Yes, at 6-8, kids can all be developed while still not being equal. This fair and equal thing is an Americanized problem that makes kids and, more so, parents soft. Yes, soft in that everything is equal and comfortable.

Develop the kids but do so at different rates by different skill groups. The big European and South American sepreate young kids immediately and put them into higher training environments....yes, even at 6-8. If the ones left behind keep developing and catch up then great.

America is not impatient but too soft to do what's right with kids at the a young age. Here, it's easier to make a deicsion to keep parents of lower Classic and Rec kids happy and a bogus English DOC in a job instead of cater club decisions to help the elite players first, the only ones who still be playing the game at a decent level 5-7 years from now.