SC Soccer
Posted By: Shibumi SCYSA, UYSA, and NCAA - 08/31/05 08:50 PM
For the last few days, I set out on a mission: I wanted to get the registration numbers for the last few years from the SCYSA and I wanted to get information from the NCAA concerning proposal #2004-21 [the proposal that would increase the number of scholarships in women's gymnastics, women's cross-country track and field, women's soccer, and women's volleyball.]

I got information from the NCAA today, and then got several follow-up e-mail's and same day responses to some questions I had. Bottom line, if you haven't heard already, is that 2004-21 was approved by an NCAA board for 2006 but was then subject to 116 "override" votes by NCAA members. As I understand it, over 100 "override" votes meant that the proposal was suspended. On August 4, 2006 the Division I board met and decided to allow the active Division I membership to vote on the proposal on 1/7/2006 at the NCAA convention and that the membership will vote separately on each of the four sports. Although it appears that the 116 override voting members are confidential, all were Division I-AA to I-AAA institutions.

So I would urge you, if you're in favor of increased scholarships and are an alumni of or in any way connected to a Division I-AA and I-AAA institutions, to contact your college and let them know you're in favor of it.

The SCYSA told me that the registration information wasn't available. Hard to understand, since they have to submit dues each year to the USYSA. I'm now searching at the Region III and USYSA levels. Sigh...
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