SC Soccer
Joe Amon has accepted US Soccer's invitation to the U-17 National Team Residency Program in Bradenton, Florida. Joe will live and train with others in the age group preparing for the U-17 World Cup to be held in Mexico in 2011. We believe Joe to be the first player from South Carolina invited to participate in this program.

Joe has played for our Academy U-16 team last year and this year. His consistently excellent play has caught the eye of the National Team scouts who have watched league and Showcase games over the past two years. He is a tenacious and skillful defensive midfielder with the tools to develop into a truly outstanding member of this and, we expect, future National Teams.

Joe is from Summerville, South Carolina and is a '94. We at South Carolina United FC are most happy for Joe's opportunity and will follow his progress with interest, affection and pride!
That's awesome! Where does he go to HS? Pinewood, Summerville, Fort D???
I think he attends Summerville
Congrats to all involved. It's great to see another SC player make a mark on the game. Keep it up!
Article on Joe Amon in Post & Courier Today
Congratulations to Joe ! ! !

I know many kids dream of getting that phone call.
© SC Soccer