SC Soccer
Posted By: Damaris El Clasico - 11/27/10 01:32 AM
No, it's not Monday yet but I'm sure everyone(?) wants plenty of time to talk shite at one another. Also this distracts me from the upcoming Liverpool game. Hrrumph.
Posted By: wakaflockamyers Re: El Clasico - 11/27/10 07:38 PM
The edge to Real...strong defence up the middle with Carvalho, Pepe, Kheadria, Alonso, with the attacking backs of Marcelo and Sergio Ramos, along with the best attack on the planet of Ozil, Di Maria, Ronaldo, and Higuain...Hala Madrid!!!!!
Posted By: wakaflockamyers Re: El Clasico - 11/27/10 07:39 PM
4-2 Madrid
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/27/10 09:57 PM
if barca plays good is gone be 4-0 los blancos haha

Real Moudrid is wayyyyyy too superior.
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 11/28/10 06:42 PM
"Real Moudrid" eh, what happened to that glorious history?

Anyway, Madrid has good players, but I still think we have the better team. Madrid doesn't have any destroying DMs to break up the Messi-Villa-Pedro attack who are coming in off impeccable form, Dani Alves > Ramos (there, I said it. Ramos hasn't been his best form this season from what I've seen anyway.), and our midfield is still stronger. It won't be a blowout, but I think we'll win, 2-0 or 3-1. Who on Madrid would even break into our starting eleven? Cristiano and maybeeeeee Casillas, that's it.
Posted By: wakaflockamyers Re: El Clasico - 11/28/10 11:53 PM
Khedria and Alonso are hammers!! They should probably wear a mouth piece around Carvalho also! Higuain is the best pure forward/scorer in the world! He would start for you! Higuain scores goals period whether La Liga, Champion League, International!!
Posted By: wakaflockamyers Re: El Clasico - 11/28/10 11:56 PM
You know Barca did start everyone against Hercules when they lost at Camp Nou 2-0 or 3-0 whatever it was! I don't consider that form!
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 12:20 AM
Xabi and Khedira are playmakers, not destroyers like Busquets or Javier. And we didn't start Xavi against Hercules--anyway, that was basically a pre-season game, since most of our team had just come back from y'know, winning the World Cup for Spain.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 02:07 AM

"Real Moudrid" eh, what happened to that glorious history?

Anyway, Madrid has good players, but I still think we have the better team. Madrid doesn't have any destroying DMs to break up the Messi-Villa-Pedro attack who are coming in off impeccable form, Dani Alves > Ramos (there, I said it. Ramos hasn't been his best form this season from what I've seen anyway.), and our midfield is still stronger. It won't be a blowout, but I think we'll win, 2-0 or 3-1. Who on Madrid would even break into our starting eleven? Cristiano and maybeeeeee Casillas, that's it.

"Dani Alves > Ramos."

you prob predicted that england was going to win the wc too haha

Ramos can only be compared to Maicon when speaking of greatness.

Alves? im only hoping you are joking, and that was a terrible joke.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 02:11 AM

Xabi and Khedira are playmakers, not destroyers like Busquets or Javier. And we didn't start Xavi against Hercules--anyway, that was basically a pre-season game, since most of our team had just come back from y'know, winning the World Cup for Spain.

lol casillas won it againts robben.

if you think alonso is a playmaker, u prob think wayne rooney is the best striker in the world haha good ol fox soccer channel.

ozzil is top 5 in the world right now.
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 02:48 AM


Xabi and Khedira are playmakers, not destroyers like Busquets or Javier. And we didn't start Xavi against Hercules--anyway, that was basically a pre-season game, since most of our team had just come back from y'know, winning the World Cup for Spain.

lol casillas won it againts robben.

if you think alonso is a playmaker, u prob think wayne rooney is the best striker in the world haha good ol fox soccer channel.

ozzil is top 5 in the world right now.

Casillas made two good saves in the final, but it's not him that's getting standing ovations when he plays league games now.

Rooney can go suck a dick that overrated twat. But on another note you might be right. Playmaker is kind of the wrong word, he's more like a metronome. But the point remains that while he tackles like he thinks he's still in EPL and every other player is Frank Lampard, he's not a DM who shuts down opposing attacks. That wasn't his job at Liverpool and it isn't now.

I like Ozil and I like the German NT and but he's not top five in the world and he's easy to physically mark out of a game.
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 02:49 AM


"Real Moudrid" eh, what happened to that glorious history?

Anyway, Madrid has good players, but I still think we have the better team. Madrid doesn't have any destroying DMs to break up the Messi-Villa-Pedro attack who are coming in off impeccable form, Dani Alves > Ramos (there, I said it. Ramos hasn't been his best form this season from what I've seen anyway.), and our midfield is still stronger. It won't be a blowout, but I think we'll win, 2-0 or 3-1. Who on Madrid would even break into our starting eleven? Cristiano and maybeeeeee Casillas, that's it.

"Dani Alves > Ramos."

you prob predicted that england was going to win the wc too haha

Ramos can only be compared to Maicon when speaking of greatness.

Alves? im only hoping you are joking, and that was a terrible joke.

ramos can only be compared to maicon is perhaps the greatest joke i have ever read. ramos wishes he could lick maicon's cleats.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 03:41 AM



Xabi and Khedira are playmakers, not destroyers like Busquets or Javier. And we didn't start Xavi against Hercules--anyway, that was basically a pre-season game, since most of our team had just come back from y'know, winning the World Cup for Spain.

lol casillas won it againts robben.

if you think alonso is a playmaker, u prob think wayne rooney is the best striker in the world haha good ol fox soccer channel.

ozzil is top 5 in the world right now.

Casillas made two good saves in the final, but it's not him that's getting standing ovations when he plays league games now.

Rooney can go suck a dick that overrated twat. But on another note you might be right. Playmaker is kind of the wrong word, he's more like a metronome. But the point remains that while he tackles like he thinks he's still in EPL and every other player is Frank Lampard, he's not a DM who shuts down opposing attacks. That wasn't his job at Liverpool and it isn't now.

I like Ozil and I like the German NT and but he's not top five in the world and he's easy to physically mark out of a game.

casillas only had 2 saves when robben made pique and puyol look worthless, i would've paid to see spain coming back with a 0-2 game.

epl players are just dumb when tackling, xavi is very good at it but never like Redondo, in fact, we will prob never have another defensive mid with the class and the style of el nene.

Redondo was the cleanest and classies center ever, he was the zidane of defensive mids.

are you sure you have seen a madrid game before? xavi is our defensive mid, he is not as wild as gatuzo, or as flashy as edgar davis, but yeah his job is to recover the ball, pass it to ronaldo, kaka or ozzil.

we will see what ozzil can do vs barca, so far hes been a top dog.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 03:44 AM



"Real Moudrid" eh, what happened to that glorious history?

Anyway, Madrid has good players, but I still think we have the better team. Madrid doesn't have any destroying DMs to break up the Messi-Villa-Pedro attack who are coming in off impeccable form, Dani Alves > Ramos (there, I said it. Ramos hasn't been his best form this season from what I've seen anyway.), and our midfield is still stronger. It won't be a blowout, but I think we'll win, 2-0 or 3-1. Who on Madrid would even break into our starting eleven? Cristiano and maybeeeeee Casillas, that's it.

"Dani Alves > Ramos."

you prob predicted that england was going to win the wc too haha

Ramos can only be compared to Maicon when speaking of greatness.

Alves? im only hoping you are joking, and that was a terrible joke.

ramos can only be compared to maicon is perhaps the greatest joke i have ever read. ramos wishes he could lick maicon's cleats.

maicon is faster and smarter.

ramos seem to have more weapons with the ball at his feet, ramos can finish with the touch of a true striker.

both great players. as a defender ill take maicon, as a player i would take ramos, more complete.

alves is too weak, too far from those two.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 04:39 PM
Maicon is faster and smarter?

The truth is, as great as he WAS, Maicon has lost a step, and his tiny weaknesses are revealed under Benitez, as opposed to Mourinho.
Gareth Bale ran circles around him for 180 minutes. And as good as Bale is, I was still embarassed for Maicon.
As for Ramos, his inadequacies as a defender are balanced off by his attacking skills.
They are two different very, very good players.
Posted By: Kyle Heise Re: El Clasico - 11/29/10 10:29 PM
Just saw some of the highlights. As the announcer said, there isn't a gap between the two sides - there is a gulf! 5-0 Barca (and it wasn't that close).
Posted By: Hurst66 Re: El Clasico - 11/30/10 03:50 AM
Como se dice "beetch-slappin" en Espanol?!

Barca put on a clinic.
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 11/30/10 06:11 PM
Well in the end it didn't matter what we said, the teams spoke for themselves. Glad for the lead over Madrid and it'll be interesting to see how they fare against Valencia. I'm excited for April already.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 11/30/10 11:11 PM
yeah barca played better but like mourinho said, they won 3 points, they are "finished" product, madrid is in progress.

hoping when they play at madrid, higuain would be there.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: El Clasico - 12/01/10 03:58 PM
I wouldn't dare disagree with the Special One, at least not often, but:

When a club has so many great YOUNG players on hand to play/sell/parlay, how can you call them a finished product? There is a very real possibility that Barca is still "on the up," and that is scary.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 12/01/10 10:15 PM
nah barcas best player are 1. Xavi, 2. Puyol, 3. Pique.

Those 3 have a few more years.

Problem is, Barca has been playing the same people for about 5 years now, they know each other really well.

I have hope on Mourinho, after what he has done, he proved me wrong, but this is a new challenge for him. We will see what happens.
Posted By: Damaris Re: El Clasico - 12/02/10 12:09 AM
Pique has more than a few years, I should think, and that's--well we have a lot more "best players" than that. Anyway, the point isn't that we've been playing the same people for five years, it's the cantera. Pique hasn't been with us for five years, but he came through the cantera and that's why he slid back in so easily. Fabregas is probably the most imaginative passer in the EPL and he came through our cantera. As long as we continue to nurture La Masia, there's going to be people we can pull up from the reserves who come into the system and know instinctively how it works, because it's been bred into them.

I'm interested to see what Mou does with Real Madrid. I will say you lot need to buy a striker though, since Higuain is out now. Karim just isn't starting material yet.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 12/02/10 01:50 AM
Fabregas wont look so good in la liga, the same as mascherano or even ronaldo, la liga has a lot of skilled players, look at torres, he was just above average in la liga and he went to be one of the top players in England.

Puyol and Pique are prob the best pair of defenders I have seen in a long long time, Xavis touch is from a different planet. Inista and Messi are ok.

Pellegrini was doing great but Mourinho forced his way in after what he did with inter.

It takes sometime to create something great, is happening at South Carolina as well with Spurrier.

Madrid is been missing quality defenders for awhile, Marcelo needs to go, Pepe also, Im sure Jose would take care of business, he did beat barcerlona already. Hoping for next game Higuain is back, Kaka would just be perfect too.
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: El Clasico - 12/04/10 01:25 AM
I can't see Kaka and Mourinho as a long-term match.
Posted By: Alma Merengue Re: El Clasico - 12/11/10 04:48 AM
I have said his many times, Kaka on his prime was better than both combined: ronaldo and messi, Kakas strenght and dribblings ability would take on any defender, messi still lacks a little bit of strenght, ronaldo is fancy but not as dominant as kaka.

It will be good for soccer to have a giant of the sport like Kaka back in shape.
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