SC Soccer
Posted By: laplageauxfolles Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 03:48 AM
I have long struggled with this self destructive impulse, but finally feel I must provide a minimum of three words of advice for the coaches, parents, friends, etc. of Fort Mill regarding the nature of West Ashley, a team no one knows better than I. Tonight I am unable to complete this self assigned task but I will try and make posts at 10am, 11am, and noon tomorrow, before leaving for Stone Stadium in the early afternoon. Thank you in advance for your forebearance. May the better team win.

Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 12:32 PM
I had no problem pulling into parking space #13 this morning.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 12:50 PM
A direct spit into the eye of good fortune...
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 01:11 PM
Both lpaf and I have held true to this karma thing for too long. From the looks of his above post, things just may explode later this morning.
1) West Ashley uses a parent signal caller at times to help co-ordinate the actions of the team on the field. I will not name him, but he has an unusually loud and sometimes annoying voice. The signals to the team are somewhat complex and, of course, coded, a bit like a third base coach's signals to runners in baseball. Key words to indicate instructions are being given are "LAY DEES" and "Get your wheels on". There it is. Do what you can with it.

Posted By: Coach Young Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 02:12 PM
Solution: Find him, watch nothing but his abdomen/diaphragm. When you see a rather large intake of air, outside what would be considered a normal breath, shout loud and incomprehensive strands of words to counter and confuse.


"ARRRRRRRRGH, Two shillings for a cornish hen!!!"

"Wuuuuuuuhhhhhhooooo I got your Fort Dorchester right here!!!"

I would alternate between using a pirate's voice and a ripoff of Ray Ramano. Mixing the two would provide even better results.

I only give you the solution because I want to see a fair fight. Lapf's need to sabatoge his own team is obvious mental repercussions from the hardened playoff road.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 02:29 PM
The Fort Mill faithful are generally too preoccupied with screaming at the officials to notice any covert coaching going on in the opposing stands.
2) McNeely and company might try some variation of their famous "Good Karma from 8th Graders on the Bench" trick. As many will remember, West Ashley exploited underage bench warmers in the 2003 to seize an unfair advantage over Mauldin. The legal wrangling went on for months afterwards before WA's actions were finally vindicated. A coaching staff capable of that in '03 might stoop to even more bizarely underhanded means in '05. Check the roster and the players closely to make sure all are actually 1) high school students 2) female 3) of the human species.

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 03:10 PM
I have previously scoured the SCHSL bylaws (I am not saying why), and can find no reference to "human species".
Posted By: Hard Headed Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 03:11 PM
i dont know hurst66.the fm fans were pretty good against mauldin untill the 2nd the 2nd half i would have to side with the fm fans.the refs did try to make it an even game.that is something mauldin didnt need because they were to good.some of the fastest defense i have seen.good luck trying to go but you know who has soccer practice at queens college.the final four is next week in greensboro.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 03:26 PM

I was totally unfamiliar with what you discuss above....until a 45-minute halftime lightning delay left me in the booth along with three sportswriters during the semi-final. The Greenville writer covered the whole story back then, actually not the whole story, he wasn't at the game, he got involved when it went to the "courts".

He said WA did a nice job at the end of getting the legal eagles involved (I hope that was pro bono) and proved that the JV uniforms differed from the varsity uniforms, in that they had different stripes on the end of their sleeves.

It was obvious that you won the match on the field.

My question to the reporter was (and he couldn't answer this) "If these girls were simply on the end of the bench and had no shot of playing, who would notice and who would care"? I doubt anyone from Mauldin would have noticed this. Then.....who dimed you out? Was it somebody who recognized these players from club? Was it somebody from one of your rival Region 7 schools?

Not trying to open old wounds here, just looking for the "rest of the story".
3) I don't understand this last word of advice. It was given to me in a dream by what looked for all the world like a cross between an angel and a ghost. I was instructed that it should be the last word of advice. It's a single word. I was told the word, then told how to spell the word, then told how to write the word phonetically. Here goes:

ghetto (pronounced gedo, short e long o.)


ps: I asked if it was supposed to be "geko" but was told no.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/14/05 04:29 AM

Let me decipher your dream. Ghetto is actually "Get O". It means either "Get some O (as in offense)" or "Get Ostrander", the name of the Fort Mill goalkeeper.

Either way this is an obvious reach on your part to get more offense out of the Lady Wildcats. I don't know if the coach is on-line reading this right now, but maybe some covert coaching from the stands will help.

I wish you luck (not too much) and please make sure the wheels on the Tour Bus are safe and secure because I have a feeling that by the 70th minute of play, in this evening's much anticipated state final, they might start coming off!!!!

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/14/05 04:53 AM
I can't believe that I am actually posting something on the girls forum and that I am coming to the defense on my grammatically challenged friend in Monsieur Folly. I have seen for the past two years everyone bashing WA as they prepare for the title game,giving them little chance. Obviously, this team is experinced and while they may lose the match, I doubt that many wheels will be falling off of a team that has been in this position before- both in club and high school.

For what it is worth, old Dex and the stripe are rooting for the "underdog Wildcats."
Posted By: Coach Young Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/14/05 04:58 AM
I believe "Ghetto" is in reference to the style of soccer played at West Ashley. See 2003
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 05:01 PM
Oh no.........Chico!

In all of my excitement I have managed to throw away every karma point that I have earned to this point! The tide is turning, the consensus is now with the underdog (how in God's name can you consider that group and underdog???) Lady Wildcats!

What have I done!
Dex --

Your gesture of galantry is appreciated. Like a southern Don Quixote the West Ashley Lady Wildcats are preparing to dream the impossible dream, fight the unbeatable foe... Off to Columbia!!! The Doin' It the Hard WAy Tour '05 is rolling to its final destination.


Posted By: Anonymous Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 05:03 PM

I, along with others I am sure, have been waiting for your advise to FM. With all due respect, we still are. With regards to your item 1) I think our "dawg pound" group will cover it. 2)Doubt if FM cares who is on the bench or field; they'll focus on taking care of business. 3)Thank you! I'm sure everyone will crank it up a notch upon hearing the inference relating FM & ghetto! Our girls are much too self controlled to get mad, but ...
Posted By: Coach Young Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 07:12 PM
Ghetto was for West Ashley dad, not Fort Mill. In 2003 three this term was created for the Lady Wildcats style of play.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/13/05 07:17 PM
My greatest fear. If "beautiful soccer" gets reduced to this, we are in for a long night.

Probably will....nobody is looking for style points....just a result.
Hurst66 --

Although it didn't happen three years in a row, since West Ashley won state 3 times in the last 4 years, can they count this as a treble?

Great game, Fort Mill. One of the most exciting soccer matches I've ever seen.

Time for bed.

Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/14/05 11:48 AM
Three out of four ain't bad lpaf. Good to see you last night. Great game and congratulations to West Ashley.
Posted By: firefly Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/14/05 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Hurst66:
please make sure the wheels on the Tour Bus are safe and secure because I have a feeling that by the 70th minute of play, in this evening's much anticipated state final, they might start coming off!!!!


Significant karmic blunder to tell the best team in the state the wheels might start falling off their bus in the 70th minute of play. That was just about when they lowered the boom on Fort Mill. Great effort by both teams. A fine state final, beautiful yet ghetto. Good luck to both squads next year.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/16/05 01:05 AM

Some of the coaches running the state championship event knew before the game started the 8th graders were going to be sitting on the bench. They knew it could be a problem and said nothing to WA The officials in the press box were told before the game there were 8th graders on the bench, but also told they were not on the roster and were never going to be put in the game. I know this for a fact for several reasons. I also have a tape of the game purchased from the official video company that taped the game where a conversation between 2 of them was caught on tape and it was obvious they knew before the game. The coaches should have done everything possible to let WA know this was a problem. They should be there to help, not try to catch someone accidently doing something wrong. Justice did prevail (with a pro bono lawyer), though, and I hope this unfortunate event will never be brought up again on this message board. There are 2 girls who once were 8th graders that don't need this to be brought up again and again. Let's let it rest. Now you know "most of the story".
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: Three words of advice for Fort Mill - 05/16/05 02:41 PM

Thanks. Consider it dead.
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