

I don't think there is one answer. I think quantity of quality players has a lot to do with it. I think without a doubt that politics/effective coach lobbying plays a part in it.

Let me give you a very specific example at my sons age group (Club 93, ODP 94).

Last year at ODP there was 1 kid from SCSA in the 94 paper pool and he was a kid who just came over to SCSA...played at CUFC and was a backup. Moves to SCSA and makes paper pool.

3 really, really good players at CUFC did not.....2 of those 3 moved over to SCSA (1 in between Fall and Spring season) and those 2 kids both made region pool this summer. 1 of their dads flat out told me....that this was a factor in their moving. He was told.....that his son would get help moving if he played there.

Whether real or perceived....there was an belief/understanding that being at that Club would help push his kid over the top from a region perspective.

Now....those kids are really good players who deserve whatever they get. But real help or imagined.....aren't the coincidences interesting?

still not buying the club connection.which club you play for may get you on the state team but it isnt helping at odp region camp.on the girls side.again,if club association helps then why are the top 2 nc teams and the ga teams not having more girls held over.
we talk about sc teams not getting the attention.4 girls got into pool games for the 92s so i guess they did got some looks.how many girls from all sc age groups got into pool games?

Last edited by Marcus Aurelius; 07/20/08 12:24 PM.