problem...and I wasn't trying to offend...only defend the hard work of both the SC and NC boys. You have to commend the 9 NC players that decided to attend Region Camp without a full team, knowing that they may be split up or at least playing together with another partial team.

The 91 pool games for tonight are rather interesting. Instead of playing each other the two pool teams will play back to back matches against a Japanese club team that is also in Alabama training. We had another great showing from the 91 SC boys with 9 players in tonight's pool games. In the first match, Ryan Goodwin and Spencer Schiff have been selected. The second match features seven SC boys: Stephen Arneson, Joe Sweet, Thomas Valikonis, Alex Martinez, Dennis Moore, Jason Chapman and Matt Sluga. Still no word on the pool team for tomorrow there is still a possibility that one or two more SC players may make that pool game. Plus, there is one final evening pool game tomorrow night, and a final pool team Thursday morning, so hopefully we will have at least one more new name to add to the list.

Tomorrow morning may be a bit tough for the SC/NC team. Four of the five NC boys were also selected for the evening pool there will be some very heavy legs for the TN match!!