SC Soccer
Posted By: brfutball Mercy Rule *DELETED* - 04/10/08 11:42 AM
Post deleted by Kyle Heise
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 04:40 PM
I wasn't going to post until I saw a score of 19-0. It is a shame when scores escalate to this level of a mismatch. It totally dilutes individual statistic comparisons. How can a players year-end statics be adquately compared when a team runs socres up like that. A particular player may be having an outstanding year only scoring 1 goal per game and we wind up comparing them to a team in which a player may have had 5-6 goals in just one game because of the competition.

Why not allow the kids to continue with the game but have a 5 goal differential max. What I mean by that is a team can play however they want but only the first 5 goals would be reported. I would suggest using a reporting mechanism where a 5 goal differential is reported. Instead of 19-0 they would only be allowed to report a score of 5-0. It just doesn't seem right to allow a kid to become a statewide leading scorer in only one game, not saying that this has happened but it could with scores like these.
Posted By: Nemco Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 04:42 PM
its possible to not score that many goals. NW never beat anyone in their region that bad when they easily could have. No mercy rule is needed. Just teams need to learn to be more respectful.
Posted By: SharksFutbol Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 05:02 PM
i dont know why soccer doesn't have a mercy rule like baseball and softball. But it should definitely be looked at with some of the scores we've seen this year alone
Posted By: fanofthegame Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 08:08 PM
Not recently has NW beat anyone 19-0 but a look at the 2006
season, shows scores of 16-0,15-0,14-0,13-0. Maybe we need to remember what our mothers use to say, "what goes around, comes around" , so just be prepared to handle the same that you dished out.
Posted By: The Real Henry Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 08:29 PM
Considering Northwestern's strength that year (the starting caliber of them and the depth of their bench) and the teams they beat that badly that year (Lancaster and Darlington who were both absolutely awful). I have a lot of respect for Darlington because Coach Wren specifically asked their coach if he wanted to end the game but those players wanted to play. Showed great heart.

As for beating Rock Hill High that badly, I believe there may have been some personal issues.

And I don't believe Northwestern will get beat that badly anytime soon.
Posted By: Lowerstate4A Re: Mercy Rule - 04/10/08 09:44 PM
the question then needs to be asked: since they had all that talent why in the world were they playing Darlington?
Posted By: SC SOCCER10 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 01:29 AM
There are reasons for this that I will not disclose but there were was something to it originally that made it seem like the game was a good idea to have take place.
Posted By: kickittome Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 02:04 AM
Appreciate the nice comments about the heart of my guys in Darlington. That was my first year at Darlington, I wanted my kids who were not exposed to soccer that much to play a high quality team. Coach Wren was willing. It was an amazing experience for my team.
Since then we have talked about and used the experience on many occasions.
That year we went 2-15.
Last year we were 12-9-1. First winning season in the history of the program. Finished second in the region and hosted the first playoff game ever. Beat a ranked opponent.
This year we are 7-10 and finally are starting to get things together and should finish strong. We started out rough, but have played much better as the season has gone along. I have not shied away from good competition. We have played N. Myrtle, Waccamaw, South Florence (3X), Wilson, and Thomas Sumter. We have struggled against most of those teams, but they help prepare us for our region, which is probably the weakest in the state. We don't have any kids soccer in our town and are among the states poorest schools.
For us, it was a very good thing and we appreciated the opportunity to play the best team in 4A that season.
People on here talk about the Pee Dee schools not playing quality teams, so I went out and scheduled the toughest schedule we could afford to travel and play.

The mercy rule: I go back and forth. Right now I am on the side of "what goes around comes around." The difference between soccer and the stick sports is we have a set time limit, they don't.
Posted By: scballa Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 02:34 AM
scoring goals is part of the game....telling your team not to score is like michael jackson saying he is black....its just not right. Each team knows what they are getting there self into before each game....teams who are getting beat 13 or 19 - 0 should be better prepared. If there is nothing a coach can do with the cards he is dealt then he should suck it up and realize that his squad sucks. I would see getting beat that bad as a learning experience.
Posted By: scballa Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 02:39 AM
and since when did soccer become about stats....thats all people seem to care about these days- Oh Johnny has 39 goals this season ! stats should be the least of anyones worries...who cares if someone has a ton of goals..the other players should realize their passion for the game is greater than goals scored or the number of assists one has
Posted By: Phenomenon Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 02:51 AM

The difference between soccer and the stick sports is we have a set time limit, they don't.

In all my times debating why other sports have a mercy rule and soccer does not, This is the first time that thought has ever crossed my mind and I can't beleive I had never thought of it that way.

Great point kickittome
Posted By: SC SOCCER10 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 01:32 PM
Coach, I commend what you have done at Darlington. This is what the game is about. I remember seeing your record last season and was quite astonished at the vast improvement. Keep up the good work. As for the mercy rule goes, I think there is a right way and wrong way of running up the score to a certain extent. What are you suppose to tell your kids that come off the bench and rarely see playing time unless you are up? It is only fair to let them do their job and give all their effort. Starters should be pulled at the this point unless it is necessary for them to play. Remember the kids love to PLAY the game, not play and go home after 25 minutes vs the full 80.
Posted By: kickittome Re: Mercy Rule - 04/11/08 01:58 PM
I totally agree with you regarding the mercy rule!
Plus, we need to make sure the refs earn every red cent! LOL
Posted By: WhatDoesItMatter Re: Mercy Rule - 04/12/08 11:03 PM
how about this from a few years back. I am sure alot of people wanted a mercy rule for this one.
Posted By: philly Re: Mercy Rule - 04/13/08 03:13 AM
Kickittome, why do you have to make comment about refs. I know some coaches who don't earn their money!!!!
Posted By: kickittome Re: Mercy Rule - 04/13/08 03:26 AM
Philly - notice the "LOL". It was intended as a joke. I apologize to any ref that took that the wrong way. Check out my comments regarding refs elsewhere, and you will quickly see that I am on their side more than most. However, you are absolutely right, there are many coaches who don't earn their money.
Now - Back to the mercy rule.
Posted By: soccer2103 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/14/08 01:16 AM
I agree with kickittome regarding the games being timed. I am back and forth on the mercy rule as well but as a coach who has been on both sides of a blow out, you have to remain "composed." I would never embarrass a team in a match if it was that one sided and I would hope the other coach would do the same. It is common courtesy to save face. Therefore I don't think we need a mercy rule but some coaches need to have more respect for their opponents than to embarrass them.
Posted By: Agoraphobia Re: Mercy Rule - 04/14/08 04:43 PM
Any one remember the game when SV beat LR by 30 something goals on national sportsmanship day?
Posted By: Jackson, Samuel L. Re: Mercy Rule - 04/14/08 08:03 PM
Spring Valley would do that!!!! Wasn't that in 2001??
Posted By: projectpat17 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/15/08 02:00 PM
It was literally THAT easy to score on LR that year though.
Posted By: SC SOCCER10 Re: Mercy Rule - 04/15/08 05:11 PM
That shows no class. I am fairly sure Northwestern could have put higher numbers on Darlington the year they played (No Offence Coach), but they did not.
Posted By: kickittome Re: Mercy Rule - 04/15/08 05:48 PM
None taken. We were horrible. Once it gets to be more than 12-13 goals, it is the coaches responsibility to manage the team and not let them score at will like that. As a coach in our game against NW, it was good to watch what was going on. I didn't care for the number of goals that were scored, but I didn't think it was unsportsmanlike. He did everything he could do to show good sportsmanship.
Learn from losing big!
Posted By: WROONY Re: Mercy Rule - 04/16/08 03:08 AM
hmm so after you score 10 or higher goals.. you should pass the ball around and not score? and make them chase the ball?
Posted By: SV-Dad Re: Mercy Rule - 04/16/08 10:55 AM
Well, I'm going out on a limb..If a teams score is greater than a 3 goal differential it's a blow-out! But my real point I wish to make is how each goal is scored, what are reactions of the dominant team? Are they scoring the goal's and mocking their oponent. Coaches and official's need to watch that the celebration's are not excessive.
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