Many of you seem to be making a LOT of assumptions.

sidenet: you say “…Taking a spot away from a deserving d-1 player so a relative can "sit" is shameless!” You get extra points for making two assumptions in the same sentence. Do you KNOW that he is taking a “spot” from anybody? Let’s just say, for argument’s sake, that USC is able to roster 25 players. Maybe, for whatever reason, Berson was only able to find 24 that worked out for him (not ONLY 24 “good” players or 24 “anything” players, just 24 players that “worked” for him, regardless of the reason), and only intended to roster those 24. So, in that scenario, (and also assuming, again, for argument’s sake, that maybe his son is getting either a full academic scholarship, or as someone else suggested, a free ride because his dad is a coach) his son wouldn’t be taking anybody’s “spot.” Your second assumption is that the son will “sit” the bench. Even if you have seen the boy play, and feel he is unworthy, who ARE you to say he will sit the bench? If you were such a respected analyzer, YOU would be getting paid for that.

clem: you say “TONS and TONS of kids…get passed up by USC…” Again, how do you know that tons get passed up? Are you making that statement based solely on the fact that TONS of South Carolina players are not on the USC roster? “A spot on a division one team is not something that I think should just be given out, but needs to be earned and deserved,” “Players like like Davis Jenkins and Jason McCabe to name recent ones get passed over,” “…this kid plays for his club team for a couple of years and gets a spot,” and “Maybe get out and watch the kids up from CESA or something I heard they're not that bad.” You make so many assumptions, it’s hard to know where to start.

And, please don’t jump on me like you do LETMEPUTITTOYOU. I am all for discussing whatever anybody wants to discuss, but you don’t seem to be discussing – you’re just trashing (by making baseless statements). Although, a couple times, you do actually ask a question like you don’t already “know” the answer. The only FACTS I see in any of your posts here are names on the rosters.

Have you bothered to approach Berson or Molinary with any of your concerns? I happen to know that Bert is a very approachable person. Now, I’m not saying that he’s gonna sit down with you and defend each and every recruiting decision he’s ever made, but I’d be willing to bet he would be more than happy to give you at least some insight into many of his choices.

johnproctor: you say “…taking some of these players takes away scholarships for others who are more diserving…” more assumptions. Who are you to say 1) that any of these players are taking away scholarships from anyone, and 2) who is more deserving than somebody else?

clem: you say “I just don't think it's fair for USC to make these claims that it is looking more at in-state players and offering more spots than in the past, then go and pull this behind the scenes stuff where the four kids with spots all played on his club team.” Where are all these claims that USC has made regarding recruiting in-state? Not saying they haven’t made these claims, but I’d like to know where you’re getting those “claims” from.

clem: you say “I feel that there is an injustice.” You are really starting to (or continuing to) sound like you’ve got some sort of an axe to grind with Berson. Do you have a child, or a friend who has a child who was “passed up” by Berson. Without any real facts, none of what you have stated (or asked) in this thread sounds like any kind of injustice, just you not agreeing with the decisions of a man who has run a highly respected program for – wait, let me check the facts – yes, for 29 YEARS. But, to be fair to you, your soccer resume is what?

???: you say “Also, i am sick of hearing people say.."he is D2 or D3". Division 2 soccer is just as good as D1 soccer...USC Upstate years ago was as good or better than every D1 school in the state...The year Clemson went to the Final Four Lander beat them 2 to 1. You are ignorant to think there is a huge difference in D1 and D2 soccer. The best teams in D2 are as good or better than the best teams in D1.”

I probably should have ignored this, but I’ve already jumped in pretty deep, so... sorry, but most of that is just plain ignorant. For you to use Clemson’s loss to Lander the year they went to the final four as proof that "Division 2 soccer is just as good as D1 soccer" is simply ridiculous. Addressing the rest isn’t even worth my time.

longtime, soccer63, solomon and keepersd2002 all seem to be voices of reason. I want to thank you for that.