SC Soccer
Week 6 Girls Power Rankings:

1. Hannah Allison, Riv
2. Alyssa Althoff, CC
3. Ashley Tanner, RV
4. Gracie Boswell, Mal
5. Noel McDaniel, BC
6. Stephanie Devita, Hil
7T. Megan Fish, PP
7T. Casey Black, Wod
8. Allisa Pantuosco, Clover
9. Deangelus Anderson, BL
10. Nellie Phillips, BC

Players to watch: Amelia Henderson (Wan), Frankie Jumper (Swa), India Robinson (Cam), Lindsey Tuten (WH), Alexa Gainey (WF)

Team of the Week: Pinewood Preparatory School

(These rankings are calculated based on votes from highly trained professionals who specialize in evaluating the quality and nature of High School Soccer)
Is the team of the week based on last week's results?
If you look within the parenthesis it tells you how the rankings are calculated.
Pelion girls will make it back next week. They just have to. GO PANTHERS!!!
I want to play. Players to watch: Catie Smith (jl mann) Taylor levato (JL Mann) Kia Anderson (JL Mann) Abby Williams (JL Mann) Nicole Dagger( JL Mann) Emily Green (JL Mann) Team of the Week- Any team but Pinewood
I've got stats to prove it but they are kept in secret location along with the coke formula.
Tugjobber, I am sure that I speak for all soccer fans when I say that I am anxiously awaiting the release of the names of the individuals who are included in this highly professional panel this week. Care to expound? (This is not sarcastic, dead serious.)
Post deleted by TugJobber
You are vile and disgusting, not the least bit funny, I expect Kyle to delete your last post. If this is what this site finds acceptable, I'm done with it.
Sorry to upset your fragile sensibilities. I'll retract.

You do realize it was satire in its finest form correct? An allegory to the way Pinewood Prep has been outcast for running up scores on people. It's clear these people were/are evil and I'm not advocating they weren't. Obviously your sense of humor is extremely dull.
At some point TugJobber T-Shirts have to be sold to the public!!
What did I miss, were this weeks members of FAWGS released and now they have been deleted. I sure hope Marta comes to our game tonight if she is still on the Committee. When she comes we win.
Because of Hitler, more then 60 million people died in WWII, including 6 million Jews. Any reference to Hitler and a representative of Pinewood Prep girls soccer is vile and disgusting. Even in jest.
acatsdad...thank you for your response! My father was a 'lucky' survivor of Auschwitz Concentration Camp and I found these pictures and references to Hitler disgusting to say the least!
60 million? Did Germany invade China too? Or was Hitler leader of Japan? I'm missing numbers.

At any rate I hope neither of you drive a Ford or have ever considering Henry Ford was one of the biggest anti-Semites around back then, even passing out Mein Kampf to his workers...I personally don't drive one for this reason. That and they're crappy cars and not expensive enough for my tastes.

Now, the Team of the Week was not really vote on by Adolf Hitler. As many of you might not know, he's been dead since 1945 and that was apparently an illconcieved attempt at humor in light of the ruthless attacks on Pinewood this week. Thankfully Hatch was released from his grasp so he could grace us with his presence on the board. The real selector of Pinewood Prep this week has never shown mercy to anyone. He has stomped his opposition to run the gamut and become a leader in his industry. His win at all costs approach to media and business has propelled him to the pinacle of his profession. He identifies with the Pinewood spirit!

Back to the original topic of this thread, I think your list is missing one of the best players in the state. Irmo's Amy Dherckers scored 15 goals along with 6 assists through her team's first 13 games.
Did someone just take the side of the Jews for once? Baruch atah Adonai! Why is everyone getting their panties in a knot? Obviously Hitler couldn't have voted for these girls because Noel McDaniel is on the list. And to DormanSoccer...Lila tov. Hazak, hazak v'nit hazek!
A Jane on a serious note, You watching the Clasico tomorrow? Real is gonna do work!!

Guy is the best Forward in the word
I hear Adam Sandler will be playing Higuain in the ESPN 30 on 30 movie.

I hear Adam Sandler will be playing Higuain in the ESPN 30 on 30 movie.

It's ESPN 30 FOR 30...I don't know what types of movies you're into...
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