Coach Fryland,
I agree with most of your post and I am in favor of a consolidation of the top soccer players in the Midlands. However, I'm not sure that the lack of club unity can completely explain the fact that no Midlands team has won the girls AAAA state championship since Richland Northeast in 2001. I think there has been just as much club dis-unity in the low country with MPSC, Bridge, CUSC, Summerville, James Island, etc. Yet, lowcountry teams have won 6 of the last 8 girls AAAA state championships. Yes, Bridge have been quite successful in the last 3 years, but no more so than CUFC. I don't know what the answer is, but there is apparently some other reason for the lowcountry's success besides club unity.

One interesting thing to note from the State Championship archives is that no lowcountry team has finished as girls AAAA finalist in the past 8 years (the last was Wando in 2000). If they make it to the championship match, they win!