other top players at 6-8 that is so funny...

Why do most world cup players have a birthday in Jan, Feb, or March, 1/2 of them, with a tiny percent in Oct, Nov, Dec. Because the science of picking kids who are elite is such a crap shoot, the biggest get the most training and low and behold they become the best players. Duh

"Not waste time on their development"? are you kidding me...
That is what we need to do... we have to train the masses or SC will always get its rear torn off by North Carolina etc.

My youngest has been on a U14 classic team for three seasons now, she is a U12 (now), there are ways to get the kids challenged, and prepaired. I will take her with your elite, today... She loves to play and has done so with 6 different teams, due to her ability to cross age groups

really the whole thing is almost a Joke. Go to ODP, you see a bunch of rich folks watching their kids. This one guy comes in a Mercedes mini bus deal. Are you kidding me?
Everybody is worried about the elite, worry about the masses and the elite will take care of it/themselves.

Soccer watcher and SoccerDoc are 100% correct, plow the ground, do the work, results will come, years from now... America is so impatient, 12 year old Scotch will not happen by 5/2/08 if I start today.

Top players at 6-8 that is so dang funny... Michael Jordan did not make his 9th grade team... give me a freaking break
so we should have given up on MJ

Last edited by Papa Hatfield; 05/01/08 03:09 PM.