Statisitics are just that, statistics. They can be made to say exactly what you want them to say. What you CAN'T know through statistics is how many parents at these private schools work 2 jobs to be able to put their kids into a school that will provide an incredible education for them.

Also, the rosters of some of these private schools include less than 50% club players (25% in my case). Perhaps this statistic speaks to why certain public schools are closing the gap. Or perhaps the low % just speaks to the fact the coach does an amazing job. I will leave that to others to decide (but if you agree I won't let it go to my head).

I've been on both sides of the fence here, and quite frankly all I care about is that the kids enjoy themselves and respect the job an performance they give on the field. At the end of the day, a state championship doesn't define me. Watching my one year old son is what amazes and defines me right now. Coming home at the end of the day knowing that he doesn't care if we won or lost...well, that's what's amazing in this life.
These kids should be proud of their season, regardless of how they do. Every coach and every player can find some positive in their season. If not, then we aren't doing our jobs as coaches.

Fletch: It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am NOT a big man.