The discussion of a unified place for the lowcountry challenge player has been going around for years. We've had people working really hard to make that happen and it always falls through by only a few people. Six votes in this instance, one person at town hall in Mt P, etc.

In these discussions one of the solutions was to model after CESA. We are not SSC members and were willing to make the drive to Summerville CESA and give it a shot because of CESA success. .

However, before tryouts SSC parents were complaining they could not keep their parent coaches, etc. I thought the point of hiring consultants was to change the status quo?? It did not sound like anything was changing (which was SSC's right) and the appeal was lost.

The initial reason for looking elsewhere was the possibility that BFA would not be able to secure fields. BFA leadership resolved the field issue and we are thankful to BFA for their continued vision for the challenge player.

We are happily sticking with BFA!