SC Soccer
Posted By: keeepersd2002 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 01:42 PM
Anyone know what the penalty is from high school league if a player gets 2 yellows in a game? he did sit the rest of the game, but the ref told him he was 99% sure he did not have to sit out a game...unless the school punishes him...basically the kid got a soft red-not a direct red card was pulled...

any help here on the rules/policies?
Posted By: Snicklefritz Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 02:08 PM
High School league rules are that the player must be removed from the game, the team may substitute for them (leaving it 11 v 11) and there is no further punishment from the league. The school may deal with it if they choose. Don't have the rule book in front of me, but that is what it is.
Posted By: keeepersd2002 Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 02:22 PM
thanks for the info. he was removed from the game and was subbed; the other coach's flipped but the ref reminded them they were not playing fifa/ussf rules...i had no idea so good to know for future games, etc.
Posted By: Blind ol Ref Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 03:10 PM
Being able to bring on a substitute for the soft red situation is correct, but no further sanctions to the player except by the school in incorrect. The referee will submit a red card report to the high school league and they will issue a sanction to the offending player. That player will probably be suspended for the next match, but the suspension could be longer
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 03:13 PM
Real quick, some different rules between HS and club (FIFA). Many parents are more familiar with FIFA rules.

In HS......

1. If you get 2 yellows you can be replaced.
2. If a throw-in "never came in", it goes to the other team.
3. You can sub on your own corner kick, providing you are already at the half field line.
4. Once you put a ball down for a goal kick, you can't move it to the other side.

That's a few that I've seen "confuse" some parents in the stands.

Coach P......feel free to add a couple more.
Posted By: Snicklefritz Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 03:16 PM
I apologize for the mistake. Like I said, I don't have the book in front of me. Thanks Blind.
Posted By: Coach P Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 03:34 PM

Coach P......feel free to add a couple more.

The National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association (NISOA) has prepared A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RULES AND LAWS which outlines the differences in the rules and laws of the NFHS, NCAA, and FIFA. The pdf document can be found at this link:

Note - NFHS is the National Federation of State High School Associations which publishes the high school rules.
Posted By: Coach J Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 04:27 PM
blind ol ref.
The kid can play the next match. If it happens again (soft Red) then one game out.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 04:36 PM
One of our boys got a soft red (first time) a week or two ago...when our AD called the league office to confirm the penalty he was told that after reading the offical's report they were giving him a next-game suspension, even though the official on the field only showed the second yellow.

Apparently the rules are a bit more arbitrary than the rules state.
Posted By: sandman Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 05:14 PM
can the player take the corner from either side he chooses?
a ref told me that once, but one ref wouldn't allow.
.....too lazy to look up
Posted By: keeepersd2002 Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 05:20 PM
I heard from that coach he has to sit the next game-i guess coming from the high school league; so don't assume to yellows they won't make you sit...i guess it depends on the write up by the ref...basically he had 2 hard fouls-no punches thrown or anything before or afterward...he did not play the one where he got the 2nd definitely was a foul, not doubt...

so don't assume anything it is all on the high school league to give the punishment...this is not coming from the school as the coach was going to punish him himself per AD request
Posted By: keeepersd2002 Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 05:35 PM
i guess the ref reported "unsportsmanlike conduct" and "impeding progress" for each yellow and the high school league suspened him 1 i said don't assume they don't get suspended-all on the league..and with the recent cards flying in all sorts of games this week maybe they are cracking down and suspending everyone
Posted By: back of the net Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 07:22 PM
It should not depend on the ref. 2 yellows, you sit the next game or two. No interpretation needed.
Posted By: Coach P Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 07:52 PM

It should not depend on the ref. 2 yellows, you sit the next game or two. No interpretation needed.

It depends on the type of misconduct which the referee describes in her/his report.
Posted By: back of the net Re: 2 yellow cards - 04/29/10 07:53 PM
I think that is ridiculous. Two yellows you sit.
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