SC Soccer
Posted By: Coach Young How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 03:04 AM
I've started a thread on another forum that you may want to check out. If you absolutely do not want your girl to make the squad, follow the facts. Feel free to add other suggestions.;f=1;t=000749
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 02:46 PM
Knock, Knock...
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 03:37 PM
You better relax.....we're going to put you on a suicide watch!
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 04:03 AM
You're supposed to say "Who's there?"
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 04:19 AM
The scorer of 170 pts in two years, 2 time All Region, Unanimous Region Player of the Year, Anderson Independed Co-Player of the year, 36 wins in two years, 2 goal scorer against Wofford, State Championship Premier team member, 5-2 record against other All-State players, 14-3 aggragate winner of All-State players in the region, shafted Sophomore Caitlin Robinson.
Posted By: Bigsby, Clayton Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 04:59 AM
ok, it's a sophmore. She has 2 years

Is your daughter planning on quitting soccer next year?
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:03 PM
Several sophomores and a freshman made it. What's your point? We're in 2006, pal.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:05 PM
Clayton:'s not his daughter.

I knew that you were a self-hating racist [I really miss that show], but are you an ageist as well? [Smile]
Posted By: Bigsby, Clayton Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:08 PM
no, but it's done and I doubt the coaches will kick someone off the team and put little sally on there.

It sucks but it happens to a lot of people every year. Just be thankful she has two more years to get back at the coaches association. She could be a senior :/
Posted By: 202677 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:25 PM
her stats are certainly deserving. maybe y'all can come to the Viking Cup next year and everyone can see her play some good teams.
Posted By: Jack Rozier Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:26 PM
I voted for her.
Posted By: lwt Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 05:33 PM
this selection process always leaves many perplexed, as was i about several included and others omitted, but that one is an eye popper. please tell caitlin emilie's dad said save it for regionals, we'll show them in little rock.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 06:05 PM
All of you are right. "The Shaft" happens to many (few truly deserving as this one) for just as many reasons. At least there are two more potential years provided more of the same does not happen again.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/08/06 09:11 PM
...I still don't see how you could have left this one off. God has a plan is all I keep telling myself.
Posted By: dreherheckler Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 12:17 AM
its politics. if a player makes it one year they are likely to make it a second year even if they have a down year. not having looked at stats im gonna guess that theres a senior or two who have made all state atleast one before that has less deserving stats than this girl but made it again.
Posted By: dreherheckler Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 12:23 AM
for an example look at guys 3A, carl anderson from dreher listed as a defender. carl in actuallity played forward for half the year and is deserving of allstate at that position but not at defender. but im sure voters remember him as the lock down sweeper and his terrific free kicks last year.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 02:07 AM
Too many people in it for their own kids, instead of upholding the integrity they are supposed to be displaying. Thank the good Lord above that is not the case with everyone there.
Posted By: Jeff Hardy Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 02:44 PM
Robinson got the shaft, that's one bad B.

P.S. Do some work
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 03:56 PM
Yet another fan realizing the horrendous error a group of coaches made.

p.s. Get a job.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 03:57 PM
Maybe it was an accident...
Posted By: striker31 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:07 PM
2/3 of the 2A/1A girls team were from 4 schools, all of whom I believe were on the commitee. Also, did anyone else notice that on Sunday there were 18 girls, no keeper, but now there are 19 members, including the keeper from AC. I don't know anything about that keeper, but it seems odd that a player from one of the committee members schools was added.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:11 PM
So we can have 19 members now? What's the hold up?
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:20 PM
That's all W&E needed to hear.........
Posted By: striker31 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:22 PM
I would like an answer on 19 players as well.

I'm also wondering if they even re-evaluated the keepers that were nominated before making the decision to add the AC keeper.
Posted By: striker31 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:27 PM
You could be right
Posted By: striker31 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:28 PM
Not too fair for the 1A boys to be shorted one member
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:33 PM
It's divine intervention!!!

Posted By: cat's cradle Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 05:35 PM
I may be mistaken, but I am fairly sure only 2 keepers were nominated in A/AA girls. AND that the AM keeper was selected by the committee at the official meeting. The correct listing and the mix up with the boys, I'm not sure about.
Posted By: striker31 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 06:24 PM
I think that the Walhalla keeper was nominated.
Posted By: AgentOrange Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 06:29 PM
Question, how many college coaches come to high school matches?
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 06:39 PM
There you go W&E, as long as she's playing high-level club, or ODP, she's allright. Who gives a monkey's behind about All-State anyway.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 07:14 PM
uT, somewhere in the billions.

Hurst, you are correct. She'll be playing SEC or ACC while the others are getting partials from doormat D-II's or sucking out the bottom of a Dairy Queen cup. The wrong will be righted.
Posted By: NeverPlayed Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 07:23 PM
Originally posted by utvolsiat1:
Question, how many college coaches come to high school matches?

Well this may not be typical, but in the three Daniel matches I attended this year there were at least two college coaches at each one.

I agree with WE, Robinson got shafted, but things have a habit of working out. She will get her rewards.
Posted By: arrogantlyshabby Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 07:40 PM
Although I understand your frustration that Caitlin Robinson did not make the SC all-state team, the other young women who did make it did not do it. To put them down with your Dairy Queen remark is wrong.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 07:44 PM
W&E, how about taking it easy on the D2 programs as well. ;>)
Posted By: AgentOrange Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 08:00 PM
Olderdad, thanks for the Answer.
w&e, if billions came to the game then most of the world is a college coach right?
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/09/06 08:52 PM
Ut, this is correct.

Iceland, time will tell if I'm wrong or not. Did I ever put them to blame? I didn't think so.

Hurst, I made the "doormat" specifically for you and yours. That makes you exempt!
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 01:10 PM
Hurst, I need an acknowledgement.

p.s. Caitlin should have been All-State. Best player in the region. Compare stats, team records, team schedules, club teams, club teams accomplishments, etc (I know they don't factor into All-State, but this is to make it more objective instead of the unmerciful subjective approach)

p.s.s. bump
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:06 PM
Congratulations to all the girls who made the 4A All-State team.

Girls Class 4A
Sally Breeden, Senior, Defender, Spartanburg
Gabi Byrd, Sophomore, Forward, Dutch Fork
Kira Campbell, Sophomore, Midfielder, Lexington
Sara Catenacci, Senior, Forward, Wando
Jamie Coker, Senior, Goalkeeper, Hartsville
Rachel Datz, Junior, Defender, Fort Mill
Emily Delozier, Senior, Midfielder, Hilton Head
Nathalie Emplit, Sophomore, Midfielder, Dorman
Madison Fisher, Senior, Defender, Mauldin
Hannah Gmerek, Sophomore, Midfielder, Wren
Kelly Gosnell, Senior, Forward, James Island
Brittany Horton, Senior, Midfielder, Irmo
Torey Lybrand, Senior, Midfielder, Westside
Catherine Nolff, Junior, Defender, Irmo
Carmen Osorio, Senior, Defender, Dorman
Sara Schaidle, Freshman, Forward, Mauldin
Danielle Schmitt, Senior, Midfielder, Fort Mill
Morgan Wright, Senior, Goalkeeper, Wando

Should Caitlin be included in this class.....yes.

Would I ever advocate removing one of these other very-deserving girls?

Probably time to let it rest. You made your point (loud and clear).
Posted By: benp Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:27 PM
Sounds to me like this caitlin girl sucks...
Posted By: benp Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:39 PM
Oh, and I read in the other forum that you are the Hanna girls coach? If so, I don't see how you can say such things about players who play at d2 schools, I guess you don't have players that are "bad" enough to have to "settle" for playing college soccer at a level below d1.
Posted By: live and learn Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:39 PM
Great point.
Even though I do not know how the selection process works, it does seem unbelievable that Caitlin Robinson (with the extremely impressive and remarkable stats) wasn't selected. She obviously would have been a deserving selection and it seems to me (I say "seems" because I don't know all the other players, or the criteria used in making the selections, or anything about the process) like a travesty that she wasn't chosen. It was nice, W&E, that you went to the trouble of pointing out Caitlin's accomplishments, for Caitlin's sake, if for no one else's. But you've gone too far, in degrading any of the other selections. That's hurtful to them and, as you admitted, it's not their fault that they were selected and Caitlin wasn't. They were just playing their games!
Aside from this, Congratulations to Caitlin on all her truly incredible accomplishments for her team(s) the past 2 years. She is obviously a force to be reckoned with and I, for one, look forward to following her successes throughout the next few years. Keep up the great work!
Posted By: benp Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:40 PM
Basically I'm saying that its an accomplishment to play college soccer in my opinion, and while there are the few and proud that play d1 out of South Carolina, they are only a few.
Posted By: ChuckNorris Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 02:42 PM
Ouch, now thats a fresh hit of sarcasm! WE, time to get off the soapbox. Maybe she is good, but maybe, just maybe there are 18 that are better. Oh, wait, it was voted on by the coaches, so it seems that there are 18 better, no maybe about it!
PS- all your consistent nagging on this is taking away from, not to mention a slap in the face to the girls who did make it.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 03:53 PM
Ben & Jerry/Chunk

Other than saying other girls would not make it as far on the collegiate level as Caitlin, where did I slam them? I played D-II ball and wish it could have been D-1. Better players make that level. She will, a lot of those kids won't. Tough cookies for you and them, but that is a fact - not an insult. Welcome to life, what you are experiencing is jealousy. Saying she is the best player in the region - does that degrade others? Congrats to the girls that made it, as I've said all along. I'm sorry you are so senstive, but build a bridge and get over it. She got screwed, is better than some of those players, but there is nothing that can change it. I'm just making sure it doesn't happen again next year.
Posted By: anonymousjoe Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 05:12 PM
I do agree that this has been dragged out way too long, but at some point, I do have to agree with you WE. I mean Hartsville's Goalie? I have never seen her play, but SERIOUSLY, she gave up 41 goals this season, and they played IN REGION 6. It took me 2 days just to figure out what teams made up region 6. Then you have Lexington and FM's goalies who have shutouts records that are challenging the all time record in SC. How does this happen.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 05:18 PM
I know, Joe. I'm done with the subject. My point has been made. If no one else post, I'll slip off into obscurity and take this thread along with me.
Posted By: deahler Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 06:46 PM
Sorry to prolong this already tired subject any longer. However, I want to make a slight counterpoint to ajoe's point. Lexington's goalie does not have any shutout records, Lexington's TEAM established a new standard for consecutive shutouts this year. I believe that Fort Mill also has established a new shutout standard for total in one season, and they have a very fine defender on the All-State team. Congratulations to Rachel!!!
Posted By: Shibumi Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 06:56 PM
deahler: Very classy.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:02 PM
Thanks deahler, good comment Chico.

As ajoe will agree, although Rachel Datz certainly deserves her all-state status, there was more than one Lady Jacket who contributed to the team's great defense.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:05 PM
True, true, true. I wouldn't trade our season and team accomplishments for 5 North/South or All-State awards. How does that slogan go?

..The team comes first
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:10 PM

Have I congratulated you on a fine season, a region championship, and a place in the 4A quarterfinals?

If I forgot.......GREAT JOB!!!!
Posted By: anonymousjoe Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:40 PM
I understand all your points, I don't care about who made it, I understand there are only a certain amount of spots available. I know the shutouts are a team accomplishment, but when they choose goalies for the all state team, one of the categories on the nomination form is SHUTOUTS, trust me I know, I accidently filled it out. Both lexington and FM's goalies had exponentially more shutouts then Hartsville, and fewer goals allowed, and so on, I could continue, but I will refrain. I'm just confused about the Hartsville goalie making it as opposed the Lexington's or FM's goalies? I say those two because they are the two teams that have had goalies stand out this season in my eyes. I guess I am looking more for insight as to why she made it, as opposed to the others. Is she their leading scorer as well, etc.
Posted By: Always Right Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:53 PM
I bet if you looked around that the Hartsville coach was at the meeting. If so then that's a joke, because that entire region is terrible, not to mention anyone from Hartsville. Self-serving at its finest!
Posted By: anonymousjoe Re: How not to make All-State - 05/11/06 07:57 PM
I wouldn't go that far, but yeah, something like that.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/12/06 12:20 PM
Hartsville was there. I never saw the kid, so for all I know she was deserving. I'm happy for the kids that made it, and sad one close to me didn't. That's all folks!
Posted By: COACH-R Re: How not to make All-State - 05/15/06 08:59 PM
W & E As a coach Iam telling you, you need to stop. The only one you are hurting is your child. I know that you are not the coach
I agree with Coach R. W & E, you are taking this too far.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: How not to make All-State - 05/16/06 12:37 PM
Coach of Useless facts,

Thank you for you kind words. Its people like you that make the world go round. Now, politely use your massive powers of persuasion for the common good of America.
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