OH NO, it can't be.
You mean there will be no more....

"Fascinating really"...
"Parsing the paradox of your post"...
Reminders of the open training sessions at CESA and CRSA...
"The Straw Man Fallacy" and "Schadenfreude"... (actually I like "Schadenfreude")
Keeping the folks at SCYSA to task...
Reminders of the clubs that are growing the sport (CESA and CRSA----AGAIN! as Forrest Gump would say)...
References to professionally run clubs...

I could go on but I have a "plank in my eye"--no, it is not a biblical reference to being guilty of talking about others (although there probably is a measure of that). No, I really have a "plank in my eye" because I said if Shibumi mentions that SCYSA ruling "one more time" I was going to "put a stick in my eye!"--so I am off to the ophthmalogist.

Anyway, just my opinion.