Being new to this site, reading alot of posts and being a Charleston outsider brings a unique perspective that. All DOCs have some distrust to them because any agreement or merger has to involve taking care of their personal financial interest/job security first and foremost and already the kids are suffering.

When a DOC complains and stresses developing the bottom first is because they can't develop quality at the top so its then easier to degrade the better clubs for not caring. Come on, SoccerDOC!

There are quality coaches to hire down in your area for a unified Lowcontry club but be careful because there seems to be a consensus the ones from clubs such as Charleston United, Mt. Pleasant, Summerville, etc are not the answer since they've proven to not being able to facilitate a complete program from U8-U18.

Up here CUFC has done a decent job and of course CESA seems to be rolling.