DeltaDog: What a great idea! I'd love to hear more of your theory that a player isn't going to get recruited because they miss a tournament.

It seems to me that you set up a false paradox. A club can use its "branding", contacts, or whatever to be able to get invited into tournaments without deciding to attend those tournaments. The decision of CESA to attend Disney as its sole "prestige" tournament doesn't mean that SSC wouldn't want to be able to attend one or more equal or lesser "prestige" tournaments.

The question isn't how many tournaments CESA decides to attend (the direction you took this in); instead, it's how many tournaments you can gain entrance into.

Now -- it's a valid argument to debate whether and how this would extend to another club -- but it just seems silly to ignore the difference between the tournaments a club can get admission to versus the tournaments a club actually attends.

But with all of this said, who cares? The people who voted to reject this deal can use Bridge as its mechanism to get into these prestige tournaments as soon as their child is good enough to abandon SSC, right? (I'm not being sarcastic -- I'm just saying that we can stick with this rationale and it makes sense.)