SC Soccer
Posted By: Anonymous What's going on in soccer? - 01/18/06 09:44 PM
Let see if we can update.

Couple of things in the news. Some of them are just rumors so if you can confirm it. Do not hesitate.

* Casano goes to Madrid. Good player, don't see the point. Cicinho is already in Madrid, great player! Ballack is most likely to be a Galactico next season, Madrid also wants Totti and Gerard.

* There is a rumor that says that Barcelona is talking to Henry and Lampard. They both like the idea of going to Barcelona instead of Madrid.

* AC Milan wants Ronaldinho for next season not matter what!

* River defeated Boca Jrs. 3-0 in the championsphip of the verano tournament. Boca did not play their best players.

* Bruno Marioni is most likely to leave Pumas. He has some offers to go to Europe but I think he is going to Boca Jrs.

* Cristiano Ronaldo is having issues with Nistelroy in ManU.

* Beckam said that after his contract with Madrid is over, he wants to come to the US.

* Juventus is doing very strong in the Italian League. "The Old Lady" is a serious contender for the European Cup.

* Experts of soccer think that if Ronaldinho does well in this World Cup, he can be the next Pele.

* Lionel Messi is getting all the attention in Europe. Everybody think of Messi as the new Diego Armando Maradona.

* Most of the Argentinian fans do not beleive their national team is a contender to bring the glass home from Germany.

* Deportivo Saprisa (Costa Rica) who is the Champion in CONCACAF (our region) lost to Liverpool in the Worl Club semifinal 3-0. Saprissa defeated Kansa City Wizard (US) and Pumas (Mexico) in their way to the CONCACAF championship.

* MLS did not take the invitation of CONMEBOL to assist to Copa Libertadores 2006. The same with US National Team not taking the invitation to Copa America.

I think if Saprissa who was representing our area lost to Liverpool 3-0, that is the diffenrece between our level and Europeans. Why MLS does not want to participate in La Copa Libertadores? The same with the US national team in La Copa America? Interesting.
Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/18/06 11:00 PM
1. About Henry going to Barca is a dead story, he has chose not to leave Arsenal.
2. Steven Gerrard is also not going to move to ANY other club since he has pledged his career to Liverpool. He rejected Chelsea's offer of somewhere around 30 million pounds.
3. Beckham will not come to the US yet. He wants money and the US cannot afford his salary. However, it is likely that he will come to the US towards the end of his career or head back to Manchester United.
4. Ronaldinho is good, but there will never be another Pele.
5. Argentinian fans are stupid. They are the reason why if this continues, Argentina will not perform to their expectations in the World Cup.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/20/06 05:49 AM
1. About Henry going to Barca is a dead story, he has chose not to leave Arsenal.

In Spain you never know. Nobody would ever imagined that Ronaldo would ended up playing for Madrid after he was Barcelona's supertar. Also Figo going from Barcelona to Madrid. Zidane from Juventus to Madrid.

Henry needs a European Cup. I think the WC wasn't good enough for a player of his quality, since Zidane was in his best level by then. Personally I don't see Henry winning a European Cup with Arsenal but that is just my opinion. Barcelona or Madrid are perfect for him I think. Not trying to make controversy but according to a poll I was looking at the other day. The Spanish Primera is the best rated League in the world. Again, it was in the news not my opinion.

2. Steven Gerrard is also not going to move to ANY other club since he has pledged his career to Liverpool. He rejected Chelsea's offer of somewhere around 30 million pounds.

Madrid is interested in: Ballack (I think he is def going) Gerard, Totti, Adriano, C. Ronaldo, a German Coach (don't know who yet) Henry, Lampard, and most of the superstars in the circle. Don't be surprised if any of those players end up with the white shirt. Remember, Madrid is Madrid.

3. Beckham will not come to the US yet. He wants money and the US cannot afford his salary. However, it is likely that he will come to the US towards the end of his career or head back to Manchester United.

I personally think the MLS needs more attention. Beckam would be just perfect (since he is the barbie of soccer). MLS needs more skills. Argentinians and Brazilians could do the job.

4. Ronaldinho is good, but there will never be another Pele.

My uncle (He played pro back in his days) gave me a bunch of Pele videos. Pele was good, not espectacular (My conclusion). Maradona was with any doubts the best player of all times. Ronaldinho could be, but remember that Ronaldo is getting ready for his last WC and Ronaldo is Ronaldo, he wants to win his third one (WC) being the recognized as the best, I think Ronaldo is jelous of Ronaldinho right now. I mean, anybody who does know about soccer (Coaches, pro players) think that Ronaldo is still the big dog.

5. Argentinian fans are stupid. They are the reason why if this continues, Argentina will not perform to their expectations in the World Cup.

Argentinians are facist (joking) they are used to have the best of the best, they're not happy with the talent they have now. Having some Argentinians friends (they live in Los Angeles) I kind know where their views come from. I mean come on now. Maradona is still alive, and they have videos of Diego when he was in Napole. Damn, if you ever get a chance to see Maradona at Napole, do it. You'll be surprise...

Well man. It was a nice talking, now I have to go to work. Later dude. Peace
Posted By: futbol(soccer) Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/19/06 06:49 PM
The problem with south american soccer is what you said.... frankly they live in the past. They are not willing to look to the future and accept the fact that others are better or not as good.

After 70 Brazil struggled to find themselves, not bad teams just struggled. For all the talk on the jogo bonito only recently are they coming back.

Argentina may go down the same path, by people making impossible comparisons and holding players accountable unjustly. Sorry Messi is not Maradona but he is a hell of a player.

And the list goes on.

Now Pele......... you may be to young to appreciate it, but truth be known the man was incredible not because he was flashy, he wasn't. But because he was a star and played as a teammate, because he was able to make it look so easy.

Every generation has theirs.... give me the Brazilian 70 squad against anyone today.
Tostao, Jair, Rivelinho, carlos alberto, jairzinho, and on and on....
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/19/06 07:12 PM
Man... Pele? I could go all day long on that one.

Pele was part of was is called the "Dream Team." Garrincha and all the rest did all the job. Pele was the kind of player that just put the ball in. Of course he came out win a modern soccer back in the days. He came to the US and impressed the "Hollywood," crew. Maradona went to Spain, Italy... conquered Europa... I think that's a fair argument.

I saw the video of the WC that Pele won. He did not impressed me at all... that's just me.

Brazil had like 15 passes, Garrincha beating defenders like crazy, and Pele scores, that's it, the end of the story.

My uncle (remember, he played pro) said.

"Pele won 3 WC's, he was never better than Maradona."

I don't know man. Messi has already won a Youth WC. He is 18 years old. He stars for Barcelona (strong contender to win the European Cup). The fans think he is good enought to start for the National team.

We'll see with the time.

Later dude, peace.
Posted By: 2004striker Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/19/06 07:48 PM
You need to get a job writing for a soccer magazine. You would be a hit at World Cup 06 in Germany. Here is a contact for you:

Good Luck!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/20/06 04:59 AM
Originally posted by 2004striker:
You need to get a job writing for a soccer magazine. You would be a hit at World Cup 06 in Germany. Here is a contact for you:

Good Luck!

Haha (i'm not goin to get into im better than u type of thing again, leave that one for the clemson dudes) I am actually going to finish college to California, hoping that I can still play some good futbol. I've talk to Coach already. California is just my place dude.

Thanks anyway. In a good way, peace.
Posted By: shut^&play Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/20/06 08:51 AM
Fenomeno...please gives us an update about your whereabouts. I need to know if you make the team or any team
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/21/06 03:27 AM
Oh I'm not trying to walk on anywhere dude, I'm already part of the team, I talked to Coach already. I am taking only 2 courses at Midlands Tech this semester and Ill be playing next fall. I guess they do need "joke" players in Cali which is good. I decided not to apply to USC cause I didn't see the point of going to school here, but that is just me.

Peace, keep it real.
Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/21/06 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Fenomeno:
1. About Henry going to Barca is a dead story, he has chose not to leave Arsenal.

In Spain you never know. Nobody would ever imagined that Ronaldo would ended up playing for Madrid after he was Barcelona's supertar. Also Figo going from Barcelona to Madrid. Zidane from Juventus to Madrid.

Henry needs a European Cup. I think the WC wasn't good enough for a player of his quality, since Zidane was in his best level by then. Personally I don't see Henry winning a European Cup with Arsenal but that is just my opinion. Barcelona or Madrid are perfect for him I think. Not trying to make controversy but according to a poll I was looking at the other day. The Spanish Primera is the best rated League in the world. Again, it was in the news not my opinion.

2. Steven Gerrard is also not going to move to ANY other club since he has pledged his career to Liverpool. He rejected Chelsea's offer of somewhere around 30 million pounds.

Madrid is interested in: Ballack (I think he is def going) Gerard, Totti, Adriano, C. Ronaldo, a German Coach (don't know who yet) Henry, Lampard, and most of the superstars in the circle. Don't be surprised if any of those players end up with the white shirt. Remember, Madrid is Madrid.

3. Beckham will not come to the US yet. He wants money and the US cannot afford his salary. However, it is likely that he will come to the US towards the end of his career or head back to Manchester United.

I personally think the MLS needs more attention. Beckam would be just perfect (since he is the barbie of soccer). MLS needs more skills. Argentinians and Brazilians could do the job.

4. Ronaldinho is good, but there will never be another Pele.

My uncle (He played pro back in his days) gave me a bunch of Pele videos. Pele was good, not espectacular (My conclusion). Maradona was with any doubts the best player of all times. Ronaldinho could be, but remember that Ronaldo is getting ready for his last WC and Ronaldo is Ronaldo, he wants to win his third one (WC) being the recognized as the best, I think Ronaldo is jelous of Ronaldinho right now. I mean, anybody who does know about soccer (Coaches, pro players) think that Ronaldo is still the big dog.

5. Argentinian fans are stupid. They are the reason why if this continues, Argentina will not perform to their expectations in the World Cup.

Argentinians are facist (joking) they are used to have the best of the best, they're not happy with the talent they have now. Having some Argentinians friends (they live in Los Angeles) I kind know where their views come from. I mean come on now. Maradona is still alive, and they have videos of Diego when he was in Napole. Damn, if you ever get a chance to see Maradona at Napole, do it. You'll be surprise...

Well man. It was a nice talking, now I have to go to work. Later dude. Peace

1. Henry has already discussed with his players and the coach about the interest of Barcelona in him and he has refused. I'm sorry to say but someone like Henry i doubt would change his mind because of money. He has made a name for himself at Arsenal and i guarantee that he will stay there.

2. Steven Gerrard again is definitely not moving and neither are these players:
Totti (been at Roma too long, he will end his career there)
Henry (Arsenal)
Lampard (too much success in England with Chelsea, unless Chelsea has a bad year in the premiership in 07, i seriously doubt a move will occur.

Now as for C. Ronaldo and Adriano, a move is definitely possible with no arguments, C. Ronaldo and Ronaldinho on the same team (OMG) it would be like a dream come true to see 2 talents like that on 1 team.

3. I agree with you on that, Beckham would be nice for the MLS to have, but he won't go right now because there is just not enough talent here for him to complement his abilities.

4. For Brazil, i really think that Romario was better than Ronaldo, Romario was underrated and didn't participate in '98 cuz of an injury, but in my heart i feel that Romario is an overall better player than Ronaldo (just by a teeny weeny lil bit lol )

5. Argentina is a very good team and if there fans think they aren't good enough, then i just don't know. They have some really excellent talent but without fan support, you don't get that adrenaline rush, you just don't feel like playing to win when nobody is behind you.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/22/06 09:10 PM
I'm sorry to say but someone like Henry i doubt would change his mind because of money.

Madrid ain't about money, its about pride and respect, its about playing for and with the best of the best.

3. I agree with you on that, Beckham would be nice for the MLS to have, but he won't go right now because there is just not enough talent here for him to complement his abilities.

Beckam is not better than Landon Donovan, or maybe just for a bit, you mean we don't have enough barbies in MLS?

4. For Brazil, i really think that Romario was better than Ronaldo, Romario was underrated and didn't participate in '98 cuz of an injury, but in my heart i feel that Romario is an overall better player than Ronaldo (just by a teeny weeny lil bit lol )

Romario is like Michael Owen, they're effecient, they're good but not the best. I mean Romario was somewhere in there, but not on top.

5. Argentina is a very good team and if there fans think they aren't good enough, then i just don't know. They have some really excellent talent but without fan support, you don't get that adrenaline rush, you just don't feel like playing to win when nobody is behind you. Good thinkin buddy. I am with you on that one.

Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/22/06 11:34 PM
The thing about Henry is that he has been at Arsenal and created a name for himself, if he goes to Madrid, he will just be one of the others, and i don't think he wants that, he wants to be recognized for his achievements like he has been at Arsenal. I seriously doubt he would start at Real because of the acquisition (hope i spelled that right) of robinho, they're working on younger talent, Henry and madrid aren't made for each other. Now i have nothing wrong with Barca, if Henry goes there it would be great, but Henry himself as continually refused that he is not making a move anywhere and has committed his career to Arsenal.

Landon Donovan is nowhere near Beckham, Donovan couldn't even make it on Leverkusen and u want to compare them, sorry but not a chance if u had beckham and Donovan 1 on 1. Beckham is in a league by himself, his move to Real Madrid was one of the greatest, but as i mentioned earlier about Henry, he just became one of the other stars and his name is fading, i am predicting that he will make a move either this season or next season without a doubt.

Romario may not be the greatest but he was one of my stars, thanx to him and Owen is the reason i love soccer, nobody else, (well now since i like midfield i'm an idol of gerrard, i have a powerful shot and a good vision of the field just like him but not at the same skill level, however i lack excellence in ball control and my dribbling abilities are not mediocre but they're not C. Ronaldo either.

glad we're narrowing down the topics lol

LIVERPOOL LOST TO MAN U IN THE LAST MINUTE OF THE GAME [Frown] (that really ****ed me off)

Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/24/06 04:36 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Star 11:

Henry and madrid aren't made for each other. In other words Henry can't compete with the best.

Landon Donovan is nowhere near Beckham, Donovan couldn't even make it on Leverkusen and u want to compare them, sorry but not a chance if u had beckham and Donovan 1 on 1.

Beckam can kick with his right foot, he is from England, oh and he married an spice girl.

Landon Donovan won the MLS with Los Angeles Galaxy when LA was not the best team in the League, Donovan clearly made a difference! Since I like winning better, as a Coach I will pick Donovan over Beckam anytime.

Beckham is in a league by himself, his move to Real Madrid was one of the greatest, but as i mentioned earlier about Henry

Beckam helped Madrid to sell magazines in the US and Japan. Madrid is not winning anything since Beckam got there.

Romario may not be the greatest but he was one of my stars, thanx to him and Owen is the reason i love soccer, nobody else, (well now since i like midfield i'm an idol of gerrard, i have a powerful shot and a good vision of the field just like him but not at the same skill level, however i lack excellence in ball control and my dribbling abilities are not mediocre but they're not C. Ronaldo either.

Romario was good, Owen is a fighter, Madrid should have keep him just because Ronaldo gets hurt a lot (only way they can stop him) Gerrard needs to go to Madrid or to AC Milan now... he is a heck of a player, he needs to be where he belongs! C. Ronaldo is descent, nothing big, he is just fast, and he can move the ball a good bit. You may still be in hs.

I think the US need more "gansta" players like Ronaldinho, Denilson, or artist like Maradona. Oh and Barbies like Beckam. MLS needs to be on ESPN some more.

Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/25/06 05:16 AM
in the MLS they don't really play possession, they always counter-attack trying to catch the team off-guard, i believe that a well rounded soccer game should be played like this
1st half major possession - wear your opponents down
2nd half major counter-attacking - this way you'll just keep pounding the opposing team when they're tired and soon you will see their spirit giving up on their minds.

When i said Beckham's move to Real Madrid was one of the greatest, i meant what you said, it was extreme publicity but he hasn't done much to show his presence as an outstanding player in Madrid. Gerrard should not move, it would end up just like when beckham moved, gerrard knows how liverpool plays and he knows the players, putting him in a new environment would just shatter his abilities. He is doing fine with Liverpool and Liverpool is doing fine in all competitions that they have part-taken in. Donovan is a good player but i think Beckham is more of a well rounded player, beckham can shoot, he can't really dribble though, he has decent speed, good free kick taker, and he plays good defense, also he has better vision of the field than Donovan does. I think Cobi Jones is a better player than Donovan lol [Razz]
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/25/06 07:54 PM
MLS needs skill, thats all... nice try though, I got a bit confused with your theory.

He is doing fine with Liverpool and Liverpool is doing fine in all competitions that they have part-taken in.

I do think Liverpool got lucky in that last Champions League againts Milan. You may be a Liverpool supporter all the way (nothing wrong with that). I would love to see Gerrard playing the "big boys." That is what a Champion is all about... "pride, respect." Gerrard has a lot more to offer. Is Liverpool going to win EPL this year? I doubt about the Champions League (I may be wrong).

Donovan is a good player but i think Beckham is more of a well rounded player, beckham can shoot, he can't really dribble though, he has decent speed, good free kick taker, and he plays good defense, also he has better vision of the field than Donovan does. I think Cobi Jones is a better player than Donovan lol [Razz]

Cobi Jones was good too. Cobi did not win a Championship until he was like 40! He is good though.

Donovan has won 2 MLS already, I think. how old is he? Like 23?

Beckam does not win Championship, he helps... he is a helper ;-) I just don't like him. He is not a Madrid type of player. Madrid type of players are Di Stefano, Hugo Sanchez, Ronaldo, Zidane, Hierro, Redondo, Puskas... etc

Gerrard? Lampard? Men that takes challenges are my heroes. Michael Jordan going to LA, NYC, you think he was not going to be the best because of a "new environment?"

Beck is more like Barcelona type of player... second place ;-)

Alrite dude.

Posted By: aleksandrus11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/25/06 08:11 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fenomeno:

Henry and madrid aren't made for each other. In other words Henry can't compete with the best.
I'm not going to even bother responding to this one. Henry is one of the greatest strikers playing today.

Beckam helped Madrid to sell magazines in the US and Japan. Madrid is not winning anything since Beckam got there.'re going to blame an entire team's bad performance on one player? They're bad because they have Beckham? No. They're bad because Barcelona is so Good.

I think the US need more "gansta" players like Ronaldinho, Denilson, or artist like Maradona. Oh and Barbies like Beckam. MLS needs to be on ESPN some more.
By gangstas you mean criminal drug addicts right? With the exception of Ronaldinho and Beckham, the players you just named are the last kind of people that we need in the US. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing about celebrity and athletic scandals.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/25/06 08:58 PM
Originally posted by aleksandrus11:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fenomeno:

Henry and madrid aren't made for each other. In other words Henry can't compete with the best.
I'm not going to even bother responding to this one. Henry is one of the greatest strikers playing today.

Beckam helped Madrid to sell magazines in the US and Japan. Madrid is not winning anything since Beckam got there.'re going to blame an entire team's bad performance on one player? They're bad because they have Beckham? No. They're bad because Barcelona is so Good.

I think the US need more "gansta" players like Ronaldinho, Denilson, or artist like Maradona. Oh and Barbies like Beckam. MLS needs to be on ESPN some more.
By gangstas you mean criminal drug addicts right? With the exception of Ronaldinho and Beckham, the players you just named are the last kind of people that we need in the US. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing about celebrity and athletic scandals.

Would you please introduce yourself? So I try to understand you a bit more. Thanks
Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/26/06 01:09 AM
i may be wrong but i think my "gangst" he meant people that are willing to take matters into their own hands (well feet ) in soccer, ronaldinho doesn't play soccer laid back, he plays hard for the win and he creates opportunities for other players. The MLS does need some players that are willing to give that extra effort.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/26/06 07:44 AM
Henry is one of the greatest strikers playing today.

He is good, not the best. The glorious white shirt intimidates him (I am not joking, he is scared). Bring his numbers, that may help.

They're bad because they have Beckham? No. They're bad because Barcelona is so Good.

Not they are bad because of players like Beckam that cannot play at that level.

Barcelona is so good that they lost to Cheelse last year, I doubt they are good enough to win the Champions League this year. When Madrid is good, they win everything!

By gangstas you mean criminal drug addicts right?
Hahaha is that a joke? I am talking about players that pack stadiums, people with skill, with a love for the game... I guess you are not cool enough to know the difference... come to watch an Irmo or Dutch Fork game sometimes... you'll know what I am talking about.

Have you ever seen an entire game of Diego Armando Maradona? Do it, you should. Diego was not even close to what Dennis Rodman was in NBA, but Diego was just as good as Michael Jordan!

He was the best of the best.

Style, technique, fantasy, skill, confidence, leadership, heart... watch a video of Maradona... High School kids need to learn stuff like that, specially when you play at a High School that is not even ranked.

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing about celebrity and athletic scandals.

Dude, I don't think I've done anything wrong. In fact I try to avoid trouble by bringing good sources and profesional statistic.

Posted By: aleksandrus11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/26/06 08:12 PM
Not "cool" enough to know the difference? Common, is that seriously your comeback to my arguement? Maradona is the best of the best? Ya, right, just like that wonderful goal where he punched the ball in with his hand.
Geez dude, I was hoping that you might not come back to this forum after your extended leave of absence, but it seems that you have come back to haunt us again.

P.S. When I said i'm sick of hearing about athletic scandals, I was talking about professional athletes not you.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/26/06 08:19 PM
Originally posted by aleksandrus11:
Not "cool" enough to know the difference? Common, is that seriously your comeback to my arguement? Maradona is the best of the best? Ya, right, just like that wonderful goal where he punched the ball in with his hand.
Geez dude, I was hoping that you might not come back to this forum after your extended leave of absence, but it seems that you have come back to haunt us again.

P.S. When I said i'm sick of hearing about athletic scandals, I was talking about professional athletes not you.

Dude, what's the point of getting into all this? Who was better than Maradona? Henry?

Why don't you prove it? I have enough arguments to prove that Maradona was better than Pele, and I don't need to give them to you, because you simply don't know anything about soccer.
Posted By: Star 11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/27/06 02:29 AM
Aleksandrus dude chill the f out man, jeez we're discussing about what's going on in soccer today so calm down. Henry is good but not Ronaldo, Michael Owen, or Wayne Rooney good. As for Maradona, hey if the refs didn't see the hand, it's all legal, that is why we have officiating for this, you have to realize that refs can't rewind and make decisions off of replays. I have personally scored a goal with my arm in a game, they crossed the ball in i couldn't get to it, so i leaned in and made it look like i knee'd or chested the ball in, the opposition players argued, i just acted like it was any other regular goal, and i got it, whatever works you can do in soccer.
Posted By: aleksandrus11 Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/27/06 02:57 AM
chill out? I'm not angry, and have not said one thing to warrant you telling me to calm down. I realize that Henry is not the greatest ever. But he is also not "scared" of playing in spain. Moreover, I realize that the refs can't use video replays to decide the games, but that doesn't make a handball legal. Just because the Officials don't see it, doesn't take away from the illegality of it. He just got away with murder with that goal. However, I don't think that you can possibly say that whatever works you can do in soccer. The rules must be obeyed so that fair play is the games top priority.

Also, you think that Rooney is better than Henry? I agree that Rooney is a great player with tons of potential, but to be at henry's level, he first has alot of maturing to do. I mean, I'm not even sure that I would agree that Owen is a better forward than Henry.
Posted By: Liverpool Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/27/06 04:05 AM
Aleksandrus11...give Fenomeno a break. He came back to this forum lately and has not said anything to create controversy; he has simply stated his own opinion and his reasoning behind it...thats what this board is for.

Just because Maradona did actually scored the goal with his hand, it does not mean that he is a cheater or not a great player. Maradona is, in my opinion, the greatest striker ever. Did I ever see either Maradona or Pele play in person? No. But videos don't lie, and from what I've seen, Maradona was and is the best. In comparision to Henry, Owen, and Rooney, all three have a good ways to go. Owen is the closest, but he still has to produce more great international performances. Henry is a great player in domestic leagues, but he has done nothing for France. Rooney, well, all I have to say is grow up kid. He's got a foot, but thats all, other than a mouth. He needs to mature A LOT before he gets any recognition anywhere near Pele or Maradona.

Posted By: Anonymous Re: What's going on in soccer? - 01/27/06 05:24 AM
Originally posted by aleksandrus11:
chill out? I'm not angry, and have not said one thing to warrant you telling me to calm down. I realize that Henry is not the greatest ever. But he is also not "scared" of playing in spain. Moreover, I realize that the refs can't use video replays to decide the games, but that doesn't make a handball legal. Just because the Officials don't see it, doesn't take away from the illegality of it. He just got away with murder with that goal. However, I don't think that you can possibly say that whatever works you can do in soccer. The rules must be obeyed so that fair play is the games top priority.

Also, you think that Rooney is better than Henry? I agree that Rooney is a great player with tons of potential, but to be at henry's level, he first has alot of maturing to do. I mean, I'm not even sure that I would agree that Owen is a better forward than Henry.

Maradona thinks that was the "hand of god," you know why? I mean that is what he thinks...

He thinks he did not mean to do that. Hey that happens. How many penalty kicks have you seen that defenders do not mean to get their arms involved. Sometimes is obvious... everybody sees the hand, but how do you know if the defender mean to do that?

It happens to me before... I did not score, it was a 50/50 ball the ball was touched by my hand by accident and I passed it for a winning goal... everybody went crazy over the ref... I knew it was a hand ball, I did not mean to do that... hey it happens. It just happened so fast.

If you want to remember Maradona because of that... good, nothing wrong with that.

But you should know better about a subject before you start "arguing." You have not even seen Maradonas game yet? How can you judge something you don't know? Are you like a philosopher or something?

Watch Maradona and Pele, compare both of them, and then come up with your own conclusion. Don't listen to what "hollywood" tells you, see for your own son.
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