LHS #4

YES YOU young man!

I saw the game, and was at you bench in the second half. WHAT DID I TELL YOU! on the side line,But no you went back on the the field with a tunnel attitude vision. CHILL OUT and rest you and you Team have bigger fish to fry on Saturday at the GATOR.One more thing MATT #4 l@@k around you Team has a good fan base in the stands and on the side line.ME and Coach Ray from CHS and the parents that paid $3each to see you and you team play! (yo two BIg brothers expect to see you lead the GATORS next year,so play ball and make them proud)Because you have a bright future with that left foot in soccer.

LE Played a good GAME,great through balls good low passing. A alert Team with speed/control and confidence,and if it was not for some good saves by LHS keepper it should have been 25-0.

Guys I tell it the way I see it,If I see a goal scored by the opposition I clap that player.
Because I appreciate and love to see a clean goal go in, from both sides (that comes from a true soccer die hard fan)

LHS that was not the LHS Team on that field Tonight, you guys can play better then that.
Don't expect two guys up front to do all the work, with no surpport from the midfielders.
It takes 11 guys to win and 11 guys to loose,next time try a 2-4-4 formation if you are 4-0 down. And practice more on ONE TOUCH PASSING and THROUGH BALLS. Coach MIKE is a good Coach, so ZIP IT and do what you Coach tells you BOTTOM LINE.

REFs are not perfect (Including my self)some time they do good calls and some times they call bad calls.But in the end it always works it self out,Today my Coed team with NO RES lost 3-3 PK 5-6 to Wilson Hall. The reason we lost was one bad call from one Ref and a Defender player that does't give a #%^& about his Team.The Ref bad call din't loose that game for us, But that player ATTITUDE. So what I am trying to say is,one player can affect the other 10 players. Play the ball and play SMART and give you Team and Coach 100%.

This (2) Ref game SUXS all HS soccer games, should have (3) Ref on the fields.This will help with bad calls, better offside calls and many hand ball and fouls not called.
And I am prepare to pay for the extra ref fee, out of my pocket.Or get my HS Ref Lic and doit for FREE next Spring,Because I smoke (a bad habit)but can run rings around them ref [Big Grin]