ROH, I understand the logic completely. You vs. the Stumpduck in the 1st round will be an ESPN instant classic! The feel good story from 07 vs. the feel good team of 08. Disney will probably, eventually, regrettably, make a movie based on this single game alone entitled "Stumpduck Ridge", and it will inspire millions to pontificate on single season turnarounds and the boon reaped from players dedicated enough to play year round. I, like millions of others, will be sucked in to watching the film, buying the soundtrack, and showing it to my 2019 squad in an attempt to motivate them before our classic showdown with #3 Ranked in AAAA BHP! I can't wait...

Really, it should be a good game.

And CJ and Dale Jr. have a swagger that is more enjoyable than any I've been around from a coaching perspective, but it doesn't permeate through to the Westside ranks like you might think. Cautious optimism will be the closest to swagger you see from the likes of myself.