
But fellas when have to win today...I have seen boys that were turned down from the best team only to be picked up a year later..Why? Because they grew a foot and a half..They played the same game they were playing when they got turned down..


All I was saying is we should train kids and never give up on them...
Overall I would say Europe is more savy when it comes to soccer, and the stats prove they just pick the most mature kid at a given age, and that training gets kids to the next level... but you lose the MJs, David Robinsons, and Tim Duncans

When it comes down to it, the best players learn on the street, and not in a system... Systems make kids mechanical, good, maybe very good, but mechanical... win now baby

We are starting to run a Dutch series where we just let the kids play... We train them during the week for skills and let them play on the weekends. We should have some very happy kids and some innovative players come from this. We will keep the coaches egos, and parents lust to live thru the kids away from the game. Give us Back our Game