I attended the Girls State Championships this past weekend. I noticed in the AAAA game were Wando beat Mauldin the coaching style of the Wando coach gave them the edge. Coach Champ had the confidence in her bench to insert them into the game to give the starters a rest. On the other side of the field Coach Czar only used two of his bench players the entire game. I believe one starter was slightly injured. The Mauldin girls were very tired at the end of the game and Wando started pressing into the defense third thus be awarded the corner kick which netted the winning goal. I have been following the posting on this message board all year and some of the previous post spoke of the amount of talent Mauldin has on there team. My question for the coaches reading this is "Why would you not sub players during the championship game to give them some rest?".

Congratulations to the Wando team and coaches as repeating state champions. Congratulations to Mauldin on the fine playoff run to the final game.