SC Soccer
Posted By: Chantman BFA & MPSC - 02/09/07 06:58 PM
I'm starting a new thread to keep issues with MPSC and SSC apart.

I would love to see MPSC and BFA workin out their issue, as well as SSC. My concerns are that if we don't CESA will continue to dominate the state.
Posted By: Cole Fusion Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/10/07 06:48 PM
Considering the demographics of this thread - readers may be interested to hear that Comcast digital cable is finally going to offer Fox Soccer Channel. If you have digital cable, for another $5/month - you can get FSC, 3 Fox College sports channels, GOL TV and NBA TV. Seems like they are raising overall pricing as well to say thank you for our loyalty! All this effective March 1st. Good news for us lowcountry soccer fans who have Comcast.

Tell them Cole sent you.
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/10/07 08:27 PM
I am glad i am no longer part of this issue but the MPSC people definitely feel it was a one sided offer re management and coaching input. Not an alliance but an takeover.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/10/07 09:23 PM
Swimmer, come on now, don't give only pieces of the information.

A board position and a coaching directors position, were both made available to MPSC, in the initial stages, first year, and then again in the second year. That equates to a one sided offer regarding the management and coaching input?
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/10/07 10:57 PM
You guys are talking way over my head.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/10/07 11:14 PM
BFADAD..They are discussing the terms of the agreement to join the alliance and what positions they would fill..
If you are not aware of these conditions...then it would make no sense to you.
Posted By: soccerislife Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/18/07 02:23 AM
What is happening in the low country? If this is true; it is a shame that politics is preventing kids from playing soccer. I heard that MPSC refused to sign the transfer for two players that joined BFA in order to play in the premier league with the U-14 boys.
Two talented kids would miss out on the two games of the season, all because of politics, what a shame.
This is why CESA would continue to dominate. Congrats to Andrew and Tommy for coming together. My kids have somewhere competitive to play. Go Greenville
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/18/07 03:32 AM
I tend to disagree. I believe you short change the kids who played the entire fall season on both teams. The BFA kids who will receive less playing time now and the MPSC whose skill level, talent and team capatability will now suffer. I thought the so called transfer window comes once challange cup ended in May. I don't necessarily know the rules on that one. Secondly, I believe if this were to happen the league would be even more watered down. I think CESA also watered down the league with their off season but in my mind acceptable transfer of former Tega Cay players.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/18/07 11:11 AM
Soccer16: I'm not sure what you disagree about in "soccerislife"'s post, so I'll try to assume very little here.

There is no "transfer window" after the championship of a particular age and gender bracket. The way to think about this is that once that championship occurs, the kids no longer are associated with that team or club (unless they win a state championship, in which case they are associated with the team and club until they lose regionals, lose nationals, or win nationals). After all, this isn't indentured servitude -- these children are not associated for life with a team and club.

What "soccerislife" is talking about is a relatively new requirement by the SCYSA that kids who transfer during a season get the approval via signature of the club from which they are transferring. Failing to get that signature results in the child being penalized via a delay in when they can be rostered on the team to which they are transferring. I'm hard on the SCYSA; but this is yet another example of a rule that hurts players and only helps clubs, i.e., it is yet again another example of the SCYSA attempting to transfer power from players to the club. Not surprising, given that the SCYSA is paid by clubs and not by players -- but yet again a disheartening move by an organization that seems to repeatedly take an "anti-player/anti-choice" position.

Regarding the "watering down" of the league, I assume you're referring to the "challenge league" and not RIIIPL-East. You're right -- better players choosing better teams tends to make the challenge league weaker when those teams compete in RIIIPL-East. Of course, it makes the RIIIPL-East league stronger, and helps South Carolina field better teams in RIIIPL-East. What's the old saying -- God does not give with two hands?

Then again, I think all of this is simpler if you take the point of view of what's best for the children involved. Respectfully, I think the last sentence of your post reveals a mindset that is somewhat anti-player. A child transferring clubs is doing so because the child (or the parent) wants something different from what her or his club is offering. It could be more challenge, it could be a different social setting, etc. Clubs don't "transfer" players between seasons -- and from a player point of view "clubs" never transfer players -- players make a decision to transfer for their own set of reasons.

Every time that the SCYSA, or a club, or any other organization makes it more difficult for a player to exercise his or her choice, it adds a burden to that player. Now -- is some regulation probably right? Of course, after all, you want to balance the good and harm done to both the transferring player and the players on teams from and to which the player is transferring. But the continued progression of attenuating choice for players is a step in the wrong direction, and hints to a rottenness at the core foundation of some of our affiliating organizations which profess to be focused first and foremost on what's best for the player.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/18/07 11:24 AM
>>[swimmer2] I am glad i am no longer part of this issue but the MPSC people definitely feel it was a one sided offer re management and coaching input. Not an alliance but an takeover.<<

>>[Bear] Swimmer, come on now, don't give only pieces of the information.

A board position and a coaching directors position, were both made available to MPSC, in the initial stages, first year, and then again in the second year. That equates to a one sided offer regarding the management and coaching input? <<

Yes, that equates to a one-sided offer from the perspective of MSPC if MPSC believes that it brings much more value to the table than did JIYSC or SSC. It equates to a fair and reasonable offer from the perspective of Bridge if you assume that the value MPSC would bring to the table is less than MPSC seems to perceive its value to be.

At this stage, I'm not sure what the fuss is all about. Bridge has staked out its position, as has MPSC. Whichever organization executes the best will "win" in the sense of attracting the best players.

Look -- we could sit around and condemn CFC for not joining CESA, or LCSC and CRSA for not joining CUFC, or whatever. In the end, however, these clubs are offering something that someone wants -- so if their boards decide that "merging" or "allying" or whatever isn't in the best interest of their respective club, and the club can still operate financially successfully, then don't you think that the right thing for these clubs to do is to stop whining about who will and won't join them and instead focus on improving their services so that it's a moot point?
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 02:02 PM

I agree that rules should not be overly burdensome in restricting player movement. I also have a little compassion for teams that lose players any time outside of the May/June tryout period. So, I guess I'm caught in two minds here.

Also remember:

What is good for R3PL is not often good for the SCYSA Challenge League.

What is good for not always good for the other clubs/teams competing in South Carolina.
Posted By: greengrass Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 02:34 PM
Chico: I'm not quite clear on your comment about requiring a player to get a release signature from his home team/club before transferring. I agree whole-heartedly that if a player needs to move, then a team/club needs to sign the release and let them go--they shouldn't hold up the transfer. It's in the best interest of the team/club to take the high road, let 'em go, and move on.

On the other hand, I've seen some situations where a family has not been forthcoming with their intentions, and moved with little or no notification. That's wrong also.

I don't know the entire situation with the above referenced players/club, but I don't believe its appropriate to place any blame at SCYSA's feet for the kids missing two games. Yes, it's an SCYSA rule, but it's some combination of the team(s)/club(s)/family that didn't get it done.

On the matter of the season ending differently for different teams of the same age doesn't seem right either. For example, assuming that CESA 92 Premier wins state cup this spring, why should Tega Cay U14B have to wait until after Regionals to begin to recruit back players they lost last summer while CESA 92 Premier can actually begin to recruit from them and any other U14B team essentially at the conclusion of state cup.
Posted By: futbol(soccer) Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 02:49 PM
I may be missing something... If a family moves I see no issue with release. On the other hand if a player wants to switch teams, then the current club should investigate why? illegal recruiting, etc.

I have been involved in a player transferring to another club. To me it was simple, I at least pretend to be interested in the development of the player, therefore that should be my consideration. If the current club offering does not provide for the improvement of this player and the new club does, then release is immediate. On the other hand sometimes the issue is related to recruitment of an already rostered player for no reason other than bolstering numbers. If you tell Sallie how wonderful it will be in the new club and she is such a great player, etc. eventually they will believe it. Not saying that release would not happen but at least all fees should be payed to the original club as expenses were incurred (future and present) based on her commitment.

By the way, the above example ... player was released as the opportunity was clearly better than what was available. No making them wait 30 days.
Posted By: Coach P Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 04:18 PM
Here is the SCYSA rule on transferring from one team/club to another:

31. TRANSFER – a player who is currently or was previously rostered on an Official Team Roster
requesting and being moved onto the SCYSA Official Team Roster of another team or the return of a
released player to the same roster within the current seasonal year. All requests for transfer must have
the explanation portion of the form properly filled out by the player’s receiving coach, and the transferring
player’s current pass should accompany this transaction. No transferred player may compete with a new
team until he/she receives a new player pass for that team and appears on that team’s roster.
Any player transferring to another club, without their present coach’s signature on the transfer form, will be
required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer form was received by the SCYSA State
Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
The player’s present coach may approve and sign the transfer form and the player will be released from
their current team and eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the completion of the
transfer form by the SCYSA State Registrar/designee.
Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles may request to be transferred to
another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period.
Posted By: greengrass Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 04:27 PM
futbol: In my view, the opportunity to play RIIIPL is better for the development of the player, i.e., I agree with you. However, who's to judge what's better in all situations, can Sally jump from a 6th place team in the fall to a 3rd place team across town in the spring and stay in challenge league? Presumably, she'll be playing with better players since they came in 3rd rather than 6th and that would be better for her development. What's to stop players from jumping ship part way in to the season and transferring just before state cup roster freezes, etc.

The point that I was trying to make in my earlier post is that its unreasonable to expect a state level rule to be omniscience, equitable, and fair in every situation. If you were the state register, and the releasing club wasn't willingly releasing a player (if that were the situation), wouldn't you want to know more about the situation?

So while Chico has numerous issues with SCYSA rules, I do not think this one should be put on them. And in the grand scheme, loosing two games (even if they're RIII games) is a short term issue and not that big of a deal for the development of a player considering 8-10 years of soccer they've played thus far and the next 4-5 years they're going to play youth soccer.

BTW, another case that would seem automatice would be if a team folded in your home club and the one across town made, but you need a signed form then also.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 05:01 PM
If a player/parents want to transfer to another club between seasons..what do you stand to gain as a coach or club by not signing the transfer?
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 05:47 PM
As I see it, the only thing a coach could gain from refusing to sign is the satisfaction of exacting revenge on the player and his/her parents who would have the audacity to leave his/her team.

Great job, coach - you showed them!
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 05:58 PM
Parents pay the registration fee and any costs that deal with training fees and tourney's...nothing comes free for the soccer parent so why penalize them if they choose to take their business elsewhere? This has become a business whether we like it or not
Posted By: greengrass Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 06:56 PM
To me it's the same as when some mutual funds charge a fee for when I reallocate my assets. It's my money, if the mutual fund isn't doing well (in my view), I reallocate, taking the short term fee with the belief that there's a long term benefit.
Posted By: socdad Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 07:16 PM
What about the players/parents of the team from which these young men/women are transferring off of? Are they any less important in consideration of "what's best for the player"?My guess is these young men in question would be quality players and most likely some of the better players on the present team--would their team "suffer" on the field as a result?--my guess would be yes. Maybe my definition of "committment" to a specific team is different is I see both fall and spring season (for U-14 and below)as my child's committment to his/her team--if I/they want to make a change--then tryouts are in May.
Posted By: greengrass Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 07:44 PM
socdad: What I think chico and CHT are saying, it's their money/their kids and they should have freedom to move around as needed, and that the "SCYSA" 30 day window is not needed, and is unreasonable, if the releasing club refuses to sign the form.

Having seen the situation a few times, letting the player go mid year is probably better for the current team than having him/her bide their time through the spring season (IMO this applies to kids looking for higher competition as well as disgruntled families). That said, if the transfer were to cause a team to fold due to lack of players, then I would hope the transferring parent would take that into consideration.
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 08:13 PM
I too think the commitment should be for both seasons at U-14. What has happened in this scenario? Who are the kids playing for now? As I see it the kids did have the opportunity to change but needed to notify SCYSA within the 30 days then so be it. There is an avenue for them to participate but it just wasn't met. Correct? If you allow unrestricted free agency all bets are off as to what new heights recruiting 14 year old soccer players will reach.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 10:17 PM
I think the subjects of "a player's commitment to his/her club/team" and "a club/team's commitment to their player" are probably entitled to their own thread(s). In fact, I believe it has been discussed at length before.

Either way, I believe the main question here is the purpose of a 30-day wait period - what is it?

As greengrass mentions, I have seen on occasion where a team would just as soon have the player who doesn't want to be on their team go ahead and leave. I mean, who wants a player and/or their parents who don't want to even be there? I certainly don't.

Of course, I would hope the player leaving would take into consideration the state of the team he/she is leaving, but ultimately, parents have to make the development of their own child their number one priority (IMHO)
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 11:08 PM
>>[Hurst66] Also remember: What is good for R3PL is not often good for the SCYSA Challenge League. What is good for not always good for the other clubs/teams competing in South Carolina.<<

Respectfully, I think it's simpler than that. Put the player first. Put the club, and leagues, the locality, affiliating organizations, and all the other stuff a distant second.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 11:29 PM
>>[greengrass] The point that I was trying to make in my earlier post is that its unreasonable to expect a state level rule to be omniscience, equitable, and fair in every situation. If you were the state register, and the releasing club wasn't willingly releasing a player (if that were the situation), wouldn't you want to know more about the situation?<<

>>[greengrass] To me it's the same as when some mutual funds charge a fee for when I reallocate my assets. It's my money, if the mutual fund isn't doing well (in my view), I reallocate, taking the short term fee with the belief that there's a long term benefit.<<

This is almost a great analogy. Let's make it a bit more applicable to this situation: if a club were to state that players were responsible for all training fees for the season, regardless of transfer requests, and would refuse to allow a player to transfer until all training fees were paid, then this would be a more precise analogy.

I am absolutely on board for clubs doing this if they wish (as long as they publicize it when a player is rostered -- just as a mutual fund must disclose this in a prospectus.) I have no problems with it.

What I have problems with is some arbitrary rule that states that a player is "held" for 30 days unless a coach signs a piece of paper. As "Belligerant" so eloquently put it...

>>[Belligerant] As I see it, the only thing a coach could gain from refusing to sign is the satisfaction of exacting revenge on the player and his/her parents who would have the audacity to leave his/her team.<<

Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 11:37 PM
>>[socdad] What about the players/parents of the team from which these young men/women are transferring off of? Are they any less important in consideration of "what's best for the player"?<<

>>[Soccer16] I too think the commitment should be for both seasons at U-14. What has happened in this scenario? Who are the kids playing for now? As I see it the kids did have the opportunity to change but needed to notify SCYSA within the 30 days then so be it. There is an avenue for them to participate but it just wasn't met. Correct? If you allow unrestricted free agency all bets are off as to what new heights recruiting 14 year old soccer players will reach.<<

I understand the point of view that the few must suffer for the many -- I just haven't had a lot of empathy for that point of view since understanding what Stalin wrought with that ideology.

Players transfer for many reasons. Families move. Fellow team members don't want to practice, travel, etc. Playing time. Etc.

Should a transferring player be "penalized" for any of this? I argue that they should not...and I argue that having a rejected coach have to sign a piece of paper allowing a transfer is a penalty.

Again...I have absolutely no problems with parents having to pay for an entire season of training even if they have their kid transferred...because when a kid joins a team and then decides to leave it there should be consequences for that.
Posted By: The Hammer Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/19/07 11:41 PM
How many Bridge FA or MPSC kids that are U13/U14 are playing JV with their high school teams this spring? What kind of "duality" between club/HS exists?
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/20/07 02:51 AM
As far as I know, there is one player from the Bridge teams who plays JV.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/20/07 11:24 AM
Correction - two players, one from each of those two Bridge FA teams.

Also, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by duality, but if you are asking if BFA players are allowed to play JV, I believe that decision is left up to the coach.
Posted By: Keeperdad Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/20/07 07:42 PM
In our family we have a rule, If you start something you finish it. There have been times with all of our children and they play soccer for two different clubs, that things were not going the way they had expected. You finish the season out period. Respect your club,team,and coach. There is no issue if you want to change teams or clubs after the season is over. They have the right to go where they want and feel most comfortable. There is always going to be someone to take their place and the team and club will go on.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/20/07 10:29 PM
Great rule, but it's always nice to have a back-up plan. Especially, if it's not just the child, but the parent who also wants to move.

In this case, the Bridge Team is playing at a higher level, something the Mt. Pleasant team cannot offer at this time.

Hmmmm....if only Mt. Pleasant had joined the alliance, this might not be an issue....
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 03:31 PM
Again, I enjoy not spending the energy on this regularly.

Don't talk about it being about the kids when all I see are parent, coach and club officials in this thread.

Reason for transfer rule is to protect a team that has established its roster, budget and makes plans based on that roster.

And if you do not think that asking players to guest play in a tournament and then somehow that player all of the sudden wants to transfer to the team he 'guested' for , you head is in the clouds, sand, etc. Recruiting pure and simple.

My orignal point about failure of a merger is basic sales :
if your product isn't being bought by your target audience - don't blame the buyer - fix the product.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 04:15 PM
Swimmer2...I totally agree with the last statement
As far as the transfer the player sits out for a month and makes the move anyway..Does not help the prior teams budget..I think that if a player moves that the parents should have to pay the fees that are due the prior team so the budget holds up. Maybe that would deter the parents from moving their child..Having to pick up the costs for two teams could be expensive...No players or kids in this thread because their way is matter who they play for..The only problem I see them having is to sit out a month of soccer...Player development?
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 04:16 PM
It's all CESA's fault! If they didn't take Tega Cay's star players thus causing Tega Cay to bow out of Premier play and therefore by default giving Bridge the opportunity to play Premier we wouldn't be having this discussion. The "evil empire" stikes again.

Really I just wanted to get everyone fired up with those CESA comments! Again, I think CESA was correct in their approach. My understanding of the rule previously posted still allows the transfer to take place just not for 30 days. If Bridge or the players are upset about a couple of games being missed then they should have evaluated that when making their respective decisions.

Are the kids playing for Bridge now? What positions do they play? Are they good enough to be starters?
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 04:27 PM
Do not know for sure...but I think the 30 days are about up. they missed two games last weekend. they will get plenty of soccer having to play both leagues..Do not know what positions they play or whether they will start..Players were picked up due to the low numbers on the team not to stack the team..the coach plays everybody..He is truly about player development
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 04:27 PM
It's Tega Cay's fault for not providing a competitive product that would keep the local kid home. Don't blame CESA for building a better mouse trap.
Posted By: Big Daddy Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 04:52 PM

Hurst, has Chico hijacked your user id?
Posted By: Hard Headed Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 05:44 PM


Hurst, has Chico hijacked your user id?

we better call "CSI" for a full investigation.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 06:16 PM
Call a spade a spade. Chico and I can debate the pros and cons of premier level soccer and the super clubs that dominate the landscape. I've said before that what is good for the goose might not be good for the gander.

But I'm not going to knock CESA for building a highly-competitive program that continues to attract the top players in the state (and surrounding area). Bridge and CUFC are making strides to serve this market as well.

Many factors go into a family's (parent & player) decision to make this type of a commitment. If they are OK with it, and the kid has the talent (not sitting on the bench).....go for it. I've seen kids get into it for the long haul and do very well with the challenging environment. I've seen kids (or families) decide that the commitment is too much and they have returned back to their local club, often times better players than when they left.

To each his own....the opportunity is there. But the CESA commitment is certainly harder on the York County player/family than it is on their counterparts in the Greenville/Spartanburg area.

Good luck to Ricky & David and the CESA 92's.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 07:29 PM
swimmer, you won't see kids on here (for the most part), because this is BORING to them. They want to play, while the adults want to TALK about playing. If you have your own children, this should not come as a big surprise. If this IS a surprise to you, then maybe your head is also somewhere it should not be.

Like CHT mentioned, thirty days is not really a very long time, and won't help protect anybody's budget. I am thinking there must be another reason, just not sure what.

Players guest for other teams all the time - my son has. Was the coach of the other team trying to lure us over to his team? Who cares? They needed a couple extra players, and it was a great opportunity for my son to play. End of story. Just because a player transfers to a team after guesting with them does not mean there is something sinister going on.

I disagree with you about your merger and sales philosophy, though – at least, as it pertains to soccer clubs. I don’t believe that MPSC not joining the Bridge FA has anything to do with a substandard product. I believe it has everything to do with the egos of several influential people who are able to argue their point well enough to the rest of the decision-makers in Mt. Pleasant, that no move to join is ever taken.

These egos East of the Cooper, for some reason, feel that they are able to provide the best product possible without anyone else’s help. Don’t get me wrong – MPSC has great facilities, great people, and a great program, as long as you aren’t interested in success at the higher levels of soccer. I believe the past couple years prove me out on this point.

If the egos actually wanted to be successful at the higher levels, but do not like the Bridge concept, or even the Bridge administration, then why have they not come up with their own plan? Simple – they don’t really care. They want to provide the best product for the masses. If you want something higher, well, you are just out of luck.

Hurst, sorry, but I have to disagree with you, also. I have absolutely no idea what Tega Cay has or has not done to “build a better mouse trap,” but I believe in numbers. Sure, you will always have some team, somewhere, who is able to succeed against the odds, but in general, your better teams are going to come from areas with larger populations. IF, again for the most part, those larger cities are able to unify, e.g., Greenville/CESA, Raleigh/CASL.

If you are not able to unify the larger cities, then you have only mildly successful programs, e.g., Columbia/CSC/NECSA, Charleston/MPSC/SSC.
(yes, I realize CSC and NECSA combined)

With Charlotte - and its own programs – directly to the North, Tega Cay – with nearby cities Rock Hill and hmmm…..Lancaster? Chester? York? They just are not able to compete.

The Bridge is slowly gaining numbers from the Mt. Pleasant area, but until the higher-ups at MPSC lose their egos, it might forever only be a trickle.

Whew! Sorry about that – got stuck up on my soapbox there for a minute.

As luck would have it, the 30-day waiting period for the two players in question is now a moot point. I take that back – luck had nothing to do with it; the squeaky wheel had everything to do with it. From what I understand, one of the top rung at MPSC finally got sick of being bombarded from all sides regarding the issue and relented. Thanks!
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:00 PM

You are right that having Charlotte to the north is a "draw" for the competitive player. It works for the girls but doesn't work for the boys after U-14 (HS conflict). However, how far does Bridge FA have to spread it's wings before it takes in eight 4A high schools? In a year or two, York County will have seven 4A high schools. Lancaster (4A) is another 30 minutes down Hwy 521. Smack in between Fort Mill and Lancaster is Indian Land, currently a 1A school but ready to explode. The Indian Land school district borders one of the most desireable areas of South Charlotte and they are building houses like crazy. Does this provide enough "quantity" with which to create "quality"? (Is it big enough????)

Also, you are telling swim that Mt. Pleasant's competitive program is dead.....what happenend? Didn't they have an incredibly successful girls team a few years back (I believe they are mostly juniors in college now)? Has that ship sailed for the last time?
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:01 PM
Biggest EGO in SC is right in s'ville.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:32 PM
The last two well known, successful girls teams from Mt. P were the (Lady) Ice and the Fury. The girls from the Ice were mostly members of Wando's state championship team in 2004 and are now indeed juniors in college (the team featured Kelly McGinty from CofC, Lou Hudson from Clemson and CofC, Greta Hewitt of Newberry, and others who decided against playing in college). The Fury girls are either seniors in college or just graduated last year.

The Impulse (year younger than Ice) was mildly successful with a bunch of state finalist placings and decent records in Premier League, but never placed first or made it to regionals. I'm not sure about beyond them, but the end of Ice's reign heralded the success of Greenville Futbol Club's U18G team (that at points played both Lindsey and Hailey Beam, I believe) and the Impulse lost players to Andy Grist's Carolina Girls U17 team (featuring Danielle Jordan of CofC, now a sophomore?).

At any rate, those are the last truly successful MPSC girls team that I've heard of or from and all three (Impulse, Ice, and Fury) were originally Hungryneck Soccer Club teams. Any others from younger teams and you have to ask someone else.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:40 PM
Thanks kitten. I couldn't remember the Ice's name. A few years back Mt. Pleasant had another strong girls team, they would be U-15 (HS freshmen) right now. They must have split up....where are those girls at now?
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:56 PM
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 08:59 PM
They'd be what, 91 or 92?

I can't find even a coach's listing on the MPSC website for either girls' team (or an 89 or 90 girls, for that matter)...I guess there either weren't enough girls or there were, but they all went to play for Bridge or the whole team did. I mostly know all the coaches listed for MPSC and I don't see any missing at the moment.

Anyone else know more than this?
Posted By: beachfan Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:03 PM
A majority of them played U15 with the Bridge last season. One of the Hilton Head girls from that team played for CESA this past season. The old MPSC team was the Conquest.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:06 PM
Ah, thanks!
Posted By: fan01 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:12 PM
On the girl's side - MPSC had U17 team in RIII Premier League that had a rough season and did not win a game or score a goal in league play. I believe they lost some players to CESA during the season.

The Conquest won back to back state championships at U12 and U13 if I am not mistaken and I believe most of them are now with Bridge.

So what are the options for girls in Mt. Pleasant? From scanning Hotstat et, al it seems like there are only one or two challenge-level girls teams in the entire club.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:17 PM
92 and 93 Bridge teams are loaded with Mt Pleasant start with the 94 and 95 teams..those would be your next groups to watch
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:21 PM
I still feel that a merger between all Charleston area clubs would be the best solution...Not just challenge but classic and one recreation program as well.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:22 PM
I know Mt. Pleasant has a very promising group of young girls in the U10 Academy group who'll age up to whatever system is in place for U11 top tier teams. As long as the club doesn't aggravate the parents any more than it already has some of them, MPSC should field one or two very good teams in the '96 age group. The '95 age group wasn't ever very impressive, if I remember correctly. Many still had problems with some of the rudimentary skills even as they aged into select, so I'd imagine that the club of choice for that age group might be Bridge, if it shows better promise.

Otherwise, I don't know much else.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 09:29 PM
CUSC..Andy does an excellent job working with girls
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 10:12 PM
Hurst, I don’t believe I said that “Mt. Pleasant's competitive program is dead.” If it came across that way, I apologize. Comparing the success of Mt. Pleasant’s more competitive teams against CESA (and the rest of the state) now versus the success they had several years ago, I am thinking you will see a clear downturn. Yes, they may have a successful team thrown in there on occasion, but I don’t believe you will see their name in the win columns nearly as often as in the past.

And, I think you might have misunderstood me a tad regarding populations. Being a 4-A school, while that may qualify you as having a certain number of students, certainly does not mean that you will have a strong soccer program. Examples: Stratford, Berkeley (I think), Ft. Dorchester, etc. Also, Blythewood is one of the quickest growing areas in SC, but I don’t ever remember reading anything about an up-and-coming soccer program there. I was talking more about large metropolitan areas – Atlanta, Raleigh, Greenville, etc.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 10:22 PM
And, swimmer, you may be absolutely correct about the biggest ego in SC being currently located in Summerville, but at least that ego has a vision and is actually DOING something constructive towards making this area more competitive with the CESA's of the world.

I wish I could say the same about certain persons in Mt. Pleasant.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 11:09 PM
It's not an ego if an individual has a strong vision towards bettering development and the situation down in the Lowcountry.

The ego down in the Lowcountry preventing a working relationship between Bridge FA and Mt. Pleasant seems to be the non-soccer decision maker(s) at the MPRD, who make all soccer decisons for it's figurehead club, MPSC, and it's figurehead DOC.

For those not familiar with the structure down in Mt. Pleasant: RD is Recreation Dept. and SC is Soccer Club and, yes, the non-soccer "rec" administrator(s) make most of the soccer decisions, including to not discuss, negotiate or even consider any relationship with Bridge FA.

So down in the Lowcountry, who has the ego? A driven soccer coach who has developed many youth players, clubs and programs? Or a non-soccer Recreation Dept. administrator(s) with not one soccer interest to benefit youth soccer players and their development?

Looks like CESA is in good shape vs. the one area of the State that could organize and compete if they got their ducks in a row.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/22/07 11:48 PM
The question is how long is it going to be before CESA starts offering training here in the lowcountry...more and more players are making that move to the evil empire..
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 01:40 AM
With some of the local animosity between players, parents, and coaches of MPSC and BFA, I wouldn't be surprised if CESA came in and did well if only by providing a club that wasn't involved in the "cat fight," so to speak.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 01:48 AM hit the nail on the head..Players and parents are going to look for something different or new...and if we can't all come together then you can count on CESA helping us out and giving the disgruntled another choice..
They pick up more players each season so why not hire some soccer professionals and find a location to practice and add to the evil red empire
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 01:57 AM
Those would be the requirements: local coaches and fields to play on. I don't doubt that they could find enough good coaches as, at least at MPSC, a lot of good coaches have been turned off by the management of the club (including myself) and would be more than happy to pick up again. The question would be where to play more than anything. Otherwise, the CESA reputation over MPSC and BFA would be an instant draw as something "new" and established, to a degree.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 02:40 AM
Why not in the heart of the lowcountry..North Charleston..a close drive for everyone and no established club in that area other than a few individuals who are trying to start a club there..I agree that soccer professionals would make themselves available like those who work in the CESA-Columbia program..
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 03:10 AM
It would take some getting used to in regards to having to drive a little further--it was always nice to get to practice in a maximum of ten minutes back when I played--North Charleston seems like a good place as long as decent fields can be kept up. It also has the added benefit of not being associated with any club in particular and thus wouldn't carry any hard feelings from any side.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/23/07 03:39 AM
I was just picking a central location that is untapped by any other soccer club...N Charleston is baseball country..I grew up there..The rec departments offer soccer but the kids move on or quit by teenage years..I think some time and effort in this area of the lowcountry could prove to pay off for the soccer community as a whole..
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/25/07 11:32 PM
>>[swimmer2] Don't talk about it being about the kids when all I see are parent, coach and club officials in this thread.<<

There should be acronyms and even awards given out when the same logical fallacy is repeated often enough on this message board. Swimmer2 -- it may very well be that "it being about the kids" is wrong; however, whether or not adolescents participate in the discussion is hardly a measure of the validity of the argument.

>>Reason for transfer rule is to protect a team that has established its roster, budget and makes plans based on that roster.<<

Then make it against the rules to transfer, period. Or create a financial penalty for transferring. But creating a rule that states that you have to get the coach you're leaving to sign a piece of paper or you sit out for 30 days is nothing short of stupid.

>>And if you do not think that asking players to guest play in a tournament and then somehow that player all of the sudden wants to transfer to the team he 'guested' for , you head is in the clouds, sand, etc. Recruiting pure and simple.<<

I'm not sure where your head is; but there's no doubt that a club allowing a player to guest isn't completely altruistic -- clubs do things for selfish reasons just as players (and parents) do. The point is to increase the range of choices rather than build a set of arbitrary and capriciously interpreted rules that forbid choice. Because the more you forbid choice, the less that a service provider (whether that is a coach, a club, or whatever) has to worry about providing the absolutely best service possible.

>>My orignal point about failure of a merger is basic sales :
if your product isn't being bought by your target audience - don't blame the buyer - fix the product.<<

Couldn't agree more.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/25/07 11:32 PM
>>[Beezer] It's not an ego if an individual has a strong vision towards bettering development and the situation down in the Lowcountry.<<

Huh? Let me understand your position here -- it's not an "ego thing" if the person has what are basically good intentions? Here's what I intepret you as saying: it's not an ego thing if I [Beezer] agrees with them. Okay...

>>The ego down in the Lowcountry preventing a working relationship between Bridge FA and Mt. Pleasant seems to be the non-soccer decision maker(s) at the MPRD, who make all soccer decisons for it's figurehead club, MPSC, and it's figurehead DOC.

For those not familiar with the structure down in Mt. Pleasant: RD is Recreation Dept. and SC is Soccer Club and, yes, the non-soccer "rec" administrator(s) make most of the soccer decisions, including to not discuss, negotiate or even consider any relationship with Bridge FA.<<

Then quit whining and create a great club with great services and draw all the kids you want to Bridge.

>>So down in the Lowcountry, who has the ego? A driven soccer coach who has developed many youth players, clubs and programs? Or a non-soccer Recreation Dept. administrator(s) with not one soccer interest to benefit youth soccer players and their development?<<

Again...for your own sake...quit whining and work on providing better services at Bridge.

>>Looks like CESA is in good shape vs. the one area of the State that could organize and compete if they got their ducks in a row.<<

Hey...I think the folks in Columbia, and particularly CUFC, might strongly disagree with you on that -- and given the results of the Fall challenge cup, they'd have a right to.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 01:54 AM
Actually, considering the bad history between individuals and clubs in the Lowcountry, the Bridge FA has done a great job considering it's been such a short time.

The number of posts on various topics, on this website, talking about CESA and then Bridge FA as the State's top clubs is a great testament to Bridge FA and that alot of other people agree they're doing something right so far.

Again, it's only been a year and a half with alot of team and individual accolades.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 03:14 AM
Maybe a new opportunity for BFA to consider, central location?

New place to play on the Wando
Recreation complex planned for Daniel Island
Charleston Post & Courier Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"A real estate company and the city of Charleston are rolling out plans to develop a major waterfront recreation area on Daniel Island that would include a large marina, boat ramp, community fishing pier and five athletic fields."

"The site, which runs two miles along the Wando River on either side of the Mark Clark Expressway...A city-maintained recreational area with three baseball fields, two soccer fields and room for a gymnasium."
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 03:31 AM
Or, build some new fields with this resource!!! I see Summerville has used this resource in the past (you can look up previous grantees on their website by state).

US Soccer Foundation
Grants Overview

About the Grants Process
At the core of the Foundation is its annual grant making program. Starting in 1995, almost $20 million dollars in cash, equipment, and services have been awarded to more than 380 grantees in all 50 states. Our grantees represent the entire spectrum of soccer communities from the small rural club to the U.S. Soccer Federation, the National Governing Body for the sport of soccer in the United States. The Foundation’s impact on soccer through the annual grants program has been significant…and continues to grow.

Focus and Objectives
For the 2007 grant cycle, the following focus has been established to guide the Foundation’s funding decisions:

For 2007, the Foundation will award Grants exclusively to projects and programs that develop players, coaches, and referees in economically disadvantaged urban areas. This year we are focusing on approximately 340 "urban areas" that include populations of 100,000 or more.

The one exception to this exclusive focus is the Foundation's All Conditions Fields (ACF) Grants. ACF Grants support the construction of state-of-the-art synthetic grass soccer fields and will continue to be available to projects serving all types of communities, though the highest priority will be given to projects serving players in economically disadvantaged urban areas.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 06:05 PM

Actually, considering the bad history between individuals and clubs in the Lowcountry, the Bridge FA has done a great job considering it's been such a short time.

The number of posts on various topics, on this website, talking about CESA and then Bridge FA as the State's top clubs is a great testament to Bridge FA and that alot of other people agree they're doing something right so far.

Again, it's only been a year and a half with alot of team and individual accolades.

Good suggestion. Many Bridge teams currently use Daniel Island since it is central to many areas in the Lowcountry.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 06:11 PM
What happened to the North Charleston idea (proposed earlier) and why wouldn't the coaches at Charleston Southern get behind this?
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 07:32 PM
Hurst, CSU is up around Goose Creek, that's only about 4 miles closer to Charleston than Summerville. I think the idea is that you need a central location. There is a large amount of land available from Daniel Island northward off of Clements Ferry Rd. Charleston Battery has a new Practice field on Daniel Island that BFA already uses, add these two new resources on DI, plus add another field or two off Clements Ferry and now you have something central to Summerville, James Island and Mt Pleasant...closer proximity to the coast so you may even draw from the North Hwy 17 crowd.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 02/26/07 08:01 PM
I didn't even think of Daniel Island, but it's definitely much more convenient than North Charleston and would probably draw many more people.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/08/07 04:47 PM
In response to other emails about the Bridge FA/Mt. Pleasant topic.

Word from those-in-the-know out of the Lowcountry is that after a series of meetings and negotiations between presidents and DOCs (from Bridge FA, Summerville, Mt. Pleasant, Charleston United and James Island) in the last few weeks, all sides agreed to the Bridge FA concept and structure for Challenge and Premier teams in the Lowcountry.

However, the Mt. Pleasant Rec. Dept said "no" to it's soccer coordinator, the MPSC president and the MPSC DOC. Don't know if that decision effects Charleston United as well??

So, Bridge FA growth will continue without Mt. P Rec. Dept. support and will roll with it's upcoming field expansion as well as addition of teams, programs and coaching staff.

Still, a bunch of good players, current and in-the-making, that are part of programs that can't offer them the level they need due to lack of coaches and other top players.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/08/07 05:58 PM
Can you provide additional information?
+++What are BFA's field expansion plans? [key issue in drawing upon the 'good players' to commit additional time and resources]

Any truth to the rumor that the Wando Head Coach is leaving BFA to coach the Mt P U15's next year?

FYI, I can understand the Mt P position given that there are several hundred micro youths at the fields on some nights. However, I think a Lowcountry Alliance at Challenge/Premier is the only way to go. Recreation ( and Classic ) should be left to the local clubs exceptions.
Thanks Much
Posted By: soccerislife Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/08/07 06:47 PM
This is such a shame. Get soccer out of the hands of politicians and they might just move forward in the lowcountry.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/08/07 08:55 PM
I don't know specific details on the fields except an identified location should be online in the near future. And, I don't know anything about Bridge FA/Mt. Pleasant coaching plans or anything relating to the Wando coach.

I agree about the no exceptions on levels below Challenge and Premier: the clubs should control all ages of those levels below Challenge and hand off the top U11/U12 players to the Bridge FA for Challenge and Premier development.

It would seem to be a win-win situation. The DOCs worried about their job status/income still run their programs and get paid (since most have few to no Challenge/Premier level teams anyway) and the Bridge FA runs all the Challenge and Premier teams. The club DOCs could still coach a Bridge FA team to have input and involvement in the alliance. It seemed like a good setup for all.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 12:18 PM
'INCOME' - I think most of the club or rec dept income comes from the micro/rec/classic initiatives. Club Coaches would be forgoing minimal income by turning the challenge and premier levels over to BFA.

'STATUS' - This is the sticking point [on behalf of the club's perspective] that prevents the alliance. The Club's DOC will not make the decision - the players/families will. The players will only make this decision when 1) BFA obtains "CENTRALLY LOCATED" fields of good quality and 2) MPSC can no longer field a competitive Challenge/Premier team.
MPSC's 2006/2007 team's:
U17 was competitive in CLASSIC not CHALLENGE
U16 was not competitive at CHALLENGE
U14 is competitive at CHALLENGE
U13 is competitive at CHALLENGE

MPSC's rising U15s and below will make up competitive STATE CHALLENGE teams but are not strong enough to compete at the PREMIER level. The goal of the Alliance is to BUILD lowcountry teams that could showcase the best talent we have to offer and compete at the REGION Level, and of course, that's what aspiring CHALLENGE players want, right?
So, it really doesn't matter what the MPSC DOC or any other Club DOC says or does, IT'S UP TO THE PLAYER/PARENT TO JOIN THE ALLIANCE! That said, BFA must offer significant incentives to draw upon the individuals [not force a cooperation between clubs]. The incentives are: 1) better coaching, 2) central location, location, location, 3) better facilities, and 4) better opportunities (e.g. programs that expose players to college recruiting). BFA currently offers better coaching than most clubs, location is not good, facilities are adequate, minimal (local) recruiting exposure. Address these four issues and BFA will draw the best players in the region and you won't need an Alliance!
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 01:07 PM
Good points! It's just a shame all the clubs can't endorse the Bridge FA so parents and players don't have to make that "tough choice" but, you're right, they need to now.

The Bridge FA does have better coaching/players/teams but the facilities are adequate enough to not sacrifice development. Youngsters in other countries grow up playing on anything they can! Development is the word all these clubs use but very few are willingly to assist and make sacrifices in doing it.

As far as central location, agreed, it would be ideal. But, a 25-35 minute, one-way commute is minimal compared to the drive top players in the top clubs around the country make 3-4 times per week. The Lowcountry, and South Carolina, have to realize that putting alot of good players together with a good coach doesn't happen next door. A minimal drive to Summerville, Daniel Island or James Island isn't a big sacrifice.

The Bridge FA is only a year and a half old and has done some things the Lowcountry hasn't achieved. It looks like it will have to succeed a more cut-throat way by "convincing" parents and players to join or, in simple terms, recruit.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 02:59 PM

You were doing well advocating the benefits of Bridge FA, until your last statement. An attitude of us vs them currently exists, and your statement will only perpetuate it.

From the very beginning, as pointed out by others on this board, Bridge FA was seen as a takeover operation, in lieu of a cooperative effort. There are many reasons for that sentiment, and that is and will be a significant hurdle to overcome. The latest "news" concerning the MP rec department isn't new. There is not a single "soccer" person in the Charleston area that didn't think the best way to compete beyond the state was to combine resources. After all, it was the "soccer" people that originally proposed the idea.

Parents make choices based on perceived benefits. If they don't perceive any additional benefits, which will overcome the negatives, i.e. practice location, then they will not make the choice that you obviously desire.

"Convincing" individual players/parents to make the move serves only short term goals. And if you don't think that's not already happening, in many different directions, then you are either very naive, or just putting your head in the sand.

Rather than spending significant energy trying to convince individual family units, a better approach may be to redirect that energy to building a better product, with some of the ideas that GOAL mentioned. The right product will draw better than individual players. Only then will you truly succeed with one of the original premises, of "cooprerative" efforts between clubs.

That will perpetuate the growth of the club, for the long term. Long term growth is what will provide the better opportunities for the Low Country players, into the future, not just the ones that are currently playing in the competitive environment.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 05:29 PM
These "building a better product" and "improving services" statements are mindboggling. Look at what the club has done in its short history! They've 1) gotten the best coaches 2) have most of the best players 3) have numerous Premier teams and SCYSA/US Club titles and 4) have three nice places to train in Summerville, James Island and Daniel Island.

It's not utopia where a Manchester Meadows complex will pop up immediately for the club in the exact central location for every player. Is there room to grow at the Bridge FA? Of course.

But Bridge FA is by far good enough that a player looking for a higher level and more opportunity would benefit more then staying in a place offering a lower level on a picturesque facility. Who cares what you're playing on, and where, if the ones around you and coaching you are sub-standard.

I'm not perpetuating anything but stating the fact that everyone tries to hide and pretend doesn't happen. Because clubs object and say "they don't need it," the best players that are members of clubs who oppose the Bridge FA will be recruited because 1) that's what they deserve for development and 2) that's what is best for the elite club that is trying to improve it's "service." Because if the team is better and results ate better then the service is deemed better. Simple fact of perception in youth soccer.

Try to act the right way, first, which the Bridge tried and then act the needed way, second, which I'm sure the Bridge will do now. The takeover chat is absurd considering the concessions the club offered in structure, coaching, team formation, programs, etc.

Again, if they have good fields and have the top coaches and have most of the top players, then what "products" and "services" are people looking for?
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 05:40 PM
So building a Manchester Meadows complex in a growing area, where you have good players and good the ANSWER!?!?

Man I wish it was just that easy.
Posted By: soccer05 Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 05:53 PM
The rising U15's currently have 6 varsity and 8 jv players at Wando. Some of these girls are BFA Challenge and some are MPSC classic.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 07:07 PM

Opinions are often derived from an individual's perception of a certain course of events. On one hand you talk about if the team is better and results are better then the service is deemed better, and even offer it as a simple "fact" of perception. Then you dismiss the perception of a takeover as being absurd. While I too don't necesarily agree with that perception, I fully understand how it was derived, to include the statements made and actions that cause(d) it to be so.

I've often heard that you're either part of the solution, or part of the problem. Good luck to you trying to advance Bridge FA under the status quo.
Posted By: greenacres Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 07:18 PM
Rumor is that Bridge has been loosing players (U14 Girls), some coaches are looking at possible "better offers' for the fall and there one team is going to jump to another club (MP)in the fall. It seems as though things are falling off "the bridge".
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 07:44 PM
1) COACHES - Hands down, Bridge's coaching staff is the best in the lowcountry, MPSC is 2nd best.
2) FACILITIES - adequate [MPSC is the best], and I don't think anyone would argue either point.
3) LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION - you here this in marketing, Summerville is NOT a 35 minute drive from MT P at 4-5pm for a practice in Summerville. It's an hour and one half drive to and 40 minutes back. Daniel Island or off of Clemments Ferry Rd is the ONLY Central location. {AND YES SUMMERVILLE IS BETTER THAN AN 8 HOUR ROUNDTRIP COMMUTE TO GREENVILLE DURING SCHOOL, I KNOW} BEEZER - BFA has a policy that the TEAM will practice were MOST of the players are from - this is a question mark in my mind as a parent, lets ROTATE HEY I'M OPEN TO THAT, but Summerville every session from MT P is ABSURD AND NOTHING LESS.
4) PROGRAMS - Recruiting programs, hey in the US of A the next step IS college. I want my son(s) seen. BFA NEEDS a tournament that attracts college scouts. NO lowcountry club offers this, ONLY CESA.

I WANT BRIDGE FA to succeed, it IS the ONLY way to compete at regionals. PARENTS, do not look at BFA as a club, IT IS still a CONCEPT. If it dies, your kids will only be recognized in South Carolina and not BEYOND!
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 08:29 PM
For completeness sake, I should post one other item:
Fall 2006 Bridge FA Competitiveness:
U17: Not Competitive at PREMIER
U16: GOLD; Competitive at PREMIER
RED; Competitive at CHALLENGE
U15: Competitive at CHALLENGE
U14: Not Competitive at PREMIER, Competitive at CHALLENGE


Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 09:03 PM
To be competitive at Premier....meaning winning at least half your games would take a statewide team at most age groups and genders..Not to say that CESA has not had some success in the past but when you step to Premier it's a whole different animal...When you make a rule that the practices will be held by where the majority of the team is from...You will find that people will manipulate the system to keep practices close to themselves...If you are a part of a lowcountry team, then your practices should take place at different venues for fairness to the team as a whole..
The U16 red team is competitve in the state league but has failed to make state cup the last two years
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 10:18 PM
Interesting to see the various views on a matter. Amazing!

Bear, thanks for wishing me luck!! But, I'm not in a power position to impact the Bridge FA. Just a fan of the club and its ideas.

CHT makes a great point at defining competitive and it taking a statewide team to be truly successful. Granted, there will always be exceptions for those wanting to list one-off teams. But, great point!

A Lowcountry club that has had success like the Bridge FA, thus far, IS successful....for Lowcountry standards the way the landscape is at the moment. The U16 boys have been a little extra special, no doubt.

Remember folks, this is South Carolina and like CHT alluded to, being truly "competitive" is a "whole different animal!"
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/09/07 10:54 PM
Goal, not sure how you came about your statement that the Bridge U-14s are not competitive at Premier. Granted, they haven't won any games yet, BUT they have only played two. Both of those games, they were missing four players, and the goalkeeper was playing in the field. Because of an injury, several other players were rotated in goal over the weekend.

So, I think it's just a little early to make a sweeping statement like that. At LEAST give them a chance!
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/10/07 02:33 AM
Belligerent, I didn't realize, but why was a PREMIER team missing 4 players?
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/10/07 01:46 PM
>>[GOAL!!!} For completeness sake, I should post one other item:
Fall 2006 Bridge FA Competitiveness:
U17: Not Competitive at PREMIER
U16: GOLD; Competitive at PREMIER
RED; Competitive at CHALLENGE
U15: Competitive at CHALLENGE
U14: Not Competitive at PREMIER, Competitive at CHALLENGE



Are there any girls teams at Bridge?
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/10/07 04:21 PM
Goal, I was mostly trying to point out that the Bridge U14 Boys have only played two games in the Premier League - not quite enough, in mind, to make a sweeping statement as to their success (or lack thereof).

The fact that they were missing four players is a long story; and a moot point now.
Posted By: the voice of reason Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/10/07 10:47 PM
I know that I have not posted as much this year as in recent years, but this got my attention.....

>>[Belligerant] As I see it, the only thing a coach could gain from refusing to sign is the satisfaction of exacting revenge on the player and his/her parents who would have the audacity to leave his/her team.<<

Obviously, the people who agree with this statement live in a world where there is no winner or loser and no one is concerned about results. Picture this.... your team is a mid-level team in whatever league you play in. As your season progresses, you have ups and downs. Around midseason, it is obvious that the championship is out of reach. Your creative midfielder and star forward come to you, the coach, and say they want to transfer to the #1 team in the league whose only weaknesses are these two positions. You as the coach sign the transfer allowing the players to leave immediately. Two weeks later, the #1 team, with your former players, beats you 4-0 and your former players shine. Was it better for you to let the players go or more detrimental to the kids who are sticking it out with you?!? What did you and the parents teach the kids who you let go?-- that when times get tough, it is ok to run.

People love to talk about "what is best for the player" until what is best for the player comes back to beat your team and hurt the performance of your player/child. What if you are the parent of the GKer and the former player scores 3 goals on your child. Are you still concerned about what is best for that kid who jumped ship midseason? Heck no, you are mad at the coach who let the kid go soon enough to hurt your team!

I'm a coach, and I want what's best for players, but why should coaches bow to parents and players who want to jump midseason? After our season is over or in between seasons- here's your release, best of luck. In the middle of our season- no way i'm letting you go to another team simply b/c our season may not be going the way you and your parents want.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/11/07 12:03 PM
Belligerent, I saw your team lost to CESA PREMIER, was your team at full strength yesterday, did you have your starting goalkeeper? I still don't understand how a State PREMIER team doesn't have all it's players full commitment since playing at the PREMIER level is the ultimate goal of most CHALLENGE (& Classic) players. I guess I should ask, was this a commitment issue? If so, I think those players & families involved should reconsider their choices in life and the effect they have on others.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/11/07 12:44 PM
>>[TVOR] [...] Was it better for you to let the players go or more detrimental to the kids who are sticking it out with you?!? What did you and the parents teach the kids who you let go?-- that when times get tough, it is ok to run.<<

It was better for you to "let" the kid go. I use the quotes because I think the heart of this issue is the theory that a coach "lets" a child leave. Of course, this isn't the case; under the current system the coach penalizes a child for 30 days by refusing to sign -- but can do nothing about the child transferring eventually. Just as the coach can do nothing about the child leaving the team.

>>People love to talk about "what is best for the player" until what is best for the player comes back to beat your team and hurt the performance of your player/child. What if you are the parent of the GKer and the former player scores 3 goals on your child. Are you still concerned about what is best for that kid who jumped ship midseason? Heck no, you are mad at the coach who let the kid go soon enough to hurt your team!<<

Actually, if I'm the parent of the GK, I want to understand how she/he can do a better job. As a parent, my primary concern isn't the team; it's helping my child achieve her or his objectives.

>>I'm a coach, and I want what's best for players, but why should coaches bow to parents and players who want to jump midseason? After our season is over or in between seasons- here's your release, best of luck. In the middle of our season- no way i'm letting you go to another team simply b/c our season may not be going the way you and your parents want.<<

Respectfully, I think it's the attitude you display here that makes this such a capricious and arbitrary rule. If the SCYSA wants to forbid any and all transfers (which they do after a certain point in the season in any case), then so be it. Not very smart; but I understand. If the SCYSA wants to mandate a 30-day waiting period after a transfer before games can be played, again, so be it. But to ask a coach to decide whether to sign a piece of paper that will penalize the child for her/his desire to leave that coach does nothing but put the child, the coach, and the parents in a bad situation.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/11/07 07:53 PM
TVoR, since Chico answered before I had a chance to, and probably did a better job anyway, I'll just say "Yeah...what HE said!"
(sorry - that was the most mature thing I could come up with at the moment)

But, I would also like to add what I have stated before - if I were the coach of a team, and a player/parent came up to me and said they wanted to go to another team; unless there was just some kind of misunderstanding that could easily be remedied, I would prefer that child/parent leave immediately. I, personally, do not want a player on my team who does not want to be there.

Simple as that - if you want to be on my team and are willing to work hard and make a commitment to the team, we’re glad to have you. But, if you don’t really want to be here, well, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Goal, as a matter of fact, we were NOT full strength yesterday – we were missing four players, and our keeper was one of them. I do not believe we have commitment issues – the first two games were, like I said, a long story (that was discussed in the beginning of this thread a little) for two players, and two players were hurt. The game yesterday, well, it was just one of those things – IT happens. Hopefully, we will be back to full strength minus one (broken/fractured pieces/parts) next weekend, and then have that one back soon after.

As things go, over the years, this team has been very fortunate regarding injuries. Maybe it just caught up to us this year.
Posted By: the voice of reason Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 12:22 AM
My point was this... i am not going to allow a player to transfer to a team that could possibly hurt my team just b/c my team may not be doing as well as he had hoped or if it's a playing time issue. I would also not allow that player to train with my team. If you as a player are not willing to stick it out through the tough times with the team you were selected to (and presumably chose) then why should I as the coach be willing to make it easy for you to go to a different team? Ahhh, b/c I am supposed to be most concerned with player development. Well, if that is the case, parents have to be ready to hear that answer when the player who left our team becomes the top weapon on the team who knocks us out of the playoffs... "I'm sorry parents that our former player, Joe Q. Soccer, scored 2 goals and ended our season, but I signed the papers to allow him to transfer in time to play in this game b/c I am most concerned about his development as a player."

As a coach, I do not want a player on my team who does not want to be there, but I'm also not going to let that player easily go to a team where he may affect the players who are honoring their commitment. If it's 30 days, then fine. It gives my team 30 days to practice without that player before we have to face him. If the player is leaving b/c of a legitimate physical move (parents moving from Charleston to Greenville, etc), then I understand, and I would sign the paperwork. But what about the player who wants to leave a Greenville based team to join a Charleston, Charlotte or Atlanta based club?

My thoughts are reserved for the 15+ age groups where most top teams should probably be results driven. At the 14 and below ages, coaches AND parents should be concerned with player development. But in my experience, it is the parent of a simply bad 17 year old player who says, "you are too concerned with results and not with player development." And it's the parent of the talented 12 year old who says, "you are too concerned with developing players and not concerned enough with results."

If you believe that every coach should automatically sign the transfer papers, then you should be the one to tell the kids sticking it out with the team, that the papers were signed "b/c we are more concerned about that one player's development than we are about succeeding as a team." If a coach of a 15+ team tells their team this, then they lose most of their credibility b/c the kids will see it as the coach being more concerned about one player instead of team success.

No one wants people to focus on individuals and we try to teach kids this... just look at the penalties for celebrating a goal. However, now we are concerned about the success of one player over the team? Yes, the team may be better off without that player on the team, but we are probably not better off with him on a team we play in the near future.

That player and his parents have made a choice to leave my team and join a new one. I am going to do what i think is best for my current players, and I would expect the parents of a 15+ year old team to expect the same.
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 04:34 AM
Okay, Voice...listen up - there was NO chance the transferring players would be playing against the team they were leaving anywhere near the 30 days. Absolutely none. Zippo. Nada. Zilch.

The two teams are scheduled to play each other the first of April. Hmmm….let me check my calendar again…yes, it appears that would be somewhere around 90 DAYS after this whole thing started.

Since you made the comment about seasons - this was after the Fall season, or in-between the Fall and the Spring season, whichever way you prefer to put it.

You say “My thoughts are reserved for the 15+ age groups.” So, why are you even discussing this? We are discussing U14 Boys - make up your mind.

For a moment, forget anything about player development vs team development. You have just stated to everyone that you, as a coach, would get into a pissing match with a 14-year-old. Is one of the two of you not supposed to be an adult?

Lastly, I want to thank you. I believe that anyone reading your incoherent, paranoid rantings above will see how you have completely contradicted yourself, and proven that you, yourself wish only to punish, or should I say, exact revenge on the player and his/her parents who would have the audacity to leave his/her team.
Posted By: BridgeParent Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 06:20 PM
I feel compelled to respond to the comment concerning the commitment of the parents and players of this "premier" team. When you speak of commitment there seems to be not only the commitment of the players and families, but the commitment of the team. There has always been great commitment on this team by both parents and players, but feel the "team" commitment has let us down.
This team has been competitive for years as a group and then other players started to be added on. First there was the boy from Beaufort, not really an issue at first, but really saw no need or benefit from it, but ok. Then we added one from Mt Pleasant and 3 from Myrtle Beach, with these additions, 2 of our "committed" players were told they were no longer on the team. So now we have 6 new players that not only have cost 2 boys a position on the team, but have also cut the playing time of others with no real contribution to the team's success. The new players, especially the ones from Myrtle Beach, were maybe at practice and maybe not, you never really knew if they were going to be there or not. Then after the fall 06 season, 2 of the Myrtle Beach boys decide they no longer want to play for this team and leave, so the 2 "committed" players are dismissed for players not really committed. So we get 2 players from Mt Pleasant that want to come over and we bend over backwards to get them on the team. So now lets look at commitment....7 new players in the course of year and who yells and screams at players on the field, one who has been injured since Thanksgiving, one has been to 3 or 4 practices and 4 games (none Premier) this season, 2 who decided no longer to play and 2 new ones that feel they should be on the team because they want to be. These players have brought nothing to the team, they have stepped into and on a group of boys that have been committed and successful for years and now others that have had NO role in the success of this team and getting them to level they are at, are reaping the benefits of the others hard work. So I can see where the commmitment of some can be dimished...what good is that commitment when tomorrow some other kid can decide to step in and take that kids place. You talk about player development...the best for the kids...well how does taking a roster spot and playing time away from a kid develop him, when he and his family have been comitted to you for years.
Posted By: Soccer16 Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 07:03 PM
Wow! This is getting good!
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 09:48 PM
Bridge Parent,
Very honest and good posts...Committment should work both ways but the desire to win NOW gets in the way..It's a crap shoot when you pick up new players..they could help the team but most of the time there is no change..But sometimes teams evolve and the cream rises to the top..That's why you do what is best for your child..First and the team comes second
Posted By: Pockets Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/12/07 09:58 PM
IMO- When you move to challenge and premier league level play it has more to do with a players level of play and competitiveness not a parents commitment to the team.

There is little way that a team can grow and increase how competitive they are based solely on player commitment- I can be committed to a lot of things but that doesn't mean I am good at them!

The Bridge concept embraces development based on skill not where you are from or how long you have been on a team- Sometimes the team just plain outgrows a player!

If "keeping" the team together is important play rec ball- then a dad can coach and the team will remain intact...I for one pay good money and feel I get a great return on that investment for my child to be trained- If he doesn't cut the mustard then he needs to sit the bench or not make the team the next season. Look at the stats of the team and see just how much those "new" players have added- I think those stats speak for themselves.

This is dirty laundry- keep it to yourself or step up and say it to someones face- be adult---- it is ludicrous that a parent would get on a public forum and make such statements about their childs OWN team and team mates!!!

BRIDGEPARENT needs to be ashamed of themselves- IMO-This forum is to discuss,stir up some good natured rivalry and talk/learn about the beautiful game not to personally attack others-
Posted By: Giggs Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 12:17 AM
I am a parent of a CESA premier player. I have been reading the posts on this site and feel that a comment is warranted. I was at first concerned about the BFA forming with the sole reason of competing against CESA. It is clear that unless the BFA and other clubs in the area pull themselves together and start acting rationally that we really have no reason to worry. It appears that you are "eating your young" and self destructing on your own. I really do wish you luck as there is a severe lack of competition in this state.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 12:18 AM
[IMO- When you move to challenge and premier league level play it has more to do with a players level of play and competitiveness not a parents commitment to the team....I can be committed to a lot of things but that doesn't mean I am good at them!....The Bridge concept embraces development based on skill not where you are from or how long you have been on a team....Look at the stats of the team and see just how much those "new" players have added- I think those stats speak for themselves.]

I think Pockets is pretty narrowly focused on what an ELITE player IS. An ELITE player has good soccer skills {of course), is committed to his/her (CHICO) training/team, is good in school and social activities. I've heard that you can look at the soccer stats and be misled about ELITE, look at the off-field behavior and you'll see a different picture. For example, look at the SCSOCCER.COM link about Mike Gustavson (USC), think about commitment and quality. I stress to my kids, "OPTIONS". Whatever you do in life, does it create more or less options for you? At 6'4" 180 lbs you'd think Mike has a lot going for him, it probably got him into college as a Goalkeeper - God given! Now what did he do with it? The thread talks of arrests, a 0.00 GPA (someone should have told him that GPA/higher/better vs >GAA/lower/better). So, what's the ELITE player's off-field stats: Now let's suppose the player BFA picked up from MPSC has recently cursed out a teacher, broken a fellow students nose and now has in school suspension. NOT QUALITIES OF AN ELITE PLAYER. I think the coaching staff at BFA needs to do a little more homework before picking up players from the region. AND ALL COACHES/PLAYERS SHOULD THINK ABOUT THIS! THIS INCLUDES PLAY POLICY SUCH AS SUSPENSION IN HIGH SCHOOL FOR DRUGS/ALCOHOL OR BEING KICKED OUT OF A HIGH SCHOOL FOR POOR BEHAVIOR.

You can call it dirty laundry but how do you clean it up?

For the U14's, this should be the real discussion, NOT the 30 day waiting period 'cause a coach didn't sign his papers.
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 12:55 AM
I am soooo glad I am out of this circus.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 02:15 AM

I am a parent of a CESA premier player. I have been reading the posts on this site and feel that a comment is warranted. I was at first concerned about the BFA forming with the sole reason of competing against CESA. It is clear that unless the BFA and other clubs in the area pull themselves together and start acting rationally that we really have no reason to worry. It appears that you are "eating your young" and self destructing on your own. I really do wish you luck as there is a severe lack of competition in this state.

A very good point. CESA and CUFC benefit from the MPSC and BFA squabble.
Posted By: Coach P Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 09:44 AM


I am a parent of a CESA premier player. I have been reading the posts on this site and feel that a comment is warranted. I was at first concerned about the BFA forming with the sole reason of competing against CESA. It is clear that unless the BFA and other clubs in the area pull themselves together and start acting rationally that we really have no reason to worry. It appears that you are "eating your young" and self destructing on your own. I really do wish you luck as there is a severe lack of competition in this state.

A very good point. CESA and CUFC benefit from the MPSC and BFA squabble.

I don't think anyone in the state benefits from less competition. We need the level of competitiveness in the state to increase because we are still way behind other states in our region. A very good, competitive club in the low-country is good for CESA and CUFC not the other way around.
Posted By: Big Daddy Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 10:52 AM
"When I say it's a game, you say it's a business. When I say it's a business, you say it's a game".

There's a fine line of hypocrisy that most of us walk in this game of youth soccer, particularly at the highest level of play. A friend of mine told me that a DOC once told him that parents of high level players are ALWAYS unhappy. Never believing that their sons and daughters best interests are being looked after sufficiently.

We want loyalty and committment.....yet bail for a perceived better oppportunity for our kids, or a better player for a team. We seek out higher competition....then bemoan the loss of community that we felt when our kids were on a tighly knit U10 team full of neighborhood kids.

Parents want successful competition AND community for their kids.....clubs want successful competition AND community for their teams. Sometimes it works and sometimes kids and families get caught in the crossfire.
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 11:31 AM
I remember U-10, when everything was pure & innocent. Ahhh, the good old days. Cherish these moments you U-10 parents....bigger kids, bigger problems.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 01:33 PM
HURST, you are sooo right. The soccer problems that the kids have at U14-U17 [commitment starts to fade, other activities are more distracting, drugs/alcohol/blah..blah..blah]. I asked how do you clean it up? I found the answer in your post, "Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid." I think most of the soccer players in the lowcountry know eachother and like eachother. It's parents stirring the pot that takes the fun out of it.
Posted By: Giggs Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/13/07 03:28 PM
CESA does not benefit from (as BFDAD states) from a lack of competitive teams in the low country. In many cases the premier teams have to go out of state for competition. As I said earlier: " I really do wish you luck". Good competition makes both clubs stronger.
Posted By: GOAL!!! Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/15/07 01:14 AM
OK, Here's a novel idea - Since the BFA coaches want practices for each team to be located where the majority of the areas BEST players are from (on there team?):

1) let's have the FOLLOWING YEAR'S practices in the town (Jamies Island, Mt P, Summerville...) whose team has the best record in the the LAST TOURNAMENT before tryouts. e.g. the Bridge Invitational. So, let's say that a JI team enters the U15 age group and has a better record than MT. P or Summerville, then the ALLIANCE will hold practices in J.I. for that age group. How's that for getting over the LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION issue I brought up earlier?
Posted By: Talon Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/15/07 02:16 AM
How has Bridge FA effected James Island HS and Summerville HS? I had an interesting conversation with a parent of one of the SSC players this past weekend and they had a very interesting perspective.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/15/07 02:31 PM

Interesting perspectives are often different than what the general consensus may seem to be. Obviously, from your post the perspective is different from your own, and without the benefit of knowing what each of those perspectives are, it's a shot in the dark trying to respond to your specific question. However, here's my opinion.

In general, club soccer in the fall is better than no soccer in the fall, as it pertains to HS teams. That said, obviously, the higher the level of play for the players from a particular school during the fall, should show tangible benefits for the HS team in the spring, in addition to the shear number of players in club soccer.

As for the effect of Bridge FA on the high schools listed, there is minimal impact to James Island and there is more with Summerville. Dealing with the HS teams, limiting the age groups to U15-U18, there are more Bridge FA players at Summerville, than James Island. It's not too surprising then that Summerville is more highly regarded than James Island.

Bridge FA though, impacts many more high schools than just Summerville and James Island, even though only SSC and JIYSC are formal members of the current alliance. Since the girls are still somewhat fragmented, I'm also limiting this discussion to the boys side. You have to look at the rosters from each of the schools to get a true picture. With that said, the teams from the low country that get talked about, (if I don't mention all, it's oversight, not intentional) Wando, Summerville, Fort Dorchester, Beaufort, Bishop England, Academic Magnet, Lincoln, and Pinewood, all have Bridge FA players, many of these schools also have SSC and JIYSC players. While other schools that are less talked about, James Island, West Ashley, Stratford, Waccamaw, Soccastee, and Porter Gaud, all have Bridge FA players that are significant assets to their respective teams. So Bridge FA seems to have an impact on the entire low country HS scene, not just Summerville and James Island.

When this was conceptualized one of the things that was talked about was the effect that CRSA has on the Brookland Cayce HS program. One of the things I was told CRSA basically exists to expose BC players to club soccer and provide a place for fall training to perpetuate their HS program. In a nutshell, a local club, supporting a local community/HS program. That I think is a very good thing, and within the structure of the current alliance the local clubs could still support their HS teams. This would/could include more HS coaches involved at the local club. I don't think that has manifested itself as much as it could. By moving the challenge program to Bridge FA, leaving the classic programs with the local clubs, it seemed to be a good way to support the local HS, and also provide for the higher level play, for those that are able and desire it.

So there is no doubt there are players at Summerville HS that either weren't selected for a Bridge FA team, or made a decision to remain with the local club for whatever reason. With those players remaining in club soccer in the fall, I don't really see any negative impact to the HS teams, unless the players stopped playing club soccer all together.

Maybe I'm looking through rose colored glasses, but I think the current structure allows for positive effects, rather than negative effects.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 03/15/07 07:19 PM
Maybe somebody can clear this up for me. I've heard two stories.

Next fall, Bridge FA will only have challange teams, no classic.

Next fall, Bridge FA will only have teams at the U13 to U18 level and they will play challange or classic.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/09/07 02:16 PM
Congrats to BFA 94 Gold on their 3-0 victory over MPSC 93 Maroon this past weekend.
Posted By: Chapindad Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/09/07 07:52 PM

It is my understanding that currently BFA doesn't support classic teams and that you need to go to one of the other clubs if you want to be classic as a team or player.

So, the second statement would seem to be the most logical step for them. But would put them in direct competition with the other clubs and I believe against why they exist, which was to field only the very best teams and leave the rest for the other clubs.
Posted By: LeGrazie Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/10/07 01:47 AM
This year, we have a Bridge u11 team playing Sandlapper League. Is "mission creep" at the Bridge?
Posted By: ROSS Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/18/07 04:00 PM
I've read it all and just have to chime in now.

I have been coaching soccer for 13 years now. The problem we face today is the same problem I was ranting about 7 years ago when my daughter was 11.

First off, Mount Pleasant Soccer Club has too many ties too the city government. The facilities and staff have always been paid for by the tax payers of Mount Pleasant(this may have changed recently). So when Susie tax payers son gets cut so a kid from JI, Summerville or Charleston makes the team she goes screaming to her city councilman or the mayor. What she forgets is the out of town kids pay more in registration fees to play in MTP. Mount P didn't say little Johnny can't play soccer they just said he can't play on this team.

Coaches as a whole are more concerned with their winning records than the development and exposure of their players. Every year and in some cases between seasons I recommend to a player or two to move to another team that has a higher level of competition. When I talk to the parents I emphasize that if your child wants to continue to develop or play in college some day he must play with and against the better competition. Is this best for my team? Absolutely not. What is our job as a coach? To develop players and give them the best chance to be successful later, if soccer is something they truly want to pursue.

Every player at level should have a place to play those that do it for social reasons only included. What we have lacked in the lowcountry for years is a concentrated effort for for the Elite Players. We educate to the masses just as in our public schools and the Elite being the minority are the ones that are truly being left behind. We need MPSC, SSC, JIYSC, Charleston United and any others I failed to mention but they should be the feeder system to a club that provides only Challenge and Premier opportunities.

This club should have tryouts in all the age groups for challenge and Premier teams(if qualified) if the numbers and talent level justify it an A and B team may be feasible for Challenge in some age groups. In house, micro, LYSA and classic as well as some form of skills training(Coerver or such) should be provided by the feeder clubs.

My daughter played for MPSC, SSC and Charleston United. We pretty much traveled with coach from club to club in each area of the Lowcountry to build an Elite level team. We managed 1 state championship and 3 runner-ups in six years. With players from MTP, Summerville, Charleston, James Island and Hilton Head we still struggled in Premier league. Yet, due to the effort made by the Parents and one very committed Coach 8 of 9(the 9th decided to pursue a medical career) graduating Seniors will be playing College soccer at the Division 1 and 2 levels.

It's time to throw the ego's and the politics out the window and do what's best for the players at all levels. Parents it's in your hands don't count on your club or your coaches to make decisions for your kids.
Posted By: Bonz Re: BFA &amp; MPSC - 04/18/07 06:30 PM
This post would have been perfect for the Charleston United thread. Well said!!!
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA &amp; MPSC - 04/18/07 07:40 PM
The problem with MPSC isn't too many ties to the town government, but rather the fact that it IS a program of the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department; so every facet of the club is beneath the umbrella of the rec dept. and therefore the Town of Mt. Pleasant. The premier club in Charleston used to be known as Hungryneck International Soccer Association (I think, the initials were HNISA I believe), but (goodness...I was 12 at the time maybe) 8 or 9 years ago, Hungryneck (a privately run club) merged with the Recreation Department's Recreational Soccer programs (publicly run) to provide all levels of play and access for all ages--at the time, I remember being VERY excited about the new maroon/white uniforms as anything was better than the awkward blue/white striped/halved shirts we had previously. Whether it's connected or not, the last continuous string of highly competitive teams (both boys and girls) were remnants of Hungryneck's programs. There have been successful MPSC teams since then, but not a continuous succession of them across the age groups.

While the merger did put make available many more resources than Hungryneck had on its own--it had been forced to use whatever fields were available, often Trident Academy and a poorly kept Long Point subdivision field--it did, unfortunately, force all of the programs' decisions to be made beneath the rec. dept's umbrella, meaning the people who ultimately okayed major ideas and funds worked for the local government and not for the soccer club, coaches, and players.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/19/07 12:58 PM

You mention egos, and parents need to be involved. Here are some statements I've heard that could summarize some of the egos:

Our club is the model for Bridge FA.
You're only as good as your last win.
We have everything in place and don't need anybody else.

At the end of the day, until collectively these DOCs let loose of some ego, and parents on the BODs also lose some of the us vs them mentality, or anger with respective DOCs, the low country will still not fully service the elite players. Of course, if an individual club doesn't really want to service them, that's also okay, but don't hinder the individual players that want it.
Posted By: SoccerDOC Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/19/07 05:43 PM
I am one of the DOC's being referred too and would like to see us collectively work together. I think it's not just a matter of egos but a lot of it has to do with trust.
I think that the organizations needs to be structured by representatives from each of the club's Boards. Once the structure has been agreed upon then open up all positions to be applied for. Then hire the best people for the job/s.
This almost came about over the last few months with all the clubs and recreational programs sitting around the same table, agreeing to making this happen. It all fell apart once it became about one person insisting it had to be them running the program. I and others do not need to be in this position but must feel we can trust the person who is and that the program is something we can fully support and is going to benefit all levels of soccer for the area.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/19/07 06:35 PM
Trust...where have I heard that before?
If everyone believes in the concept but can not agree on whom should be in charge..Then maybe we should step outside the Charleston area to find a soccer professional willing to make this concept work
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/19/07 06:49 PM
So what you're saying is, it's not me that needs to be in the position, just not him?

If everyone is involved and has a vested interest in making it work, wouldn't the program either be or become something that could be fully supported?

The same thing happened 2 years ago. Call it ego, or trust, at the end of the day, it fell apart when people/clubs felt like they weren't going to be in control.

The egos/mistrust doesn't start and end with the DOCs, but also affects the club BODs. Too many people with deep roots holding on to past issues to efficiently move forward.
Posted By: soccer05 Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/20/07 01:03 PM
CHT-I like your idea to hire someone outside the Charleston area to come in and be in charge. It every club has a representative and a vote, what's the problem? Only thing wrong with that idea...It makes sense! LOL
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/20/07 03:08 PM
Everyone says this is a good idea so why is'nt it happening?
Because they cannot decide who will be in charge...Not club presidents...these are DOCs who are employees to their perspective clubs...I am asking the club presidents in this area to breathe some new life into our soccer situation and step outside the box and go after a new DOC who can represent the lowcountry as a whole..The current presidents could be remembered as the ones that got this done for our kids or play it safe and make no difference..We need leaders to lead our kids out of this stalemate..When you know it's the right thing to do then it becomes your responsibility to get it done..
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/21/07 02:37 AM
I am surprised ( and then again not) this thread is still running. I am sure I sound like an old record because I have been saying it for years - The Battery is the perfect neutral source to run high level soccer in the Charleston area.
I spent a week in England recently and noticed that the Pro teams there usually have some lower division teams, a premier youth team or 2, even a women's division team.
Posted By: mpheel Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/21/07 11:58 PM
The Bridge seems to be running perfectly fine without the involvement of MPSC and CUFC. The best players always go with the best trainers ( which the Bridge has). MPSC and CUFC can offer great things for the classic player. But what does it offer the challenge and premier player? Not Much!
Posted By: swimmer2 Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 11:03 AM
Call me back after a Bridge team when State Cup 6 out of 7 years.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 02:14 PM
How do know that they are the best trainers if they only train the best players? If you had a trainer that had a average team or group of players and found ways to consistantly win..Would he not fall into the category of best trainer?
Posted By: soccer05 Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 02:14 PM
MPHeel, you are right. There is no place for the classic player w/ challenge or premier skills in MPSC to move up to. Those players are moving to BFA and CESA. The DOC's focus in MPSC has been the academy age. Hopefully, with a combination effort in U13-18 with Charleston United some effort is being focused on the older age groups. MPSC DOC's philosoply for coach involvement during the games is going to be the last nail in the coffin.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 02:27 PM
>>[swimmer2] Call me back after a Bridge team when State Cup 6 out of 7 years.<<

Several rather trivial refutations could possibly be made:
  • One Team != Club
  • Call me back when a low-country team other than Bridge wins a USCS National Championship.
  • ...etc...

Of course, from the other perspective, you could state
  • Call me back when a girls team at Bridge makes RIIIPL-East.
  • Call me back when a girls team at Bridge wins a single state challenge cup.

I'm actually not trying to "win" an argument here, but simply point out that there are multiple sides to the argument.
Posted By: Shibumi Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 02:32 PM
>>[coldhardtruth] If you had a trainer that had a average team or group of players and found ways to consistantly win..Would he not fall into the category of best trainer?<<

Yep. I always find it interesting to see what coaches of a club's "B" teams are able to do in terms of winning.

Finally, to the general point -- in my experience, the best players tend to go where the best players are -- the best coach/trainer in the world can't make up for 15 unskilled players and a pretty aggressively average coach/trainer can help a kid advance her/his skills a lot more easily with 15 highly skilled players.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 03:12 PM
I am more impressed with the guy that does alot with alittle..If you have 15 highly skilled players then you should be winning and how about the trainers that taught these players before they moved to the team with the best players..Soccer is being taught everywhere..Stop and pay attention to what these guys and girls are doing..There are some solid trainers out there that don't always coach the best team
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 10:44 PM
The best recruiter wins!!!!

That's the beauty of HS soccer, you play with the hand that you are dealt. I realize the "non-soccer communities" are at a disadvantage but for every market that has a club influence, it is essentially fair. The coach has to work with local players.
Posted By: cat's cradle Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/22/07 11:18 PM
Except for the private schools that keep being allowed to play on an unlevel field. . .
Posted By: soccerislife Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/23/07 06:29 PM
At any soccer club coaches just don't get appointed good teams they have got to prove themselves overtime. Each coach strives to add to what the players have already learnt from another coaches.
Good players gravitate to each other, one way or the other. For example Jose Mourinho at Chelsea and Sir Alex and Manu and Wenger at Arsenal.
Posted By: soccer guru Re: BFA & MPSC - 04/23/07 07:43 PM
I agree with Coldhardtruth.

There are very few coaches in the area that have proven themselves at every age and level. Does anyone know of any coaches in the low country, especially with "B" teams?
Posted By: soccerislife BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 12:55 PM
Last year Bridge 92 boys and Mt P 92 boys lost in the playoffs, all the signs that the two teams needs to be combined. This season, Mt P 92 boys lost yesterday, Bridge 92 boys wins and finally makes it to the final round of state-cup. Two boys that played on the MT P team last season joined the Bridge team that played in the Premier League and help them to the state cup final round this year.

Mt P has some talented players that need the exposure and experience of playing against top competition. All the players on these two teams deserve to play in the state cup final round, but divided only one team would have a chance to make it each year. Bridge FA would have a very hard game against Columbia, Good luck, you represent the low country. More parents just need to make more independent decision and leave MT P, if the organization is not willing to endorse the Bridge as the premier club and encourage the kids that have the potential to at least tryout. I hope that they consider trying out for the Bridge for next season.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 03:59 PM
Agreed. Clubs like MPSC and Charleston United, who can not offer what is needed to the top players, have to do the proper thing for development and push their better players to the other better players, who are pretty much at the Bridge FA.

Instead, the usual propaganda machine of May tryout time begins with all the great promises of new coaches, new players and new services. Then, in the usual cycle, nothing with impact changes for another calendar year EXCEPT more young players who have wasted 12 months of development.

Posters on this site have mentioned Bridge FA has to provide better service to get these players. They can improve some things, like all clubs always can, but that's not the main factor in these players not coming.

There is a lack of education in the youth soccer communities in South Carolina, in this case Charleston. It's the job of DOC's, at clubs like MPSC and Charleston United, to provide the real service of honesty and education of what's best for the development of top players: Get in an environment where you are with and against all the best players/coaches as much as possible!

The merger of MPSC and Charleston United proves they know consolidation is needed but to do so in a meaningless way, and not work with the Bridge FA, shows that personal egos and differences are hindering what is best for some young, good players.

Regardless of who finally wins a State Cup next week, the fact of Bridge FA and CESA each having five (5) teams is just a small example of how the elite model works.

Imagine if the top players in the less successful clubs (MPSC and Charleston United) had the honest push from a DOC to go with the elite club (Bridge FA) in the area and have a chance to compete at a higher level. You might have ALOT more kids playing in the State Cup Final Four this weekend and, possibly, getting another additonal month of intense training for Regionals.

Instead, they're getting ready for tryouts for another year of average, or below average, development?
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 04:42 PM

Good thoughts on having the best players gravitate to the highest level in order for them to max out their potential and reach the highest level. Your club (Bridge FA) will no doubt benefit from having these kids play in your elite program....and the kids will benefit from the exposure and the high level training they receive.

But how about compensation for the Mount Pleasant's and Charleston United's who develop these kids into the players that you want & need? If these kids are going to move into your professional environment, shouldn't you do what professional clubs world-wide do to acquire these resources? Compensate the clubs they came from? What's a fair value....$1,000 oer player, $1,500 per player?
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 07:20 PM
While the meetings were taking place in the lowcountry about this merger...All clubs were involved..including SSC and Bridge so there could of been a consolidation of the best players but some chose not to get involved..You make it sound as if MPSC and CUSC are the ones holding out..and that is simply not the case..I know that one DOC has recommended that some of his players tryout at Bridge because he did not feel he could field a strong team in their age group and I saw most of those players at Bridge tryouts...I watched some of the younger age groups at state a few weeks ago..I think they were 10s and 11s.I was very impressed with one MPSC girls team that has great skill and moved the ball around quite well...I wonder who taught them that? Maybe..Just maybe soocer is being taught everywhere..Which girls team won state this year? Yes, some of those players are on Bridge teams but who developed those players at a young age? Let's give credit where credit is due..
Posted By: soccerislife Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 08:27 PM
No one is staying that soccer development does not take place at SSC, MT P and CUSC. The point is Charleston needs a unified approach if teams are going to be very successful in the state league consistently. If anyone has kids that play against competitive team outside Charleston, you would see that our teams lack dept to really compete.
All talk and no action, no one has the fortitude to do the right thing for the kids.
Until the clubs act and put egos aside, Charleston youth club soccer would be behind the upstate clubs. The real issue is no one trusts each other.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 08:33 PM
If MPSC and Charleston United support a merger but it's with themselves instead of with an already established alliance that is doing well, receptive to them joining and is set up to succeed for the player, isn't that holding out in the most obvious manner? Or, because the DOCs at those clubs are worried about what their title, role, and income would be in a Bridge FA merger over the young players' development, then that's a viable reason to not to join?

You're correct that there are players being developed at the youngest ages at MPSC and Charleston United and they do deserve credit for getting players started...absolutely! That's not the point, though. I just want to hear a good reason why those developed players do not need to be encouraged by the DOCs to go to a place where there are more good players to develop them even more and at a faster rate? And if its CESA or CUFC instead of the Bridge FA and travel is not an issue, then so be it.

It's such a small percentage of better players and if the DOCs care about development over winning, like they say, they could still run their programs without the better players and send the elite to the Bridge FA. So why not do it? Because they DO want to try and win BUT can't!

Then, the same cycle happens. The players stay at those clubs and quickly reach a point where they are ready for more, however, they are urged by DOCs to stay with the same talent pool they developed past and outgrew. Now, they have no chance to continue to get better at the rate they could.

No matter how good an individual team or player becomes at those clubs, it is ALWAYS better if, by U11 or U12, they have the chance to be with a higher quantity of higher quality. Always! And in the Lowcountry and Coastal District, that's the Bridge FA...not MPSC and not Charleston United.

The only reason players go to the Bridge FA from MPSC and Charleston United is because 1) the player/family chooses against the coaches' will and/or 2) those clubs don't have the player and coach resources to have a team and NOT because DOCs are helping the Bridge FA cause.
Posted By: soccer guru Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 10:26 PM
"No matter how good an individual team or player becomes at those clubs, it is ALWAYS better if, by U11 or U12, they have the chance to be with a higher quantity of higher quality."

Beezer, you obviously have an uneducated opinion in several areas. I do not have the time to waste going through each of your inaccurate statements of what you think is correct but will just point out one; the statement above, where did you learn that "it is always better for U11 or U12 players"? If you had any coaching education or training in sports/child psychology you would know that your above statement is not correct.

You need to be more careful on trying to educate people with what you think is correct and go with facts. Try attending a USYSA National Youth License and then come back and make your statments. Maybe then you could accurately bash DOC's and clubs about what's good player development. Maybe you would also understand a little clearer to why clubs are not jumping into relationship with the Bridge and jeopordizing player development. I think you will find everyone agrees to the concept of working together but have serious concerns to how bussiness is being conducted.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/13/07 10:53 PM
If we want to talk obvious, then you must have taken the domestic coaching courses due to the spit back of "child psychology" in the same sentence as player development.

You think Brazilians, Argentinians and Italians are worrying a whole lot about child psychology when they are signing players at 11, 12 and 13 years of age and, in some cases, relocating them from home?

Are we at the level with, say, Brazilians? No. But are we creating spoiled, pampered and soft players in a comfort zone in our soccer culture? Yes.

Try taking the NSCAA Premier Course in a foreign country and see what is emphasized. Or better yet, spend a week with a foreign professional club and follow their player development patterns. Then we can chat. When you're trying to build a culture in a sport the world has mastered, then you have to be open-minded to not Americanize too much.

PLEASE, PLEASE waste my time and make me understand a little clearer each inaccurate statement because, obviously, I'm missing something.

And, thanks for mentioning that how business is conducted is more important then player development. If you don't like it, take all those upset adults with you and step aside and let the players still get what they deserve.
Posted By: sid42 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 12:05 AM

MPSC and CUSC did hold out and made the choice not to join SSC, JIYSC, and BFA at the time the merger was taking place. Then this year, with MPSC and CUSC being extremely instrumental, tried to form the Lowcountry Alliance that included BFA. Trying to form an alliance shows that they also feel the need to step it up to compete. Why not join the existing alliance if they felt one was needed for their players and others in the lowcountry? Maybe MPSC just needs total control.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 12:40 AM
I think everyone is in agreement that the lowcountry should be under one umbrella..Ask any DOC and he will say yes..So the problem is who is going to work for who and who is going to be in charge..The other problem is that these local club boards can't seem to get together without one of these paid employees knawing on their ear about what they should do or I will pull my coaches out if you do this..Does not sound like the players best interest is being served to me..I think everybody wants total control so why don't these clubs hire a fresh face and let these current DOCs work within the program? I could stand for some fresh air around here...As far as player development..The ones that get developed are the ones willing to pay for it..When we started out some six years ago my kids were playing micro and rec..the parent next to me was anybody..a factory worker,teacher..anybody and as we moved up to higher levels of competition the parents are now successful in business or doctors and lawyers..So I can only reason to think that genetics has nothing to do with development and has everything to do with money and who is willing to pay..There are groups of atheles out there that will never see any development because of their income not because of their ability...I for one want ONE club in the lowcountry and I don't care what we call it
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 12:42 AM
As a parent of one of those players stuck in limbo between BFA and MPSC/CUSC, I have some questions.

1. Why did the "mt pleasant rec person in charge" say no to BFA and yes to MPSC/CUSC merger? Who's really in charge?
2. With all the MPSC players going to BFA, why do they not have access to fields in MPSC? These players' parents paid and are still paying for the fields.
3. IF MPSC cannot field a competitive team for the higher level players, and it's about the kids, why can't MPSC share fields with clubs that do?
4. If it's about the kids, why is my child a nervous wreck because MPSC says you HAVE to be at tryouts on Monday night and BFA says you HAVE to be at tryouts on Monday night?
5. If clubs aren't trying to hold the kids "hostage", why weren't tryouts scheduled on different nights?
6. If MPSC wants to provide a place for challenge players, why do they have a high school coach? This puts the club in a position of LIMITING the amount of players from that coach's school because a high school coach has the #'s restrictions by the high school league rules?
7. If BFA wants to provide a place for ALL challenge players, why do they have a high school coach with #'s limitations? Both these coaches come from an area with only one high school.
8. What is it that BFA is offering or not offering, to MPSC (or the rec dept) and CUSC?
9. BFA what are you doing to get more central locations so players are not sitting in 60-90 minutes of dangerous rush hour traffic to get to practice?

In the beginning I could see the reluctance to merge with BFA. Hey, if you've got a good thing going, why give it to someone else?

However, with BFA "cherry picking" the good players one by one, it has become an environment of diluting the waters in the low country. The challenge or elite player has to make a team with a small pool of 15-16 from our entire tri county area to play at BFA. If not, they go back to their community club that now is really hurting for higher level players. Sigh, so you go back to a classic team where the parents and players are really nice, but are not really committed to soccer.

Folks, this is especially hurting our kids in the U15-18 group. You fought the BFA concept. The BFA concept seems to be working very well and looks like it is here to stay.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get it together so our challenge level kids can be united to play with and against other challenge kids without having to participate in the circus we now have.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:04 AM
Parents that feel that a complete merger should happen should attend board meetings in numbers and demand that this situation should be worked out...Not just MPSC..Every club in the lowcountry should be bombarded by parents wanting to see one club in the lowcountry..These are our clubs and unless they feel a foot in their back then it will be business as usual and three DOCs will be left with fighting over who is going to be in charge..When in reality the clubs and parents who support these clubs should be making the call on our soccer's future here in the lowcountry
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:06 AM
Does anybody have any insight into MPSC pulling all their teams out of LSYSA for next year? This is a rumor I heard but I hae not confirmed it.
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:27 AM
CHT-since you are talking about a small number that is interested in challenge/elite soccer, I don't know where the bombarding #'s will come from. Since they are a small %, I don't get why it's such a community club sacrifice to unite these players at BFA.
At our club, just asking questions makes you a pariah. In all the years we've been there, I've never seen a public posting of board meetings. Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it. Perhaps I could get current BFA parents interested in attending these meetings, also.
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:28 AM
BFADAD-why would they do that?
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:37 AM
Let's not limit a merger to just challenge and elite..I would like to see classic programs brought together also..this would help eliminate the problems clubs have fielding teams when some players are moved up to challenge..I have seen several teams come to an end due to numbers..If there was a complete merger then we would not have to turn away those eight ladies that want to play soccer but cannot find players within their one club..There are alot more classic parents that I believe would like to see this happen
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:47 AM
Right,I agree all the select levels would need to be included to best serve all the players in the lowcountry. I just gathered from the discussion that BFA only wants Challenge and Premier?
Posted By: soccer guru Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 02:08 AM
So who's development plan are the Bridge following, the Argentines, Italians?

"You think Brazilians, Argentinians and Italians are worrying a whole lot about child psychology when they are signing players at 11, 12 and 13 years of age and, in some cases, relocating them from home?"

How sad! I am confused, are you saying that we shouldn't worry about child psychology?
I think you will find that most countries don't relocate until they are youth players, which is considered U15. What country are you refering too? I remember reading, on the NSCAA web page, that it was at U15.
I grew up and have been educated from more than one country. I would hope the American education I have been given will better serve Americans children and their culture. I think the US game has advanced in many ways and has something to offer the rest of the soccer world; coaching education being one of them. It's great that the US game gets the flavor of so many cultures, through immigration, that's what this counrty is built on. Maybe this mixture of philosophies could also be what's holding the US back? If we could all follow US recomendations then maybe we are part of the development plan.
It would be sad to think that people are not following the directions of the experts that are guiding US soccer and following what they consider appropriate. I know no club is following US Soccer's, "Guide to Best Coaching Practices"....which uses information from other countries.

"And, thanks for mentioning that how business is conducted is more important then player development. If you don't like it, take all those upset adults with you and step aside and let the players still get what they deserve."

The business is player development
Sounds like they will "get what they deserve", good luck with that.
Posted By: Beezer Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 02:17 AM
There are many ways to skin a cat but I'm guessing you're a coach with an accent making a living in America.

Let's continue this personal discussion in Private Messages to one another.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 02:18 AM
you are correct..BFA is only challenge but could they not be part of a lowcountry merger? Afterall they do field classic teams at u12...I want one club for the lowcoutry with everyone involved..Challenge...Classic and REC
Let's start developing players from the ground up and make sure they have a place to play...One tryout..One club
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 03:55 AM
Someone was asking about MPSC and LSYSA league. I don't have the official answer, but having coached U9/U10 LSYSA and having a sister on the U14 team, I can make an educated guess.

There were only two or three teams in the U14 bracket last year, so the teams played each other every weekend with generally the same result. This was neither fun nor productive for the girls and I know they and a lot of parents as well as the coach complained about it.

At the younger level that I coached, there were multiple teams, but the MPSC teams almost consistently beat their opponents by at least 3 goals, if not more, with the exception of a James Island Red team that was on par with MPSC. The players, coaches, and parents all agreed that it was not helping player development and not providing any sort of challenge to make the players work harder.

If these same problems held true in other age groups and for the boys, I am not surprised at all that they broke ties with LSYSA. Otherwise, I have no idea why they're no longer playing.

On a side note, I have a question for the other clubs. I was looking at the MPSC coaching staff and many of the coaches are listed as head coaches for more than one team, usually two, but sometimes even three teams. Back when I played, it was customary for each coach to work full time with one team and move up with them. Jarrett Smith was "our" coach, Kara Slick and her husband had the Ice.

Is the multiple team trend occurring in other clubs as well and I'm just out of the loop? I know MPSC has other willing and perfectly able coaches to take on some of the teams, but aren't being allowed to.
Posted By: greengrass Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 12:21 PM
adidaskitten86: Anecdotally, yes, I think it is relatively common for soccer coaches to be involved with more than one team. It certainly takes a fair amount of planning to minimize conflicts with weekend travel and some coordination to provide coordinated practices and game coverage.
Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 12:33 PM

There are deeper things that could have kept Bridge out of the greater alliance.

I saw some of the preliminary organizational models, which were structured very similarly to Bridge. That similarity being that players would be registered with this new entity so they could compete in SCYSA. But unlike the relationship with between Bridge and SSC/JIYSC, if bridge were to move it's Challenge players (and Classic U12s) to this new organization, they would have no players left, and therefore the club would cease to exist. For some of the skeptics out there, it could have been viewed as a cleverly conceived way to eliminate Bridge FA.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:26 PM
I was told by a MPSC parent that since MPSC had about 75% of the teams playing in LSYSA, they wanted more contol in scheduling of teams and fields.
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 01:30 PM
I think the kids looking to play at the challange level should look to Bridge FA. Remember, when we talk about MPSC, we are really talking about the Mt. Pleasant Rec. Dept. (MPRD). The MPRD is the one that runs the shows. That is why MPSC is forming partnerships with City of Charleston Rec., St. Andrews Rec. and other local rec. departments.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 02:46 PM
Would we not be eliminating all of the clubs if all the players were under one umbrella? If need be..they could call the challenge portion of this new organization Bridge..
I just feel we are in to small of an area to have five clubs..We have to stop choosing sides to make this work We currently have five soccer clubs within a thirty minute ride to one another..Should be one club
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/14/07 07:13 PM
Thanks, greengrass. I just remember the teams back when I played always had their coaches with them at every practice and game unless there was an emergency or other rare event, so the practice of being listed as head coach for multiple teams is unfamiliar to me. It just seemed odd to me to think of having a different coach on the field for different games depending on when and where their other team was playing.

Posted By: Bear Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/15/07 01:20 AM

We're kind of talking about two different things. You are advocating a merger of all clubs, which due to different business models isn't possible. The people who have done the mergers have realized that already. You have also spoken about the last attempt to kind of umbrella all clubs and players from rec to challenge. From a shared resource point of view, I think that had something to do with it. However, a complete merger wasn't really being discussed, only another umbrella organization, in which all clubs remained on their own.

Bridge was shown to be holding out on that and I was just offering a reason that hasn't been broadcast. Keep pushing for the entire merger, but you need to understand the reasons preventing it, which isn't always egos and lack of trust.
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/15/07 03:24 AM
kitten, Having the same coach for 2-3 teams is not an ideal situation that is embraced by parents or players. One coach focused and committed to one team is the norm for the select player. I'm not familiar with greengrass' idea. We've played soccer at MPSC for 11 years at different levels and have never had to share a coach. This is the first time I've seen a club in our area share a coach. Trainers, sometimes. Coaches, never. It means so much for the players to have "their" coach at all the games. The way it was back when you played is how it should remain. One coach for each team.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/15/07 05:03 AM
I agree with you, soccerclan. I think that having a stable, consistent support in a coach is important. You should be able to count on your coach being there for your games and practices instead of feeling like you're second rate because the coach chose to be with the other team that day.

Sometimes our coaches helped to train other teams, but it was only on the rare occasion and they were never listed as head coach with the responsibility to be there for the team.

Looking at the MPSC coaches list though, it looks like at least eight coaches are listed for two teams each when I know there are other capable coaches willing to take teams. I wonder if it's just because they aren't considered qualified due to no college or pro experience playing the game...but whatever the reason, it's sad to see the lack of personalised attention the kids are going to be getting.
Posted By: redcard Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/17/07 10:08 PM
Bear / CHT
Bridge FA will have to get more aggressive with promoting their alliance concept to grow like they want. More sponsorships need to be brought on board, fundraising, etc., so the club can afford to hold some trainings outside the metro area, yes....road trip for coaches. I think if this concept of growth was really pushed, you might see some good challenge teams looking to play under the BFA umbrella, which is very feasable.

It is easy for certain clubs and board members to be negative towards the whole alliance concept (Until it becomes extremely convenient for them.)
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 12:43 AM
Here is a good reason for local clubs to join forces with Bridge, FA. In this weekend's U13/U14 Challange semi-finals, we have 5 BFA teams still playing, 1 from MPSC and 1 from CUSC.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:45 AM
I keep waiting for "You WILL be assimilated...resistance is futile."
Posted By: biggest fan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 01:03 PM
I really think BFA and MPSC need to work out their differences and work together before CESA comes to town in the fall!!
Posted By: Chantman Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 02:14 PM
Here is s chance for people to voice their concerns to MPSC.

As required by the by-laws of the MPSC Booster Club, the Club’s annual meeting will take place Tuesday June 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the Jones Center (Egypt Road). During this meeting, elections for board members will be held. If anyone is interested in becoming a board member and would like their name to be placed on the slate of candidates, please send your name to Jayne Ahlstrom at (We are especially seeking replacements for both the treasurer and the secretary positions on the Executive Board.)
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:32 PM
This meeting at MPSC is for a "booster" club. Does it have anything to do with coaching, or club mergers? Or is it about volunteers and fundraising?

Challenge tryouts are over at BFA and CUSC/MPSC. Of course, they are after the same players.

I encourage anyone trying to decide between the two, to:
1. Check out the coaching staff at BFA vs MPSC. At MPSC (with the exception of two or three) the coaching is mediocre at best. I will add a disclaimer here that there are one or two that I'm not familiar with. On top of that MPSC has the same coach in several instances for TWO teams. (I consider Patrick Olalere and Andy Grist to be CUSC and Dusty Huddock is available at all clubs)

2. Talk to the parents of BFA that have left the smaller clubs and get their opinion. Ask which club helped more with player development

3. Check out the MPSC philosophy of not allowing their coaches to coach during games.

4. Read BFA's philosophy that is on their website.

5. If you tried out at your small club AND tried out at BFA, something is telling you to give BFA a try.

It's pretty clear, the best coaching and training for player development is at the U13-18 is at BFA.

I've been a MPSC parent for 13 years and fought the BFA pull. This year, we're going with the Bridge.
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:46 PM
The trend towards not wanting coaches to talk to the players during games was one of MPSC's most frustrating "policies." Growing up, my coaches ALWAYS spoke to us on field, giving us warnings about being offsides, telling us to turn around, etc. at moments when it would not affect our game play. It taught us and reminded us to be more aware of the field around us and also caught our mistakes before they affected the game sometimes. As a result, as a coach myself, I've done the same, especially with the younger players who need to be able to identify the mistakes they're making as they're being made, not after the game when they've forgotten what exactly they're doing.

I've heard coaches explicitly told to sit down and let the players play and don't talk to them unless you're subbing in and out and it was one of the most jawdropping "requests" I've ever heard from a DOC. Every player I knew growing up always thought the coaches who did so didn't know the game and were disrespecting their players by not being involved and it went against everything I learned as a player.

I can't say anything about Bridge, but I do know that MPSC does have some very good coaches on staff that may just not be allowed to coach as they should want to. Additionally, I have to say that if you have a chance to play with Andy Grist on a team, then you should take the chance and go for it. He is an excellent coach and really understood how to use the talents of his girls in game plans, making superb use of Danielle Jordan, Julie Bolt, Lisa Frawley, and the Brothers sisters and the whole team to take the Fusion to state championships and the regionals multiple times. He will (or used to be) very demanding about physical conditioning, so the older you are under him, be more prepared to be asked to run three consecutive miles at quick pace.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:48 PM
Good points clan..
The bottom line should be where does your child WANT to play
also you need to know where this team will practice? JI,SSC or Daniel Island or will practices move from place to place.Lastly I would talk to a player's parent that was on last year's team and get their take on how things went and how the team performed over all..The bottom line is the development of your child as a soccer player and being on the best team may not always be in everyone's best interest. If you find yourself on the best team but you are not playing...where's the development? Good luck to everyone and I hope you find what you are looking for
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:55 PM
kitten, we agree with your coaching philosphy. Andy is great and that's why I listed that I consider him a CUSC coach. He's my kind of coach!
Good point about the coaches not being allowed to coach to their potential. Still, if they are good coaches, but not allowed to coach, they are ineffective.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 08:58 PM
MPSC might of went overboard with the non coaching policy..I really do not know anything about it..other than maybe the positive side is that players are in more control of the game and the decisions they make will sooner or later decide what calliber player they will be..I am sure it can be frustrating not to correct while the game is in progress..I agree that you will NOT find a better soccer coach for girls in this area better than Andrew Grist..He gets the most of his players and he knows how to make adjustments during the game to find a way to win..My daughter grew so much as a player by spending just one season training with him..If I could make it happen he would coach my daughter every season
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 09:03 PM
CHT - my children want to play at BFA because they are frustrated at what MPSC offers. I was frustrated long before they were and now they are asking to move.
They want better training, to play soccer with and against higher level players.
MPSC fields are more convenient. We are willing to make the sacrifice and effort to travel to other fields to obtain their goals. We have worked out carpool options.
We don't expect to not be playing.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 09:08 PM
Clan..Good luck with it and I hope it is a positive experience for your kids...Alot of kids carpool to Daniel Island so finding a ride should be easy sometimes there are three or four cars there and fifteen kids playing
Posted By: soccerislife Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/18/07 11:31 PM

I'm guessing that your kid plays for a Bridge team. Did she learn anything from the coaches, playing with and against the top competition in the region? I would say that this would have made her a better player then when she first started with the team.
The fact remains that the Bridge concepts works. You can only hope that they can find some more centralized fields. If there is a good product people would go where it is.
True the low country needs to have unification, but at this time the record is showing that the Bridge is the best option for the elite player in the low country.
Posted By: coldhardtruth Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 01:47 AM
It was definitely an eye opening experience for her playing the top teams around the region and it was a plus that she got to play in tournaments that she would not have gotten into if she was not with the club..It's definitely a plus playing and practicing with the strongest players in the area so I would say it was worthwhile and she made the right choice
Posted By: Cole Fusion Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 11:02 AM
If the MPSC policy is to not coach from the sidelines during the game, we've not seen it enforced. Not sure when the BFA tryouts are, but MPSC is Mon-Wed of this week for my son's age group. It's always interesting to see who shows up at tryouts - with surprises each year. Regarding the BFA/MPSC issue, for our family it's a personal choice for coaching, overall development, team chemistry and competitiveness, playing time, fun, and practice/game travel logistics. As such, MPSC continues to be a good choice for us.

Good luck to the BFA and MPSC teams today. We'll be rooting for our Lowcountry friends (with more rooting for the MPSC team of course!)
Posted By: Belligerent Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 02:52 PM
A few years ago, the 92 MPSC Boys team had two coaches who said very little during matches, but I believe that was just their personal style. At the time, I remember being impressed by this. The way I saw it was that these guys had done their job so well during the week that they did not need to yell instructions during games.

I believe that a coach can be successful without saying much during games, but it really depends on the chemistry between that coach and his/her players. For some teams, I think it's necessary for the coach to shout instructions.

Basically, I believe there should be no blanket rule covering this. If you hire a coach, let him/her coach the way they know how.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 03:48 PM
I know I'd have a next-to-impossible time sitting silent on the sidelines during a match while my team was playing. I've always felt that games are the best form of practice, and adjustments made in a true game situation are often the ones that are the most beneficial in the long run. I also personally feel that if there is a true bond between team and coach (and there should be, I think, for best performance), then hearing that voice out on the field helps to maintain that connection and reinforce the lessons learned during the week. Even if it's just a steady voice of encouragement rather than direct instruction, it can affect the way a team plays. From a player's perspective, I know I've heard criticism from players on several different teams I've coached about other coaches who simply sit on the bench the entire time the team is on the field. One of the most pointed was, "Well, if the coach doesn't care what they're doing on the field, why should they?"
Posted By: adidaskitten86 Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 04:43 PM
Here's a link to a PDF of one of the MPSC newsletters they send out a few times a year. If you scroll to the second page, it contains an article from the DOC about being "silent" during games.
Posted By: KHarnage Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 07:56 PM
In response to the MPSC article/newsletter:

"We could all use a little coaching. When you're playing the game, it's hard to think of everything." --Jim Rohn

While I agree that coaches should not be on the sidelines just looking for things to yell at his/her players or chewing on the refs for a "bad" call, I disagree that all coaches should be silent on the sidelines. Silent confidence? No way.

I guess it is different for every team, but I know my team has the privelege of hearing our coach throughout the entire match (and, yes, I did say privelege). It doesn't distract keeps us focused on and reminded of the things we need to accomplish. Our coach is as much as part of the team as we are and we like his encouragement (none of his yelling has ever, in the three seasons I've been coached by him, been negative).

And, my coach can vouch for this, as I go on the field before almost every game, I always say, "Hey, Coach...yell at me out there." I know it keeps me focused.

So, in my team's case, it works for us to have a coach that is going to yell things like "Mark 'em up!" or "Defense, pinch in!" or "Pressure!" throughout the game.

And, coach would have a next-to-impossible time being silent on the sidelines.
Posted By: Coach Chass Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/19/07 10:39 PM
I do agree with the philosophy behind what is said in this article. There's being on your feet, involved in the game, calling encouragement and support, and making obviously NEEDED adjustments, and then there's "micromanaging." Players do need to be given a chance to demonstrate their mastery of what they have learned through their experience without being told exactly what to do with the ball every time they touch it, and the "screaming" coach isn't an image most people want to be associated with. At the same time, our players are still under development, and I think, as Coach Aven also points out, that reinforcement at the right time (and I'll add, in the right manner--encouraging rather than scolding) can be very effective; it allows players to get helpful feedback in the moment, not later when dozens of other things have occurred in the interim that cloud their memory of what they were and should have been doing. A halftime comment of "You remember in the 8th minute, when you cut to the outside and then passed into pressure instead of using your open space?" is likely to just get a blank look, while immediate reinforcement is more likely to register. I also think it's good to reinforce good decisions on the field, even if they don't always achieve the desired results; younger and more inexperienced players, in particular, can sometimes get the idea they're doing the "wrong" thing if it doesn't result in a goal, and a quick pat on the back can enourage them to keep trying until they succeed.

The amount of effective involvement, of course, depends on the developmental stage of the team. Older, more experienced players may appreciate the chance to be more independent and correct their own mistakes as the game progresses, while less confident players may get more easily frustrated without the support of someone to help them make needed adjustments. 45 minutes is a long time for a team to realize something is not working without the person they've come to count on for training to help them "fix it."

Ultimately, I think it's up to the coach to be able to "read" his or her team and adjust coaching tactics accordingly to provide as much or as little instruction as is needed to help the team experience a sense of success. A blanket statement of "coach" or "don't coach" during a match doesn't take into account the thousands of variables that come into play; it's a head coach's job to recognize those variables within his team and act accordingly. One uniform coaching style will not work for every coach, every team, and every player, any more than one uniform teaching style will work for every teacher, every class, and every student. Even so, I still agree with the concept that in any case, the coach should play the role of support, encouragement, and positive adjustment during a match--not that of controller. Reinforce what they do right, help them learn from what they do wrong, but in the end, yes, it is "their" is the players, not the coach, who need to be counted as successful when all is said and done.
Contact your Directors of Coaching at Bridge, CUSC, SSC, Mt Pleasant, and James Island. The club boards do not fully understand what quality soccer should be like. Most of these people, with all good intention, there vision is very short sighted to the term that they serve.
The low country has too much talent to not be fully represented by quality teams at the youth club soccer level. High School leagues are dominated by teams from the low country boys and girls. CESA has set the standard and Columbia has done a great job getting its house in order.
Is it about the soccer or not. The season has not started as yet; don’t let another year pass you by.
I think that the clubs have done a great job developing the young talents, but it requires unity for the kids to fully achieve the successes that they deserve as they get older. By that I mean more exposure to top competitions, higher levels of training, more competitive teams being formed at the local level.

Parents stop giving away more money to organizations that promises high level challenge soccer and don’t deliver. Clubs stop stealing the parent’s money with false promises. It only creates resentment and turns the players and parents to clubs outside of Charleston.
My kids would be too old to play club ball with a truly unified team in Charleston at the rate we are going. One step forward two steps back.
Contacting the DoC at MPSC is not going to do everything needed because, as we've discussed previously, MPSC is a facet of the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department and therefore under the jurisdiction of the Town of Mount Pleasant. Getting the rec department to give up their select programs to a privately run club is very difficult and I would imagine it wouldn't stop just at the Rec Dept., but need to go through the levels of the town government to get approved. Eventually, what would probably need to happen is for MPSC is to lose all its players before the town agrees to release the select programs to Bridge and therefore lose control over the programs entirely. I imagine it's easier to "join forces" with CUSC because the club loses no control over their players and the "prestigious" part of the player programs.

Contacting the DoC at MPSC is not going to do everything needed because, as we've discussed previously, MPSC is a facet of the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department and therefore under the jurisdiction of the Town of Mount Pleasant. Getting the rec department to give up their select programs to a privately run club is very difficult and I would imagine it wouldn't stop just at the Rec Dept., but need to go through the levels of the town government to get approved. Eventually, what would probably need to happen is for MPSC is to lose all its players before the town agrees to release the select programs to Bridge and therefore lose control over the programs entirely. I imagine it's easier to "join forces" with CUSC because the club loses no control over their players and the "prestigious" part of the player programs.

For the very reason stated upon, it will be many years before MPSC and BFA join forces. As a Mt. Pleasant resident, I don't see it in the near future. I'm confident Bridge will continue to prosper. Bridge is attracting more and more kids along the coast from Myrtle Beach to Hilton Head.
Posted By: beachfan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/21/07 02:42 PM
I read the posts a lot and comment seldom. Now that the MPSC and BFA have posted their U16-U18 team selections for next season, there are interesting things to note:

1) It is obvious that these 2 clubs compete for a lot of the same kids. You see a lot of the same names selected by both clubs. Wouldn't they get a commitment before posting the names? It only adds to the debate.
2) If the BFA is about selecting the "best" and concerned with developing elite players, why is the U17 girls team made up of a lot U16 players and many girls that have never played above classic level? If you compare this list to the MPSC lists, a lot of the BFA 90 Gold girls were assigned to classic teams in MPSC. It gives the appearance that BFA is more interested in numbers, which equals money to the club. If these girls are not true challenge level players, will they be competitive playing up in age and talent level? Are these kids best interests being served?
3) There were several posts concerning coaches being assigned to more than one team in MPSC. If you look back at BFA, you would see the same thing. Clark, Jason, Shilo, etc. all coached more than one team last year. They coach one team that only plays in the fall season (U15-U18) and one team that plays both seasons. In addition, it allows the best coaches to receive more pay; thus, it is easier to maintain these coaches in the clubs. The point is that a lot of clubs do this, not just MPSC.

I always find the tryouts and competition for players (and their money) intersting to watch. It always adds fuel to the debate. It will be interesting to watch as the U15 and below teams are announced in the near future.

Good luck to all next season.
Posted By: soccerclan Re: BFA & MPSC - 05/21/07 05:01 PM
LCD-I also wonder why they post the names before a commitment, but I do like seeing who we would play with since it is a factor on our decision.

I would disagree with your term of "a lot" where offered classic positions w/CUSC/MPSC. The BFA 90 girls has 2 U16 players offered a classic position and 3 U17 players offered a classic position. The U17 players chosen for classic do not want to play challenge anymore as they have in the past because of the time/travel commitment. In that instance, a personal choice. As far as the 2 U16 players, maybe it's time they move up? Perhaps at CUSC/MPSC they had 3 age groups trying out for two teams instead of 3 teams, there just were not enough spots? Perhaps those 2 U16 players were sacrificed for the club to have a competitive classic team?

If all the U16 top players from CUSC/MPSC had tried out at the Bridge, there would be enough for a 2d U16 team at BFA.It appears enough U16 players tried out at CUSC/MPSC to make a challenge team. Instead, they put them on a U18 B challenge team to keep them at CUSC. Won't those U16 challenge players have to compete against true U18 challenge teams?

At BFA it appears 3-4 are also traveling from Myrtle Beach.

Time will tell if the U17 team at BFA and the U18 teams at MPSC will be competitive. I hope they will both be successful.

While I may look at the situation differently than you, I also wonder as you do...Who's best interest is being served???? The club or the player? I'm sure it's just as aggravating for the clubs not knowing who is going where.
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