SC Soccer
Posted By: LocalBoy Boys ODP Regionals - 01/05/11 12:42 AM
Wow, highs in the 30's, lows in the 20's, with a wintry mix forecast for Sunday.
Great weather!
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: Boys ODP Regionals - 01/05/11 05:36 PM
Count your blessings.
Last year in W-S, I woke up to 14 degrees.
The previous year, mist snd rain with wind chills in the 20s.
I don't miss W-S in January, or the other ODP nonsense, one iota.
Posted By: goalstop Re: Boys ODP Regionals - 01/05/11 11:26 PM
LocalBoy, I hope you're not being sarcastic. That's awesome weather compared to last year, when the ground was frozen rock solid (bad for a keeper) and the high one day was 17 with a wind chill of about 13 (even better with one morning and one night game). So don't complain, it could be a lot lot worse. Just not sure what genius decided to have subregions there and not a bit further south (like say, somewhere in the Bahamas? ) Anyway, good luck to all those who are representing SC this weekend, and I sure am glad I decided not to be one of them this year.
Posted By: LocalBoy Re: Boys ODP Regionals - 01/10/11 03:52 PM
The weather was COLD! Fields and facilities were great, not sure how all the Boys teams did as there are no official results kept anywhere that I am aware. With talking to a few folks this is what I gathered.
98 teams led the way, winning 4, 1 tie and 1 loss
97 & 96 close on a few but no results
95 & 94 did not hear anything.
Posted By: LeGrazie Re: Boys ODP Regionals - 01/11/11 12:11 AM
96 Boys
Team A - 2-0-1 (W: Ga.1, TN 1, L: NC 1)
Team B - 0-1-2 played NC3, TN2, and GA 2, not sure which game was the tie.)
NC's First team was very good! And yes, it was very cold, again. Why do we hold this event in Winston-Salem every January?
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: Boys ODP Regionals - 01/11/11 02:37 PM
Ummm ...

Not that there's a giant difference in weather across various prospective regional sites. But picking one of the more likely sights in terms of wintry precip and freezing temps ...
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