SC Soccer
Posted By: Coach P Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 06:06 PM
Let's continue the discussion here rather than further hijacking the score reporting thread.
Posted By: Coach P Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 06:15 PM

The integrity of the game is being called into question and I would think that would have folks concerned.

I've been around this sport at the youth and high school level for over 16 years and I have heard very similiar discussions about games like this on and off this message board many times over the years. Soccer is still alive and well.
Posted By: Coach P Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 06:16 PM

Ok, then stop the game and talk to the coach and have them enforce proper behaviour. The point is to not allow off the field behaviour to effect the game.

Posted By: Captain Hindsight Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:11 PM
No one wants to move it so change your thread to "The worst parents in high school soccer" Maybe that title has already been awarded.
I'll start with Riverside.
They can't help it though.Comes from winning too much.
And can someone shut the anouncer up. there is a game going on
Posted By: scwame Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:33 PM
I think Patriot should change is nick name to Patriot the Pot Stirrer. I think the announcer at Riverside is a nice touch. Keeps it entertaining. I have also never heard the R. parents at a game yell at an opposing team player some of the things I've heard other school's parents yell and I am not aware that they have thrown any chairs yet. So you must be looking to just "stir the pot" .... again. Keeps it entertaining in a sick sort of way.
Posted By: Realist Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:43 PM
I have said all I am going to on this. I have tried to explain from my point of view what I saw and how I interpreted this match. There are always going to be fans that see it their way. I truly hope the young lady that was injured is gong to be ok and has a full recovery.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:47 PM
Hey Ref!

Posted By: Captain Hindsight Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:48 PM

I think Patriot should change is nick name to Patriot the Pot Stirrer. I think the announcer at Riverside is a nice touch. Keeps it entertaining. I have also never heard the R. parents at a game yell at an opposing team player some of the things I've heard other school's parents yell and I am not aware that they have thrown any chairs yet. So you must be looking to just "stir the pot" .... again. Keeps it entertaining in a sick sort of way.

They know I jest. Its for bomber
Posted By: The Chief Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 07:56 PM
What do you people want from him?! He is trying and yet now you want to hammer him for being in the wrong thread! Com on Hurst cut him a little slack he probably could not see the subject line cause his glasses were lost in the scuffle!

In all seriousness Realist, thank you for your view it was nice to see the oft missed third perspective on the game. Your willingness to speak when you did not have to was refreshing, those who complained would have done reguardless of your posts. The rest of us were glad to see it.
Posted By: Coach P Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 08:00 PM

In all seriousness Realist, thank you for your view it was nice to see the oft missed third perspective on the game. Your willingness to speak when you did not have to was refreshing, those who complained would have done reguardless of your posts. The rest of us were glad to see it.

I agree!
Posted By: The Chief Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/06/11 08:09 PM
Ya know just having a post by me and the name Riverside in the same thread is going to lead into some statistical warfare and comments by Transplant! Thanks a lot (Transplant I have not said or implied anything about your team, who I am glad to see are #1 this week!, no really, this disclaimer was suggested by my legal team, some guys moonlighting from another thread about polls!)
Posted By: Big Daddy Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/08/11 04:35 PM
A friend of mine from Clover asked me to post this, regarding the Lancaster-Clover game the other night. I have copied and pasted this from his email to me:

" would really like you to post this on SC soccer. One last note on the Clover Lancaster game.

I did not attend the game but my wife was one of the first people down on the field after the Clover player got hurt. When my wife arrived on the field, the Clover girl could not feel her neck or move her back. It was a scarey scene for everyone. What happened next is the untold story. My wife and the Clover coaches prayed adamantly for feeling to return to the little girls neck and back. Many tears were shed. A doctor, who no one really knew, (from the Lancaster side) came down to the field and offered much support. He even came to the hospital to attend to the player. During the evaluation process he was the one who communicated with my wife and others about the status of the injured Clover player. As the ambulance drove away the girls from the Clover team joined together in prayer on the field. Within minutes feeling returned to the Clover player. By the time she reached the hospital she was nearly healed. I don't know for sure, but I think there was something amazing that came out of this situation. The Clover family wants to thank all those who prayed for their player. We think her recovery is a miracle.

Thanks. "
Posted By: Realist Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/08/11 05:08 PM
That is good news indeed!!!
Posted By: letmeputittooyouthisway Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/08/11 05:52 PM
Posted By: 18&Strike Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/09/11 01:20 AM
Amen as well...thanks to the doc on the Lancaster side.
Posted By: Notsofastfriend Re: Clover vs Lancaster - 04/09/11 01:27 AM
Big Daddy,

Thanks for sharing. Awesome story
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