SC Soccer
Posted By: SharksFutbol MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/19/07 04:54 PM
Hey I just ran accross this article on and almost got fired for laughing so hard. But what do you guys think on the "great" insight by Lalas???
Posted By: Giggs Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/19/07 06:58 PM
The quotes by Lalas are laughable. The MLS is still many years away from reaching the quality of the EPL. MLS teams would be lucky to be competitive against 2nd or 3rd division English teams.
Posted By: The Fan Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/19/07 09:20 PM
Might be able to pull one off against Wigan Athletic
Posted By: Kevin Heise Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/20/07 02:42 AM
Asinine comment by Lalas. I watched FSC last night and the trio of announcers essentially downplayed MLS with their comments and stated that though there are good moments, that there are frequently equally poor lapses as well in MLS play -- particularly in the defense.

Personally, I feel that the troubles of the U.S. are due in large part to our lack of quality in the back, as we often seem disorganized and too often try to "play pretty" and build the ball out of the back rather than clear and be safe. Too many times, does this leave our team in poor defensive shape and vulnerable to cheap opportunities.

The U.S. have some quality goalkeepers and decent midfielders, but our backs must improve across the board. I think it's too often a reflection of us putting the "best" players in the midfield/forward positions and not let players hone their defensive skills (physical/mental/communication).

Just my $.02.
Posted By: SharksFutbol Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/20/07 03:28 PM
Well said Mr. Heise. I've watched some MLS games recently and they are so lackluster in quality and excitement, well at least in my opinion. Almost like defense doesn't exist. Maybe in a few years, but for right now, MLS is not even on the same galaxy as the EPL or any European League for that matter.
Posted By: OneGirlsDad Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/23/07 01:52 AM
Until we begin to recognize the efforts of our defensive players we are doomed to continue this trend. Unfortunantly we place an inordinate amount of emphasis on recognizing the efforts of those that score and/or assist and fail to recognize that a good offense starts with a good defense.
Posted By: who_me? Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 12:56 AM
The offensive bias goes to the root of US soccer. Example: Go to any of the 'best player' posts on SCSOCCER for club or HS and you will at best find an attacking midfielder listed. Kids play for fun and glory. No one gives props to the great defenders until a specific discussion is raised.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 02:01 AM
I think we'd give the Belarus Premier League as well as the Finland Premier League a good run for their money.
Posted By: Beezer Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 02:25 AM
The MLS is way behind the top 6-8 teams in the EPL but after that, MLS is not far off.

Americans give so much credit to English soccer. Why? The English can not grow its own talent at all, hence 1) the non-existent results of its National Team program and 2) why its top clubs are predominantly, if not just about all, foreign.

Americans fall into the English marketing and propaganda but England is a second-tier soccer country when it comes to one-the-field play.
Posted By: Giggs Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 01:42 PM

The MLS is way behind the top 6-8 teams in the EPL but after that, MLS is not far off.

Americans give so much credit to English soccer. Why? The English can not grow its own talent at all, hence 1) the non-existent results of its National Team program and 2) why its top clubs are predominantly, if not just about all, foreign.

Americans fall into the English marketing and propaganda but England is a second-tier soccer country when it comes to one-the-field play.

Rooney, Ferdinand,Joe Cole,Lampard, Terry, Gerrard,plus about 100-200 others that are well and above the MLS players selected for this tournament. Sure we have a couple that can play in England, but not for top clubs. Yes there are many foreign players playing in the EPL, but that is because it is the best or one of the best leagues in the world. The argument was about which league was better, the MLS and the EPL, not the English national team vs the MLS.
Posted By: Beezer Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 02:27 PM
I only mentioned the National Team as one of example of how overrated the English players are. And, there are not 100-200 English players better then some of the players on our Copa America roster which leads me back to the point of people in America being brainwashed that quality of the premier EPL teams and English players' level of play going hand-in-hand. They do not and that skews the MLS v EPL thread.

1) Is MLS behind the top 6-8 English clubs? Yes.
2) Is it because of the foreign players? Yes. Of course, there are a few English exceptions but for the most part its the foreigners.
3) Are MLS teams behind the mid and lower EPL teams as well as lower divisions as someone mentioned? No.
4) Are Americans good enough to play for mid and lower teams in the EPL? Yes, MLS teams can compete with those mid and lower clubs.

Those top English players you mentioned? They are solid players on their, predominantly, foreign club teams. Put them together on their National Team? Nothing. The level is consistently a second-tier soccer country in terms of playing.

For Americans to advance on the world stage, and England for that matter, their technical speed needs to improve, especially defensive and deep-lying players. Leagues like Italy, Spain, Argentina are needed for that and Americans, and English, are not good enough for the techincal level, at the speed they play, for those clubs.

Exceptions? Yes, occasionally. But for the most part, the weaknesses for American and English players are the same which is why the American soccer culture needs to seperate from the English influence. Realize, while the top EPL teams are entertaining to watch, the soccer cultures American players need to emulate to develop are southern European and South American.
Posted By: Giggs Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 04:58 PM
The English have traditionally not done well in the World Cup, but I do not think that American born players are close enough yet to where they can get a consistantly positive result in international matches. However, we are discussing MLS vs EPL teams w/o regard to how the teams are made up ie foreign players. Which MLS team can beat a mid table team such as Newcastly? None is the answer.
Posted By: Beezer Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/27/07 05:15 PM
Newcastle? Wow, thank you.

I guess it's a great debate with vastly different opinions. Just too many factors that allow this debate to never be solved.
Posted By: EasilyOdd Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/28/07 03:38 AM
If you say it enough times people will start to believe it and think it's true. Sounds like Lalas has learned ESPN's mantra.

I'd love to see it come true.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 06/28/07 01:44 PM
That Avatar freaks me out...
Posted By: MostDef Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 07/05/07 04:10 AM
beezer who are you? also, the EPL would destroy MLS. Even the bottom teams are way more quality than any MLS side. MLS has a major problem in that it competes during the summer months. This due to the fact that it cannot compete with the established sports in America, as of yet. But, MLS has improved and now I can ALMOST sit and watch a game, but hopefully there is always an old EPL game to watch instead. I mean come on the gap is just way too big right now. Mr. Heise, while I agree with you on the point of some weak defenses, I do not agree with playing kickball. It does not sit well with me in that it does not lead to a good game of soccer, and the way to getting a better audience is putting together a better product on and off the field. MLS is definitely making strides toward becoming a very competitive league, and to a certain extent I do like that the league is muddled down and does not have an overly dominant team. You really do not know who will win each week.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 07/05/07 04:41 AM
We've done well against EPL teams in all-star games. Chelsea wasn't fun, but the Fulham game was a rout.

Why does MLS have a major problem in the summer? More kids to see the is that bad?

Lets not even get to the kickball topic as every EPL team, save Arsene and Co., seem to employ this strategy - particularly those making European competitions.

I'm just glad MLS has a mix of styles to watch. Watching NE play compared to Houston or Chicago will give you very differing styles. I've watched a good bit of Mexican soccer and the dribble fest - get tackled - grab my shin (of the opposite leg I got kicked) gets old.

Considering the age of MLS, I'm very proud.
Posted By: WhatDoesItMatter Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 07/06/07 04:11 PM
last night during the houston vs new york mls game, wynalda made the comment that angel from columbia could not score in houston, suggesting that he couldnt score like he used too in the mls. Thankfully the english commontator (tommy smith i think) said "wait a minute he has scored in england, in the EPL, in argentina and in columbia, the man can score in houston, he is just having an off night".

Once again I hate you wynalda you are a moron, thank you tommy smith
Posted By: Coach Tim Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 07/06/07 07:44 PM
Yep Tommy Smyth is the stuff. "Bulge the 'ol onion bahg" what a great guy. He comments next to Derek Rae on UEFA matches. It is funny Derek playes this game of spot the Englishmen in the lineup, then he will ask Tommy what he thinks about only 3 English out on the pitch. Tommy "Ahhh dohn rally cahhh, Derek" Classic stuff.
Posted By: Coach Young Re: MLS vs. EPL??? - 07/07/07 01:08 AM

last night during the houston vs new york mls game, wynalda made the comment that angel from columbia could not score in houston, suggesting that he couldnt score like he used too in the mls. Thankfully the english commontator (tommy smith i think) said "wait a minute he has scored in england, in the EPL, in argentina and in columbia, the man can score in houston, he is just having an off night".

Once again I hate you wynalda you are a moron, thank you tommy smith

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