SC Soccer
Posted By: da_crasie_puma lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 03:02 PM
any final score guesses? lexington's keeper tanner osborne will be playing with a sore shoulder that has been dislocated 6 times since the seasons start, and they'll be missing key defender ross gorman in the back. from what i've heard NW is at full force.
Posted By: Nemco Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 03:12 PM
EHS (enzo highschool) jk,...NW 4-0
Posted By: WROONY Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 03:13 PM
2-0 NW or 1-1

i bet real henry is going to prdiction as 10-0 ENZO not NW haha
Posted By: The Real Henry Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 03:50 PM
WROONY, very funny. I say 11-0 ENZO!!!

No I'm kidding. I say Northwestern 3-1.
Posted By: High Flyer Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 03:53 PM
I'm going with 3-1 or 2-1 NW
Posted By: SpacemanSpiff Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 04:07 PM
Lex. 2 Enzo 1
Posted By: The Real Henry Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 04:11 PM
When will people start realizing Enzo is NOT the only player Northwestern has. I know he is the best and one of, if not, the best player in state but I believe they would still be a contender for a state title without him.

Just my opinion.
Posted By: Bear Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 04:32 PM

any final score guesses? lexington's keeper tanner osborne will be playing with a sore shoulder that has been dislocated 6 times since the seasons start, and they'll be missing key defender ross gorman in the back. from what i've heard NW is at full force.

What doctor is clearing a kid to play that has dislocated his shoulder 6 times since starting the season?????
Posted By: futbol(soccer) Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 04:37 PM
I am still confused about the red card Alex got and his punishment...???
The rules states clearly 2 week suspension but the Rock Hill Newspapers and NHSXCOACH both state otherwise.... Can anyone pointme to where the actual punishment is written on the SCHSL rule book?

I like to be able to point out in the future.

As far as tonight... the weather may be a big factor.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 05:23 PM
From the SCHLS Constitution, pages A-26 to A-27:

Unsportsmanlike acts that take place at the site of an interscholastic contest are League matters. The
League shall discipline violators of the following items.
1. An athlete who is ejected for using abusive language, flagrantly or maliciously contacting
another person, making obscene gestures to opponents or spectators, shall be ineligible
for a minimum of the next contest to the maximum of one year depending on the
seriousness of the violation.
Any attempt to verbally abuse, make obscene gesture to, threaten or strike an official or
member of the opposing coaching staff, shall be considered a serious violation making the
athlete ineligible for a minimum of the next two contests to the maximum of one year. Any action that warrants a maximum penalty will also require that the school be placed on
immediate probation in that sport. The League Office will review any other action(s) that
result in an ejection with the possibility of additional penalties.
NOTE: Any ejection that warrants games(s) suspension will require the removal of the
athlete’s eligibility until the suspension has been served at the level of the ejection.
2. Any athlete who leaves the bench area to become involved in a fracas will be disqualified
from that game and will be subject to a minimum of a next game suspension depending on
his or her involvement. A school whose athletes violate this bench policy will be subject to
League discipline.
3. An athlete who is ejected for the second time in the same sport will have his or her athletic
eligibility removed for a minimum of two weeks. An athlete who has been ejected from three
contests during a school year (all sports) shall become ineligible for the remainder of the
school year. Game officials must report all player ejections so that the League Office can
officially notify the school of each violation. When an athlete is ejected for the second time in
the same sport, the school is required to immediately begin the above prescribed penalty.
4. A coach will be in violation of the standards for good sportsmanship established by the
League for:
a. making degrading/critical remarks about officials during or after a contest either on
the field of play, from the bench or through any public news media;
b. arguing with officials or going through motions indicating dislike/disdain for a
c. detaining the official following the contest to request a ruling or explanation of actions
taken by the official; or
d. being ejected from any contest.
5. A coach's action that leads to an ejection will be considered as serious unsportsmanlike
conduct. The minimum penalty will be a next game suspension (Must be served at the level
of ejection before resuming coaching duties at games) or a $100.00 fine. The penalty will be
doubled for a second offense. (Two games and $200.00) NOTE: If a coach is ejected from
the final game of the season, the minimum penalty will be a $100.00 fine assessed to the
6. A school must control its spectators. In cases where spectators physically assault an official,
coach, or athlete, the school shall be given one of two options: (1) To take legal action
against the offender(s) that is acceptable to the League or (2) be disciplined by the League.
7. A school shall not allow vulgar chants by its supporters.
8. Violation of any of the above policies will warrant League discipline for the school or
individual. Degrees Of League Discipline Are:
WARNING: An official notice that an inexcusable, unethical, or unsportsmanlike action is
a matter of record and must not happen again.
PROBATION: A team may compete in regularly scheduled contests but may not play in
a jamboree, an invitational event or for a region or state championship.
FINE: May be levied in addition to other disciplines and may range from $25.00 to
$2,500.00 for each violation.
SUSPENSION: A suspended school may not compete against another member school
or a school in another state whose association is a member of the National Federation of
State High School Associations.
NOTE: A school that has been placed on probation or had a program suspended during
that sport season, must appeal within 10 working days. If the suspension or probation
occurs during the last contest of the season, the appeal must be made prior to the
beginning of the sport the next season.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 05:24 PM
I mean SCHSL...sheesh, my typos are becoming ridiculous.
Posted By: futbol(soccer) Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 05:46 PM
Coach I agree 100% with what you added but according to the Rock hill Herald he only had to sit 2 games. This was also pointed out by NHSXCOACH in a different thread, something about levels... As with you I went straight to the source and found as you found. So there must be something somewhere that states otherwise. Ithink all coaches should at least be aware of this level of red cards so that it can be applied fairly acrros the whole state.
Posted By: The Real Henry Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 06:15 PM
The coaches should take the time to look at the rule book and find this. I commend Mr. Ahl, Mr. Warren, and the Northwestern coaching staff for finding this.
Posted By: Nemco Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/04/08 07:08 PM

When will people start realizing Enzo is NOT the only player Northwestern has. I know he is the best and one of, if not, the best player in state but I believe they would still be a contender for a state title without him.

Just my opinion.

without him, they will still be extremely good, but not a state contender. just my thoughts.
Posted By: da_crasie_puma Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/05/08 12:19 AM
Final: 2-1 NW in overtime. A well played game by both teams with no help from refs for either side. several obvious throw ins were mis called and several fouls in the box were neglected. lexington's graham howard effectively shut down enzo throughout the game. not sure how alex was able to play with a red card last game, but he went in shortly after the game started. lexington's keeper had an amazing game, despite the injured shoulder, with several tough saves that he made look easy. im sure these two teams will be looking forward to playoffs for a rematch.
Posted By: ehs1 Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/05/08 01:30 AM
was a very hard fought well played game. The refs were very bad and missed alot of calls. Some good goals were scored as well.
Posted By: BamBam Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/05/08 01:47 PM
Bad officiating? Novel concept this year! They get worse every game it seems.
Posted By: stripe1 Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/06/08 04:06 AM
I also heard that the officials were horrible and that the game could have gone either way. I look forward to a rematch between these two quality teams in the playoffs. They both look like strong contenders to win state
Posted By: springvalleyisnumber1 Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/06/08 04:19 PM
i think lexington should of won. i heard the refs screwed them over on more than one occasion. and who were the goal scorers in this game does anyone know?
Posted By: futbol(soccer) Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/06/08 04:55 PM
Garbanzo(2)- NW
deMent -Lex
Posted By: The Real Henry Re: lexington vs. northwestern - 04/06/08 11:15 PM

i think lexington should of won. i heard the refs screwed them over on more than one occasion. and who were the goal scorers in this game does anyone know?

Were you at the game?
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