I give Woodruff a ton of credit. The first time I saw them was three years ago when FM had their way with them in the Byrnes tournament. Since then, their coach has done a fantastic job building these girls into a competitive team.

However, I don't want anyone to mistake Woodruff for one of the schools along "the corridor of shame". I've seen enough of "the poverty index" and "the little country school" and "the limited access to club soccer".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Woodruff less than 20 miles from CESA's MeSA Complex? Don't some of their girls play high-level club soccer? Don't they have players on the ODP team? Don't they have players on college soccer rosters?

There are players who need to travel 2 hours or better to get to CESA....is Woodruff really at a disadvantage?

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.