SC Soccer
This year's change from having jv girls and boys playing one night, and varsity girls and boys playing a seperate night to having jv girls and varsity girls play one night, and jv boys and varsity boys play another night.

Is this only for 4A? And is this change state wide as well? What was the main reasoning for this switch? The rumor I heard was that this change was initiated to save gas money by bussing both teams at once on one bus and keeping it from being a co-ed bus ride.

I am in the dark on this issue.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: new varsity and jv times. how will this be a factor? - 12/31/05 02:49 PM
I know that 4A region IV has always been that way already.
I had no idea. This change is for region VII.

which way would be more benificial?
Region I is the same.

It is a good thing, especially if the JV coach is not with the district/incompetent/the varsity coach.
How can it save gas money if all four teams will play on two different nights? I can see having all the girls riding one bus one night and all the boys riding the bus the next night. Maybe there has been some hanky panky going on and the coaches and decided they have had enough. It would be a bad scene for the school if some young players cries sexual miscondut going on on the bus.
This is probably better for both teams, parents and coaches. It might also draw more parents out for the JV teams.

We had some young jv player mooning the car behind us last year!!! Had to sit out a few games.
I think this is a great idea. Younger players get a chance to watch the older players in all the Varisty games and the Varisty will be able to watch most of the JV game prior to warmups; builds more epirit de corps, if you will.
Is this true for all of 4A?
I'm not too sure about 4A, but in 2A, we bussed the varsity boys and girls together. I believe it is the same this year.
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