
If you read what I wrote, I didn't say that there wouldn't be great players in smaller states, but there will be a numerical disadvantage. They will most likely have far fewer great players. But like I said before....if you have a number of high level players playing against each other all of the time, they will drive their skills to the next level. Look up how many academy teams there are in Chicago alone, and then look up how many academy teams there are in SC. Thats one city, VS one state. I'm telling you it is a numbers thing. I will have to look up the statistics and get back to you later....but it is definately seen by the teams that make it to nationals!

No question it's a numbers game and we are at a numerical disadvantage. Acknowledging that doesn't solve the problem, but it does shine a bright light on the issue of how many players there are to pull from. Our players must find a way to be more successful. That means they must make the decision on a personal level to demand more from their teammates and from themselves during training and matches.

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.