was that the person?

We were standing even with the end line and on that corner kick and I was dead even with it and did not think the ball had crossed the line, but was not sure if it had hit someone's arm or hand -- Shawn Burke of USC even walked down to me to ask my opinion and I said I never saw the entire ball go over the line. I still don't know after watching that tape. What's even more amazing was the second shot that Mike Gustavsson saved right on the line -- that was one great play and you can tell from the Irmo players' reactions that they couldn't believe that ball didn't get in the goal.

It was a fantastic match between two teams that allowed only 21 goals total in 50 matches (9 South Aiken, 12 Irmo). Truly a great final that will be remembered for a very long time. Also, does anyone know the last time that one team defeated Irmo twice in the same season? I think you would have to go back a good ways to find out that fact.

Great game by both teams!
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:24 PM

well then surely you have the video of the handball by an Irmo defender in last year's game also. That handball went uncalled.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:35 PM
Kyle is right, it was an excellent match...well played by both teams. SA needs to receive a congratulations for a well played game. We just need to find a way to ensure that goals that do go in, or other hard to see plays are called correctly. An extra ref or two at each end may do that. Look at what they do in Hockey.....they have cameras in the back of the net. The film that was used on I am not sure who filmed it.
Posted By: Bruticus Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:41 PM
Well, you'll get in there and show 'em how to do it next year, Soccerboy! You had the good sense to leave Wisconsin, so I have no doubt about that [Smile]

Gray? I was expecting Jones or Smith. Very colorful of you...
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:48 PM
Mr. Heise knows who I am....I called a goal back on him a couple of years ago against Chapin due to the Chapin keeper getting shoved into the net....he argued with the call, but I was nice and didn't card him! [Smile]
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:51 PM
Wow, I am assuming that Lowerstate is an Irmo rival? Funny how we all have our own perspective on things when they happen to affect us directly, isn't it?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 05:58 PM
well, i have no dog in this fight, but i find it interesting that soccerboy defends officials when they benefit irmo and criticizes them when they appear to hurt irmo.

let's face it, most matches do not come down to one call. there are many instances where officiating could be better. but, it is what it is. let it go.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 06:17 PM
Come now coach, you can use a lot of examples of bad officiating....but let me quote a few people talking about last years PK call....

"Let me start by saying the PK GIVEN in this years final may have been the most legit ever"

"If you saw the replay on the news, it was a pretty obvious foul last night"

I am sure that there have been some calls for Irmo that may have been questionable, but none as large as the ones against. The PK last year was so clear, I didn't have to watch it over and over. If you want to talk about why I feel the way that I do, send me a private message coach, and we can settle it!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 07:30 PM
How bout this... I am a SA player and as someone stated earlier if your from SA it wasnt a goal or a handball and if your from Irmo it was. But even if I got on here and said it was BOTH then it wouldnt change a thing. (not saying thats the case... it was neither in my opinion) Irmo has 15 in 26 ...only one word can describe that... AMAZING. Irmo great game, great season, and good luck next year.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 07:37 PM
Great game 08,
Don't let all this talk about the goal/non goal take away any joy over your great season and great game Sat. Enjoyed watching the tough SA defense. Both teams gave a lot and both teams made it a spectator's delight.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 07:38 PM
Congrats 08! I have to say that SA did what they had to do!
Posted By: MBReg Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/16/05 09:45 PM
Just to let everyone know, the guy who gave the PK for Irmo in 2004, and didn't give the handball/goal in 2005, just so happens to be the same man.....Funny how a year can change peoples opinions. Great Game Boys.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 12:47 AM
Jesus. Soccermom, you said your kids need to learn how to lose with class. YOU TOO. Leave it to Irmo fans to ruin another schools title. You know, it is ok to lose sometimes. We have to learn our lessons.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:06 AM
Hey, Statechamps, who are you talking about? I never said that. You're reading the wrong post, but what does that have to do with what I said? I just said that perspective has a lot to do with what we see and think. I also said that SA played a great game and congrats. No animosity here, where is yours coming from?
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 11:57 AM
Scplaya08, great point. It's like all the other conspiracy theories - this will be talked about for years, but you are correct - nothing will change the fact that SA won State.

And, I for one, appreciate the respect you appear to have for Irmo's long winning history. Whether you like their players and supporters or not, any true soccer fan should also appreciate it.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 01:49 PM
Actually MBreg the assistant referee gave the pk call the center referee did not. I think he has it out for Irmo
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 02:16 PM
I could really give two ***** about Irmo, South Aiken or this match, but I do know this. In the past 5 years Irmo has lost 2 championship matches. In each of these years there has been an uproar about how officiating cost Irmo the games and that in each post-match ceremony there has been an incident where the Irmo players and coaches did not give the proper respect to the opposing team.

It's easy to show class when things go your way,but the real test is when things don't.

I'll be waiting for all the rationalizations.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 02:44 PM
Well you have to admit, coincidentally the two championships did have two instances that would cause controversy for any losing team. I was at the game and post game the other day and still don't understand how Irmo showed a lack of class after recieveing their medals.

If I was Irmo i would be upset as well. Everyone can so "Irmo, you had a good season, there is nothing to be ashamed of," but the truth is: we, as onlookers, probably don't even understand where Irmo is coming from. Irmo has a good season every year. They have been in the BIG GAME 22 out of the last 27 times (correct me if i am wrong, but im pretty sure thats right). Irmo doesn't have a great season unless the final game is a win. That's what seperates Irmo's good seasons from great seasons. If Irmo went undefeated in every game, totally demolishing teams and lost 1-nil in a State Championship, it would only be a good season.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:11 PM
Thank you for proving my point.

Refer to Kyle Heise's post on page 6 of Irmo- South Aiken for furthur edification.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:14 PM
Futbolfanatic, you got that right - no class at Irmo wants to be the one that did not win the state championship.

Most programs are happy to get to the region finals, ecstatic to just MAKE IT TO the state finals – Irmo is not satisfied unless they WIN the state championship. That’s not being cocky – it is a desire that each player has, and a demand that each player places upon himself to continue that tradition of winning and of excellence.

That type of standard is something we should all strive for...
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:24 PM
Dexter, I agree with Futbolfanatic - I hung around after the match, and I recall the Irmo players standing there while presentations were made to the SA players. Maybe Heise is talking about something that happened after the presentation, and the Irmo players did not realize it was an official part of the ceremony.

I was in the stands until SA went over to get their official champions photo across the field. Just don't recall Irmo players going anywhere until it looked like it was over and the SA players ran towards the stands to their screaming fans/parents.

Were you there, or are you only going from second-hand information?
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:33 PM
And that is noble and good that you strive for those championships. With Savitz and the rabid fan support, Irmo is able to produce the most consistently competitive, quality teams in the state. He is fortunate that CSC provides him with a great product of players, enabling him to field wonderfully skilled HS teams. And with all the many successes and championships, it has got to be hard not to be disappointed with a loss. But, even the hardest losses should be graciously accepted as a life experience. Young kids love to celebrate their successes. Its when they don't attain that immediate success, even though they worked hard for it, that they truly grow as a person.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 03:41 PM
I was not there. I am going on the post from Kyle Heise on page 6 of SA-Irmo. Have you read it? I have never known either of the Heise's to be dishonset. Have you? Is second hand information invalid. I heard that Bridge FA was forming a club on this message board? I have not seen it. Is that valid? Is that considered second hand information.

What a little story Mr. Heise has put together. To dream up a conversation with the Irmo AD and principal. I wonder what his motive might be?
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 04:40 AM
Dexter, I find the rambling on by Kyle Heise to be interesting to say the least. I can't think of a reason that he would post it, nor can I define or know why he did. Is he dissappointed in what he perceives as a snub by Irmo? Why did he post that commentary? Was it really necessary for him to post that commentary, and what did the posting actually accomplish? Is there some motive by which he chose to post this comment? As the leading administrator to this board, I don't know why he would do that. There may have been some information exchanged that he was involved in, or overheard that may not have been the wisest choice to share with the general public. As for what Dexter is babling about, I don't let it hold much water. He is an Irmo hater, and will take every opportunity to bash Irmo.

As for the statement that Irmo clearly had their backs turned toward the presentation to SA, is there any reason to post this? When you address your players, do you want them to be distracted, or do you want them to listen to you? Whenever I have addressed players, I want their backs to the parents and anything that is distracting. Why post a comment like this unless you are trying start something. Such a word as "obvious" can be an inflamatory word, and it looks as if it was used as such.

When quoting a parent, why use such things as a secret source? Post the parents name, if they said it, they better be able to deal with the consequences. I don't like statements like that that don't identify who said such a thing. Look at the problems Newsweek is having from not identifying a source.

Being origionally from Irmo, I can say that I do support them. Although over the years, it has become apparant that many dislike Irmo, and take any shot possible to display their dislike. They are like the Yankees, most everyone hates them. Although this is interesting because Irmo's coach is such an incredibly nice guy, that there is no way that you would be able to dislike Phil if you ever met him. He is by far one of the nicest people that I have ever met. Having been a neighbor of his for many years, and having my brother grow up with his son Zack, I have an even greater respect for him. You can dislike the constant success that Irmo has had, but if you really think that Phil would intentionally be disrespectful, there is something seriously wrong with you.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:00 PM
Soccerboy, you seem to be missing the point or you are purposefully avoiding it. The point seems to be that Irmo, specifically the players, does not display sportsmanship nor class when they lose. You obviously don't seem to agree with those feelings evidenced by your lack of acknowledgment of Dexter's point. Rather, you chose to attack Heise for posting his encounter with representatives from Irmo, which is completely relevant, and claim that anyone who perceives Irmo in this manner to be "haters." That is an indication that you are incapable of discussing such issues due to your extreme degree of bias.

By the way, my back is turned to you right now.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:04 PM
As far as the picture goes, look at the shadow of the ball and then look at the angle of the shadow of the players. If you go by the shadow of the players (which I'm sure shows everyone where the lights are coming from) then the ball is not a goal. The shadow of the ball should be well beyond that of the line, not over it. Just my opinion.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:05 PM
2004striker, this is getting slightly off-subject, but when you say “He is fortunate that CSC provides him with a great product of players, enabling him to field wonderfully skilled HS teams” it appears that you are giving Phil Savitz an extremely back-handed compliment. If I misinterpreted the “dig,” please let me know. Otherwise, I agree completely with your comments.

Dexter, yes I have read Kyle Heise’s post, and I was not saying that he is dishonset NOR dishonest. He has his version of what happened, I (and apparently others) have mine. The fact is, just because the two versions do not necessarily agree does not mean that either one of them is incorrect. How is that possible, you may ask?

Let’s suppose, as I suggest, that the Irmo players and coaching staff waited respectfully while the SA players received their awards. They eventually get to a point where it appears as if the ceremony is over. The Irmo players and staff now move to the side a little to have a team meeting. When this happens, apparently the ceremony is not completely over, so “The SCHSL soccer liaison, Roger Hazel, informed Irmo Principal Gerald Witt and Athletics Director Bob Hanna about the lack of recognition Irmo was giving to South Aiken…” The Irmo AD responds that he can’t break up a team meeting.

I contend that the Irmo players and coaches were not aware that the ceremony was over and they were being requested to return to their spots. It was the AD who made the decision not to break up the meeting. If anyone was being disrespectful, it was him.

I’m sure your response will be “that is highly unlikely,” but I recall the “official” ceremony, or at least what appeared to be a part of it, was completely over before the first Irmo player took a step away. I would like to know what action signified the “official” end of the ceremony, because, other than the SA players running toward the stands, I don’t know what it was.

Also, the comment from the Irmo player’s parent that "Our boys just need to learn how to lose a little bit better" does not necessarily refer to the alleged disrespect towards SA; that comment could have been said offhand, and taken out of context.

Again, I am not calling anyone a liar, especially Mr. Heise. I am merely suggesting that things are not always as they appear to be. I am sure that Mr. Heise believes what he saw, as I believe what I saw – again, not necessarily wrong on either account – merely different points of view.

Has anyone spoken to any Irmo players to see how they viewed the situation?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:11 PM
Kyle Heise has always had a grudge against Irmo. Im not questioning his integrity. Just because he is the board administrator doesn't mean he doesnt have a bias. Irmo has not been invited to his tournament since they won it 2 years in a row almost 10 or 11 years ago. Since then, any post by him regarding Irmo doesn't put them in a flattering light. Sure, he states the obvious, "oh they are such a great program, blah, blah, blah," but why would he post something like he did on page 6 (thank you Dexter for the page reference, it was most helpful (note the sarcasm))if he such an unbias, non-judgemental human being (again note the sarcasm of an unbias, non-judgemental human being)
Posted By: Kevin Heise Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:30 PM
FutbolFanatic -- Get your facts straight! Kyle has no ill feelings towards Irmo and Irmo has basically had a standing invitation to attend the Palmetto Cup any year that they want to, but Phil has his "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality and certainly is entitled to that due to the great success Irmo has had by not participating in a mid-season tourney. If Irmo EVER wants to attend, Phil knows that all they have to do is ask.

What happened Saturday night at the state championships is NOT fabrication but here is a detailed, itemized list of what transpired:

(1) At the conclusion of the 4A boys final the SCHSSCA members were summoned to assist with crowd control;

(2) We went down to the sidelines and a HSL official (who I will not name publicly) asked us to be on the lookout for any displays of poor sportsmanship (i.e. - throwing medals down/away like in 2002);

(3) After Irmo was presented with their Runner-Up medals (and prior to the presentation of Championship medals to South Aiken), the Irmo team left the line and went to have a "team meeting";

(4) Kyle mentioned this to the HSL official who went and asked IHS AD Bob Hanna and Principal Gerald Witt about this and both shrugged their shoulders with a "I can't break their team meeting up" look;

I can attest that Kyle and Phil have exchanged emails and the gist of the conversation is centered on the fact that Phil, nor Irmo were ever instructed by HSL officials of the expected protocol for the awards presentation. I believe this to be true, but the simple fact is that Irmo (of all teams) has been in the finals enough times to know what the routine is and this should not excuse their actions. Believe me, there were several coaches in attendance that witnessed and commented on the same thing. I won't reveal their names due to professional courtesy, but I know what I know.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:30 PM
As I said earlier, thank you for all these enlightening rationalizations and postulations. They serve my ends quite nicely.

Soccerboy, I am not a Irmo hater. I do not have a bumper sticker on my car that says go Irmo, but I don't begrudge them success. Obviously you are too close to Irmo to see clearly. I suggest you look through a Irmo yearbook, milk a cow to clear your mind, and take a nap.

Fanatic.Believe me, when you say something sarcastic, you will not have to spell it out to me- I'm still waiting. I've heard the same thing about Heise. He is an unsavory character that is set on undermining the Irmo tradition- Who do you think will buy in to that on this message board fool.

Belligerant, misguided though you are, I'll accept your theory, even though you probably watch too many "X Files" reruns.
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:32 PM

I believe that post on Irmo and the Palmetto Cup to be false. I remember hearing Savitz saying that he does not attend a Spring Break tournament because he feels it is best for his team to be away from soccer during their break. Obviously, he believes that it is in their best interest to take a break. I have heard Kyle and Kevin say that Irmo is one of the few teams that always has an open invitation to attend the tournament. If he was concerned about who won his tournament, he would not invite powerhouses such as Wando, Norman North, Bishop England, etc.

As for Belligerent, is it necessary for you to criticize Dexter because of a typo?? You know what he meant.

Why do people care what Irmo did during or after the ceremonies? I can tell you why, because it is becoming a theme with them after they lose in this match. Do you not think that Socastee, Emerald, or Academic Magnet was not upset? Was Northwestern not upset the last 2 years when losing in OT? Does BE show their @sses when they lose? Irmo based on people's perception have done this against Wando and now SA.

Soccerboy, lets see some video after the game! we probably dont have that now do we
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:34 PM
Sorry, me and kevin were posting at the same time. did not mean to repeat the same thing
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 05:46 PM
Considereing that I don't do the videotaping, there is no video that I have of that. I already said I was baised toward Irmo, but some of this bantering is getting out of hand. Irmo has been invited to the Palmetto tourney, but Phil thinks it is best to let his team rest. Don't go spouting off on things you don't know Futbol. If coach would actually read what I wrote, he would determine that I was questioning why Mr. Heise wrote what he wrote? I was not attacking, for if I was, it wouldn't be pretty, and the gloves would come off. I won't go off on what I think of sportsmanship, because I don't represent Irmo. But thanks for letting me know what I was trying to say coach.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:00 PM
I'm almost afraid to post this for fear of soccerboy "taking his gloves off." Wait a minute. OK, I just had a Red Stripe and am full of bravado.

I just read your post again, so let me get this straight.You have finished second in a state championship match of some sort. After you received your second place medals, you took your team away to speak to them while the championship team was receiving theirs. Is that correct? If so, you don't see anyhting wrong with that? I'll wait to hear from you before I proceed with this thought. I'm trembling. I better get another Stripe.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:02 PM
Since I was at the game, and since I do personally know and talk to the boys, let me say this and hopefully be done with it. I don't know what happened at the 2002 match. I didn't see it, but I have heard the stories. But I did see Saturday's. I do not recall seeing anyone turn their back, or slight SA - INTENTIONALLY - I recall seeing tears and a lot of hugs. Of course, my eyes honestly were on my own son, who, along with the group he was standing with, wiped tears and clapped when SA got their medals. Now, not to start anything, but, while Irmo got their medals, SA was still basking in the glow of victory and, rightfully so, were hugging parents and coaches and celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is disrespectful, the only player who actually paid attention and stood and watched and clapped was the goalie, which I thought was very honorable, if I can get away with using that word. Why must we keep perpetuating who did what to whom? The Republicans have their opinions, and the Democrats have theirs - and NEVER will the two meet. ha ha.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:10 PM
Soccerboy, gloves coming off?? You seem to be challenging everyone to some sort of alternative other than discussing issues fairly and without bias. It seems to be beneath you to admit that there are quality teams other than Irmo, that South Aiken deserved to win the match, and that other people's opinions are not inferior to yours. Resorting to violence (gloves coming off) is not the answer. Also, since when do officials challenge someone to playing on the field. Do you know of any officials locally who are/were good players? Doubt it. I could be wrong, but I certainly haven't seen many.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:21 PM
I am not a great communicator. Perhaps I chose my words unwisely. I may should have said 'it is fortunate' or something else. But I surely did not intend a back-hand comment to Savitz. I don't even play tennis!
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:31 PM
Gloves comes off is a regular part of speech that means I will not be as amacable if I was attacking someone (verbally). I don't get into physical confrontations because personally its barbaric. Have you heard of being sued for assault and battery...not a wise choice to get into a fight. Once again coach takes words out of context, or doesn't have a grasp on the english language to understand what I am talking about. What a sad, sad day to have your ignorance exposed.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:38 PM
I think you meant to say you would not be as 'amicable' if you were attacking someone. Yeah, I hate it too when someone exposes my ignorrance.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:39 PM
Is that you Kermit?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:41 PM
Well, Ref, excuse me if I seemed to take you at face value. I guess all of Irmo is the same. I can't seem to read you guys. You say "gloves off" and that carries a different contextual meaning than what I am used to. The irmo players turn their backs on the state champions and that means that they would rather not disrespect their coach during a speech that is coincidentally taking place at the same time as the presentation. Most people perceive that to mean something totally different. Is it my ignorance that is exposed?
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:42 PM
well soccerboy you wanted to play soccer against me and stated that you enjoyed inflicting pain on opposing players so violence seems alittle more than speech with you
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:43 PM
take that and rewind it back.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:44 PM
Coach, I'm from Irmo. Just wanted to say hey y'all from the dark side.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:44 PM
I think that these childish arguments and personal putdowns are exposing the ignorance of more than one person on these boards. It's especially sad that it's between a "coach" and an official. Please remember who all reads these boards and act accordingly.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:45 PM
high. horse. see. can. you. from. your. briko3.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:47 PM
Oops, I had a typo. I guess I do have some ignorance when it comes to my keyboard!
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:49 PM
Good comments briko. We need to all realize that this forum is for the betterment and enjoyment of soccer in this state. Personal comments, attacks, etc. should not be a part of our discussions. It only hurts the game and its participants. I think we all, except for benp lippen, need to go over to Shearer's trailer park (Lot #14) and imbibe many brown ales.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:52 PM
Lowerstate, I did inflict pain on many forwards...but I didn't play at Irmo, I moved in my junior year. I played baseball because at the time I enjoyed baseball more than soccer. I did play in northern Illinois, and I was playing varsity as a freshman. I was known to be a bit physical on the field, and was of the mentality that if you physically pounded a player, they would think twice about coming in your general vicinity again. I received my fair of yellow cards, and I even got a red once. A kid from rock island (IL) slide tackled me from behind, and only got a yellow. I went back into the game after getting injured and full on tackled the kid as hard as I could. I shouldn't have done that, and I won't teach my children to do that. I still play a physical game when I play. As for my reffing, I don't care what people in SC think of it, because I will never move back, and I will never ref another game there.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:55 PM
Soccerboy, don't get mad at me or anything, but you need to quit while you're ahead. I enjoy reading a lot of your posts, because they do stir up some questions, but take a mom's point of view, you're getting a little out there now.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:57 PM
Soccermom, didn't really mean to refer to all of irmo during the dialogue with soccerboy. but, some people are excusing their meeting with the coaching staff and i was having a go at soccerboy about it. don't take that the wrong way as i didn't mean for it to be intended in that way.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:59 PM
We are just having a spirited discussion!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 06:59 PM
No offense taken coach. Some of us really are okay down here! We bleed red, we love our kids and WE LOVE TO WATCH SOCCER!!! Just gets a little heated sometimes, sometimes we ALL (and I mean ALL) forget that the best winners are the most gracious losers.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:00 PM
Ok, now that we have settled that, lets move on. So, let me see if I have it right...soccermom, you aren't soccerboy's mom, right?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:02 PM
OH NO!!! I'm sure he is a very nice person, but I don't have any clue who he is. No offense soccerboy, I'm sure you're mom is very nice. My son is actually a player for Irmo this year.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:07 PM
Well, I am not really a coach, but I am Jose's daddy!
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:08 PM
Then soccermom knows my dad....the guy that films for Irmo!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:08 PM
hi pop!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:11 PM
Well, soccerboy, I know Dale who does the Irmo website, is that your dad?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:12 PM
I am actually striker's illegitimate love child from a previous life..ha ha ha.
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:14 PM
lol, no Dale is not my dad.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:16 PM
Oops, sorry. I like Dale. I'm sure I have seen your dad, but I don't know who he is. I guess he would be the guy with the video camera???
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:18 PM
All I want to know about is soccerboys coaching prowess.

One time, at band camp...
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:42 PM
I did not ask for a bio. You told coach that physical confrontations is barbaric. Is inflicting pain on opposing strikers not barbaric?
Posted By: James Gray Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:43 PM
Why do you want to know of my coaching prowess? I have not coached. Well, I helped a little with some U-12 teams, but that is about it. I don't have a desire to coach soccer. I enjoy reffing, and maybe one day when my education degree is done I might look into coaching.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:54 PM
have you all noticed that in the video none of the irmo players seem to be arguing that the ball was in or that there was a handball? they had a better view than all of you yet yall keep complaining. Stop trying to ruin South Aikens win.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 07:56 PM
Look again.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 08:02 PM
hmm i looked and all i see is a sad player upset because they couldnt put the ball in the net
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 09:11 PM
Okay, in talking to that "sad" player personally, what he was saying was "I can't believe they missed the handball AND the goal"..but that's only what he says he was saying at the time. I wasn't on the field, and he has never lied to me before, that I know of, of course, I haven't known him very long, so maybe he was making that up..but then again...Get the point?!?!? Anyway, you will notice that the first thing the boys do is look to the linesman for his call. I think the coach on the sidelines tells the story about the call anyway. Say what you will about these players, but they rarely argue a call. That doesn't mean it isn't questioned or debated, but I'm talking about getting in a ref's face and arguing the call. Another thing, I haven't seen one player from Irmo on this site posting anything regarding the game. I guess as far as they are concerned, it's over. So why not let it end?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/17/05 09:18 PM
It wasn't a handball, it was the hand of god... only this time Maradona was sustaining the victory.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 12:09 AM
i agree it is over but yet there are tons of people out there still talking about it. and on irmos website they put the video i hardly beleive they think its over
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 12:59 AM
You were the one that was telling us how you take your players away from the parents, etc... I assumed you were talking about coaching. I was looking for some more insight.

It sure has been a rough day for you on this board.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 12:53 PM
Irmo can bring it on the field next year if they want. I'm punish
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 08:10 PM
Yeah, I couldn't agree more with roller. It is over, and it should be. But soccermom, seeing as we played Irmo in the championship, and seeing as they have an article and 6 pictures and a video whining about the call.... its time for Irmo to admit defeat.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 08:18 PM
I guess to finalize the arguement about this worthless play we still talk about, you have to look at the video VERY closely. I just watched it again to see if I could get a goal out of it, and realized there is no way it crossed the line. When Sucher clears the ball, he kicks it into the ground, and the ball is clearly 2 feet from the line. Judging on the angle he kicked it at, the ball was barely even over the line.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 09:17 PM
thank you champs and i agree with rico too. irmo can bring it next year and we will again give them another reason to post bull crap videos on their website and give their fans another reason to complain and whine like always
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 09:19 PM
Haha yeah... OH WAIT Irmo graduated 12 seniors nevermind, can you say LOSING RECORD.... Yeah, I can't wait for next year when they lose to listen to a whole new generation of stuck up whiners from irmo
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/18/05 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Soccerboy:
Oops, I had a typo. I guess I do have some ignorance when it comes to my keyboard!

a typo.. mistyping an a instead of an "i".. think you just misspelled the word, friend.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 02:52 PM
Goose may be the best in state, but can he do this?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 03:48 PM
The guy who cleared it's right foot is on the line... he hits it with his left that is behind the line (way behind the line) along with the ball. Congrats SA, you got the lucky end of this missed call. Good luck next season. And uh...I don't think Irmo could possibly have a losing season. Irmo has won State Championships with less talent than what they will have next year.

Oh yeah, cool save.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 07:52 PM
are you talking to yourself now? no one has said anything more about the call.. and its been almost a week..
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 08:04 PM
yea futbolf you friggin idiot everyone knows south aiken has won and they all accept it so get over it

that was a cool save sum more kool websites like that are and go there. kool stuff
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 09:13 PM

Actually i was talking to statechamps05. This entire thread is about the call, your aimless babbling is what shouldnt be on here. I can post what ever the hell I feel like posting... even if it bothers you that i post it (thats what makes it more fun). I enjoy listening to you guys get so upset about it.

If it wasn't a questionable call, then you guys wouldn't care so much. You would just close an ear and ignore my aimless babbling... but you dont.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 09:19 PM
i only pester you about it because your whining and complaining wont change a thing. You lost. I enjoy knowing you still post about the game because that means its still in your head. Losing to South Aiken is something that is still fresh on your mind. You lost to a team that loss in the first round of play offs last year. You lost to South Aiken TWICE. So complain and whine about the call. If Irmo was as good as they say they are.. they would have had other opportunities to score.

Lets say the ball is called in.. OKAY!.. 1-1. no score until PKs. Who has the better success rate in PKS? Goose or Moody?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 09:22 PM
Posted By: Cola Fan Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/19/05 10:39 PM
futbolfanatic who are you? can you email me at thanks!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 01:43 AM
Irmo had 80 mins to score a goal and one call didnt lose the game for irmo. I was there and they played a great game. But to sit on here and say that one call cost them the game without scoring any other time during the game is nonsense. I think the ref was ok. I thought he called more for Irmo then SA but that is because #10 was a great actor. The game is over the season is over now lets move on. I think Phil will have his team ready again next year. Irmo always has a great team.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 01:45 AM
id like to see the numbers on that futbolf...

im guessing you're either a player or a student. so name yourself.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 01:59 AM
ahhhh mr. ryan, how correct you are. futbol better a irmo student or he is obsessive compulsive with being a little... whiner. he won't name himself though because irmo kids are pansies.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 02:49 AM
I know I'll hate myself in the morning...but the arrogance is killing me. True true, one call didn't lose the game for Irmo..and true, true, they didn't score any other goals. However, one goal did win the game for SA..and one call. Congrats SA. Please don't reply...I'm just stating a fact. You guys are awesome. Enjoy your summer and continued success.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 11:41 AM
Soccermom you kill me. You say something great in your messages and then you negate everything you say with little jabs you try to get in. And it is your arrogance that is killing you.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 12:21 PM
If you look, the defender's foot is on the line and he DOES go behind the line for the kick, but his foot meets the ball as it's going over the line. It doesn't look like it's crossed the line yet. Also, if you look at the shadow of the ball in the picture in relation to the shadow of the players, you can see that there's no way it went over the line.
As an alum of Irmo and the soccer team, I must say that this entire thread (not to mention the now dead issue of goal/no goal) is rather comical. It reminds me of the movie "Major League" where the fans in the outfield are arguing about a homerun. At the crack of the bat one fan deflatedly says it's a homer, while the other fan says it's too high. The argument then consists of a discussion about how/whether it could be a home run because it's too high. The converstaion is finally laid to rest by another friend who says "Who gives a s***, it's gone."

I, for one, think that sentiment is applicable here. It's over and done with. Congrats to both teams. First, to SA for its first-ever State 4-A Soccer Championship, and second, to Irmo for its 22nd appearance in the finals since 1978, with a W-L in those appearances of 15-7.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 02:55 PM
Well said Collateralestoppel.
Posted By: aleksandrus11 Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 03:54 PM
finally someone said it

Amen Collateralestoppel.
Posted By: Edmund Carson Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/21/05 04:00 AM
Here here!
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/20/05 11:45 PM
I'm not so's only been discussed for 8 pages...can't we squeeze a few more out?
Posted By: gerrard15 Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 05/22/05 02:02 AM
It's Irmo they'll have many more state championship games and wins. SA had a well deserved win, and irmo dont worry you'll be there again.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/02/05 06:25 PM
dude i dont care what anyone says irmo friggin scored. . .they should have let it gone 2 a shoot out
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/02/05 08:32 PM
the game came down to who practiced with the more crappier balls, that was the team that was more used to the crappy balls used in the state championship games.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/05/05 05:20 PM
sorry this is so late but i was reading all these and this was really bothering me how statechamps05 is so cocky..i was just curious how much playing time did you get in the game...if ANY? i could be wrong thinking that you are a bench warmer but i doubt it. congrats any way.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/05/05 09:49 PM
haha....cmom bro....don't on the warmers.....we just chill too daggum hard.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/14/05 03:12 PM
Summer is a slow soccer time, so let's continue the debate about the SA/Irmo game and get those Irmo fans stirred up some more.
Premise: Micro-chips would have won it for Irmo.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/15/05 04:14 AM
Yeah, they could've put chips in everybody's clothes, too, and that would have proved that Goose took his jersey off and proof that all the Irmo players were not where they were supposed to be during the awards ceremony....
Posted By: mbsocfan Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/15/05 03:43 AM
Striker...why do you assume micro-chips would have won it for Irmo?? I think the micro-chips would have confirmed SA's win!! Interesting article..and quite relevant...
Posted By: 2004striker Re: The "magical" ball in the 4A game - 06/15/05 12:45 PM
I don't really know if it would have confirmed a goal or not. I just wanted to stir up the forum summer soccer discussions and give the Irmo fans something to rant about. It will be interesting to see if it works in the trial run at the FIFA U-17 world championships.
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